An infinite number of times have I been roasted over a blazing fire in an oven, screaming loud, head down and feet aloft. (49)
In the desert which is like a forest on fire, on the Vagravâlukâ and the Kadambavâlukâ rivers, I have been roasted an infinite number of times. (50)
' Being suspended upside down over a boiler, shrieking, with no relation to help me, I was cut to pieces with various saws, an infinite number of times. (51)
'I have suffered agonies when I was fastened with fetters on the huge Sâlmalt tree, bristling with very sharp thorns, and then pushed up and down. (52)
An infinite number of times have I been crushed like sugar-cane in presses, shrieking horribly, to atone for my sins, great sinner that I was. (53)
'By black and spotted wild dogs: I have, ever so many times, been thrown down, torn to pieces, and lacerated, screaming and writhing. (54)
When I was born in hell for my sins, I was cut, pierced, and hacked to pieces with swords and daggers, with darts and javelins. (55)
I have been forcibly yoked to a car of red-hot iron full of fuel", I have been driven on with a goad
1 These are two rivers in hell; the sand of the one consists of vagra (either steel-filings or diamonds), and that of the other, of turmeric.
2 Karavattakaraka yâihim = karapattrakraka kâdibhih.
• Kôlasunaya, explained by sûkarasvan, hog-dog, which may be a kind of hog or dog, probably the latter.
Samilâ gue. The commentators render gue by yuga and yuta, and do not explain samila, which they treat as a Sanskrit word. I think it is the Prâkrit of samidh, compare vig gulâ = vidyut, salilâ = sarit.