references are tabularized in the same manner. Both the tables are supplied with the summary of each reference with some important critical remarks. [2] References of Cāņakya in the Śvetāmbara. Literature :
(A) 44 references in tabular form
The serial order mentioned in this chart is likewise :
Serial No. - Century - Name of the Language - Title of the Work - Name of the Author - Reference Number - Gist of the Reference.
Language - abbriviations used : AMg. = Ardhamāgadhi ; JM. = Jaina Māhārāstrī ; Skt. =
1st-2nd ; AMg. ; Anuyogadvāra ; Ārya Rakṣita ; sūtra 49 ; The name of the book viz. ‘Kautilīya’, included in the list of the popular heretic texts. 3rd_4th ; Old JM. ; Āvaśyaka-niryukti ; Bhadrabāhu ; Niryuktisaṁgraha, p.93 gā.51 ; Name of Cāņakya in the list of examples given for pāriņamiki-buddhi. 3rd 4th ; Old JM. ; Pinda-niryukti ; Bhadrabāhu ; gā.500 (single verse) ; Reference suggestive of a short story about mystic powers of a monk. 3rd 4th ; Old JM. ; Ogha-Niryukti ; Bhadrabāhu ; gā.418 (single verse) ; A rule of conduct prescribed for a monk. 4th-5th ; JM. ; Upadeśamālā ; Dharmadāsa-gani ; gā.74, 150 ; Passing references of Cāņakya and Candragupta. 5th ; AMg. ; Nandīsūtra ; Devavācaka ; gā.80 (single verse) ; Name of Cāņakya in the list of examples given for pāriņāmikibuddhi.