Book Title: Studies In Sanskrit Sahitya Shastra
Author(s): V M Kulkarni
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology

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Page 124
________________ 112 Studies in The NL., quotes as an example of this variety a dialogue between Khanditā and Nāyaka.? The Abh. and the ND. quote the well-known passage from the Mudrārākṣasa, Act I, which presages the capture of Rākșasa while apparently conversing about 'Sandesagrahana.' The BP. gives this example to illustrate the tulya-samvidhana' variety. The SD. and the R., however, cite the famous passage from Veņi. Act II. 24 etc. which is ominous as it foreshadows the breaking of 'Duryodhana's thighs'. Now, the sD. gives this passage from the Veni, as an example of Ganda, the eighth element of Vithi. This is indeed extraordinary! It means either that Viśvanātha nods here or that there is no distinction between the third Patākāsthānka and the Ganda. If there were no such distincion between the two Viśvai ātha should have clearly stated it. The Abh. makes the following distinction between them : the third Patākāsthānaka serves to accomplish the desired object. For example, it helps Cāņakya to know definitely that the wicked Rākşasa would be captured and thus, the final aim would be achieved. The Ganda does not serve such a purpose. Again, the import of the Ganda is always ominous. The authors of the ND. hold after Abhinava that the import of the Ganda is always ominous and support this interpretation by an etymological explanation : ...तद् दुष्टार्थगर्भत्वाद् दुष्टशोणितगर्भगण्ड इव गण्डः । They cite, after the DR., the well-known passage from the Uttaracarita. Act I, foreshadowing 'Sita-viraha' as an example of the Ganda. A careful scrutiny of the definitions of the third Patākāsthānaka and the Gandao would indicate another point of distinction. In the Ganda there in an element of abruptness. In both the examples The passage from Abh. which is adopted by the SD. runs as follows: लीनमस्फुटरूपं उत्क्षिप्यमाणमर्थजातं, श्लिष्टेन सम्बन्धयोग्येनाभिप्रायान्तर-प्रयुक्तेनापि प्रत्युत्तरेणोपेतं सद्यत्र, सविनयं विशेषेण नयनेन विशेषनिश्चयप्राप्त्या सहितं संपद्यते तत् तृतीयं पताकास्थानकम् । 7. The original reads : कान्ते नाथ कुतोऽस्मि किं प्रियतमे दूरं ममैतद्चो जातं तेऽद्य किमन्यनाम विहितं यन्नेक्षितं जन्मनि । व्यक्तं ब्रूहि कृतं त्वयैव सभयासङ्गो दोषोऽथवा यस्तस्यास्तु पतामि ते चरणयोः स्वस्त्यस्तु ते सुप्यतामिति ॥ The word 'Sabhaya' is slista : i. चौरिकया नायकेन सह व्यवहरमाणा ii. परिषदा. ___8. ....इदं च प्रकृतसाध्योपयोगाङ्गि(? ङ्ग)त्वात् पताकास्थानीयमिति वीथ्यङ्गाद् गण्डादस्य भेदः । “ऊरुयुग्म च भग्न" तद्धि प्रत्युत दुर्योधननाशादाश यश्च दुष्टः । कस्तस्योपयोगः, पाण्डवानुसारेण तु भवतु । इदं पताकास्थानकं भिन्नविषयत्वं कृत ह्येतद्रूप न क्षतिमावहति । 9. गण्डः प्रस्तुतसंवन्धि भिन्नार्थ सहसोदितम् । DR. III. 18. गण्डोऽकस्माद यदन्यार्थ प्रस्तुतानगतं वचः | ND. P. 137.


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