JULY, 1896.]
army as Fort Garrison Sepoys. This attempt to
Gurujl, ik meri garib di araj hai, eh dd confer freedom upon them was resented as a
ajan nd mundrá pdo.' cruel wrong. They had always been accustomed
Said Gorakh to his disciples : Take to live in the city of Ulwur, and leave it they
Poran out of the hole. declared they would not. It was only after a
Six and thirty years he has spent in it long time, and after every effort to change the
and suffered much pain! decision of the Council failed, that they partially
Put the rings into his ears at once and yielded." - Poulett, Ulwur, p. 124. Copied into
make a Jogi of him, Rajputana Gazetteer, Vol. vi., 1880, pp. 1968.
Make him a follower of Gorakb, for he 1884.-"Ja, landf ke ! Bhag jd ! tá kyt jdne jog?
is a great saint.' Jo dhdre hai jog ko, tiyag shakal man
When they commenced to make him a bhog.
Jogi, Thikar Náth cried out: Tiyag shakal man bhøg: katkan hai jag
"Sir Gurd, hear my humble petition, pat meri jog daheld!
not in the ear-ringe without trial.'” Panchon mar, pachis tiyag de : job jogt
Temple, Panjab Legends, Vol. i., kd chele.
p. 440f., Legend of Púran Bhagat. Go, thou son of cur! Be off! What 1886. - [The following quotations exhibit the dost thou know of saintship
d ifference between the Hindu and Musalman Who takes the saintship, renounces all words in the same document.] the desires of his heart.
Ik of murid Shekh dd safar dir nun ţurid Renounces all the desires of his heart: the saintship is hard and difficult in
Askardmat Miydi Walidad salib bills kc #indd the world!
hond aur khadim nús sher bankar dikhar Put off the five (desires) and the twenty- dend . . . five (lusts): then canst thou be a jogf's
Phir jogi ne ghusse khákar das dfh chele hor, disciple."
Pakaran kdran Imum Sahib de jaldt ditte for. Temple, Panjab Legends, Vol. i.,
p. 327, Legend of sad Dat. Alim faxil murid ban gae ; júne bahut Ichudde. 1885. -"He Gur Deo ! karo tum kirpd ! Mata ne tumhers batde.
Hafis nie eh sunid jab shagird rasid kamdrd; - Kún phayke maundra dalo ;jog len ko đe.
Safé da murid ban gid, karke bahutd chard. Nath, ohola kar ljo;
A disciple of Shekh (Ahmad Ghaus) went on a Jog ked rosta dejo;
long journey .. . Miyan Walidad miraChiro mere kan ;
culously restored to life a dead cat and shewed Aj, Gur, kirpd kljo.
himself to a follower in the form of a tiger Hail, my Lord Gura! Have mercy! . . . Then the jogk in his wrath sent ten or My mother sent me to thee.
twenty disciples more to seize the Imâm quickly Bore my ears, put in the (jog('s) ring: . . . . The wise and learned became his
I am come to take the saintship. followers as all the world knows . . . My Lord make me a disciple. The Hafiz heard that his own disciple had become Shew me the way of devotion. a disciple of the Soft with all his heart. . . Bore my ears.
Templo, Legends af the Panjab, The Saints of Have mercy, Gurd, on me to-day." Jalandhar, Vol. iv., pp. 169., 185, 187, 198, 200,
Temple, Panjab Legends, Vol. ii., 207, 210. p. 9f., Legend of Gop! Chand.
III. 1885.-"Gorakh cholan ndi dkhdd: Paran
Muhammadan Usage. kaddho barmf te bar.
1688. -"And many of His Majesty's (Akbar] Bh nun chhattis baras guzar gae, bahuts
special disciples in 991 (A. H.) onlled themselves par sazie!
chelahs in imitation of the use of this term among Eh di jhabde pdo mundrdo, Jogi leo
Jogie." - Baddont, ii., p. 325, in Blochmann, bande.
Ain-i-Akbari, Vol. 1., p. 253, n. i. Cheld kar do Gorakh Nath dd, siddh bara parkár.
Tarikh-i-Badaani, text, Vol. i., p. 324). "In Jad Jogi banduan lag pie Thakar Nath
4. H. 991 the king (Akbar) erected two buildings ne kui phunkár:
outside the city where he might feed fakire both