Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 2 Ch. 1
Q. 15. Bhante ! What is the reason for his being called prāņa...till veda ?
A. 15. Gautama ! He may be called präna because of his respirations in and out, his inhaling and exhaling ; bhūta because he did exist, he exists and he will exist ; jīva because he lives, acquires the state of existence and experiences life-span; satta because he is tied to righteous and non-righteous deeds; vijna because he distinguishes tastes such as hot, pungent, bitter, sour and sweet ; veda because he experiences pleasure and pain. It is for this he is called prāna...till veda.
Q. 16. Bhante ! Does a monk who has restrained the cycles of coming and going,...till who has completed his work, acquire again, on death, the existence and other conditions of human life ?
A. 16. Gautama! A monk who has restrained the cycles, ...till, on death, does not acquire the existence and other conditions of human life.
Q. 17. Bhante ! How is he to be called ?
A. 17. Gautama ! He may be called siddha, he may be called buddha, he may be called pāragata, he may be called paramparāgata ; he may be called siddha, buddha, mukta, nibrtta, anta-krta and sarva-dukkha-prahīņas.
सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति भगवं गोयमे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदद नमंसइ संजमेणं तवसा अप्पाणं भावेमाणे विहरइ।
Bhante ! So they are. Glory be to the Lord ! So saying, Gautama paid his homage and obeisance and withdrew to his seat.
[ dialogue with Skandaka ] १८-ते णं काले णं ते णं समए' णं समणे भगवं महावीरे रायगिहाओ नगराओ, गुणसिलाओ चेइयाओ पडिनिक्खमइ पडिनिक्खमित्ता वहिया जणवयविहारं विहरइ।