भगवती सूत्र शः १ उ: ४
perfected'; and so about the future, the difference being, it needs be stated as 'will be perfected'. What has been said about an ordinary monk also applies to one in possession of shallow avadhi knowledge and to one in possession of deep avadhi knowledge, and that in all the three forms106
Q. 161. Bhante! Did the omniscient person, in the endless, eternal past period, end all misery by dint of sheer austerities, etc.?
A. 161. Yes, indeed, he did...till ended all misery, and this is to be stated in the three forms (past, present and future), exception being (that the omniscient alone) was, is, and will be, perfected.
Q. 162. Bhante! In the endless, eternal past period, in the endless, eternal present period and in the endless, eternal future period, those who have been able to end all karma-effect and have held the body for the last time, those who have ended all misery, end all misery and will end all misery, do they all are, by acquiring knowledge and faith, by winning over inner foes, by being victors and omniscient, afterwards perfected...till end all misery?
A. 162. Yes, Gautama! In the endless, eternal past period, etc., (as aforesaid)...till end all misery.
Q. 163. Bhante! Can it be said that these, with the acquisition of knowledge and of faith, the winners over inner foes, the victors, the omniscient, attain the state of perfection107 ?
A. 163. Yes, Gautama! It may be said that with the acquisition of knowledge and of faith, the winners over inner foes, the victors, the omniscient, they attain the state of perfection.
सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते! त्ति |
Bhante! So they are. Glory be to the Lord! So saying Gautama paid his homage and obeisance and withdrew to his
चउत्थो उद्देसो सम्मत्तो | Chapter Four ends