Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 1 Ch. 4
उत्तर १५०-हंता अवक्कमेज्जा।
प्रश्न १५१-से भंते ! जाव...बालपंडियवीरियत्ताए अवक्कमेज्जा?
उत्तर १५१-गोयमा! बालवीरियत्ताए अवक्कमेज्जा नो पंडियवीरियत्ताए अवक्कमेज्जा सिय बालपंडियवीरियत्ताए अवक्कमेज्जा। जहा उदिण्णणं दो आलावगा तहा उवसंतेण वि दो आलावगा भाणियव्वा नवरं उवट्ठाएज्जा पंडियवीरियत्ताए अवक्कमेज्जा बालपंडियवीरियत्ताए।
प्रश्न १५२-से भंते! कि आयाए अवक्कमइ अणायाए अवक्कमइ?
उत्तर १५२-गोयमा! आयाए अवक्कमइ णो अणायाए अवक्कमइ।
प्रश्न १५३-मोहणिज्ज कम्मं वेएमाणे से कहमेयं भंते ! एवं?
पुचि से एयं एवं रोयइ इयाणिं से एयं एवं नो
उत्तर १५३-गोयमा! रोयइ एवं खलु एयं एवं।
Q. 150. Bhante! When faith-deluding karma has already come up, does a living being endeavour to move down ?
A. 150. Yes, (he) endeavours to move down.
Q. 151. Bhante ! (Does he endeavour to move down by the fool's energy, the prudent's energy.or) by mixed energy ?
____A. 151. Gautama ! (He) moves down by the fool's energy, net by the prudent's energy, but sometimes by mixed energy. Just as two statements have been made about moving up, so two statements have to be made about moving down, with this difference that the movement up takes place by the prudent's energy, and the movement down by mixed energy®4.
Q. 152. Bhante ! Does the movement down take place by soul or by non-soul ?