[JUNE, 1896.
MISCELLANEA. DATES OF THE KOLLAM OR KOLAMBA ERA. | 9s 15° 17', and his true place 9s 1° 47', i.e., Jupiter (Continued from p. 56.)
in either case was in Makara, not in Dhanus. If
we might calculate Jupiter's true place from his MR. P. SUNDARAM PILLAI bas sent me two more dates of the Kollam era which admit of
mean place with bija, we should indeed obtain
85 28° 57', with Jupiter in Dhanus, but are we exact verification.
allowed to do so ?? 16. - The year 782, Kaliyuga 4708; the 6th day
The date No. 4 (the year 348, the month of of Mêsha, Friday, the first tithi of the dark
Mina, Thursday, Anuradha nakshatra, jupiter in half, Jyoti (P) nakshatra, Siddhi yoga, tho sign
Karkataka), judging by the other dates, should of Karkataka rising; Jupiter in Mina, and
fall in A. D. 1173, but in that year the month of Saturn in Dhanus. - In Saka-Samvat 782 + 747= 1529 = Kaliyuga 4708 expired the Mêsba-sai
Mina contained no Thursday on which the
nakshatra was Anuradha; and the probability kranti took place on the 28th March A. D. 1607,
therefore is that the corresponding date is by the Sarya-siddhanta 19 h. 52 m., and by
Thursday, the 16th March A, D. 1172, when the the Arya-siddhanta 17 h. 17 m. after mean
nakshatra was Anuradha. If this were absolutely sunrise; and the month of Mesha therefore
certain, the position of Jupiter, referred to in the commenced on the 29th March, and the 6th of
date, would undoubtedly be his mean one; for Mêsha was Friday, the 3rd April A. D. 1607. On this day the first tithi of the dark half
on the 16th March A. D. 1172 Jupiter's mean
place was in Karkataka (35 1° 48'), as required ended 6 h. 48 m., and the nukshatra was Sveti for 11 h. 50 m., and the yuyu Siddhi from 2 h.
by the date, and his true place in Mithuna 27 m. after mean sunrise. At noon Jupiter's
(2 25° 25'). mean place was 118 5° 55', and his true place The seventeen dates treated of do not enable 11s 9° 16', in both cases in Mina; and Saturn's us to say whether the years of the Kollam era mcan place 88 23° 37', and his true place 88 26° are ordinarily quoted as current or expired years, 19', in both cases in Dhanus. The sun's | In fifteen of them (Nos. 1 and 2, and 5-17) the longitude at sunrise was 5° 4', and the sign of difference between the given year and the Karkataka therefore was rising about midday. year A. D. (from about the middle of August to
about the middle of August), in which the date 17. - The year 412, the month of Makara,
falls, is 824-25; but in No. 3 that difference is Sunday, Révati nakshatra, Jupiter in Dhanus. -
825-26, and in No. 4 it is 829-24. This shows that In Saka-Saúvat 412 + 746 = 1158 expired the
either the given year of No. 3 or that of No. 4 is month of Makara commenced on the 26th Decem
certainly wrong (whether current or expired), ber A. D. 1236, and the day of the date is
and that neither of them can be utilized to decide Sunday, the 4th January A. D. 1237, when the
the question whether the years of the other dates nakshatra was Rêvati about the whole day.
are current or expired ones. Jupiter's mean place was 88 18° 42', and his true place 86 17° 42', in both cases in Dhanus.
F. KIELHORN. It will be seen that in these two dates it practi.
THE DISTRICT OF CUKHSA. cally makes no difference whether we take the statements rewarding Jupiter's position to refer The last number of the Epigraphia Indica, to his mean place or to his true place. And the Vol. IV., Part ii., brings us a new critical edition same may be said of the dates Nos. 2 (Jupiter and translation by Prof. Bühler of the 80in Mêsha), 3 (in Kumbha), 10 (in Dhanus), 14 (in called Taxila copper-plate, which records the Vrischika), and 15 (in Vpisbabha). The two erection of a monastery at a place called Choma, remaining dates that mention Jupiter's place, to the north-east of Takkhasila or Taxila. In Nos. 4 and 13, each offer a difficulty.
this document the donor, Patika by name, is
called the son of Liaka Kusuluka, who himself is The date No. 13, as we have seen, corresponds to the 11th November A. D. 1581, and it records
Sonde designated as Chahara-Cukhsasa ca 'chatra that Jupiter then was in Dhanus. But by the
pass.. Sarya-siddhanta rule without bija Jupiter's mean Professor Bühler is unquestionably right in place on the 11th November A. Đ. 1581 was explaining these words to mean "that Liaka 1 This apparently should be Spati.
Mr. Dikshit. According to that book, we apparently * This wote was written in April 1896, before the are allowed to caloulate Jupiter's true place from his publication of The Indian Calendar by Mr. Sewell and mean place with boja.