Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 25
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JUNE, 1896.)
ruled as Satrap over the districts of Ohahara and Languages, I., p. 309). The change of Skr. Cukhsa." General Cunningham, Archeological u > a is also well known to the phonology of Survey Reports, V., p. 68, had proposed to the modern Indo-Aryan Vernaculars (see Dr. identify both names with that of the modern Grierson's essay, ZDMG. xlix., p. 406). Bir-Sukh, the place where the inscription bas
General Cunningham has correctly observed been found. But Prof. Bühler rightly points
in his Ancient Geography of India, p. 109, that out that according to the text itself the place
the traditional designation of the territory in was called Chema.
which Shahdhêri or Taxila is situated is CacProfessor Bühler ingeniously connects the name Hazara, and a glance at the map shews that the Cukhsa, which might possibly be read also Cac plain must have formed part of any larger Cuskha, with "the curious Sanskrit coska, territorial division which had its administrative which, according to the Trikandasesa means a centre at Taxila. General Cunningham came horse from the districts on the Indus.'” And he thus close enough to the identification of Cao adds: "Might not coska, like saindhava, 'a horse with Cukhsa, but seems yet to have missed it. from Sindh,' be a purely territorial name denoting He explains in the above-quoted passage Cacsome particular district on the Indus, and a Hazira as a 'corruption of Strøa-sahasra,' and variant of Cukhsa or Cuskha?”
subsequently Archæol. Survey Reports, V., p. 68) On perusing these remarks we are forcibly
he has looked for Cukhsa in the name of the reminded of the name of the fertile tract now
modern village Sir-Sukh near Shabdhori. known as Cac (or Chach), which forms part of the The name Chahara (or Chaharata, as restored Attock Tahsil of the Rawalpindi District. It by Dr. Bhagvanlal) I am at present unable to stretches as a low-lying level plain along the left trace. I am similarly prevented by press of bank of the Indus above Attock; on the east it work from looking for earlier references to the is bounded by the range of the Gandgarh hills. name Cac in Muhammadan works and elsewhere. Its length from south-west to north-east is about which might possibly furnish us with the missing 25 miles and its greatest breadth about 12 miles. links between the modern form and its Prakrit Through this plain, which in the Gazetteer of the
M. A. STEIN. District (revised edition, 1893-94) is described as
Lahore: 8th April, 1896. extremely fertile and rich in wells, led the old road which connected Taxila.Shahdhêri with Udabhanda, the ancient capital of Gandhara on
PARIS, 1897. the right bank of the Indus, the modern Und. Hiuer-Tsiang, when he proceeded on his return
The Orientalists who met at Geneva in Sept. 1894 journey in three marches from Ta-ch'a-shi-lo unanimously decided that the next Congress (Takşasila) to U-to-kia-han-ch'a (* Udakahånda, should be held at Paris during 1897. the Udabhända of the Rajatarangini), must have
The French Orientalists have consequently been crossed the Cac plain; cf. Life, transl. Beal,
discussing the date of this Congress, the conp. 191, and my paper Zur Geschichte der Qahis
stitution of its different sections, and the provon Kábul in Festgruss an R. von Roth, 1893, visional arrangement of the proceedings they p. 203.
propose to hold in conjunction with their col. The phonetic facts permit of our deriving the leagues in Europe, America and the East -- in modern name from the Cukhsa of the inscription. short, the steps necessary for the furtherance of The former is spelt both Cac and Chach in the efforts made for more than twenty years by pre. District Gazetteer (see e. g. pp. 3, 47 and 103, 1 vious Congresses on behalf of Oriental Languages, 144 sqq.) and other works. I regret that when History and Archæology. I followed on a tour in 1892 the track of Hiuen
The duration of the Congress has been fixed Triang to Udabhånda-Und, I did not pay atten
from the 5th to the 12th September 1897, and tion to the actual pronunciation of the name by
below will be found a list of the Sections and the inhabitants.
Committees of Management. The Committees If we assume that the correct form was Cach will be very glad to include in the Sections all we can account for the phonetic changes of the the savants who care to join. Later on notice name without difficulty. Ch for khsa is what we will be given of the facilities which will be granthave to expect after the analogy of Skr. ed to Orientalists by the French Railway Adminiskaa >ch of Prakrit and Indo-Aryan Vernaculars trations and of the manner in which their days (see Beames, Compar. Grammar of Modern Aryan will be employed during their stav in Paris.
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