fold colours, (&c., all as in § 2, down to the end). (21)
(This paragraph is nearly identical with the preceding one, but substitute 'aquatic animals of five organs of sense, viz. fishes, (all down to)' porpoises,' for different men' in the beginning and the end. The following sentence in the middle is slightly different; it runs thus : 'as long as they are young, they feed on the mathers' humours, but when they grow older they eat plants, or both movable and immovable beings.) (22)
(This paragraph treats of) quadrupeds?, terrestrial animals with five organs of sense, viz. solidungular animals, biungular animals, multiungular animals, and animals having toes with nails. (All as in the last paragraph, only' as long as they are young, they feed on their mothers' milk.') (23)
(This paragraph treats of) reptiles moving on the breast, (being) terrestrial animals with five organs of sense, viz. snakes, huge snakes 3, Âsâlika, and dragons 4. (All as before, but the following passage is different.) Some bring forth eggs, some bring forth living young ones ; some come out of the egg as males, some as females, some as neuters. As long as they are young, they live on wind. (The rest as above.) (24)
(This paragraph treats of) terrestrial animals with five organs of sense, walking on their arms, viz. iguanas, ichneumons, porcupines, frogs, chameleons,
See Uttarâdhyayana XXXVI, 173 ; above, p. 223. 2 Compare Uttaradhyayana XXXVI, 180, ibidem. 3 Agagara, literally serpents which devour goats.
• Mahôraga. According to the Guzeratî gloss these snakes are a thousand yôganas long.