________________ 46 Introduction so on the basis of the synopsis given by the master and hence it is a Buddha-vachana. The commentators do not pretend that the Kathavatthu was preached by the Buddha. They attribute it to Tissa-Moggaliputta. But they do claim that the Matika of that work was laid down by the Master.! The tradition is that the Buddha preached the Abhidhamma first to his mother during his sojourn for three months in the Tavatimsa heaven. Atthasalini, however, wisely adds that he used to leave a "nimmita-Buddha" in heaven and return daily to the human world to fetch his alms. Sariputta used to approach him then, learn the Abhidhamma from him and preach it to other monks." This story farther confirms the part played by Sariputta in expounding the Abhidhamma. It is stated in the same commentary that "the textual order of the Abhidhamma originated with Sariputta. The numerical series in the Patthana were also determined by him." 8 These accounts show, in spite of this determination to make the Buddha the sole author of the Abhidhamma-pitaka that the commentators agree to a great extent that the books of the Abhidhamma-pitaka were propounded by the Elders, albeit on the basis of the Master's preachings, and not entirely by the Buddha himself. A somewhat similar view is shared by the Sarvastivadins, who also possess a separate Abhidharma-pitaka, consisting of seven 'Sastras'. They too claim that the Abhidharmapitaka is preached by the Buddha. Commenting on this claim, Yasomitra (a Sautrantika) says, "This is a view of the Abhidharmikas (not of us who are Sautrantikas). Indeed, we are told that the Abhidhrma-sastras actually have individual authors, namely:-Arya Katyayaniputra of the Jnanaprasthana, Sthavira Vasumitra of the Prakaranapada, Sthavira Devasarman of the Vijnanakaya, arya Sariputra of the Dharmaskandha, arya Maudgalyayana of the Prajnapti sastra, and Maha-Kaushthila of the Sangiti paryaya."4 1 Dhs A. I. 7. 3 Ibid. l. 43. 2 Dhs A. I. 39-40. 4 Sako. p. 11.