Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 21
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 11
________________ JANUARY, 1892.) THE INSCRIPTIONS OF PIYADASI. hm becomes mh; it is, at least, thus that I Bases in AN. - nom. s. rája; gen. 8. ráno ; believe that we should read the group 8, instr, s. ránd; nom. pl. rdjáno. which, strictly speaking, could also be read hm. Bases in ANT. - Karani, XII, 4, nom. sing. of the participle present, beside karo(n)to, XII, (c). - Sandhi. 5, tis! antó, nom. pl. masc., IV, 9. Sandhi rarely occurs except between the Bases in AR(RT). - Contrary to the other parts of a compound word, and, as an almost versions, Girnar presents, for these bases, no invariable rule, requires the elision of final traces of the passage into the vocalic declenconsonants ; it is nearly exclusively vocalic. sion. Instrum. sing. bhrátá, IX, 6; bhátrá, XI, A final anusvåra is changed into min kata- 3; pita, IX, 5; XI, 3. Locat. sing. matari, vyam éva, IX, 3; évan api, II, 2. I further pitari, passim. note the form anamariñasa, XII, 7. Bases in AS. - Acc. sing. yaso, X, 1, 2; A final d is retained in tadópayd VIII, 5; bhuya, VIII, 5, ought to be bhuyó. tad ujanatha, XII, 5. Bases is IN. - Here we have no trace of a + give 4. Uxcept in dhámadhistánáya, V, I i n v the vocalic declension. - Nom. sing. piyadari, 4; dhamanngah, IX, 7. In ndsti (passim), the priyadasi (passim); the final vowel is always long vowel is retained in spite of the double short. - Gen. sing. pi(pri)yadasino ; instr. consonant which follows. pi(pri)yadasini. a ti gives 6 in oijayéchhd, XIII, 11.3 (c). - Declension of Vocalic Bases. <+u gives 6 in manusőpagani II, 5. Bases in A. - Masculines. The terminaa+ é gives é in ténésá, VIII, 3; chéva, IV, 7. tions are the same as in Pâli. I only note *+a gives i in ithijhal hamahámátá, XII, 9. peculiarities worthy of remark. u+u gives 8 in pasőpagani, II, 6, & curious Nominative singular. - Besides the regular form which would appear to be borne out by form in 8, there are several cases of the nomithe other versions. native in 6, as in Mâgadhi: apaparisavé, X, 2.- INFLEXION. 3; puvé, IV, 5; dévánaripiye, XII, 1; prádé siké, III, 2; rajúké, III, 2; sakalá, X, 3; yé, It must be understood that, except in V, I. To these examples we should add the special cases, I shall not expressly quote those many more numerous cases in which the nomimodifications which are of a purely mechani native neuter ends in é, instead of, and beside, cal character, being merely the applications ask. It is the less permissible to suggest a of the phonetic rules which have just been mechanical change of an to é, because the indicated. termination ash is still retained in the majority (Q). - Gender. of cases. We have, therefore, here an imitaThe distinction between the masculine and tion of Mågadhî; and, so far as regards the neuter tends to disappear. This, as we Mâgadhi itself, the final reason for the use of shall shortly see, is evidently due to the in the termination & in the neuter, lies in the fluence of the Màgadhi spelling. obliteration of the distinction between the neuter and the masculine, which has resulted (b).- Declension of Consonantal Bases. in the common acceptation, for both genders, of This tends to go over into the declension of the uniform use of the masculine termination. bases in a : parishad becomes parisd; larman It is clearly in this way that, VIII, 4, we becomes karima, and is declined like a neuter in have hirashnapasividhdnô (for odhánan). a; of varchas, we have the locative vachamhin Acousative singular. - I have quoted above VI, 3; the present participle of as, makes its the form in & in athé, VI, 4, 5, and yuté, III, nominative singular santo, VI, 7; VIII, 2. 6, for the accusative. Twice, sarvé kále, VI, The following are the traces which still 3, 8, corresponds to savarh kálash of the other exist : versions. It must, nevertheless, be stated that Dr. Bühler's interpretation would do away with this combination.


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