of immovable beings, they will be born in bodies of movable ones, and when they leave the bodies of movable beings, they will be born in bodies of immovable ones. When they are born in bodies of immovable beings, it is no sin to kill them. (6)
'(But if they make him renounce) injury to creatures which are, for the time being, movable beings, except on the order (from an established authority)-as the householder caused one of the captured thieves to be set free-(if they take this vow), those who make this renunciation, make a good renunciation; those who cause this renunciation to be made, cause a good renunciation to be made; in causing another to make this renunciation, they do not annul their own allegation. Though in this way? a correct expression is found, some (monks) from anger or greed cause the householder to make the renunciation (without the necessary restriction). Is not this our interpretation right? O long-lived Gautama, do you approve of it?' (7)
And Gautama spoke thus to Udaka, the son of Pêdhâla : "O long-lived Udaka, we certainly do not approve of it. The Sramanas or Brâhmanas who say thus, speak thus, declare thus, and explain thus, do not speak as Sramanas or Nirgranthas, they speak noxious speech. They mislead laymen. They make void all vows undertaken for sparing particular living beings? Why do I say this? Beings belong
* I.e. by specifying the movable beings as beings which are morable ones for the time being.
2 E.g. if a man vows to kill no Brâhmana (and does not add the restriction for the time being'), he may kill no man or animal whatever; for the soul of that man or animal may, in the past, have been embodied in a Brâhmana.