and break them, cut off his hands or feet, or ears or nose or lips or head or face (?)?, pierce his feet, tear out his eyes, teeth, tongue, hang him, brush him, whirl him round, impale him, lacerate him, pour acids (in his wounds), belabour him with cuttinggrass, bind him to a lion's tail (!), or a bull's tail, burn him in a wood on fire, let him be devoured by crows and vultures, stop his food and drink, keep him a prisoner for life, let him die any of these horrid deaths. (63)
A man will (occasionally) severely punish even the smallest offence of his next of kin, viz. his mother or father or brother or sister or wife or sons or daughters or daughters-in-law; e.g. he ducks the offender in cold water, (&c., all as in § 18, down to) hateful in this world and the next. They suffer, grieve, blame themselves, grow feeble, are afflicted, and undergo great pain; they do not cease to cause others to suffer, grieve, &c., to slay and to put men in fetters. (64)
And thus they are given to sensual pleasures, desire them, are held captive by them, passionately love them for four or five years, for six or ten years -the period may be shorter or longer 3. Having enjoyed pleasures, having produced the effects of iniquity, having acquired the Karman of many sinful actions which generally bear him downwards, (he goes to the bottom of the hell)". As a ball of
1 The following two words, vêgakkhahiya and angakkhahiya, I cannot translate. ? Compare $ 55.
s Compare § 21. • These words from the end of the paragraph are to be supplied here, or rather the following passage has been inserted in the