Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 25
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[NOVEMBER, 1896.
to us. It is applied to irregular native soldiery, apparently familiar enough in the Madras Presi. a sort of militia or imperfectly disciplined troops dency, has never, I fancy, been known out of it. for revenue or police duties, etc. Certain local
1808. -" The Sindias, as Sovereigns of Broach, infantry regiments were formerly officially termed
I used to take the revenues of Moojmooadars and Sebundy. The last official appearance that we
Desoys of that district every third year : . .. can find is in application to the Sebundy Corps
and called the periodical confiscation juptee. of Sappers and Miners employed at Darjeeling. R. Drummond, Illustrations, in Yule, HobsonThis is in the East India Register down to July
Jobson, 8. v. 1889, after which the title does not appear in any official list. Of this corps if we are not mistaken
1852.-"Zabti. Sequestration, attachment, the present Field Marshal Lord Napier of Mugdala seizure of goods." -Brown, Dict. of Mixed was in charge as Lieutenant Robert Napier about Telugu, 8. 1. 1840." - Yule, Ilobson-Jobson, 8. v.
1869.-" [In 1849) Mr. Smollett took the step 1688. - "Name of Prisoner, Juma caste, of safting the four tulugs on the eastern side of Sindhi | Village, Naniâni | Taluka, Chotila | Dis. the ghants .... It was urged upon the trict, Jhala wad ... Previous history
regent on some sides to saft the entire estate of the prisoner, Juma Nathu was a sepoy in the
.... At the conclusion of his arrangeSibandi of Vicbhiâ under Jasdan[in Kathikwad), ments for this zaft the regent returned to Head. He was convicted on the 7th July 1884 by the
Quarters." - Carmichael, Vizagapatan, p. 238. Sar Nya yadhish of Jasdan of causing grievous c. 1875. - "Japti (Marathi and Gujarati), hurt by a sword in some dispute about the exac- attachment; seizing: settled landholders. Zapti, tion of forced labour." - Extracts from the Hill, see Japti. Zuptee, Hill, see Japti."Nominal Roll of a Prisoner at Port Blair, dated Bombay Place Names and Common Oficial Words. 6th Sept. 1886.
Glossary. 1893. -"[8.., sipah] Sibbundy (sibbandi). 1879.-"Zabt, Rustic japat, zabti ..., Hind. From above (sipah] + bandi, Pers. recruit seizure, confiscation, resumption, sequestration." ment (a slip and false derivation - R. C. T.]. - Fallon, New Hind. Dict., 8. v. Militia for garrison of forts, guard in towns and
1886.- "Jubtee, Juptee, etc. Guzarati japti, villages and collection of revenue. So an establish
etc., corrupt forms of jabti, see zubt [but there ment of clerks and peons, etc." - Madras Manual
is no entry subt in the book.-R.C.T.]." - of Administration, Vol. iii., Glossary.
Yule, Hobson-Jobson, 6. 1. R. C. TEMPLE.
1893. "Zuft bo-zabt, Hind. from (xabata,
Ar. to keep) (zaubitah). Attachment, distraint. ZUFT.
Zufty is sequestrated." - Madras Manual of Tuis curions Anglo-Indian word is not to
Administration, Vol. III., Glossary, 8. v. be found in Yule's Hobson-Jobson, and, though
NOTES AND QUERIES. A MEANS OF KEEPING OFF RAIN. | deep under-current of animosity all along Of THE Baniyâs of a village will, if the villagers this an instance is found in a ceremony among take means to propitiate the gods who may bring the Sarâögi Baniyas of apparently ancient insti. them rain, use chapatis for a very unworthy pur. tution. At a marriage, and in a private apartpose, and then expose them outside the village toment to which only the relatives of the parties shew the deity that there is no scarcity of food, affianced meet, the figure of a Brahman in dough, and that lie need not trouble to bring rain. The with a stock of honey inside, is set up. The use of ght in the lamp instead of oil may have the father of the bridegroom, armed with a miniatura same object.
bow and arrow, topples over the effigy, which is DENZIL IBBETSON in P. N. and Q. 1983.
then disemboweled, so to speak, of its honey, into
which all present dip a finger und suck it. MODERN JAIN ANTIPATHY TO BRAHMANS. If the embodied Bråbman were as deliciously
PIONOUNCED outcastes in the social scale by an tasted, the figurative, r'xecution might long cre intolerant and powerful priesthood, the large this have been preluded by a substantial mas. section of Sadras scarcely dared to manifest sacre and a social regeneration. resentment openly. But there inust save been a
A. P. W. in P. N. and Q. 1883.
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