Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 39
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 412
________________ 374 INDEX Somas vámin, donee in a grant ... 200, 202 Sundarbans, and Khánjá Ali ... ... 287 songs, of Saharanpur 32, 64; Bundeli 178, f.; Sünyapala, officer in charge of waste lands... 95 Religious from N. India ...268-286; 321-345 Superstition, in India 76; and the Inquisisoul, immortality of, etc. ... ... 239, 240 tion in Bombay in 1707 ... ... ... 224 south Kensington Museum ... ... ... 182 supply, etc., destruction of, in the ArthaBovereignty, The aggregate of the calamaties sastra ... .. ... .. .. .. 135 of the elements of Bk. VIII, Ch. I of the sur, melody ... ... ... ... ... 235 Arthasistra ... ... .. ... ..62 Soraj-Pol-kå-guphá, cave in the Poladungad spear, in tomb drawing... ... ... ... 181 group ... ... ... ... .. . ... 245 speech, forbidden forms, among Buddhist Surashtra, in Gujarat ... ... ... ... 117 monks and nuns ... ... ... ... 267 SQr Dås, song by ... ... ... ... 270 spies, in the Arthasastra ... 135, 142 Sarya-Siddhanta, the Original : an adaptasprings, salt, in C. Asia ... ... ... 16, f. tion of it, known as Makuranta, was used freni, a corporation of soldiers. 92, f. ; 142, f. in Burma till A, D. 1738,'and is still used Sri, Spiritual Mother ... ... ... ... 316 in Arakan: from A. D. 1739 the Burmese Sri-Bhatakka, legend on seal ... ... ... 130 authority has been the present SaryaBri-Jaina-Yago-Vijaya-Granthamila, comp Siddhanta ... ... ... ... 254, 289 lete set of Jaina works, reviewed ... ... 288 Suthara Shabis, mendicant cries ... ... 349 kringara-rasa, sentiment of love ... .. 241 Suvarna--vauthya ... ... ... ... 211 Sriranga-rijastava, by Parasara-Bhattarya ... 239 Suyatra ... ... ... ... ... ... 106 Sri-vaishnavas, the Godly ... ... ... 316 wabalopoghatapratilirah, Remedies against States, circle of, in the Arthasastra ... ... 60 the injuries of one's own army. Ch. IV, Sten Konow, Dr., and the Fali Sarnath Bk. XIV of the Arthasástra ... ... 174 inscrip. .. ... ... ... ... 217 svåpadavadha, the enemy's dogs ... ... 110 Stevenson, Dr., and the Kalpa-sútra of Bha- Svar, the upper world ... .. ... 318 n. drababu ... ... ... ... ... 257 Svarga, Siva's heaven ... ... ... ... 202 Stháninga, Jaina work, and the Dašas. 257, Svetâmbara canon 258, 264 n. scing, chamola, sáng ..... ........ Sthåņu, Siva ... ... ... ... ... 237 sword, in rock-drawing ... ... ... 181 Sthanudatta, k. ... ... ... 195-197, 206, 210 Syena, Brahman grantee ... ... ... 130 Sthavirávali, section of the Kalpa-sútra, Syrinc script in MS. ... ... treats of the early Jaina fathers ... ... 257 Szechenyi's, Count, expedition to C. Asia ... 36 sthita batru, an entrenched enemy ... ... 46 n. Sthalakarna, big ear ... ... ... ... 115 Sthand district in Magadha ... ... ... 261 Tadekåsarika, ancient village, the modern Stone, Age relics in 0. Asia 15, 17; architec Taraäri in Gujarat ... ... ... ... 97 ture in Burma 186; umbrella inscrip. ... 217 Tagu, the first month of the Burmese and Stores, etc., destruction of, in the Artha- Arakanese lunar year; the equivalent of kastra .. ... ... .. ... ... 135 the Hindu Chaitra, with which however it Stotra ratna, work by Yamunarya ... ... 239 does not necessarily coincide ... ... 251 students' archeological scholarships, Barma. Taimur, Tamerlane, emp. .. .. 184, f. talchta, wooden tablet ... ... ... Stúpa, remains in C. Asia 16; Rawak 42; Taklamakan desert ... ... 142; in C. India Agency ... .. ... 225 Talaing., inscrip, Pagan 159; dynasty Subhadeva, name in a grant ... 195, 197 and n. Talapoin, derivation of ... ... ... 169 subhasitas ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 126 tamas, darkness ... ... ... ... 240 Su-chon oasis, C. Asia ... ... 40, f. Tamba nagari, ancient Anundpur or Abar, Sulaiho, riv., in C. Asia ... ... 33–35, 40 capital of Udaipur ... ... ... ... 188 sumaran and smaran ... ... 68 Tamil language ... ... 146–148, 150, ft. Sumeru, mt. ... .. ... 340 | Tamluk, the ancient Tamralipta, capital of Sumirin, a morning hymn ... ... ... 278 Subma, on the Honghly ... ... 197 n. Sun, g. . . ... 167) támrakúta and tambaki, tobacco ... ... 96


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