intended to denote some peculiarity of the group of letters to which they are attached, excluding the indicatory letters , E, # and those attached to the pièats and terminations, in the orderly series of प्रत्याहारसूत्रs." प्रत्याहार-The comprehension of several letters or affixes into one syllable, effected by combining the first letter of a Sūtra with its final indicatory letter, or in the case of several Sūtrās, with the final letter of the last member. The word TEATETT is explained as 'PUTETT: 375 3furciantfapt विशिष्टानुपूर्वीको विशिष्टानुबन्धकश्चाक्षरसमाम्नायः प्रत्याव्हियन्ते सक्षिप्यन्ते auf affrfafa mat' (ft. fq. 1. ) F ETT:- An aphorism formed by conjunction of the last indicatory letter with the first. 24:(i) the method of designing; (ii) the method of arranging aphorisms [ THIETTES ]. qui 74:- (i) the method of painting; (ii) the method of arranging letters in a particular order in the TETETT aphorisms. The order of the aphorisms and of the letters of the FATETT aphorisms, being free from any fault, cannot be changed. If the order of the aphorisms 375 3T I EFI एओङ। ऐऔच । is changed by placing अइउण् after ऐऔच the aphorism — स्वस्याऽभाव्योऽत्परोऽणुदित् will be vitiated, for ऋ, लु, ए, ओ, ÎÌ, and 317 will have to be dropped from the list of vowels referred to in the aphorism (959FETTET) 3 . Similarly, if the places of g and 3 are interchanged, then 3 will have to be dropped from the list of vowels, referred to by TF employed in the aphorisms 'इको यणचि' and ' इग्यणः सम्प्रसारणम् ', and thus the letter उ, even when followed by 5 and 37, will not be changed to ą and the letter a will not be changed to 3. From this it has become clear that there can be no possibility of any change of the order of the FFTTETTETS and even of the letters, forming part of the STEHETTITs. It is implied by the stanza that the design and the painting of the picture are so appropriate and perfect that there is no need of any change. 3T37177279:-(i) The series of incidents that took place in the past and have taken place in the present birth; (ii) the final indicatory letters other than the indicatory
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