Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 2 Ch. 10
A. 54. Gautama ! No colour, no smell, no taste, no touch, no shape, non-living, eternal, ever-existent object in spheres.
55. In brief, dharmāstikaya has been stated from five angles, which are, substance, place, time, bhāva and trait. As to substance, dharmāstikāya is one. As to place, it is as extensive as the spheres. As to time, it never was that it did not exist, it never is that it does not exist, nor will it ever be that it will not exist ; it existed, it exists, it will exist,... till it is ever-existent object in spheres. As to bhäva, it has no colour, no smell, no taste, no touch. As to trait, it is motion. Likewise, adharmästikäya, except that in its trait, it is rest. Likewise, äkāśāstikaya, except that as to place, it is stated to be as big as spheres and non-sphere, and as to its trait, it is all-enveloping.
प्रश्न ५६-जीवत्थिकाए णं भंते ! कतिवणे कतिगंधे कतिरसे कतिकासे?
उत्तर ५६-गोयमा! अवण्णे जाव...अरूवी जीवे सासए अवठिए लोगदव्वे । से समासओ पंचविहे पण्णते तं जहा-दव्वओ जाव .गुणो। दव्वओ णं जीवत्थिकाए अणंताई जीवदव्वाइं खेतओ लोगपमाणमेते कालो न कयाइ न आसी जाव...निच्चे भावओ पुग अवग्णे अगवे अरसे अफासे गुणओ उवओगगुणे।
Q. 56. Bhante ! In jīvästikäya, how many colours are there, how many smells, how many tastes and how many touches ?
A. 56. Gautama ! Without colour,... till without shape, the soul is eternal ever-existent in spheres. In brief, jivåstikaya has been stated from five angles, which are, substance,...till trait. As to substance, jīvästikäya is live object. As to place, it is as expansive as the spheres. As to time, it never was that it did not exist, ...till it is ever-existent. As to bhāva, no colour, no smell, no taste, no touch. As to trait, it is characterised by upayoga or ability to perceive.
प्रश्न ५७-पोग्गलत्थिकाए णं भंते ! कतिवण्णे कतिगंध-रस-फासे ?