DECEMBER, 1896.]
MISCELLANEA, MISCELLANEOUS DATES OF INSCRIPTIONS. plates of Allada-Doddaya-Reddi, lately sent to me
1.- A date with a Vijaya-saptami. for calculation by Dr. Hultzsch, which runs thus: The Torkhêlê plates of the reign of the Rashtra- Srt-Sakê kara-båna-visva-ganitê Sådhåranê kata Govinda III., published by Dr. Fleet in Ep. Ind.
vatsaré Paushê=rdhodaya-hâmni punya. Vol. III. p. 54 ff., in lines 1-3, contain the date -
samayê; Sakansipakal-&tita-sain vatsara satéshu sap- | i. e., at the auspicious time of the Ardhodaya, in
tasu patchatšiusaty-adhikeshu' Pausha- (the month) Pausha of the year Sadharaña, which Buddha saptamyam=ankatô=pi sarvat- was the Saka year 1352. sara-sathni 735 Nandana-samvatsare From the given definition it follows that, for Paushah suddba-tithiḥ 7 asyåm saihvat
purposes of calculation, the date is Sunday, the sara-masa-paksha-divasa-purvv&yên; 15th tithi of the dark half of the amanta Pausha and in line 43 we are told, besides, that the grant of Saka-samvat 1352 expired, which by the southwas made 'adya vijaya-saptamyam,' i. e., 'to. ern luni-solar system was the year Sådhårana. day, on the tithi called) vijaya-saptami.' This
And with these data, it regularly corresponds to additional remark enables us to verify the date Sunday, the 14th January A. D. 1431, when the with absolute certainty.
new-moon tithi of Pausha ended 2 h. 20 m., According to a verse from the Bhavishyat- and when the nakshatra was Sravana for 11 h. puruna, quoted in Hêmadri's Chaturvarga-chinta- 10 m., and the yoga Vyatipata for 18 h. 56 m. mani, Vol. III. Part II. p. 625, the seventh tithi after mean sunrise. The Ardhodaya of the of the bright half of a month is termed Vijaya date, therefore, is the time from sunrise to 2 h. (i. e., such a tithi is a vijaya-saptama), when it 20 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday, the 14th falls on a Sunday. Applying this in the present January A. D. 1481. case, the given date practically is Sunday, the 3.- A date with the Kapila-Bhashthi. 7th tithi of the bright half of Pausha of Saka- The 6th tithi of the dark half of the aminta Borivat 735; and it corresponds, for Saka-san- Bh&drapada (or púrnimanta Asvina) is called vat 735 expired, to Sunday, the 4th Decem
Kapila Bhashthi, when it falls on Tuesday, and ber A. D. 818, when the 7th tithi of the bright is joined with the nakshatra Rohiņi and the half ended 2 h. 8 m. after mean sunrise. yoga Vyatipata, and is particularly auspicious
This equivalent of the date shews that the for making donations, when the sun, besides, Jovian year Nandans has been quoted in the is in the nakshatra Hasta. Here an instance is date in accordance with the so-called northern furnished by the date of the Sankalapura inscripluni-solar system. By the southern luui-solar tion of Krishnaraya of Vijayanagara, sent to me system Nandana would have been Saka-samvat for calculation by Dr. Hultzsch, which runs 785 current, not expired. And by the mean-sign thus:system Nandana lasted from the 9th May A. D. Saka-varushangaļu 1435nêya Srimukha-sam812 to the 5th May A. D. 813, i. e., it was current
vatsara nija-Bhadrapada ba 6 Man. at the commencement of Saka-samvat 735 expired,
galavára K&[pille-shashthi-pumnyabut was no longer so on the day of the date, the
kAladalů. 4th December A. D. 813, which by the mean-sign This date. for Saka-sarhvat 1435 expired, which system would have fallen in the Jovian year by the southern luni-solar system was the year Vijaya. This agrees with what I have stated Srimukha, and in which Bhadrapada was interante, Vol. XXV. p. 269.
calary, corresponds to Tuesday, the 20th Sep. 2.- A date with the Ardhodaya-yoga. I tember A. D. 1518, when the 6th tithi of the When during the 15th tithi of the dark half of dark half of the second Bhadrapada ended the amanta Pausha (or púrnimanta Magha), on a 17 h. 88 m. after mean sunrise. On this day the Sunday in day-time, the moon's nakshatra is moon's nakakatra was Rohini for 1 h. 58 m., and Sravana, and the yoga Vyatipata, this coinci- the yoga was Vyatipata for 11 h. 37 m. after dence is called Ardhodaya. It is a most mean sunrsie; besides, the sun's longitude at auspicious occasion for making donations. An mean sunrise was 169° 46', and the sun, therefore, instance is furnished by the date of some copper- was in the nakshatra Hasta (1600-1730 20'). * Read panchatrirhsad..
Benuse this synchronism is rare, the Marathi ? Sukla-pakshasya saptamy Anh Ravi-vird bhavdd-yadi expression Kapilashashthicha yiga, acoording to Moles. saptami Vijyanma talra datta mahd-phalam 11 worth, is used of any astonishing or unloped for
3 For another instance see ante, Vol. XXV. p. 290, combination of favourable circumstances. note 10.