[AUGUST, 1896.
deliver Muhammad Khan by their means. He III. - Muhammadan Usage -- contd.
then in a great rage lead Káim Khán by the hand
put of the audience hall. With them were 60 (Concluded from p. 204.)
Patháns clad in chain mail, whose orders were to 1878. - "At this time (1721), his 'Amils or strike at once if any one lifted a finger to touch subordinate governors were : - for Alláhábád, them." - Irvine, Bangash Nawabs, in J. A. S. B., Bhúre Khán Chela: for Irich, Bhånder and Vol. xlvii., p. 300. Kali, Daler Khán Chólay for Sípri and Jalaun, 1878. - Nawab Muhammad Khan to the last Khunál Khán; for Bhojpur, Noknám Khán maintained very plain and soldier-like habits Chelay for Shah sá bád, Daúd Khán Chela; for . .. In his audience halls and in his house Budúon, Salaswán (now both in the Budáon the only carpet consisted of rows of common District) and Mihrábád (now in the Shahjahanpur mats and on them the Pathans and chelas and District), Shamsher Khán Chela ... all persons high or low had to be content to sit [1719-1720] Dalér Khán Chéla was ordered .... when any noble visited the Nawab off with a proper force and marching rapidly he no change was made, the same mats were spread ejected the thánas of the enemy (Bundelas] from to sit on and the same food presented .... the parganahs of Kálpí and Jalálpar [in the Then for each day after their arrival the Nawab Hamirpur District] .... Daler Khán Chela would name some chela to entertain the visitor was by birth a Bundela Thákur (or possibly a Ját). sumptuously. [Then follows a story of Nawab He was famed for his bravery.... Daler Khân Umdatul-Mulk Amir Khan and his extravagant was buried in the village of Mandah [20 miles from entertainment by Ja'far Khan Chela]." - Hamirpur] and all the people of Bundelkhand Irvine, Bangash Nawabs, in J. 4. S. B., Vol.xlvii., mourned his loss. On every Thursday sweetmeats p. 338f. are offered at his tomb. Every son of a Bundela
1878. -"Slavery is a part of the Muhammadan on reaching the age of twelve years is taken by his
legal system, but there must be, I think, few father and mother to Mandah, where they place
instances, in which it has been carried to the his sword and shield on Daler Khan's tomb.
length practised by Muhammad Khán. Slaves They make an offering and the boy then girds on
were preferred to equals or relations as deputy the sword and takes up the shield, while the
governors of provinces, slaves led his armies, he parents pray that he may be brave as Daler
even kept a bodyguard of slaves. Khán. Kettle drums are regularly beaten at the
One of the reasons assigned for this preference tomb." - Irvine, Bangash Nawabs, in J. A. S. B.,
is the trouble given by his brother Pathåns of Vol. xlvii., pp. 283, 285f. For details of the tradi
Mau. Many of them at one time had farming tions regarding Dalêr Khair, see note C. p. 365f.
leases of parganahs. If the Nawab complained 1878.-" [In 1727] Bhure Khan Chela now
of embezzled revenue, their answer was, that they placed himself at the head of a number of brave would fight, but not pay. If one of them was Pathans and penetrated the enemy's army, imprisoned as a defaulter, all the other Patháng intending to kill Chattarsál Bhúre Khán lost rose in arms till he was released. For this reason his own life instead.... For the loss of it is said, some years after his rise to power, the Bhúre Khán the Nawab [Muhammad Khan of Nawab remitted large sums to Afghanistan, and Farrukbábád) wept and for many days after the induced a colony of the Bangash tribe to emigrate battle wore orange-coloured clothes in sign of
and settle in the city of Farrukhábád. From mourning, saying - What Bhúre said was true;
among them he selected eighteen leaders as he said he would die before me.' " - Irvine, I Jam'adars. They were petted in every way, the Bangash Narabs, in J. 4. S. B., Vol. xlvii., p. 293. Nawab looking on them as his own right arm,
1878.-"[In 1720) tho Bíbí Sabiba mother of and to them his daughters were given in marriage. Káim Khán, hearing reports of intended treach. He gave them land for their houses on the side of ery sent Neknám Khán Chels to Faizabád. the city nearest to the Ganges, and the quarter to .... The same day Ķáim Khan and this day bears the name of Bangashpura. Neknám Khán visited 'Abdul-Maneur Khán and Another expedient resorted to was to seize the asked leave to depart. 'Abdul-Mansur Khán pro. sons of Rajputs and Brahmans, who were then posed their waiting for the troops he had sent for, made into Muhammadans. Some were obtained who would arrive in a few days. Neknám Khán by consent, some by payment; others were the then forced ķáim Khan to rise and pointing to sons of revenue defaulters, whose sons were seized Sa'dat Khan said to Khim Khan, You will never and made Muhammadans. Thousands of boys