Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 39
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 203
________________ JULY, 1910.] THREE COPPER-PLATE GRANTS FROM EAST BENGAL. 195 On the other hand difficult compound-letters are simplified by the omission of the least important, as in sakāśā () knettra (1. 7), 8amya(9) dattani (I. 21) and 6(l)okah (1.25); to which may be added akatye for ekal(m)ye. This may perhaps be due to puro ignorance of such letters on the soribe's part and not to Prakrit influences. Visarga is sometimes omitted as in purogā (1. 6), and in the plural instrumentals as already mentioned. Anusvāra is omitted in vikrita (1. 17) and visthāyā (1. 26); wrongly inserted in asuttra (1.13) and tānnra (1. 17); and wrongly changed to n in bhavatān (1. 7). The plate is dated the fifth day of the month Vaisakha in the third year of the Emperor Dharmāditya. Its object is to bestow, as a public meritorious gift, about 3 acres of cultivated land (ksetra) in the village Dhruvilāti on a Bhāradvaja brahman named Candrasvamin. The donor, the Sadhanika Vätabhoga, bought the land from the mahattaras or leading men of the locality (no private owner is mentioned) at the established rate, for 12 dināras, and conveyed it to Candraspămin. TEXT. First Side. 1 Om Svasty-Asyān pịthivyānapratirathe Yayāty-Amvariga8-sama-dhtau ma2 häräj-fdbirāja-Sri-Dharmmaditya-rajye tat-prasāda-labdh-Aspade mabārāja-sthā3 nudattasy-addhyasana-kāle stade-viniyuktaka-Vāraka-mandale vigay apati-Ja4 jāvasy-âyogo ['dhikaranam visaya-mahattar-Eţita-Kulacandra-Garuda-Vphacca5 tt-luk-Ânācāra-Bhāśaitya-Sabhadeva-Ghoşacandr-Animittra-Guņacandra-Kalasa6 kha-Kulasvāmi-Durllabha-Satyacandr-Arjjuna-Bappa-Kundalipta-purogā[bo] prakştayas= са 7 sādhanika-Vātabhogena vijñāptäh? Icchămy-aham bhavatān=sakāśā kşettra-khaņdam пра 8 kriya brahmanasya pratipadayitum Tadarhatha matto mülyam grhitvå vigaye vibh 9 iya dātum-iti Yatab etad-abhyarthanam-adhikrty-asmābhir10-akatyerli-bhütvå pustapāla Vi[na]-13 10 yasen-Avadbāraņayāls avadhỉtam-Ast=1ha vipaye prāk-samudra-maryyādä сatur-ddaill. 11 närikya-kulya-vāpena kşettrāni vikriyanā nakani tatha-vāpa-kgettra-khandala12 krta-kalani-dçsti15-mättra.pravandheng18 tämrapatta-dhammaņi17 vikrayamanaka 18 Tac=ca 13 parama-bhattāraka-pădânām-amttrale-dharmma-sad-bhāga-lābhah Tad=etām pravșttim adhigamya nyāsă14 dho30 sva-punya-kirtti-samsthapana-kft-abhilāşasya yathā sam kalpābhi[s] tatha krya(y=adbr]-21 15 tya sādbanika-Vätabhogena dvādaśa-dinärān=āgrato datvä23 Sivacandra ha[sten-asta]241 See General Remarks, p. 216, below. . ? Denoted by a symbol. • Read Ambarisa. • Read tad; thes appears to be a mistake. Sio. . Rond Anamitra. Read vishapitā). • Read bhavatām. Rend sakāfāt, the t being omitted, as it would require the complicated compound tkse. 10 Read domābhir. 11 Read ekātmye. 12 Or perhaps Vija- ; but Vinayasena is matched by Nayasorta in plato B, line 7, and plate C, line 6. 13 Sio: no sandhi. 14 Read di-; but the proper form would be căturdinārikya from catur.dināra, 16 Read drsti. 16 Read prabandhena. 11 Read dharmana. 1! Read mānikā. 19 Read atra. 20 Read nyās Acheh ? 21 For krya read kriya. The last two letters are illegible, but the reading must be kriyayadhitya or something equivalent. 13 Read agrato. 13 Read dattrā. * The last three letters are illegible e100pt the vowel mark , but by comparing the corresponding words in plate B, lino 19, and plato C, line 19, it seems most probable that the reading should be hastendsta..


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