Notes Bk. II
36. The flatness of the top is compared with the surface of the musical drum, the surface of a tank, the palm of the hand and the surface of the moon.
37. The palace is very beautiful, white, shining, bedecked with gold and gems. Its upper portion is very beautiful, with many beautiful paintings on it.
38. The throne is at the centre of the palace. To the north-west, north, and north-east of that throne, there are 64,000 seats for the Sāmānika gods. To the east are the five family apartments of five leading queens. To the south-east, there are 24,000 seats for the members of the inner council. To the south, there are 28,000 seats for the members of the central council. To the south-west, there are 32,000 seats for the members of the external council. To the west, there are seven apartments, and all around, there are 64,000 seats for the bodyguard gods.
39. Born in the Hall of Birth, Indra has at once a feeling'what is the mission of my life ? Then he is duly enthroned by the Sāmānika gods. He is dressed in the Hall of Decoration, Texts are read in the Vyavasāya Hall. Prayers are offered and the Jina image is worshipped. Then Camarendra has a ceremonial entry into the Sudharma Hall.
40. The Sūtra gives the following description of the human world :
arihanta-sanaya-bāyara-vijju-thaniyā balāhaga agani ágara-nihi-nai-uvarāga-niggame vuddhivayanam ca
[ Where there are Arihantas, Cakravarties, Baladevas, Vāsudevas, Prati-vāsudevas, monks, nuns, men, women, it is the 'world of men'. Where there are time and time divisions, epochs, lightning, the roar of clouds, rainfall, fire-bodies, mines, hidden treasures, rivers, eclipses, the sun, the moon, their movement between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of cupicorn, waxing and waning of day and night, it is the sphere of time; the sphere of men'