[NOVEMBER, 1896.
By this time the second batch of diners had finished, the door was cpened, and the master of the house came out. "Get away, Sir. Do not stand before me," were the first words he uttered on seeing Mahasena. "You are a beggar. You came to me begging for meals. What have I done to you that you should insult my wife tbus? Is this your return for her having given you the ápôchana first?'
Our musician stood bewildered. Where and how had he abused the wife of the Mirâsadar? He ransacked his brains. He found no clue. He pleaded innocence. And again roared the master, "A knock on the head of Akiri' did you not say? And why should you, a beggar, say such a thing of the wife of a respectable Mirâsadar? Is it for her having given you the ápôchana first?"
Now unfortunately for our hero, the name of the Mirásadar's wife was Åkiri Ammal or Ákiri. And as soon as he had spoken, every one took his words to be aimed at the good woman. However, when the whole thing was explained and the real state of affairs understood, Mahasena was excused and was given his food.
Bat it was then very late in the day. So he made up his mind never more to sing Akiri in the mornings, and returned home a wiser man.
| Blair, to Government of India, December 3rd, (Concluded from p. 259.).
1860. 1858.-"The Government of India request that 1881. "She left for Rangoon on 4th Septemmeasures may be taken for raising in the Madras ber with the Sebundy Corps." --Letter, SuperPresidency a Company of Sibbundies for service
intendent, Port Blair, to Government of India, in the Andaman Islands ... The pay of October 2nd, 1861. all ranks is to be the same as that of the Sibbundy 1861. "A guard of Sebundies has conseCorps in Ganjam." -Madras Consultations, quently been re-posted at Ryabjee and another at August 23rd, 1858.
Mahasinghee of Chinna Kimedy." - Report of 1858.-" He could find no recruits owing to the Captain McNeill, Agent to the Governor-General rates of pay offered, men refusing to serve in the in the Hill Tracts of Orissa, 11th June 1861, in Andamans on the scale of pay of the Ganjam Carmichael, Vizagapatam, p. 344. Bibbundi Corps." - Letter, Madras Government 1861. - "Sliding down Mount Tendong, the to Government of India, September 13th, 1858.
summit of which, with snow lying there, we 1850.-" Make arrangements for hutting the crossed; the Sebundy Sappers were employed Andaman Sibundy Corps." - Letter, Government cutting a passage for the mules." - Report of of India to Superintendent, Port Blair, April 29th, Captain Impey, R. E., in Gawler's Sikhim, in 1859.
Yule, Hobson-Jobson, 8. . 1859. - "On the afternoon of the 27th June the 1884. -"A Khond, whom I had induced to join Andaman Seebundy Corps arrived in the trans- my Corps of Sebundies, joined in repelling an port Malacca." - Letter, Superintendent, Port attack."-Campbell, Personal Narrative, p. 242,
Blair, to Government of India, 1st July, 1859. in Macpherson's Memorials, p. 376. " 1860.-"John Jones Sebundy Corps" on a 1865.-"The best arrangement he could make wooden cross in the cemetery on Ross Island, [in 1846) for defence by sending up a guard of Port Blair.
Bebundies to repel the attacks upon Leinpurra." 1860.-" — Jones age — Andaman Se.
- Macpherson's Memorials, p. 264. bundy Corps | diarrhea | admitted 14th Novem- 1869.-"[c. 1855, the road] twelve miles short ber 1860 | died 14th November 1860 Sergeant- of the town of Jeypore (in Vizagapatam] was Major." - Register of Europeans buried on Ross first traced by the old Bibbundy Corps." Car. Island in 1860.
michael, Visagapatam, p. 19. 1860.-" The convicts here utterly despise the 1860. -"[Viziaram Raz in 1794 wrote a Sebundy Guard." - Letter, Superintendent, Port letter) in which he attributed his disobedience