tone, 'I agree that it is my fault. Please forgive me for my wrong behaviour.' From that day he personally looked after the well-being of the two junior monks.
The concerned bhāṣyagāthā of the Niśītha is - "A monk who himself earns the alms by using his yogic powers or enjoyes such food brought by the others, he is the law-breaker of the Jina-śāsana and due to this, he deviates from the right faith."
[17] The Niśītha-cūrni (Part IV) pp. 10-12 includes a story in which it is discussed that, 'transgressing an order', is a more serious offence than a mistake'. The concerned text is
एत्थ दिट्ठतो मुरियादि । मुरियत्ति मोरपोसगवंसो चंदगुत्तो । आदिग्गहणातो अण्णे रायाणो । ते आणाभंगे गुरुतर डंडं पवत्र्त्तेति । एवं अम्ह वि आणा बलिया । चंदगुत्तो मोरपोसगो त्ति जे अभिजाणंति खत्तिया ते तस्स आणं परिभवंति । चाणक्कस्स चिंता-आणाहीणो केरिसो राया ? कहं आणातिक्खो होज्ज ? त्ति । तस्स य चाणक्कस्स कप्पडियत्ते अडंतस्स एगम्मि गामे भत्तं न लद्धं । तत्थ य गा बहू अंबा वंसा य । तस्स य गामस्स पडिणिविट्ठे णं आणट्ट्वणणिमित्तं लिहियं पेसियं इमेरिसं “आम्रान् छित्वा वंशानां वृत्तिः शीघ्रं कार्ये” ति ।
तेहि य गामेयगेहिं दुल्लिहियं ति काउं वंसे छेत्तुं अंबाण वती कता । गवेसाविया चाणक् “किं कतं ?” ति । आगतो, उवालद्धा, एते वंसा रोधगादिसु उवउज्जंति, कीस भे छिण्णा ?, दंसियं लेहचोरियं - “अण्णं संदिट्ठ अण्णं चेव करेहि” त्ति डंडपत्ता । ततो तस्स गामस्स सबालवुड्ढेहिं पुरिसेहिं अधोसिरेहिं वतिं काउं सो गामो सव्वो दड्ढो । अण्णे भांति - सबालवुड्ढा पुरिसा तीए वतीए छोढुं दड्ढा । The purport of the text can be summarized in the following
manner -
"Here, an analogy of Maurya is given. 'Maurya' means 'Candragupta' who was born in the family of peacock-breeders. This narrative is applicable to the other kings also. They punish the law-breakers severely. Likewise, ‘an order' is more important for