Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 1 Ch. 1
and others, and are not free from doing harm. The non-restrained, are (in contrast,) on account of their not having renounced43, harmful to self, harmful to others, harmful to both self and others, and are not free from doing harm. So do I say, oh, Gautama, some of the living beings, etc., etc., ...till free from doing harm44.
Q. 49. Bhante! Are the infernal beings harmful to self, harmful to others, harmful to both or harmful to none ?
A. 49. The infernal beings are harmful to self, harmful to others, harmful to both, and are not free from doing harm. And so ...till the Asurakumāras.
Q. 50. Bhante! Why do ye say so?
A. 50. Gautama! It has been so stated of the infernal beings account of their not renouncing, ...till not free from doing harm. And so till the Asurakumāras ...till five-organ non-human beings.
51. Human beings (to be taken) as other living beings (as aforesaid), but the liberated-bodyless are to be excluded.
52. From the Vāṇavyantaras ...till the Vaimānikas, they are similar to the infernal beings.
53. The tinged souls45 are (similar to) the mundane beings. Those with black, blue and ash tinges are (similar to) the mundane beings, with the qualification that the distinction between the careful and the careless is not applicable here. (For, they are all careless without exception.) Those with red, pink and white tinges are also (similar to) the mundane beings, though exception is to be made of the liberated-bodyless (who are without any tinge).
[on knowledge, etc. ]
प्रश्न ५४ - इहभविए भंते ! णाणे परभविए णाणे तदुभयभविए णाणे ?