[DECEMBER, 1910.
Gura dele gohdan, Râmâ : Satgura chameriya ho. Santan ke duâriyân gohuan pisat, re: jhink lehu lebu månik jatê wan ho. Balmâ bhukhail Satguru påbun, re. Jo main pisaton, R&mâ, urart darâri ke Saiần ghar hoton dur dar chhiya chhiyâ, re. . Jo main pisaton, Rami, mebli kankiyê, ho, Saiên ghare hotoù sohägin, re.
Translation. The two parts of the mill (the upper and the lower stones) are the earth and sky. The hole in the middle is Mount Sumeru. Who gives wheat, 0 Râm? Who gives chameriyl (a coarse corn) ? I shall grind the corn (learn wisdom) at the door of my Lord, The religious guide gives the wheat, O Râm, and the True Gaide gives the coarse corn.13
I shall grind the corn at the door of my Lord, and pat little by little the corn into the mill (learn little by little) which is made of a precious stone.
The True Guide who is the object of my love is my guest. If I grind the corn coarsely, O Râm, I shall be driven from my Lord's house in disgrace. Bat if I grind the corn finely, 0 Râm, I shall be acknowledged as a lucky housewife. .
No. L. A Hymn to Herdeo (Hardaul) Baja.
Sung by women when worshipping him. Recorded by a school teacher of Chhaward Mau, Distriot Farrukhabad.
Text.. Hardeo Lâlâ ki jagi kalå. Bhaye Lalá jab jagi kalê. Dushman môri pachhärê sâre : more Bandelâ bare aqila. Hardeo Lalaji ki jagi kala. Tumhain charhâwain dhwajê nårial; khelain, kudain, hansain, LÁld. Bari umarl, Lala, Pathan mare : tam mere, Lâld, albele Lala.
Translation. The influence of Prince Hardeo began to be felt. As soon as he was born, his influence began to be felt. He killed and defeated all our enemies : my Bundhelâ is very wise. The influence of Prince Hardeo began to be felt. I offer you flags and coco-nuts, that my Prince may play and jump and laugh. You killed in your childhood a Pathan, O my Prince : you are my sweetheart.
19 1. e., teachings of a True Guide are hard to practise.