To understand the conception of Sandhis in the Sanskrit drama it is necessary to know what is itivịtta, arthapraksti and avasthä.
Itivsttal is the subject matter or story of the play. It is called the body of the drama 2 while rasa, its soul. Itivștta is twofold : ādhikarika (main or principal) and prāsangika (subsidiary or incidental). The adhikärika is so called because it is connected with the attainment of the ends of the hero. The präsangika 'serves as a means towards the fruition of his aims, and incidentally attains some end of its own. It is twofold' : patākā (an episode) and prakari (a mere incident); patākāó is con
1 Itivịtta, kathā, vastu, and samvidhānaka are synonyms meaning a dramatic plot' or 'a dramatic story'.
2 sdt T 91277 T aftra&ant | NS. XIX. Ia.
3 79101 Arafata: ND. P. 55 and th: CAKAL TidaHfF1: | Abh. III. pp. 1-2
Pandey erroneously takes griffe: as a Gen. Tat-puruşa instead of a Bahuvrihi when he says.... "just as it is the soul, which is primarily responsible for the manifestation or appearance of the body, so it is the basic mental state to which the plot.... owes its being." P. 378.
According to the Indian theorists, as is clear from the metaphor used by them, the dramatic story is subservient to the production of the sentiment. They, however, demand of the dramatist that he should not make the plot too disconnected by an exuberance of sentiment nor should he overwhelm the sentiment with incidents and events. Dhananjava says for example,
न चातिरसतो वस्तु दूर विच्छिन्नतां नयेत् ।।
at a fanguinem Sat: || DR. III. 32 and Viśvanātha : 32 fatiala F E ECT: SD. VI. P. 314. On a closer thought it would seem that the itiyrtta is inseparably fused with rasa. 4 giana 9a16177
2118 | Avaloka p. 4. 5 The etymological interpretation of Patākā is given as follows :
gal FATTUATfa67789#ficaa | Avaloka p. 4. ... gaf gigtartede qala qa171 | ND. p. 43.
...haanallamaia1971F1717 9a1512547ftrafei allà Faraat: Abh. III. p. 15. ध्वजोपरिनिहितपताकेव पताका यथेयमेकदेशे स्थायिनी सकल सैन्य द्योतयति तथा चेयमपि नाटकैकदेशवर्तिनी
APA HASH 71272 | NL. p. 8. 6 The etymological explanation of prakari is given as follows :
gono agad atla qat | Abh. III, p. 46.. 97 4699aaeal 1 THİ 5 at 97€ | NL. p. 9.