Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 25
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 152
________________ 146 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (MAY, 1896. on the women's part. They refuse to eat with, of him to return and assume his rightful position those who may, for all they know, commit all at Jammdý, but he refused, and invoked a curse kinds of sin out of doors without their knowledge. on those of his race who might attempt to live in The women pride themselves greatly in adhering pakkd buildings. Of many others, the two followto this rule. The Sunis of India say that the ing instances of recent occurrence are commonly Shi'a women do not conform to the custom. quoted in the Sialkot District as the immediate F. A. STEEL in P. N. and Q. 1823. results of a violation of the honored tradition: (i) Chaudhri Gajja Singh of Sâlobál, Tahsil Zaffarwal, built a pakká dwelling. Before the SALAGRAM building was finished he died, and the members THE salagram stone, a kind of ammonite, of his household died soon after; so that the found chiefly in the Gandak River, is worshipped family is now extinct. The building was auctioned by some sections of Hindus. Can any one give me and purchased by a Brahman, but is now a ruin. information on the following points connected (ii) Chaudhri Buddha of Gamróla erected a with it?-(i) Are there more kinds than one of pakkd residence, and as he commenced the upper this stone; and if so, what are the vernacular storey he died. His eldest son was appointed names of the various kinds P (ii) What sort of zaildar and lambardar, but forfeited both for stone is that called Dudhi-murti worshipped by misconduct and died. Vaishnavas P Where is it found, and what gotra J. T. CHRISTIE in P. N. and Q. 1883. or sept of Brahmans conducts the worship P Are any offerings presented by worshippers ; and MARRIAGE CUSTOM - THE SIEVE. if so, on what occasions? (iii) What are the AMONG high-caste Hindus of the Pañjab, the peculiar marks by which the variety known as bridegroom, on entering the bridal chamber, finde Lakshmi Narayana is distinguished from other kinds of sálagrdm ? a sieve hanging on the door-post. put there by the parents of the bride as a warning to him not to JOHN BEAMES in P. N. and Q. 1883. take her unless he chooses, as she has as many faults as there are holes in the sieve. The BIRTH CUSTOMS - MUSALMANS-LYING-IN. bridegroom always carries an iron weapon The woman after child birth lies on a tát with him to drive away the evil spirits which (coarse canvas bag), or on a mat spread on the haunt him, especially at the marriage ceremony, ground for seven duys, during which time she will and with this he cuts down the sieve and throwe not lie on a charpe (bed-stead). She is fed chiefly it away, in earnest of his choice of the bride with all her faults. with small pieces of bread soaked in ght and sugar, and, because this is good for her milk, she MAYA Das in P. N. and Q. 1883. is made to abstain from other articles of food. TELUGU SUPERSTITIONS AS TO DOGS. She often continues this diet as long as she is suckling. 1. WHEN a dog flaps its ears, owing to mange GULAB SINGH in P. N. and Q. 1883. or being pestered by fleas, the dog is said to bring in luck to the owner of the house where the act THE EFFECTS OF A CURSE, was done. SAMMAN Dô Mannis, Hindû, Rajpat, the 2. When a stray dog barks, in the compound eldest son, and consequently heir to the family of a house, during the night in a low tone or estate, left Jamman in displeasure, and founded the plaintive manner, owing probably to bodily suffervillage of Gamrólå in thána Chamal, Gurdaspar Dis. ing brought on by mange or other distemper, the trict, from which have sprung twenty-two villages owner of the house, if unwell, is said to die. of Manhas Rajputs in the districts of Gurdaspor, M. N. VENKETSWAMI. Sialkot, and Jammun, but in none of these is a (pakka) dwelling of baked bricks or stone to be THE BUDDHIST ORIGIN OF NAUGAZA TOMBS. seen. On the death of Samman Deo's father, a SEE Cunningham, Archæological Survey of special deputation waited upon the son, to beg India, 1872-73, pp. 98 ff., 130-1. The suggestion 1 [Is the slagram an ammonite at all? Fallon, New of slagrame, meant, I think, for Kashmir, passing along Hind. Dict., 8. 1., says, it is "an ovoid black quartzose the Pañjab Railways, some of which at least bad the worn by the action of water, and sometimes found im- appearance of having been manufactured. On the other pregnated with gold, bearing the impression of one or band I possess two, I believe, genuine slagrims from muore ammonites." Bate, Hindi Dict., 8. v., says much Bangalore which are apparently unquestionable ammon. the same thing. Scme years back there was a quantity / ites. -ED.]


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