भगवती सूत्र शः २ उ: ५
Q. 36. If, as you say, restraint stops karma influx, and penance liberates the soul from karma bondage, then, why are the devas born in the celestial regions ?
On this, a senior monk, Kalikaputra by name, gave reply as follows to the followers of the śramaṇa order:
A. 36. Arya ! Because of pūrva-penance, the devas are born in the celestial regions.
Another senior monk, Mehila (Medhila) by name, said as follows to the followers of the śramana order :
---Arya! Because of pūrva-restraint, the deves are born in the celestial regions.
(A third) senior monk, ānanda rakşita by name, said as follows to the followers of the śramana order :
-Arya! Because of the remnants of past karma, the devas are born in the celestial regions.
Thereon a senior monk, Kāśyapa by name, said as follows to the followers of the śramaṇa order :
- Arya ! It is because of attachment, the devas are born in the celestial regions. Because of purva - penance28, pūrvarestraint, remnants of past karma and attachment, the devas are born in the celestial regions. True is this implication, I ordain, and this is not our personal view (cnly).
तए णं ते समणोवासया थेरेहिं भगवंतेहिं इमाई एयाख्वाइं वागरणाई वागरिया समाणा हट्ठ-तुट्ठा थेरे भगवंते वंदंति नमसंति नमंसित्ता परिणाइं पुच्छंति पसिनाई पुच्छित्ता अट्ठाई उवादियंति उवादिएत्ता उट्ठाए उठेंति । उट्ठित्ता थेरे भगवंते तिक्खुत्तो वंदति नमसंति नमसित्ता थेराणं भगवंताणं अंतिया पुप्फवतियाओ चेइयाओ पडिनिक्लमंति । पडिनिक्खमित्ता जामेव दिसिं पाउब्भूया तामेव दिसिं पडिंगया । तए णं ते थेरा अन्नया कयाइं तु गियाओ नयरीआ पुप्फवतियाओ चेइयाओ पडिनिगच्छंति बहिया जणवयविहारं विहरति ।