Book II
(P represents Page and is used with numbers 18, 34, 36 and 51 where the topic extends over many pages. ]
CATTATOP-infinite categories of non-visual reali
sation. (64) 8777-without (mental) unrest. (36, P. 195)
Taaht-space units of the non-soul. . (66) 3107909fa1-space-subunits of the non-soul. (66) B7FnfFerg-spiritual. (18, P. 154) 3rfoqraTaTE-skeleton with a skin cover. (18,P. 172) Brefo-fHTT&TTTTTTTT-even their bones and marrows had
attachment to religion. (34, P. 188) aquiaggfors-(objects) with infinite spaces. (4) BruiaTTTT-less its infinite portions. (67) 3070779*--outcome (of restraint) is checking karma
influx. (35) Brufat for Hu|--one who does not transgress. (34, P. 188) aturas fatiafazfagi-looking decorated/graceful even without
ornaments. (18, P. 159) spurapia HTCT--not hankering after. (18, P. 175) STUTTGTİ-without beginning and without end. (18, P. 163) affurasfatui-incessantly, non-stop. (36, P. 195) furto-one who has no accumulation of earthly
objects. (18, P. 168) BTUUTTU---ignorance. (64)
atê--inner lane. (18, P. 156) atafu—without (physical) haste. (36, P. 195) BETT-come near. (18, P. 156)