Preface <
The earlier preceptors have classified into three divisions the "Vitrag Vani” mentioned in thirty two agamas-1. Atamagama, 2. Anantaragama, 3. Paramparagama. The substance of Agama is “Anantaragama” for fordmaker lords. The same "Arth" (substance) is "Anantaragamas for Ganadharas. The Ganadharas B by their sharp and perfect intellect, on the basis of the propagated substance of the Agamas by the ford-makers, which ever scriptures they composed are termed as Atamagamas for them whereas they are called Anantaragama for the disciples of Ganadharas. For the next generation disciple after the Gandhara disciples both Arth and Sutra are the "Paramparagama”. The composition of these thirty two Jain Agamas has been of two types in the later periods-1. Krit. 2. Niryuhan. The agams & which were authored independently such as this composition of twelve agamas by Gandharas and the composition of upanga literature by different senior monks are called Krit Agamas.
Niryuhana Agamas are mainly six in number-1. Dasvakalika, 2. Achar Chula, 3. Nishith, 4. Dashashurt Skanda, 5. Brihatkalpa, 6. Vyavhara. Out of these the four chheda sutra namely Dashashrutskand, Brihatkalpa, Vyavhara and Nishith are considered to be written by Shrut Kewali Acharaya Shri Bhadrabahu Swami.
The detailed analysis of the laws and sublaws related to the conduct of the life of the Jain Shraman and Shramanis has been done in these Chheda Sutras. In addition to it the laws of various atonements to be followed by the Shraman and Shramanis in case they break their vows are also narrated in these Chheda Sutras.
The omniscient Ford-maker Bhagwan Mahavir Swami has composed expiation code of laws for the purification of the broken vows and committed faults stressing on strong conduct code of laws of Shraman Sangh. There were many Bhikshu organizations in India at that time in which different types of unrestrained activities and malign tendencies were in practice. Shraman and Shramanis of Shramansangh may not adopt these bad tendencies following others Shraman Mahavira prohibited all these bad tendencies. Due to some reasons, if any Shraman and Shramani have ever adopted these bad tendencies then the laws of expiation have been provided.
Thus, the laws of expiation and prohibition have been propounded with different perspectives in these four Chheda Sutras. Hence the conduct is purified