7.- From the place of Jupiter's apsis subtract- his place twice corrected. With the remainder as argument take out the equation from the Anomalistic Table, and apply it to Jupiter's uncorrected mean place, to get his true heliocentrio place. 5° 21° 16'
B 15° 5 - 6 15 3
- 2 5 11 6 13;
6 13 0 ; equation -2° 5'.
Jupiter's heliocentrio place. 8. From the sun's mean place subtract Jupiter's heliocentric place. With the remainder as argament take out the equation from the Annual Table, and apply it to Jupiter's heliocentric place, to get his true geocentrio plaou. 6° 27° 54'
6° 13° 0 -- 6 13 0
+ 2 25 0 14 54;
6 15 25; equation + 2° 25'.
Jupiter's true geocentrio place. Japiter's true place at the time of mean sunrise of the 18th October A. D. 475 is therefore found to be 6. 15° 25'; i.e., Jupiter's true position was in the 16th degree of the 7th sign (Talá), or his true longitude was 195° 25'. This differs 1' from Mr, Dikshit's result, but the difference is somewhat loss because Mr. Dikshit's calculation is made for about an hour before sunrise.
. Another Example. I give another example in which there is a considerable difference between Japiter's mean and true places.
According to a Benares Panchanga Jupiter entered the sign Mêsha (i.e., his true longitude was 360° 0) on Jyêshtha-sudi 12 of Vikrama-samvat 1949 = the 7th Juno A. D. 1892.5 What was Jupiter's true longitude, by the rules here given, at the time of mean sunrise of the 7th June A. D. 1992 (which falls in Kaliyuga 4993 expired)? 1.- Day or Jul, per, 2412 257.0000
- 2408 040.4240 . 4 216.5760
- 3 971.2939 = No. 12 = 11 signs; 12.0342 :
245.2821 = 20°;
249 6840 0.2006 :
4.5981 28. Jupiter's mean place : 11" 20° 23'. 3.- Place of Jupiter's apsis : 5* 21° 22'. 4.- Number of days of 4993 years + 2.1476=2412 202.7212. Day of Jul. per. 2412 257.0000
- 2412 202.7212 30.4382 : -54.2788 = 1 sign;
30 4382 1.0146: 23.8406 = 23o;
- 20 292
3 5486
3 0438 0.0169 : -5048 = 30. Sun's mean place : ls 23° 80'. . In other Panchanges which I have at hand, Jupiter is stated to have entered the siga Mesba on the 19th June on the 30th Jano, on the 1st July, and on the 2nd July A. D. 1892.