भगवती सूत्र शः २ उः १
thirteenth month, (thirteen-day fasts) missing 28 meals, in the fourteenth month, (fourteen-day fasts) missing 30 meals, in the fifteenth month, (fifteen-day fasts) missing 32 meals, in the sixteenth month, (sixteen-day fasts) missing 34 meals (and during all these months, as aforesaid), sitting during the days on bare ground in utkațuka posture, with face turned towards the sun, and bearing the cold blast during the nights, wholly unclad and sitted in viräsana.
In this manner, monk Skandaka performed the penance as per the Sutras, as per prescriptions,...till adored it, and thereafter came to the place where Šramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira was, and having come there, he paid his homage and obeisance to śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra, and having paid his homage and obeisance, he continued to progress (on the spiritual path) by undertaking fasts for two, three, four, five days, for a month (at a time), for a fortnight, and in many other ways.
तए णं से खंदए अणगारे तेणं ओरालेणं विउलेणं पयत्तेणं पग्गहिएणं कल्लाणेणं सिवेणं धन्नेणं मंगल्लेणं सस्सिरीएणं उदग्गेणं उदत्तेणं उत्तमेणं उदारेणं महाणुभागेणं तवोकम्मेणं सुक्के लुक्खे निम्मंसे अठि-चम्मावणधे किडिकिडियाभूए किसे धमणिसंतए जाए यावि होत्था। जीवंजीवेण गच्छइ जीवंजीवेण चिट्ठइ भासं भासित्ता वि गिलाई भासं भासमाणे गिलाइ भासिस्सामीति गिलायति। से जहानामए कट्ठसगडिया इ वा पत्तसगडिया इ वा पत्ततिल-भंडगसगडिया इ वा एरंडकट्ठसगडिया इ वा इंगालसगडिया इ वा उण्हे दिण्णा सुक्का समाणी ससदं गच्छइ ससद चिट्ठइ एवामेव खंदए वि अणगारे ससदं गच्चइ ससदं चिट्ठइ उवचिए तवेणं अवचिए मंससोणीएणं हुयासणे विव भासरासिपडिच्छण्णे तवेणं तेएणं तव-तेयसिरीए अईव अईव उवसोभेमाणे चिट्ठइ ।
Now, monk Skandaka, because of that (severe) penance which was attachment-free, enormous, permitted (by the Master), and performed without lapse, performed with great devotion and sincerity, which portended to welfare, safety, wellbeing, bliss and beauty, which was greatly difficult and progressively increasing (in intensity), which was great, good, expan