No. V.
A Popular Song by Sûr Das, about Krishna. Recorded by Ramgharib Chaube.
Brindaban Mohan dadhi lâti.
Kahân mero hâr? Kahân nath besar? Kahân motin ki lar tûtî ? Barajo, Yasoda, apne lâlâ ko! Jhakjhorat matûkî phût!! Surdas Prabhu Hari milan ko sarbas de gwâlin chhûtî.
Mohan (Sri Krishna) stole curds in Brindaban.
Where is my necklace? Where is my nose-ring? Where is the broken string of pearls? O Yasoda, check your son! In his pulling and handling, my earthen vessel of curds broke! Sûrdâs says that cowherd's girls gave up all for the sake of meeting Prabhu Hari (Sri Krishna).
No. VI.
A Hymn to Mahadeva.
Recorded by Ramgharib Chaube. Text.
[OCTOBER, 1910.
Shankar Sheo, bambam bhola !
Kailash pati, mahârâj raj, Shankar Sheo, bambam bholâ !
Orhê sinh khâl, galê byâl mâl, lôchan bishâl ati 181 lâl, piye bhang rang so, karat kâj ! Bachhaha turang, chhabi ang ang, sohai sis Gang, mâthe chand bhâl, sundar birâj ! Ardhang rûp, ati chhânh dhûp, nirkhat swarûp, bhaye chhakit bhup, kar dimik dimik dim damarú bâj!
Kahat Nizami, kar jort jori :-" Dijâi bhakti dân, râkho mân morî, tajî charan kamal, kahân jâun âj!"
O Shankar Shiv, simple-hearted and careless!
O Lord of Kailash, king of kings, Shankar Shiv, simple-hearted and careless!
Clad in tiger-skin, snakes around the neck as garlands, large eyes very red, drunk with bhang, thou dost realize the hopes (of thy votaries)!
Bull for thy steed, surpassing beauty in every limb, the Ganges beautifying the head, in thy forehead the moon, and doth thy beauty shine!
Half-formed, and like a sun-shade, seeing which kings were surprised, and in thy hands the damarú (a musical instrument) soundeth!
Nizami with folded hands says:-"Give me devotion as a boon, keep up my honour in the world, leaving thy lotus-like feet whither may I go!"
No. VII.
A Song about Deoband in Saharanpur District. Sung by Sita Ram.
Recorded by Ramgharib Chaube.
Text. 1.
Durga Kund yan tirath sanâ tan; Sheo ne rachâ; nir ganbhir bharâ. Deoband nahin, yah Devi Ban; nâm Rishiyon ne dhara.
Bâlâ Sundari Chaf yah, jis bidhî kahan main. Wah sat hål. Na is men farq zara. Deoband nahin, yah Devi Ban; nâm Rishiyon ne dhara.