Standing at a window of his palace', the floor of which was inlaid with precious stones and jewels, he looked down on the squares, places, and roads of the town. (4)
Once he saw pass there a restrained Sramana, who practised penance, self-restraint, and self-control, who was full of virtues, and a very mine of good qualities. (5)
Mrigậputra regarded him with fixed eyes, trying to remember where he had seen the same man before. (6)
While he looked at the saint, and his mind became pure, the remembrance of his former birth came upon him as he was plunged in doubt. (7)
When the remembrance of his former birth came upon the illustrious Mrigâputra, he remembered his previous birth and his having been then a Sramana. (8)
Being not delighted with pleasures, but devoted to self-control, he went to his father and mother, and spoke as follows: (9)
'I have learned the five great vows; (I know) the suffering (that awaits the sinner) in hell or in an existence as a brute; I have ceased to take delight in the large ocean (of the Samsara); therefore, O mother, allow me to enter the order. (10)
O mother, O father, I have enjoyed pleasures which are like poisonous fruit: their consequences are painful, as they entail continuous suffering. (11)
This body is not permanent, it is impure and of
"I separate the words pâsâysâlôyanatthiô. The commentators take them for a compound; but then the preceding part of the sentence would not construe. It is an irregular sandhi, instances of which, however, are not unfrequent.