[OCTOBEK, 1896.
tithi of the dark half ended 13h. 53m. after Saturday, the 24th February A. D. 1397, and mean sunrise. It fell in the second krishna. on the same day the 11th tithi of the dark half paksha of the solar month of Vfischika, because ended 2h. 54m. after mean sunrise. another kyish xa-paksha had already ended in the
This result, in my opinion, clearly shows that same month on the 1st November, the solar
the phrase & ardhi, in this srdhi,' with which month having commeneed on the 29th October
the date opene, takes the place of, and is synony3.- Ibid. p. 152, plate vi.b, 1. 5: è erdhi Mine mous with, the expressions asminnréta samvatsankranti krishna ekadasi Sani-váre; .e., sard end tasnianreva sake of other inscriptions ; emitting the first two words--on the Mina- and I do not consider it doubtful that the sam kranti, on Saturday, the 11th titki of the mysterious word sráhi is used here in the sense dark half.
of year. This meaning would also suit the This date falls in the same year as the
use of frdhs in the dates to which I have drawn immediately preceding date No.2; for the Mina
attention ante, Vol. XXIII. p. 224. samkranti then took place (by the Arya.
F. KIELHORN. siddhanta) lh. 24m. after mean sunrise of! Göttingen.
NOTES AND QUERIES. A CHARM FOR THE WHISTLING SPIRIT Dressed food of all sorts, wine, meat, fish, OF KANGRA.
tobacco, sweet-smelling flowers and sweetmeats, Tre following is a mantra (charm) which will
etc., - abeo a navél (coeoanut pipe) should be summon Senda Bir :
taken to the spot every day during the ceremony. Parbat gp4 a base bay trái
The spirit, it is said, will come on the 21st day. Sende Bér tún hain bhái mera!
and ask why he is called. He should then be told Ugarbir ka potra, Chhetrpal ka potrú, Lokpal
to come when sent for, and do whatever is bidden.
His appearance is that of a gaddi (bill shepherd), ká potra, Agnipal kd potra, Sangulpal ka potra, Thikarpal ka potrd; Bhdinpal ka dohtrd; Matá
and before his arrival be will be hearl whistling
as he comes, and sometimes with a whistling Kunthardi kd jaya; Puniya ka bkdi; Guran ka sikh : hamard saddid dve: hamárd bhija dve :
sound through his limbs. On the 22nd day a ram hamdrá kám shitáb kar áve: Guri ki shalt hamar
should be taken to the place of his appearance, bhagat. Phwre mantar : chale bachd : Mahdndeo
and presented to him to ride on. This ram is ká bdchá phure.
called his ghork.
SARDARU BALHARI in P. N. and Q. 1883. Thy father dwells in the shade of the mountain valley: Senda Bir, thou art my brother.
NOTES ON HIGH CLASS MARRIAGES AMONG Grandson of Ugarbir, grandson of Chhetrpal,
THE MARATHA SUDRAS. grandson of Lohpal, grandson of Agnipal, grand- AMONG high class Maratha Sadras the men son of Sangulpål, grandson of Thikarpál;
marry at all periods of life, except extreme old grandson (danghter's son) of Bholppal; son of age, or when there are cogent physical reasons Mother Kunthardi; brother of Puniya ; disciple against it. The marriage does not depend on of the Gurd: come at my call: come for my send- the pleasure of the parties concerned, or rarely ing: come quickly and do my bidding : I worship
and but too little. Most marriages among the the power of the Garu. Work charm: go voice: upper classes take place when the parties are very let the voice of MuhAdeo (Siva) work.
young, on the choice of their elders. If the brideThe above mantra should be repeated 101 times groom be an adult he exercises some discretions at night for 21 days by the river side, at the spot though his freedom of choice is considerably where the dead are burnt, or under a pípal tree limited by caste, by usage, by the customs of (fious religiosa), or chambd (michelia champaca). a community in which social regulations have or chambelt (jasminum grandiflorum), or at the become religious institutions, and by the great pond, tank, or well whence the women fetch water. reepect paid in a patriarchal society to parents
This abows that the word dvitiya of the date cannot (This mantra probably gives a list of godlings refer to the tithi ; and it cannot refer to the month which it would be worth while following ap. Compare because there are no intercalary solar months.
with it the mantra for the cure of scorpion-bito wed * See, 6.9., Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 169, lines 5 and 11. by the Saúsis. Ante, Vol. XI. p. 32. The Gurd is
• Seo ante, Vol. IX. p. 193, 4, 5 from the bottom, | Nanak. -ED.) and p. 194, 1. 6.