Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 39
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 394
________________ 356 INDEX . .. .. 210 . 159 Bhangis, and Devt ... ... ... ... 285 Bower manuscript ... 193; 203, 207 n.; 208 Bharudvaja, author 84 ; 131 ; founder of Brahmâ, g. -. 171 ; 186; 192; 317 and n., 818 the Bharadvaja Brahman Sept. 198, Brahman faith and Kalidasa ... ... ... 236 200 n., 204, f., 214 | Brahmana caste 78, f; family of Ånarda Bhartsihara, Sanskrit poet and gram- pura, ancestors of the Gubila dyn.... 187; 190 marian ... ... ... ... 126 ; 238 Brahmâni ducks, emblems of conjugal love. 343 n. Bhastripatta, I and II., Gohila kings 187–190 Brahmanical rook temple in C. India ... 246 Bhasaitya, name in a grant ... 195, 197 and n. Brahmanism and Buddhism in C. India ... 225 bhatá, a vegetable ... ... ... ... 332 Brahmans ... ... 212; 214; 216; 281; 321 Bhatarka, a Valabhi k. ... ... 129 Brahmaputra, Lobita, riv. ... .. 902 n.; 209 Bhatta Gomidatta-svåmin, donee in a grant 204, f. Brahma-sútras .. ... ... .. ... 240 bhatáraka, title of emperor as governor of Brahmi script finds in C. Asia ... 34; 38, 39 Våraka ... Brahmicide, committed by India ... ... 318 . Bhawani, hymn to ... ... ... 275; 279 Brahai, language 150-153; case-signs ... 158 Bhil dialect ... ... ... ... ... 351 Brahdi, Balochi tribe ... .. ... . 181 Bhilaa, stupas at ... ... ... ... 225 Bråhai Language, The, Part I., by Denys de Bhimasuklu, k. of Benares, and Kaļidása ... 236 S. Bray. Book-Notice ... ... 350, f. Bhim's Bazar, « cave in the Dhamnar Brigel, and Dravidian grammar ... 151; 153 group, C. India ... .. ... ... 246 brihachchúrni=old charni ... ... ... 259 Bhimsingh, Mabârâņa, and Gyânchand ... 187 brihadbhashya= old bhashya ... ... 259 bhoga, snake-like array of an army... ... 115 Bțihaspati, founder of a school ... 115; 176 bhogya, easily subdued ... ... ... 20 Brihat-Kalpa-Sútra, Kalpa-Sutra 257, f. Bhoja, Guhila k. ... ... ... 187, f.. Brihatkatha of Gunadhya ... 159; 352 Bhôja, author of the Champú- Ramayana ... 241 Brihatkathamañjari .. ... Bha, the lower world ... ... ... 318 n. Brindában .. .. 270; 392 Bhimisandhih=Agreement of peace for the British Museum... ... 182, f. acquisition of land. Chap. X. Bk. VII, of bronze finde in C. Asia... 15; 35 the Arthakústra ... ... ... ... 48 brooms, for monks and nons... ... 263 bhumi-sparka mudra attitude... ... ... 233 Browning, R. ... - - Bhomiya, g., hymn to ... ... ...283 and n. buba, sister . ... .. .. ... 344 Bhashan, poet ... ... ... ... ... 180 brick architecture in Burma - ... ... 186 Bhuvanesa, and the Bhuvanebalaukikanyaya Buddha, images of, in C. Asia 18; 37, f.; súhasri ... ... .. ... 126 attempts to fix the date of 76; 191; 228, Bhuvar, the middle world ... ... 318 n. 231; 234; 246 bidrum, fruit Buddhas, Hall of the Thousand, sacred grot... .. *** toes near Tun-huang, C. Asia ... bigha, land measure 36-40 ... Bijaipůr State, and Dåda Rai Buddhism in China 36; in Tun-buang 37, f.; ... ... 326 under the Uighur kingdom 39;in Prome bilde, woodapple... ... 185; in India 191, f. ; Thibetan History of, Black Yajurveda... ... ... ... ... 73 by Tåranatha 208; in C. India, and the Blagden, Mr. O. O., and the Talaing inscrip Kshatrapas ... .. ... ... .. 226 tion ... ... ... ... ... ... 159 Buddhist shrines at Miran, O. Asia 18; texts Bloch, Dr. T., discovered a new copper-plate. 193 37-39; temples, known as Wang-fu-hsia boats and boatmaking, ancient, in E. Bengal. 40-42; sculptures 76; monk, or Talapoin 198 n., 210, 212 159 ; caves in 0. India ... 225-235; 246 Bodawpaya, k. of Burma, in whose reign Bui.ler, Dr., on Samanta 64; 126; and the coins were first struck ... ... .. 185 Brihatkatha 159; bis Indischen PalæograBodhisattvas, on MSS. in Tun-huang 38; or phis 194; and the Kalpa-Sutra ... ...259 Buddha, in a cave .. .. ... 231 and n. bull, Indian, bumped, in rock drawing ... 181 Bombay, Saperstition and the Inquisition in, Bandara, dist., in Salsett ... ... ... 224 in 1707 ... ... ... ... ... 224 Bundeli Songs . ... ... ... 179, l. books from royal libraries at Delhi, etc. ... 183 Bundelkhand, and the Emperor Muhammad bow, composite, in tomb drawing . . 181 Shah .. .. .. 178 ... 67


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