| GỐsala. (* As your Law makes it no sin for Mahâvîra to surround himself by a crowd of disciples), so according to our Law an ascetic, who lives alone and single, commits no sin if he uses cold water, eats seeds, accepts things prepared for him, and has intercourse with women.' (7)
Årdraka. “Know this : those who use cold water, eat seeds, accept things especially prepared for them, and have intercourse with women, are (no better than) householders, but they are no Sramanas. (8)
"If those who eat seeds, use (cold water, and have intercourse with women, are admitted to be Sramanas, then householders too are Sramanas; for they do the same things ?. (9)
"Monks who eat seeds and use cold water, who beg alms as a means of living, will, though they leave their relations, be born again and again, and will not put an end to mundane existence.” (10)
Gộ sala. 'In making this statement you blame all philosophers alike!'
Ardraka. “Every philosopher praises his own doctrines and makes them known. (11)
" Sramanas and Brâhmanas blame one another when they teach (their doctrines). (The truth, they
1 I.e. if the characteristic mark of a Sramana is to wander about without a companion, and to bear all sorts of hardship, then householders are included in this definition; for some of them also wander about without a companion and bear the same hardships.