भगवती सूत्र शः १ उः ६
A. 209. Gautama! Done by self, not by others, nor by both
Q. 210. Bhante! Does the activity perpetrated follow order ? Or, is it without order138 ?
A. 210. Gautama! Follows order and is not without order. And so of activity that is being perpetrated, and so of that which will be perpetrated. All follow some order, and are not without order. It has to be stated like that139.
Q. 211. Bhante! Do the infernal beings perpetrate activity leading to slaughter ?
A. 211. Yes, they do.
Q. 212. Bhante! So perpetrated is it touched ? Is it untouched ?
A. 212. (Touched) in
six directions, as a rule.
Q. 213. Bhante! The activity perpetrated, is it done ? Is it not done ?
A. 213. (Done, and with some order, and) not without order. It has to be stated like that.
214. Like the infernals, all the species...till the Valmānikas, exception being the one-organ beings. Of the one-organ beings, it is to be stated as in the case of ordinary (worldly) beings.
215. As of slaughter, so of false utterances, usurpation, sex, spurious possession, anger...till perverted faith. Like this is to be stated of the 18 vices for all 24 species.
सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते! त्ति भगवं गोयमे समणं भगव जाव...विहरइ।
Bhante ! So they are. Glory be to the Lord! So saying, illustrious Gautama paid respectful homage and obeisance to the Lord and resumed his seat.