now be told the subject of men's success by occult sciences. Some men differing in intellect, will, character, opinions, taste, undertakings, and plans, study various evil sciences; (25) viz. (the divination) from terrestrial accidents, from strange phenomena ", from dreams, from phenomena in the air, from changes in the body, from sounds, from mystical signs?, from seeds 3 ; (the interpretation of the) marks of women, men, elephants, cows, partridges, cocks, ducks, quails, of wheels, parasols, shields, sticks, swords, precious stones, jewels 4 ; (26) the art to make one happy or miserable, to make a woman pregnant, to deprive one of his wits ; incantations, conjuring 6 ; oblations of substances; the martial arts; the course of the moon, sun, Venus, and Jupiter; the falling of meteors; great conflagration; divination from wild animals?, the flight of crows, showers of dust, rain of blood, the Vaitáli and Ardhavaitalt arts , the art of casting people asleep, of opening doors, the art of Kandalas, of Sabaras, of Dravidas, of Kalingas, of Gaudas, of Gândhâras; the spells for making somebody fall down, rise, yawn; for making him immovable, or cling to something; for making him sick, or sound;
E. g. the laughing of monkeys. ? Lakshana. The mystical signs meant are the svastika, &c. : Vyañgana. The seeds are sesamum, beans, &c. • Kâkinî, rendered ratna in the commentary. 6 Atharvanî.
6 Pâka sasa ni =indra gala. ? Mrigakakra.
8 According to the commentary the Vaitâlî art teaches to raise a stick (? dandam utthâpayati, perhaps to lay a punishment on somebody) by spells; and the Ardhavaitâlika, to remove it. In Pâli vêtalam means the magic art of bringing dead bodies to life by spells, see Childers' Dictionary of the Pâli Language, sub voce.