thong of a whip, or he beats the offender with a stick, bone, fist, clod, or potsherd. When such a man is at home, (his people) are miserable; but when he is abroad, they rejoice. Such a man, who is for ever punishing, severely punishing, is hateful in this world and the next, irritable, passionate, an extortioner. Thereby the bad Karman accrues to him. This is the tenth kind of committing sins, consisting in bad treatment of one's friends. (18)
11. We now treat of the eleventh kind of committing sins, viz. through deceit. Those who conceal their thoughts, who are shrouded in darkness, who are light as the feather of an owl or heavy like a mountain, use unworthy ? speech though they be Åryas. They believe themselves different from what they really are; asked one thing, they answer another, they speak different from what is to be spoken. (19)
As a man in whose body sticks an arrow 3, does not extricate it (fearing the pain), nor has it extricated by somebody else, nor destroys it, but hides it; and the arrow, being not removed, goes deeper and deeper (in the flesh); so a deceitful man, having practised deception, does not confess it, expiate it, blame the deed to himself or others, does not remove it, annihilate it, and endeavour not to do it again, does not practise the prescribed austerities and penance. A deceitful man is generally not trusted * in this world, a deceitful man is not trusted in the next world. He blames and reviles (the person
Pitthimamsî, literally, who eats the flesh of the back. Anarya.
3 Salya. • Pakkâyâti, pratyâyâti. Dîpikâ: avisvâsyatayâ pratyayâti prakhyâtim yâti.