भगवती सूत्र शः १ उ: ३
Q. 143. Bhante! Do the tie-free śramaņas experience faithdeluding karma ?
A. 143. Yes, they do.
Q. 144. Bhante! How do the tie-free sramaņas experience faith-deluding karma ?
A. 144. Gautama! By the same causes, under the influence of diverse knowledge, faith, conduct, external mark, discourse, preceptor, sanction, path, view-point, category, mode, rule and logic, all diverse, do the tie-free śramaņas experience faith-deluding karma by acquiring doubt, desire for another faith, wavering, split understanding and spite91.
Q. 145. Bhante! Are those who have taken shelter with the Jina correct and well-fortified?
A. 145. Yes, Gautama, they are. They are correct, wellfortified, and so on...till self-exertion.
सेवं भंते !
सेवं भंते! त्ति
Bhante! So they are. Glory be to the Lord! So saying Gautama paid his homage and obeisance and withdrew to his
तइओ उद्देसो सम्मत्तो । Chapter three ends