Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 2 Ch. 5
Q. 30. Bhante ! To how many living beings may a soul in one life be a progeny ?
A. 30. Gautama! A soul may, in one life, be a progeny of minimum one, two or three beings, and maximum 200 to 900 beings24.
Q. 31. Bhante! In one life, how many progenies may a being give birth to ?
A. 31. Gautama ! Minimum one, two or three, and maximum 2,00,000 to 9,00,000 may be given birth to25.
Q. 32. Bhante ! What is the reason for this,...till may be given birth to ?
A. 32. Gautama ! In the excited sex organs of a man and of a woman, a contact comes to be established called maithuna-vsttika. (In consequence of this), the man's semen gets mixed up with the woman's blood, and this gives birth to a minimum of one, two or three progenies, and to a maximum of 2,00,005 to 9,00,000 progenies. It is for this...till may be given birth to.
Q. 33. Bhante! In enjoying sexual experience, what sort of non-restraint is incurred by the soul ?
A. 33. Gautama ! Just as a human being may, with the help of a burning match stick, destroy a stalk of a cotton plant or a stalk of a bura' plant, so does a soul indulging in sex experience incur non-restraint of that sort28.
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Bhante ! So they are. Glory be to the Lord ! So saying Gautama paid his homage and obeisance to śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra and withdrew to his seat.
[ with śrăvakas from Tungikā ] ३४-तए णं समणे भगवं महावीरे रायगिहाओ नगराओ गुणसिलाओ चेइयामो पडिनिक्खमइ। पडिनिक्खमइत्ता बहिया जणवयविहारं विहरई।