JANUARY, 1892.)
Ta. - Nom. sing. masc. : sa, XII, 5, and hapé sati, V, 3; pafivédétavya, VI, 8; pájétausually sô; fem. : sá, XIII, 10; neuter: tan, (ya, XII, 4. One exception : likhápayitan, XIII, 2, more often ta, IV, 10, al., whether for XIV, 3. In one case, braditavya, IX, 8, it is tam, or more probably for tad, preserved in even reduced to i. Likhápayisan, beside the composition, VIII, 5 and XII, 5; sê is employed usual lékhápita, presents an analogous weakenadverbially as equivalent to tad, I, 10, as fre- ing in the base. quently appears in the versions in a Màgadhi
(b). - Terminations. spelling. It is unnecessary to draw special attention to tas, tasa, taya, téna, tamhi, té, Present. - The terminations of the middle têsan, téhi.
voice, which in one case are, for this tense, Na. - XII, 1, we find ne used as an accusa
used to form a passive, arabharé, I, 11, are tive, and applied to neuter substantives.
generally used with a neuter, or even with an
active sense : anuvataré, XIII, 9 (the reading Ya. - Nom. sing. masc. : yo, once (V, I) ye;
anuvatait of Dr. Bühler appears to be at neuter : yarn, VIII, 3, but much more frequent
least very doubtful); marnaté, X, 1; XII, 8; ly ya, for yad, IV, 10; VI, 5, 6, 11 ; X, 3;
parákámaté, X, 3 (by the side of parákramami, XII, 3.- Nom. plur. : ye, yé, XIII, 6; yani.
VI, 11); karôté, IX, 1, 2, 3 (by the side of Sarva. - Nom. acc. sing. Deuter., sarvari
karoti, V, 1). - In sukhúpayámi, VI, 12, as(savam). - Loc. sing. (?): sarvé, VI, 8; savé,
sociated, on the one hand, with gachhéyani, VI, 3. – Nom, plar.: savé, VII, 1.
and, on the other hand, with Arddhayantu, it is Personal pronouns. - The following forms difficult to avoid recognising the subjunctive occur of the pronoun of the first person: ahan, use. mama, me for the genitive and once (VI, 9),
Imperative. - The 3rd pers. plur.: úradhafor the instrumental, maya.
yantu, VI, 12; niyátu, III, 3; yujamtu, IV, (e). - Declension of Numerals. 11, require no remarks. The middlo termiDvé, nom., I, 11 ; II, 4. - Ti, nom. neuter
nation, with an active sense, is preserved in (prdnd), I, 10, 12. - Chatparô, nom. masc.,
the 3rd sing.: anuvidhiyatan, X, 2; susrusatarina
X, 2. It will be noted that both exceptionally XIII, 8. - Panchasu, loc., III, 2.
retain the long vowel am and not arh. The 3.- CONJUGATION.
2nd pers. plur. borrows, as in Prakrit and (a). - Verbal Bases.
in Pali the termination tha of the present,
pativédétha, VI, 5. The simple bases are, in general, the same as
Fotential. - 1st pers. sing. : gachhéyani, in Sanskrit, after making allowance for phone
VI, 11; plur. dipayéma, XII, 6. - 3rd pers. tic modifications, as when we have side by side,
sing. in & in bhavé, XII, 13; in éya, in tistéya, bhavati and hôti, prápunóti for prapnóti. There
VL 13; in Stha, i, e. with the termination of. are, however, changes, as : chhanati, XII, 5,
the middle, in patipajétha, XIV, 4 ; plural: in in place of chhanoti; karani, XII, 4, participle
éyu, in vaseyu, VII, 1; in éram, termination present, beside karórtó, XII, 6; we should
of the middle : in anuvat(6)rasi, VI, 14; note the extension and alteration of the base of
sususéranh, XII, 7. Dr. Bühler reads srunérun, the present in prajúhitavyan, I, 3. The con
li.e. srundran, XII, 7, the form which to me sonantal conjugation is only preserved in asti;
seems to give srundju. The correct reading in upahandti, XII, 6, it passes into the 9th class. For the root krat we have the two
would be srunėju for stuneyu. But, at Girnar,
we have no certain example of the spelling bases : parákramámi, VI, 11, and pardkámaté,
for y. The verb as makes the 3rd sing. in X, 3. In the passive, the formative affix ya is
asa, X, 3, and the plural asu (ásu), XII, 7. combined according to the usual phonetic laws,
There is considerable difference of opinion as in arabharé, I, 11 ; drabhisarnré, I, 12; árabhisu,
to the origin of this form; some look for it I, 9.
in the Vedic subjunctive asat, and others In the causals, whether in aya or in paya the in the extension by analogy of syllt, syuh into formative aya is contracted to é whenever it asyát, asyus (Kuhn, Beitr, sur Pali Gramm, would take the form ayi : alochétpá, XIV, 6; p. 104).