Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Tanjore Vol 01
Author(s): P P S Shastri
Publisher: Government of Madras
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS IN THE TANJORE MAHĀRĀJA SERFOJI'S SARASVATĪ MAHĀL LIBRARY, TANJORE. BY P. P.S. SASTRI, B. A. (OXON), M. A. (MADRAS), M. R. A. S., SUPERINTENDENT OF SANSKRIT SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, MADRAS, ACTING DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, TANJORE. Published by the Administrative Committee with Grant-in-aid sanctioned by the Government of Madras. VOL. I.--VEDAS. SRIRANGAM SRI VANI VILAS PRESS 1928. Price 2 Rupees only.) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra INTRODUCTION. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE HE Tanjore Mahārāja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library, which is described by Dr. Burnell "to be perhaps the largest and most important in the world" and which Dr. Bühler says "contains a great many useful and a number of very rare or nearly unique books many of which are quite unknown or pro curable only with great trouble and expense" was till recently the private property of the Rajas of Tanjore. The earliest beginnings of the Library must have been about the end of the 16th century when Tanjore was under the rule of Telugu Nayaks who collected Sanskrit Manuscripts written in Telugu character. In the 18th century the Mahrathas conquered the country and since that date the Library has been increasing. By far the greater portion of the collection was made by Serfoji during a visit to Benares during 1820-1830. Śivāji his successor added a few. There has practically been no addition of any value till very recent times. A good number of Sanskrit Manuscripts including rare and valuable manuscripts representing the collection of generations of a family of scholars, known as the "Jambunatha Bhat Landagai Collection" was added to the Library in 1921. Regarding the origin and importance of this collection, Dr. Hultzch has the following interesting information in No. III "Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts in Southern India", edited by him in 1905 at Madras: "The manuscripts described in this Report belong to Jambunatha bhatta, a Mahratha Brahmana at Tanjore, who is the eldest son of a certain Mannambhatta. He is a no mean Sanskrit Scholar and knows the whole Rgveda by heart. As he is continually teaching the text of this sacred book to students, even his blind daughter has learnt to recite portions of it. The existence of his Library For Private and Personal Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir II was brought to my notice by Mr. T. S. Kuppuswami Šāstrī, of the Educational Department, who is favourably known to Sanskritists by his paper on Rāmabhadra Diksitar. During my absence on furlough in Europe, my First Assistant, Mr. V. Venkay ya, M.A., was deputed to Tanjore in order to catalogue Jambunătha's collection. He spent three months at this work, in which he received the valuable aid of Mr. Kuppuswami Sāstri.Both the list and the extracts testify to the thoroughness and care with which he has accomplished his task. From his annual Report on Epigraphy for 1898-99 I quote the following details about Jambunătha's collection: “He is the eldest of the three brothers and is descended from a family whose influence is reported to have been very great when the Mahratha Kingdom of Tanjore was in existence. When manuscripts were obtained for the Palace Library from Benares and other places in Northern India, the ancestors of Jambunătha bhatta appear to have systematically used their influence to make their collection of Sanskrit works. This accounts for the existence in this collection of a large number of ancient manuscripts evidently copied in Northern India. The texts were transcribed by the members of the family, who appear to have been learned men. This, according to the present owner of this Library, was how this collection came into existence. The manuscripts are all written in Nāgarī characters and on loose sheets of paper. Having been frequently handled by ignorant and careless men the manuscripts became mixed up, and the owner, who despaired of restoring order among them, made them into bundles and tied them with cloth. About two years ago, Mr. Kuppuswami Sāstrī, to whom examination of Sanskrit manuscripts is a labour of love, prepared a tentative list of the contents of these bundles. went to Tanjore on the 2nd January, Jambunăthabhatta showed me about one hundred of these bundles. A cursory inspection of them satisfied me that the Library was an important one, and it should be carefully examined. This meant that not only should these works wbich were still coinplete be registered in my list, but that an attempt should also be made to put together pieces which, through careless handling, had got out of their places." For Private and Personal Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir In 1922, the Library received other valuable collections of rare interest, known as the "Kagalkar" and the "Patanga Ayadhūta" collections. The former is about 150 and the latter, about 100 years old. The collection made by the Kagalkar Family of learned Sanskrit Scholars of Tanjore especially versed in Sanskrit Grammar (21TUTA ) contains the autograph copies made by some of them of the works composed by themselves and others. Its prominent feature is the collection of works on Sanskrit Grammar. The collection made by Patangāvadhūta whose descendants settled at Tiruvadamarudūr in Tanjore District contains a large number of works on Vedānta (aerah ) and Bhakti (Hit:). Both these collections comprise several Manuscripts which do not already exist in this Library. The attention of the Government of India and through it of the Government of Madras was directed in 1868 to the importance of the examination, purchase or transcription of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Indian Libraries and the framing of printed lists or catalogues of the saine. (Proceedings of the Government of India in the Home Department (Public), No. 4338-48, dated Simia, 3rd November 1868). In respect of magnitude as well as the range of subjects dealt with, not to speak of the diversity of languages employed, the Tanjore Library is probably second to none among Oriental Libraries in India. In December of the same year, the Governinent of Madras asked Mr. Pickford, Professor of Sanskrit, to carry out the instructions of the Government of India. He commenced to catalogue the manuscripts at Tanjore but he fell seriously ill and had to return to Europe in March 1870 and never came back to India. It is not known how much he had done as his unfinished catalogues could not be found. (Letter from the Professor of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Madras, to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Madras, 22nd May 1976, and Letter No. 1560, dated Madras, 7th June 1876, from the Director of Public Instruction Madras, to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Madras.) Thereupon Dr. Burnell, District and Sessions Judge, was appointed in G.O. No. 71, dated 16th March 1871, to catalogue the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Sanskrit Library at Tanjore, That learned Scholar devoted a great deal of research and labour to the task and his catalogue which he styled "A classified Index to the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Palace at Tanjore," was published in three parts between 1878 and 1980 in London. This is now the chief key to the huge Sanskrit collection in this Library. But unfortunately a great many manus. cripts, above 4,000, seem to have been omitted and his catalogue cannot be said to be complete, During the course of his preparation of the catalogue Dr. Burnell wrote to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Madras from Bangalore on 6th August 1873 as follows: "It may perhaps be asked if the Library is worth the labour spent on it. I can answer unhesitatingly that it is. It is now a recognised fact that nearly all Sanskrit works of importance exist in different recensions. The Tanjore Library is unrivalled in this respect ; it contains several good manuscripts of all the most important ones known as yet, including a few that are new............The Tanjore Library, however, contains additional manuscripts of most of the works which I had discovered elsewhere, and this is a matter of great importance. I believe that this Library must, sooner or later escheat to the Government. The preparation of this catalogue will therefore protect property of enormous value. Sanskrit Manuscripts have long been very dear and the cost of making proper transcripts is now very heavy. As far as I can judge, it would not be possible to form a collection like that at Tanjore at a less cost than £50,000 but many manuscripts are unquestionably unique. " The Tanjore Mahārājā Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahāl Library is now a public library in the full sense of that terın, the Government of Madras through the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments, being responsible for its administration. The collection belonged to the reigning princes of Tanjore--the Mahratha Mahārājas. When the last of them died leaving no direct male heir and after the death of the last surviving Räni this collection together with the other pro. perties formed the subject of litigation in civil courts. There was a rumour a few years ago that the collection had attracted the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir attention of some wealthy patrons of learning from Overseas. And it would appear that arrangements were very nearly ready to sell the whole collection outright at an assessed value, when public attention was focussed on certain remarks of Dr. Burnell to the effect that "it would not be possible to form a collection like that at Tanjore at a less cost than £ 50,000". The parties cancerned had perforce to wake up and the deal was not immediately concluded. The public of Tanjore also began to interest themselves in the affair adequately. It was rightly considered as a question of National pride. The parties in O. S. No. 26 of 1912 on the file of the Subordinate Judge of Tanjore agreed that it was eminently fit that the Library should be preserved and maintained as a public Library in trust for the public and removed the Library and one lakh of rupees to provide for its upkeep, from the subject matter of the suit. The Government of Madras in G. O. No. 1306 Home (Education), dated 5th October 1918, accordingly took possession of the same under the Charitable Endowments Act and have framed a scheme for the management of the same. Since the Library became a Public Trust there has been a marked improvement in the reception accorded to it by the public. Various liberal and generous-minded benefactors have come forward with magnanimous offers. The Library has been enriched with several very fine collections of manuscripts, every one of them rare, valuable and very interesting. The Kagalkar collection, Jambunātha Bhat Låndagai collection and the Patanga Avadhūta collection-all these three alone number 2181 manuscripts. Besides these, the Tygarāja Svāmi collection which alone contains more than 1000 manuscripts; then the minor collections—the Subrahmanya Sastri collection, Subrahmanya Rao collection, Ramachandra Ganapat collections-all are of great and paramount importance. The manuscripts are either on palm leaf or on paper. They are of very different value and come from very different sources. A large collection of these are recent Nagari copies of Manuscripts in South Indian characters and are at least a century old. These manuscripts are in more than eleven distinct alphabets being from all parts of India. On the whole, one may easily say that the total number of manuscripts now in this Library is likely to exceed 30,000. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra VI Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A large number of original records belonging to the last reigning house of Tanjore which will be of very great importance for reconstructing the political and social history of the Mahratha rule in Southern India has recently been transferred to the care of this Library from the Civil Court by order of the Judge. Besides these manuscripts there are also a number of books and Manuscripts in almost all the Indian and European languages and on almost all branches of human knowledge. Special mention may here be made of the books and manuscripts in Telugu, Tamil, Mahrathi and English on account of their number and importance. or Dr. Burnell issued what he modestly styled "A classified Index to the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Palace at Tanjore," between 1878 and 1880. Between 1880 and 1918 for very nearly forty years, the Library has been the victim of many an outrage. Those who were in possession gave out on loan very many manuscripts which were never returned. And many more somehow other, found themselves into Libraries other than at Tanjore. Dr. Burnell's catalogue is very usful to us to trace out lost manuscripts, which are never likely to come back to us. Our losses are probably far more: for even Dr. Burnell's admirable catalogue was by no means a complete catalogue of all that existed. For, where he mentions a single work in a bundle, we are able to-day to trace two or more works in the same bundle. The Committee appointed by the Government of Madras took charge early in 1919. Since then, they have been busily pushing forward the work of revising and preparing a fresh catalogue of all the works now in the Library according to the latest scientific methods. Each work is described in detail in a card-index-form which contains all the necessary particulars. In 1920 a Catalogue of printed books in French, Latin, Italian and Greek was published. In 1926 three volumes of a Catalogue of Tamil Manuscripts in the Library were published. These are now on sale and can be had from the Secretary of the Library. The Administrative Committee of the Library approached the Government of Madras, year after year with the request for a special grant to enable them to prepare and publish a descriptive For Private and Personal Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir VII catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in this Library. In their G. O. No. Mis 563 Dated 9th April 1927, the Government of Madras were pleased to allot the necessary funds for a three-year programme for carrying out the long delayed desire of the Committee. The work of cataloguing and printing has since been pushed forward with great rapidity. The First Volume of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts is now published. The first Volume contains notices of 697 Manuscripts belonging to the Veda Section. The Veda section is expected to comprise in all about 2000 Manuscripts and will be completed in three Volumes. The third and last Volume will contain a detailed introduction to all the Manuscripts contained in the Veda Section besides the various indexes and other useful information. In issuing this Catalogue, I have great pleasure in acknowledge ing gratefully the loyal and ever-ready assistance I have been uniformly getting from Rao Sabib. T. Sambamurthi Rao avl. B.A. B.L. the energetic Honorary Secretary of the Library and the permanent staff working under him, on whom and on the special staff sanctioned by Government have fallen all the arduous and exacting work connected with the rapid preparation of the work for the Press. TANJORE 15-2--1928. ! P.P. S. Sastri. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Vedas:-Samhitas CONTENTS. Rg-Veda Samhitā Miscellaneous Suktas etc. Rg-Veda Samhitānukramaņikā Sauravarga Srikhalā Rg-Veda Padapāṭha Sama-Veda Samhita Sama-Veda Padapatha Sama-Veda Gānam Sama-Veda Samhitanukramaņikā Sama-Veda Gananukramaņikā Kranayajur-Veda Samhita Krsnayajur-Veda Padapatha Kranayajur Veda Samhitanukramaṇikā Suklayajur-Veda Samhita Suklayajur-Veda Samhitanukramaņikā Atharva-Veda Samhita Vedas:-Samhita-Bhasyas Rg-Veda Samhita-bhaayam Sama-Veda Samhita-bhaṣyam Kranayajur-Veda Samhita-bhasyam For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir NUMBERS. 1-311 312-385 386-390 391-392 393-472 473-480 481 482-497 498 499-502 503-577 578-585 586-590 591-592 593 594-596 597-653 654-656 657-697 PAGES. 1-179 179-232 232-236 237-238 238-289 289-295 295 296-312 313 314-317 317-359 359-364 364-369 369-371 371 372-373 373-435 435-441 441-476 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir LIST OF IMPORTANT ABBREVIATIONS. 1. J. L. Collection=Jambunātha Lāņdagai Collection. 2. S. K. Collection=Seturāma Rao Kagalkar Collection. 3. P. A. Collection=Patanga Avadhūta Collection. 4. T. S. Collection=Tyāgarāja Svāmi Collection. [ ]=The Right-angular brackets indicate the suggestion of the removal of the letters therein. ( The Circular brackets indicate sometimes the suggestion of correct reading and sometimes the supply of omitted portions at the beginning and end of incomplete Mss. *=Stars indicate the continuity of the text in the manu. script. ...=Mere dots indicate the omission of the text in question. Note-Each Ms. is described in detail in this Volume. The remark complete' is used in describing a Ms., but this means relative completeness only, with reference to each manuscript as delimited by the information under the heading "Subject". For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE End: OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Colophon: IN THE TANJORE MAHĀRĀJA SERFOJI'S SARASWATI MAHAL LIBRARY. ॥ ऋग्वेद संहिता ॥ 1. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2341 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11 X 4 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वमृ॒त्विजै । होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मं (म्) । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir enfurcat qefataà ganfd gei ag i म॒रुद्भि॑रग्न॒[s]आग॑हि । इति प्रथमाष्टके प्रथमो ( s) ध्यायः ॥ १ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: First Astaka. First Adhyāya of Rg-Veda. Astaka 1-1-1 to 1-1-37] [Mandala 1-1-1 to 1-5-19 The Rg-Veda consists of eight astakas, each aştaka being com. posed of eight adhyāyas, each adhyāya being again subdivided into a number of vargas. The general classification adopted in the majority of Rg-veda manuscripts is the one stated above. The classification of the Rg-Veda, generally followed in printed editions of the Rg-Veda in India and abroad is the division of the Rg-Veda into ten mandalas, each mandala being composed of a number of anuvākas, each anu. vāka being again subdivided into a number of sūktas, each sūkta consisting of a number of rks. References to both kinds of classification are given wherever necessary. Remarks: -See introduction for detailed information regarding printed editions of the Rg-Veda. The Mss. is in good condition. Words are accented in red ink. Written in a bold and beautiful hand. All pages have gold borders. On the title page there is a coloured picture of God Ganapati in a sitting posture in the left half and in the right half, four rşis are standing greeting the God. The last page is decorated with flowers. The manuscript is about 100 years old, being written on good English paper bearing watermarks ranging from 1825 to 1829. Il magfiigat II 2. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-14X 54 inches. Sheets-10. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete : Beginning, end and colophon :-Same as No. 1. Subject: Same as No. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS Remarks:—The beginning of the Second Adhyāya " Gala" is given after the colophon. Decorated title page depicting God Sundareśvara with Goddess Mīnākşi in the centre. God Gaņeśa is illustrated on the left-hand corner and God Subrahmanya together with his two consorts Valli and Devayāni on the left-hand corner. Accent is marked in red ink. ll Rue Chical 11 3. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance---Paper. Size--- 134 x 59 inches. Sheets—15. Lines -8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon-Same as No. 1. Subject: Same as No. 1. Remarks :--Title page decorated with flower borders. Accent marked in red ink. - - 11 perechear it 4. Rg-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 24:29. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--8X3 inches. Sheets--16. Lines to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --174. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 1. End: अभित्वा पूर्वपीतये--मरुद्भिरग्न आगहि ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: ॥ इति प्रथमाष्टके प्रथमोऽध्यायः ॥ अयं देवाय जन्मने स्तोमो विप्रेभिरासया । अकारि रत्नधातमः ॥....... इहेन्द्राणीमुपह्वये वरुणानी स्वस्तये अमायीं सोमपीतये ॥ म...... Subject: First Astaka. First Adhyāya and Five Vargas in the Second Adhyāya. Agtaka I-1-1 to I-2-6 (12)] [Mandala I-1-1 to 1-5-22 (12) Remarks :-Sixth Varga of the Second Adhyāya incomplete. Accent is not marked. ॥ श्रीशाकलसंहिता ॥ 5. ŚRĪ ŠĀKALA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2432. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--7X 37 inches. Sheets--18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 1. Colophon: शाकलसंहितायां प्रथमाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ।। दुर्मुखसंवत्सरे दक्षिणायणे वसन्तों आश्वयुजमासे शुक्लपक्षे चतुर्दश्यामिदं पुस्तकमलेखि. Subject : AstakaI-1-1 to 1-1-371 (Mandala 1-1-1 toI-5-19. Remarks :-The paper is of Indian manufacture. Rg-Veda has come down in two rescensions, known as शाकलशाखा and बा. कलशाखा. The more popular and widely known rescension is that of the शाकलशाखा and hence the name शाकलसंहिता for the Rg-Veda. The Manuscript is accented and appears to belong to the middle of the eighteenth century. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 6. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2341 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-16. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-~-Devanagari, No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ अयं देवाय जन्मने स्तोमो विप्रेमिरासया । अकारि रत्नधातमः ॥ End: सेदुराजा क्षयति चर्षणीनामरा न नेमिः परिता बभूव ॥ ३८ ॥ Colophon: इति प्रथमाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject : First Astaka. Second Adhyaya. Astaka I-2-1 to 1-2-38] [Mandala I-5-20 to I-7-32 Remarks:- The beginning of the third Adhyaya "एताया मोपगव्यंत इंद्र" is given after the colophon. Decorated title page depicting Goddess Sarasvati playing on the Viņā on the lefthand corner and four kings in an attitude of prayer on the right hand corner. The last page is decorated with flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 7. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14xb inches. Sheets-12. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 6. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks :-Decorated title page depicting Pārvati and Parames. vara riding on the sacred bull attended by ganās in the centre with God Ganesa seated on a rat in the left corner and God Subrahmanya riding his peacock in the right corner. The last page is decorated with rose flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 8. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogne No. 2351 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-132X5h inches. Sheets-16. Lines-8 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 6. Remarks: The Mss. is well preserved with alternate sheets being sulphurated to preserve them from moths. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 9. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2341 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-17. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --180. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ एतायामोगव्यंत इंद्रमस्माकं सुप्रमति वावृधाति । . अनामृणः कुविदादस्य गयो गांकेतं परमावर्जते नः ॥ End : उभापिबतमश्विनो भानः शर्म यच्छते । अविद्रियाभिरूतिभिः॥ ३५ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Colophon: faqat qati(s)er: H R II Subject: First Astaka. Third Adhyāya. Astaka 1-3-1 to 1-3-36] [Mandala 1-7-38 to 1-9-46 Remarks :—The beginning of the fourth Adhyāya " 3 at THTH :" is given after the colophon. On the title page is depicted the Goddess Gāyatrí, being worshipped by five devotees, three of whom being royal saints and the two being kings. The goddess Gayatri is represented with five faces in five different colours-pearlish wbite, coral red, golden yellow, sea-blue and pure white and other details in strict conformity to the following sloka:मुक्ताविद्रुमहेमनीलधवलच्छायैर्मुखैस्त्रीक्षणै र्युक्तामिन्दुकलानिबद्धमकुटा तत्त्वार्थवर्णात्मिकाम् । गायत्री वरदाभयाशकशाः शुभ्रं कपालं गुणं शङ्ख चक्रमथारविन्दयुगलं हस्तैर्वहन्तीं भजे ॥ Il #veg Hier II 10. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 C. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper, Size-14 x 54 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 9. Remarks :-The title page is an illuminated pictorial representa tion of the marriage of Pārvati and Parameśvara. The scene depicts the celebration of the marriage, before Agni as the witness, when Himavān and Menā, the parents of Parvati, pour water into the joined hands of Pārvati and Parameśvara. On Paramešvara's side ere represented his Purohit, Vippu, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Brahma, Agni and Indra and on Pārvati's side are reprasented the friends of the bride, the purohit, Gods and Rsis with the attendant ladies of the royal court of Himavān. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 11. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets---17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 9. Remarks:-Very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 12. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2841 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11x4 inches. Sheets-18. Lines 7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ अयं वां मधुमत्तमः सुतः सोम ऋता वृधा । तमश्विना पिबतं तिरो अह्वयं धत्तं रत्नानि दाशुषे । End: . ऐषु विश्वपे शसंधिय धाः प्रातर्मक्षुधियावसुर्जगम्यात् ॥ २९ ॥ Colophon: इति प्रथमाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject : First Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Astaka I-4-1 to I-4-29] [Mandala I-9-47 to I-11-61. Remarks:-The beginning of the fifth Adhyaya "queeren ” is given after the colophon. The title page represents in pictures the Lord as Ardhanariśvara (man-woman) with the divine singers, the horse-faced Tumburu and Sage Narada on each side, being worshipped by five devout rais. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 13. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 x 5 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. 2 Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 12. Remarks:-On the title page is a pictorial representation of the soulentrancing dance of Siva during Pradoga or evensong wherein Siva dances with his right foot down and left foot turned up on level with the eye-lashes, accompained by Brahma keeping time with the Indian Jalar, Sarasvati playing the Vina, Nandi Patanjali and Subrahmanya in devout meditation and Parvati in lasya attitude accompanied by Laksmi playing the tambur, Kṛṣṇa playing the flute, the three-legged Rsi Tripad, the tigerfooted Rai Vyaghrapad and the elephant-faced God Gaṇeśa, all in an attitude of prayer. The last page is decorated with flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 14. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 10 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 12. Remarks:-Paper is in good condition and bears watermark 1826. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 15. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2341 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11x48 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ प्रमन्महेशवसानाय शूषमागूषं गिर्वणसे अंगिरस्वत् । सुवृक्तिभिः स्तुवत ऋग्मियाया मार्क नरे विश्रुताय । End: यामर्थ मनुष्पिता दुध्यङ्घियमनत । तस्मिन्ब्रह्माणि पूर्वथेन्द्र उक्था समग्मतार्चननुस्वराज्य ॥३१॥ Colophon: इति प्रथमाष्टके पश्चमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ५ ॥ Subject: First Astaka. Fifth Adhyāya. Astaka I-5-1 to I-5-31] [Mandala I-11-62 to 1-13-80. Remarks :-The beginning of the Sixth Adhyaya "इन्द्रो मदाय वावृधे(धे)" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the battle between God Śiva and the three Asuras. Siva is represented riding in a chariot (Bhūmi) with the Sun and Moon as wheels, the four Vedas as horses, Brahman as charioteer, Meru as bow, Adiśesa as bowstring, Vişņu as arrow and Agni as the arrow-tip-these details are fully mentioned in the following devotional Staka: क्षोणी यस्य रथो रथाजयुगलं चन्द्राबिम्बद्वयं कोदण्डः कनकाचलो हरिरभूद्वाणो विधिः सारथिः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS तूणीरो जलधिर्हयाः श्रुतिचयो मौर्वी भुजङ्गाधिपः तस्मिन्मे हृदयं सुखेन रमतां साम्बे परब्रह्मणि ॥ 11 Maya The three Asuras known as the Tripuras are with his Golden city, Vidyutprabha with his Silver city, and Taraka with his Iron city. The last page is illuminated with flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 16. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 x 5 inches. Sheets-13. No. of Granthas Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. -190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 15. Remarks:-The title page represents pictorially the killing of the demon Vṛtra by God Indra, Indra's flight from Brahmahatya. which is pursuing him, Indra's taking refuge in a lotusstalk in a pond, Bṛhaspati advising Indra to do penance before Parameśvara in the Kadamba forest (Madura District) and Indra's reaching the Kadamba forest and worshipping the Lord, whereupon even the Brahmahatya flew away from Indra. For the detailed story see "Tiruvilayāḍalpurāṇam" in Tamil or Halasyamahatmyam' in Sanskrit. For Private and Personal Use Only ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 17. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13× 5 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 12 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as: No. 15. Remarks:-The Mss. is in very good condition, in bold handwriting, written on sulphurated paper. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 18. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2341 f. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size 11 x 48 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning: eft: 30 11 gt gtu angù adà gar aft: I तमिन्म॒ह॒त्स्वा जिषूते गर्भे हवामहे स वाजैषु प्रनो ( S) विषत् ॥ End: स त्वम॑ग्ने सौभग॒त्वस्य॑ वि॒द्वान॒स्माक॒मायुः प्रति॑रे॒हदे॑व । ant fyr arduit ¤¤g(-)arifefa: fág: quat ga dì: || 32 || Colophon: इति प्रथमाष्टके षष्ठो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ६ ॥ 44 Subject: First Astaka. Sixth Adhyaya. Astaka 1-6-1 to 1-6-32] [Mandala I-13-81 to I-15-94. Remarks:-The beginning of the Seventh Adhyaya "ford : " is given after the colophon. The title page represents pictorially an incident from the 'Cyatapuramāhātmyam' in Sanskrit, Cyutapura being the modern Vaļuvūr near Mayavaram. The picture shows the Lord Parameśvara in naked uniform (nagna) playing on the Vine when the wives of the sages compete with one another in being the first to bestow alms to the Divine Beggar and the sages standing behind in bewilderment at the uncontrollable conduct of their wives. The last page is fully decorated with flowers. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 13 ni maghikat I 19. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-14 x 54 inches. Sheets-13. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 18. Remarks:The title page represents pictorially Sage Durvāsa's return from Kailāsa with a divine lotus flower which he pregenty to Indra whom he meets in Svarga on the way. Indra receives the flower and indifferently places it on the head of his Airāvata. The flower is thrown down and is trampled upon by the Airavata with his foot, whereupon the Airāyata is condemned to wander in the land of the mortals as a wild elephant. The release of Airāvata from his bondage on his worshipping Kadambavanešvara is also portrayed. 11 KITCHEAT I 20. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--134 x 54 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 18. Remarks :--The Mss. is in good condition. I Thii at 21. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2341 g. Page 1. Loft column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 14 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size 11 x 4 inches. Sheets-20. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ द्वे विरूपे चरतः स्वर्थे अ॒न्यान्या॑ व॒त्समु॒प॑धापयेते । हरि॑र॒म्यस्य॒ भव॑ति स्व॒धावा॑न् (ङ) छुक्रो अ॒न्यस्य ददृशे सुवर्चीः ॥ Colophon : End: युभि॑र॒कुभिः॒ परि॑पातमस्मानरिष्टेभिरश्विना सौभ॑गेभिः ॥ तनो॑ मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो मामहंता॒मदि॑ति॒ः संषु॑ (:) पृथि॒वी उ॒त द्यौः ॥ ३७ ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति प्रथमाष्टके सप्तमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Subject: First Astaka. Seventh Adhyāya. Astaka. I-7-1 to I-7-37] [Mandala 1-15-95 to I-16-112. Remarks:-The beginning of the eighth Adhyāya-"ġ sandqi zulfauola” is given after the colophon. The title page illustrates the continuation of the story narrated in No. 18. The wives of the sages continue to follow the Lord wherever He went, even forgetting their clothes, whereupon the sages grow angry and perform Abhicārika homas invoking various evil spirits to destroy the Lord. From the homa arise the all-consuming Baḍaba-agni which finds refuge in the Lord's palm, the tiger which is slain and whose skin adorns the waist of the Lord, the deer which perches itself on the Lord's left hand, the serpents which decorate the Lord coiling round His body, the axe which is received by the Lord as a weapon and the demons who are promptly trampled upon by the Lord with His feet. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Page 1. 22. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 g. For Private and Personal Use Only Left column. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 15 Substance-Paper. Size--14X6 inches. Sheats-16. Lines--8 to a Page. Script--Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 21. Remarks :-See Remarks under Nos. 16 and 19. Another incident from the Hālāsyamāhātmya is illustrated in the title page. The dream by a Vaisya named Dhananjaya of the worship of Lord Kadambavanešvara by the Gods, his report of the dream to his King Kulasekhara Pāņdya, the expedition to the place of worship by the king accompanied by his ministers, their meeting a Siddha on the way who advises them to build a temple dedicated to the Lord and details regarding the building of the temple and a city, evidently Madhură round the temple, are also given. The handing over of the crown by Kulasekhara Pāņdya to his son Malayadhyaja Pāņdya is also portrayed. The last page contains very elaborate painting depicting cashew put plants. Il Prag HIFAT II 23. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--139 54 inches. Sheets-21. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas --200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 21. Remarks :--The Mss. is in good condition. ll macraT I 24. RG-VEVA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2341 h. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 16 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size--11X 48 inches. Sheets--17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ इदं श्रेष्ठं ज्योतिषां ज्योतिरागाचित्रःप्रकेतो अजनिष्ट विभ्वा । यथा प्रसूतासवितुः स वाय एवा रात्र्युषसे योनिमारैक् ॥ End :. मा सा ते अमत्सुमतिर्विदसद्वाजप्रमहः समिषो वरंत । आ नौ भज मघवन्गोवर्यो मंहिष्ठास्ते सधमादः स्याम ॥ २६ ॥ Colophon: इति श्री प्रथमाष्टके अष्ठमो(s) यायः ॥ Subject : First Astaka. Eighth Adhyaya. Astaka I-8-1 to I-8-26] [Mandala I-16-113 to I-18-121. Remarks :--The beginning of the Second Astaka "प्रवः पति रघुम is given after the Colophon. See Remarks under No. 21. The title page continues the story. The sages begin to realise the true character of the Divine Beggar and see in the Siva Linga all the three Mūrtis, Brahmā, Vişņu and Siva and worship the Lord with their wives. The last page has beautiful drawings of roses. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 25. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13X51 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 24. Remarks :-Ses Remarks under No. 22. The title page represents Malayadbvaja Pandya performing the Putrakāmesti with his For Private and Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 17 queen Kāncanamālā when he is blessed with a girl (tristani) with three breaste, called Tatătakā. The king and queen are shown as worried over the deformity of their child, whereupon they hear an invisible (Divine) voice assuring them that the third breast will disappear as soon as their daughter meets her predestined husband. The king and queen accordingly perform the ceremony of crowning the daughter with the royal crown of the Pāņd yas to enable Tatătakā to reign over Madhurā. 11 pagar AT 11 26. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--134 X 5 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 24. Remarks: --The M88. is in very good condition. Il rachigan il 27. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-103 X4 inches. Sheets--17. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --330. Complete. Boginning :-Same as No. 1. End: इन्द्रो यातो(s)वसितस्य राजा शमस्य च शृङ्गिणो वज्रबाहुः । सेदुराजा क्षयति चर्षणीनामरान्ननेमिः परिता बभूव ॥ Colophon: इति श्रीप्रथमाष्टके द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 18 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF श्रीनिवासेन लिखितं सर्वत: प्रथमाष्टकम् ॥ Subject: First Astaka. First and Second Adhyāyas. Astaka 1-1-1 to 1-2-38] [Mandala I-1-1 to 1-7-32. Remarks :-Only first five sheets are accented. The Mss. is very old. The handwriting is getting to be illegible. 11 FEGHETTI 28. RG-VEDA SAMHỊTĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance------Paper. Size-9X35 inches. Sheets-86. Lines---7 to a Page. Script--Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -990. Incomplete. Beginning :-Same as No. 1. End : एषा स्यावो मरुतो(s)नुभर्ती प्रतिष्ठोभति वाघतो न वाणी । अस्तोभयवृथासामनुस्खधां गभस्त्योः ।। Colophon: Nil. Subject: First Astaka. 1-5 Adhyāyas. Sixth Adhyāya. 1-14 Vargas. Astaka I-1-1 to 1-6-14 [Mandala 1-1-1 to 1-14-88. Remarks:--At the end, the beginning of the 15th varga IGT ST: # Tag faqa: is given. The Mss. is in a very damaged condition and is in a crumbling state. Some sheets are accented. Il pagricat 11 29. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection. No. 1. Substance-Paper. Size-137 X6 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS inches. Sheets-22 (4-25). Lines-9 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-480. Incomplete. (बृषा॑यू॒थे) व॒व॑स॑गः कृ॒ष्टीरि॑य॒त्यो॑ज॑सा । ईशानो अप्र॑तिष्कुतः ॥ End : विश्वे॑दि॒वाँ आव॑ह॒ सोम॑पीतये॑ ऽतरि॑क्षादुप॒स्त्वं (म्) । सास्मासु॑ धा॒ गोम॒दश्व॑ावदुक्थ्या (क्थ्य) मुषि॒ वाज॑ सु॒वीर्यम् ॥ यस्या रुशतो [s] अर्चयः प्रति॑भ॒द्रा अहंक्षत ॥ Subject : First Astaka. 1-4 Adhyayas. Astaka I-1-14 (8) to 1-4-5- (123). Mandala I-2-7-(8) to 1-9-48- (122). Remarks This Ms. begins with the eighth Ṛk of the 14th varga of the first Adhyaya and ends abruptly in the middle of the 13th Rk of the 5th varga, of the fourth Adhyāya. 30. Beginning : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The Mss. is in a much worn-out condition and is fully accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. 19 J. L. Collection. No. 7. Substance----Paper. Size - 9 x 33 inches. Sheets- 72. Lines--7 to a Page. Script- · Devanãgarī. No. of Granthas-1250. Incomplete. सन॑ पि॒तेव॑ सू॒नवेऽग्ने॑ सू॒पाय॒नो भ॑व । सच॑स्वानः स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ End : भिरक्तुभिः परिपातमस्मानरिष्टेभिरश्विना सौभगेभिः । (तो मित्रो वरुणो.. उतद्यौः) ३७-25. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 20 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: इति प्रथमाष्टके सप्तमोऽध्यायः ॥ Subject: First Astaka. 1-7 Adhyāyas. Aptaka I-1-2-(9) to I-7-37-(241). Mandala 1-1-9 to I-16-112-(243). Remarks :-Sheets 1, 8, 16-19, 22, 41, 57-86 are missing. This Mss. begins with the 9th Rk of the second varga of the 1st Adhyāya and ends in the half of the last Rk of the seventh Adhyāya of the first Astaka. The Mss. is fully accented except the last sheet and the whole Mss. is in a decaying condition. | ROCHET II 31. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection. No. 9. Substance-Paper. Size-91 x 3} inches. Sheets_60. Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. Script Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas---650. Incomplete. Beginning : ...... () FICARTHATT: 11 उपत्वाग्ने दिवेदिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयं । नमो भरत एमसि ॥ End :-Same as No. 28. Subject: First Astaka. 1-5 Adhyāyas. Sixth Adhyāya--1-14 Vargas. Astaka 1-1-2-(6) to I-6-14] [Mandala 1-1-1-(6) to I-14-88. Remarks :-Sheets 8-31 are missing. At the end, the beginning of the 15th varga “TTT HGT!" is given. The Mss. is accented and is in very good conditon. It shows traces of having been handled very often. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 21 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 32. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection. No. 9. Substance--Paper. Size-10x4 ____inches. Sheets-47. Lines-8 to a Page. Script · Devanāgari. No. of Granthas---890. Incomplete. Beginning :-Same as No. 1. अग्निमीळे॥ End: यदुदीरत आजयो धृष्णवै धीयते धना । युक्ष्वामदच्युता हरी के हनः कं वसौ दधोऽमाँ ईट वसौ दधः ॥३॥ क्रत्वा महाँ अनुष्वधं भीम आवा(वृधेशवः) । Subject : First Astaka. 1-5 Adhyayas and the First Three Rks of the Sixth Adhyāya. : Astaka I-1-1 to I-6-1-(1-3). Mandala I-1-1 to I-13-81-(1-31). Remarks :--The M88. is in a very bad condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 33. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 1. Substance-Paper. Size 10x4 inches. Sheets-71. Lines-~-8 or 9 to aPage. Script Devanagari. No. of Grahthas-1400. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशशारदासगुरुभ्यो नमः ।। Same as No. 1- अग्निमीळे ॥ End :-Same as No. 24. प्रवः ॥ Subject : First Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. AstakaI-1-1 to I-8-26] [Mandala I-1-1 to I-18-121. Colophon : शके १७०९ (1787 A. D.) प्लवङ्गसंवत्सरे माघमासे शुक्लपक्षे चतुर्दश्यां For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 22 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF सौम्यवासरे प्रथमाष्टके अष्टमोऽध्यायः । ऋग्वेदसंहितायां अष्टमोऽध्यायः ॥ पौराणिकोपनाम राक्षसभुवनकर वासुदेवदीक्षितात्मज जीवरामदीक्षिततनयगोविन्द भट्टसूनुकमलाकर भट्टसुतेन लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं कमलाकर भट्टस्य । लवङ्गसंवत्सरे माघमासे कृष्णपक्षे प्रतिपत्तिथौ भृगुवासरे कमलाकर भट्टस्य पुत्रेण स्वरितम् ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir बिन्दुदुर्लिपिविसर्ग वीथिकाश्रृंगपङ्क्ति पदभेददूषणम । हस्तवेगजमबुद्धिपूर्वकं क्षन्तुमर्हथ समीक्ष्य वै बुधाः ॥ ( 1 ) पुस्तकं लिखितं यत्नैरनकैर्यन्मया हरे । हर्तुमिच्छति यः पापी तस्य वंशक्षयो भवेत् ॥ (2) हस्तस्य दोषान्मतिविभ्रमाद्वा न्यूनातिरिक्तं लिखितं मयात्र । तत्सर्वमार्यैः परिशोधनीयं प्रायेण मुह्यन्ति हि ये लिखन्ति ॥ (3) संपोष्यं सदपत्यवत्परकराद्रक्ष्यश्च सुक्षेत्रवत् संशोध्यं व्रणिनोंऽगवत्प्रतिदिनं वीक्ष्यं च सन्मित्रवत् | बध्यं वध्यवदश्लथं नहि न विस्म (स्मा ) र्यं हरेर्नामवत् नैवं सीदति पुस्तकं किल कदा चैतद्गुरूणां वचः ॥ (4) श्री कोल्हापुर महालक्ष्म्यै नमः ॥ साम्बसदाशिवाय नमः । Remarks:-In the foregoing Slokas the scribe describes in detail the value of a book, how it should be cherished and preserved. The Mss. bears the date of transcription as 1787 A. D. or Saka 1709 and the owner's name is given as Kamaläkara Bhatta and the scribe seems to have been his own son. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 84. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue. No. 2342 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x 48 inches. Sheets--22. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -220. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Beginning : श्रीमहागणपतिर्जयति ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ प्रवः पांत रघुमन्यवों(5)धो यज्ञं रुद्राय मीळ्हुषे भरध्वं । दिवो अस्तोष्यसुरस्य वीरैरिषुध्ये मरुतो रोदस्योः ॥ End: ऊती देवानां चयमिंद्रवंतो मंसीमहि स्वयशसो मरुद्भिः। अग्निर्मित्रो वरुणः शर्म यंसन्तदश्याम मुघवानो वयं च ॥२६॥ Colophon: इति द्वितीयाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ १ ॥ Subject : Second Astaka. First Adhyaya. Astaka II-1-1 to II-1-26] [Mandala I-18-122 to I-20-136. Remarks :-The beginning of the Second Adhyaya. "सुषुमा यौतम fata:" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of Prajāpati Daksa and his wife being advised by Sage Dadbici and others and the necessity of inviting Siva for the proposed sacrifice. Visņu, Agni and the other gods are witnessing the dialogue. The story is taken from the Sivapurāņa. The last page is beautifully ornamented with flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 35. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 i. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X52 inches. Sheets-17. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devapāgarī. No. of Granthas --220. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 34. Remarks :--The title page continues the story narrated in No. 25. Tatatakā starts on diyvijaya and conquers the seven divine guardians (dikpālas) but is defeated by the eighth dikpāla Tsana (Siva). Tatataka is then married to Siva, Brahma doing For Private and Personal Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF the duties of the presiding priest. Siva now assumes a very beautiful form and is henceafter known as Sundara-Pāņd ya and reigns over Madhurā. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 36. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 i. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets-_-22. Lines -8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -220. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 34. Remarks :-Very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 37. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2342 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagarii. No. of Granthas --180. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ सुषुमा यातमद्रिभिर्गोश्रीता मत्सरा इमे सोमासो मत्मरा इमे। आ रोजाना दिविस्पृशास्मत्रा गंतमुप नः ।। End: युवं है स्थो भिषा मेषजेभिरथो ह स्थो रथ्याई राथ्येभिः । अझ ह क्षत्रमधि धत्थ उग्रा यो वा हविष्मान्मनसा ददाश ॥२७॥ Colophon : इति द्वितीयाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ।। २ ॥ Subject : Second Astaka. Second Adhyaya. Astaka II-2-1 to II-2-27] [Mandala I--20-137 to 1-22-167. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 25 Bemarks :--The beginning of the third Adhyāya " GT PHO Wa" H is given after the colophon. The title page continues the story narrated in No. 34. Parvati discusses with Dakma and his wife the necessity for inviting Sive to the sacrifice and Daksa is depicted as resenting the suggestion. The last page is well ornamented with flowers. Il fra GHETTI 38. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 j. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--14X 54 inches. Sheets----15. Lines--8 to a Page, Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 37. Remarks :--The title page represents pictorially the continuation of the story narrated in No. 35. To the marriage of Tatātakā with Sundara Pāņd ya, Sage Patañjali the snakefooted and Sage Vyāghrapáda the tigerfooted, arrive. As these sages cannot take meals in the evening except after seeing the Lord Siva perform the sandhyā dance, Siva specially dances the divine dance in the Rajatarangasthala (@evar af winwin) in the eastern part of the temple of Kadam bavanešvara, to satisfy the requirements of His bhaktas. 39. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 j. Page 1. Left column. Substance --Paper. Size-- 133X 5inches. Sheets19. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 26 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthan -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 37. Remarks:-The Mss. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 40. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2342 c. Page l. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4g inches. Sheets-17. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ । वसू रुद्रा पुरुमंतू वृधंता दशस्यतै नो वृषणाव भिष्टौ । दना ह यद्रेण[5] औचथ्यो वां प्र यत्मस्राथे[5] अकवाभिरूती॥ End : एष व स्तोमो मरुत इयं गीौदार्यस्य मान्यस्य कारोः । एषा यांसीष्ट तन्वे वयां विद्यामेषं वृजनै जीरदातुं ॥ २६ ॥ Colophon : ____ इति द्वितीयाष्टके तृतीयो(s)ध्यायः ।। ३ ।। Subject : Second Astaka. Third Adhyaya. Astaka II-3-1 to II-8-26] [Mandala I-22-158 to I-23-165. Remarks :-The beginning of the fourth Adhyaya "तनु वोचाम रमसाय जन्मने" is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 37. Siva is angry at being left out of invitation by Dakya. Siva assumes the form of Virabhadra and accompanied by his gañas enters the sacrificial shed of Dakşa. The last page is illuminated with flowers. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 27 11 Bergrilar 41. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 k. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14 x 54 inches. Sheets—14. Lines—8 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas —160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 40. Remarks :--The ornamented title page continues the story narrat ed in No. 38. The marriage feast is proceeding, all the invited guests partaking of the rich dishes. Tatatakā is angry with her Lord Siva (Sundara-Pāņdya) that all the 33 crores of Devas had not arrived and that the vast preparations were being wasted. To amuse her, the Lord asked one of his ganas to assume the form of Kundodara (one whose belly is alive with fire-būdavágni) and ordered Kundodara to consume everything before him. Il pracHfEAT 11 42. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 k. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets--17. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 40. Remarks :-Good condition. Il fag HET UI 43. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 28 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size-54 X 33 inches. Sheets-5. Lines—10 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -75. Complete. Beginning and end:-Same as No. 47. Colophon: इति वामनसूक्तं समाप्तम् ।। Subject : Second Astaka. Third Adhyāya. Vargas 14-28. Agtaka II-3-14-237 Mandala I-22-164. Remarks :-वामनसूक्तम् . The विनियोग of this Sukta is described by Saunaka in his Rgvidhāna as follows: "स्तेयं कृत्वा द्विजो मोहाधिरात्रोपोषितः शुचिः । सूक्तं जप्त्वाऽस्य वामीयं क्षिप्रं मुच्येत किल्बिषात् ॥” One who steals will be rid of his sin by fasting for three days and repeating this Sūkta. This Mss. is not accented. Il tachibar il 44. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper Size---7}<31 inches. Sheets-5. Lines -7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -75. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject:-Same as No. 43. Remarks: -- See No. 43. ll Prag HEAT II 45. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANBKRIT MANUSORIPTS 29 Substance-Paper. Size-10 X 4 inches. Sheets-4. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Dovanāgari. No, of Granthas -75. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 43. Remarks :-See No. 43. Il FETE GÅETT 11 46. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size—54 x 33 inches. Sheets---6. Lines —8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas –48. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 43. End : उतानयोश्चम्बो ३ योनिरंत(रत्रापितुर्दुहितुः गर्भमाधात् ॥) ३३॥ Colophon: Nil. Subject: Second Astaka. Third Adhyāya. 14-20 Vargas --ends in the middle of 33rd Rk of the 20th varga. Apaka 11-3-14 to II-3-20 ] [Mandala 1-22-184. Remarks :-An incomplete version of the Vámana Sūkta. Il pragnifat 47. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection. No. 15 b. Substance-Paper. Size--94 x 41 inches. Sheets-4. (begins with 4 a. and ends with 8a). Lines -10 to a Page. Script-Devanägarl. No. of Grantha -75. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 30 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning : अस्य वामस्य पलितस्य होतुस्तस्य भ्राता मध्यमो अस्त्यश्नः। तृतीयो भ्राता घृतपृष्ठो अस्यात्रापश्यं विश्पति सप्तपुत्रं ॥ End: दिव्यं सुपर्ण वायसं बृहतमपां गर्भ दर्शतमोषधीनां । अभीपतो वृष्टिभिस्तर्पयतं सरस्वंतमवसे जोहवीमि ॥ Colophon : Nil. Subject: Second Astaka. Third Adhyāya. 14-23 Vargas. Astaka. II-3-14 to II-3-231 [Mandala I-22-164. Remarks :-The same manuscript contains the Vięņu Sūkta in the beginning, the Vamana Sūkta in the middle and in the end the Puruşa Sūkta. See also No. 43. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 48. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection. 39 a. Substance-Paper. Size-101X32 inches. Sheets-6. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Deva nāgari. No. of Granthas—75. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 43. Colophon : इति वामनसूक्तं संपूर्णम् ॥ Subject : Astaka II-3-14 to II-3-23] [MandalatI-22-164. Remarks:-Accented with red ink. See No. 43. In the same manuscript the नवावुदेवसूक्तम् is continued. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 49. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2342 d. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 31 Substance-Paper. Size-11-4t inches. Sheets-16. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ तन्नु वौचाम रभसाय जन्मने पूर्व महित्वं वृषभस्य केतवे । ऐधेव यामन्मरुतस्तुविष्वणो युधेव शक्रास्तविषाणि कर्त्तन । End: अतारिष्म तमसस्पारमस्य प्रति वां स्तोमौ[5]अश्विनावधायि । एह यातं पथिभिर्देवयानैर्विद्यामेषं० ॥ २९ ॥ Colophon : इति द्वितीयाष्टके चतुर्थो (5)ध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥ Subject : Second Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. Astaka II-4-1 to II-4-29] [Mandala I-23-166 to I-24-183. Remarks :-The beginning of the fifth Adhyaya. "ता वामद्य ताव परं हे(वेम)" is given after the colophon. "वृजनै जीरदानु" is not given in this Mss. at the end. (See Max Muller's Edition.) The illustrated title page continues the story narrated in No.40. Virabhadra attacks Daksa, cuts his head off and throws it in the sacrificial fire. At this stage Brahma brings a two-wheeled two-horse chariot for VIrabbadra to fight with Vipu. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 50. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 1. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14x5 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-- 8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari, No. of Granthas ----160. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 32 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 49. Remarks:—The beginning of the fifth Adbyāya is not given here after the colophon. The title page continues the story narrated in No. 41. Kundodara exhausts the supply of Tatataka. The Lord orders fresh supplies as well. To quench Kundodara's thirst, a fastflowing river emanates from the Lord's head issving as if from the Gangã on His fore-head. The last page is well illustrated with flowers. Il Prag FileNT II 51. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 1. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--134 x 54 inches. Sheets-17. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colopbon and subject-Same as No. 49. Remarks :-Good condition. ll krag FileAT ! 52. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2342 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11X 48 inches. Sheets----17. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning: ता वामद्य तापरं हुवेमोच्छत्यामुषसि वहिरुक्थैः । नासत्या कुह चित्संतावों दिवो नाता मुदास्तराय ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 38 End : अमेरिंद्रस्य सोमस्य देवानामतिभिर्वयं । अरिष्यतः सचे मत्यभि ष्योम पृतन्यतः ॥ २९ ॥ Colophon : fa faatinga #T(S)8914: 11 4 11 Subject : Second Aştaka. Fifth Adhyāya. Astaka II-5-1 to 11-5-29] [Mandala 1-24-184 to 11-1-8. Remarks:- The beginning of the sixth Adhyāya "fa atat toga factat:" is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 49. The battle between Virabhadra and Vişnu is graphically depicted. The last page is well illustrated with flowers. II RECHEAT * 53. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 m. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X58 inches. Sheets-14. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas-180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 52. Remarks :-See Remarks under No. 50. At Tatatakā's request that her mother on the advice of Sage Gautama desired to bathe in all the holy rivers, the Lord causes the seven oceans to empty their contents into the small golden-lotus pond in Madhurā. ll #agriEAT 11 54. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 m. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 34 Beginning: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size 134 × 5 inches. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas-180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 52. Remarks:Good condition. aft: 3o 11 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 55. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2342 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 11 x 4 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-200. Complete. Sheets-17. No. of Gran नि॒ि होता॑ होतृ॒षद॑ने॒ विदा॒नस्त्वे॒षो ददि॒वाँ अ॑सदत्सुदक्षः । अद॑ब्धव्रतप्रमति॒र्वसिष्ठ' सहस्र॑भि॒रः शुचि॑जिह्वो[S]अ॒ग्निः ।। End: ब्रह्म॑णस्पते॒ त्वम॒स्य यु॑ता सूक्तस्य॑ बोधि॒ तन॑यं च जिन्व । faxá azż ugdfa dar gedèu fazêt gåret: 11 32 1 Colophon : इति द्वितीयाष्टके षष्टो ( s)ध्यायः ॥ ६ ॥ Subject: Second Astaka. Sixth Adhyaya. Astaka II-6-1 to II-6-32] Remarks:--The beginning of the Seventh Adhyāya “(f}) प्रभृ॑ति॒ य ईशि॑षे" is given after the colophon. [Mandala II-1-9 to II-3-23. For Private and Personal Use Only The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 52. Brahma the charioteer interferes. Then there is a truce and Visņu and other Gods pacifiy Virabhadra and chant the Virabhadra-Stuti in Sivapuraṇa-Vayaviya Samhita. Adhyaya 20. Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 35 a gritar la 11 56. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 . Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 54 inches. Sheets-16. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas-200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 55. Remarks :-The title page continues pictorially the story narrated in No 53. Kāūcanamālā asks Gautama the correct procedure for bathing. Gautama says that both the husband and wife should bathe together. At Tatatakā's request the Lord orders Kāñcanamālā's husband to be brought from Svarga in a divine aerial car; and then the pair bathe together. The last page is well illustrated with flowers. Il CHEAT II 57. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 n. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--138 X 54 inches. Sheets--19. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas- 200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 55. Remarks :- Good condition. ll Fechirgan 11 58. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2342 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11x48 inches. Sheets---17. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas-180. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 36 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ सेमामावलि(ड्डि) प्रभृति यं इशिष(s)या विधेम नर्वया महा गिरा। यथा नो मीता()स्तवते सखा तब बृहस्पते सीधः सोत नौ मतिं ॥ End: जुषेयों यज्ञं बोधतं हवस्य मे सत्तो होता निविदः पूर्व्या अर्नु । अ)छा राजाना नम एत्यावृतं प्रशास्त्रादा पिबतं मोम्यं मधु ॥२५॥ Colophon : इति द्वितीयाष्टके सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Subject: Second Astaka. Seventh Adhyāya. Antaka II-7-1 to II-7-25] [Mandala II-3-24 to II-4-36. Remarks :-The beginning of the Eighth Adhyaya "मंदस्व होत्राद नु जोषमधसः" is given after the colophon. The title page pictorially continues the story narrated in No. 55. Agreeably to Visnu's praise, Siva and Parvati appear riding on a bull. A goat's head replaces the lost head of Daksa. Tho goat-beaded Daksa with his wife, Vimu, Agni and other Gods, praise Pārvati and Siva. The last page is illustrated with flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 59. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 0. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X5 inches. Sheets---14. Lines---8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgart. No. of Gran thas--180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 58. Remarks :-See No. 56. Tatataka gives birth to a child named Ugrapāņdya. Brahmã, Vişnu and Indra with sages and others For Private and Personal Use Only Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS arrive to bless the new born babe. The last page is well ornamented with rose flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 60. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 o. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -132X5 inches. Sheets--18. Lines--8 to a Page. Script--Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas--180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 58, Remarks:-Good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता॥ 61. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2342 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11x4g inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7tos Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning :: मंदस्व होत्रादनु जोषमंसो(s)ध्वर्यवः स पूर्णा वष्टयासिचै । तमा एतं भैरत तो ददिहोत्रात्सोमै द्रविणोदः पिब ऋतुभिः॥ End: इळामने पुरुदंस सनि गोः शश्वत्तमं हवमानाय साध । स्याः सूनुस्तनयो विजावाग्ने सा ते सुमतिर्भूत्वले ॥ २७॥ Colophon: इति द्वितीयाष्टके अष्टमो(ड)भ्यायः ॥ ८॥ Subject : Second Asta.ka. Eighth Adhyaya. Ataka II-8-1 to II-8-27] [Mandala II-4-38 to III-1-6. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 38 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks :-The beginning of the Third Aataka “q T 1750.) fara opt erg:" is given after the colophon. The title page pictorially represents the Lord Siva assuming the full form of Virabhadra with dog as his Vāhana- Nárada and the Horse-faced Tumburu sing the praises of the Lord. The last page is well illustrated with flowers. ll Begritat i 62. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size-14X6 inches. Sheets-14. Lines---8 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Gran thas-180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 61. Remarks: The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 59. Ugrapāņdya is in due course married to Kāntimati, daughter of Somasekhara, a prince of the Solar race. After the marriage Ugrapāņdya is crowned King of Madhurā, and is presented with a spear, a bangle and a flower bouquet by Sandarapānd ya Sundarapāņdya and his wife Tatătakā become absorbed in the Lord Kadambavanešvara. The last page is beautifully illustrated with flowers. Il Bachitat 11 63. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--138 X 54 inches. Sheets--18. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 61. Remarks :-Good condition, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 39 11 FEGHEAT 11 64. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-94 X 4 inches. Sheets-19. (37–55). Lines--9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas--380. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 52. End-Same as No. 56. Colophon: sfâ facrarea 981(S)er: 11 Subject: Second Astaka, Fifth and Sixth Adhyāyas. Astaka II-5-1 to II-6-32] [Mandala I-24-184 to 11-3-23. Remarks :--The manuscript is old and worn out. The manuscript begins with two or three preceding Rks which are not easily recognisable. Il fatürkan 65. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 9. Substance -Paper. Size-3x+ inches. Sheets–77. (2--78). Lines-10 to 11 to a Page. Script --Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1430. Incomplete (wants beginning). Beginning : जनो यः पजेभ्यो वाजिनीवानश्वावतो रथिनो मी सूरिः॥८॥ End--Same as No. 61. Colophon: __ इति द्वितीयाष्टके अष्टमो(5)ध्यायः ॥ ८॥ Subject: Second Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas ; but wants the first Varga of the first Adhyāya. (1 to 7} fks). Astaka 11-1-1 to 11-8-27] [Mandala 1-18-122 to III-1-6. Remarks :-The manuscript is in fairly good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DEBORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF 1d # CHICAT II 66. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 10. Substance---Paper. Size--92 X 44 inches. Sheets—76. Lines—12 tn a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas---1440. Complete. Beginning Same as No. 34. End-Same as No. 61. Colophon: इति द्वितीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः । अस्मत्कुलदैवताम्बार्पणमस्तु ।। इदं पुस्तकं नीरानिव्यासपुत्रमोरव्यासेन लिखितम् । विकृतिनाम संवत्सरे ज्येष्ठशुद्धाष्टमीचन्द्रवारे कमलाकरभट्टात्मजेन स्वरितम् ।। Subject : Second Aạtaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Amtaka 11-1-1 to 11-8-27] [Mandala 1-18-122 to III-1-6. Remarks :-Only the beginning of the last æk of this Ataka 66 Totho goei" is given. After the colophon, the index of this Astaka is given in this Mss. by giving the first pratika of each ten sets of Vargas in each adhyāya ; for example: "99: giayxatuma graire”- means that the first Aataka consists of fa: qta (10) ST4FUTTATT (10) and taula (6) or twenty-six Vargas. In this manner the index is given for all the remaining Adhyāyas of this Astaka. This information has been presumably written by a different scribe as can be seen by the variations in handwriting. The Mes. is dated fasfrå or 1770 A. D. The Meg. is in fairly good condition. 11 ore a creat 11 67. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 2. Substance-Paper. Size—88 x 4 inches. Sheets--110. Lines-9 to a Page. Script For Private and Personal Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1440. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 66. Colophon : इति द्वितीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ शके १६८८ व्ययनामसंवत्सरे चैत्रशुद्धद्वाद[या]यां तिथौ इदं पुस्तकं समाप्तं ॥ इदं पुस्तकं सान्योपनामकरामभटतत्सूनोधुडिराजेन लि. खितं ॥ Remarks :-The Mss. is in good condition. It is dated Saka 1,688 or 1766 A. D. The scribe's name is given as Dhudi Raja. The Mss. is fully accented in red ink. The last page is very much worn out. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 68. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection No. 2. Substance-Paper. Size-91x4 inches. Sheets-25 (only 1-8, 45, 52-57, 7-16). Lines -9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -578. Incomplete. Beginning: (अत्यमिव शवसे) सातये धना विश्वा धनानि सातये ॥ ६ ॥ End : अयं सो अग्निराहुतः पुरुत्रा यमीशानः समिदिधे हविष्मान् । परियमेत्यध्वरेषु होता । Colophon: - इति चतुर्विंशतितमो(s)ध्यायः ।। इति तृतीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: 1. Second Astaka-only First and Second Adhyayas '-both Incomplete 2. Third Astaka-only 8th Adhyaya-Incomplete. 3. Fifth Astaka-only First Adhyaya-Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 42 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF This Mss. begins with the latter part of the Sixth Ķk of the 19th Varga of the 1st Adhyaya of the 2nd Astaka and ends in the First Rk of the 26th Varga of the First Adhyāya of the Fifth Astaka. Remarks :--The Mss. is in fairly good condition. ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 69. RG-VEDA SAMRITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2343 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-11 X 43 inches. Sheets--19. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanūgari. No. of Granthas-210. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ प्र य[s] आरु()शितिपृष्ठस्य धासेरा मातरां विविशुः सप्त वाणीः । परिक्षिता पितरा सं चरेते प्रसाते दीर्घमायुः प्र॒यक्षे । End: यद्य त्वा प्रयति यज्ञे[5] अस्मिन्होतश्चिकित्वो(s)वृणीमहीह । ध्रुवपया ध्रुवमुतामिष्ठाः प्रजानन्विद्वाँ[s]उप याहि सोम ॥ ३४॥ Colophon: इति तृतीयाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ १॥ Subject: Third Astaka. First Adhyāya. Astaka III-1-1 to III-1-34] [Mandala III-1-7 to III-3-29. Remarks :-The beginning of the Second Adhysya "इ(क)छति त्वा सोम्यासः सखायः" is given after the colophon. The title page contains an illuminated pictorial representation of the churn. ing of the ocean of milk (क्षीराब्धि ) with the mountain Mandara as the churning stick supported by Vişņu in the form of a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 43 tortoise below and in his natural form accompanied by Laksmi above, with Väsuki as the churning rope, the head end being held by Asuras and the tail end by Devas. The last page is decorated with embroidered flowers. CHEAT 11 Il 70. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 q. Page 1. Loft column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 54 inches. Sheets-15. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -210. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 69. Remarks :-The Mss. is in very good condition. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 62. Whilst Ugrapāņd ya the King rises in esteem and bids fair to become an equal of Indra as a sacrificer of one hundred sacrifices, Indra gets angry and persuades Varuņa to swell the oceans to envelop the city of Madhurā. Ugrapāņdya iş agitated and in bis sleep, a Siddha advises him to use the spear given to him by his father to check Varuņa. The picture shows the King stemming the tide of the ocean by his spear. Il Rua CHIETT 11 71. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 q. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper, Size--13% x 54 inches. Sheets--18. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanãgari. No. of Granthas --210. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject---Same as No. 69. Remarks :- The Mos. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 44 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 72. RG VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 a. Page 1. Substance —— Paper. Left column. Size - 11x42 inches. Sheets-21. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -210. Complete. Beginning : A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 69. Remarks :- The Mss. is in excellent condition. The handwriting is bold and beautiful. The Mss. is not accented. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 73. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2343 b. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-11 x 43 inches. Sheets-16. Lines-7 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Colophon : aft: 30 11 इ॒(च्छंति॑ त्वा सो॒म्यासः सखा॑यः सु॒न्व॑ति॒ सोमं॒ दध॑ति॒ प्रयो॑सि । तिति॑क्षंते[s]अभिश॑स्त॒ जना॑ना॒मंद्र त्वदा कश्च॒न हि प्र॑के॒तः ।। End : शु॒नं हु॑वेम • ( म॒घवा॑न॒मि॑द्र॑म॒स्मिन्भरे॒ नृत॑मं॒ वाज॑सातौ ) । शृ॒ण्व॑त॑मु॒ग्र॰ (मृ॒तये॑ स॒मत्सु॒ ते॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ सं॒जितं॒ धर्नानां ॥२६॥ Left column. Subject : Third Astaka. Second Adhyāya. इति तृतीयाष्टके द्वितीयो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ २ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Astaka. III-2-1 to III-2-26] [Mandala III-3-30 to III-4-39. Remarks:The beginning of the Third Adhyaya " इंद्रे त्वा वृष॒भं a" is given after the Colophon. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेद संहिता ॥ 74. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 r. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size 14 x 5 inches. The title page continues the story narrated in No. 69 in pictures. As a result of the churning, the deadly poison हालाहल is engendered. Visnu, Brahma, Indra and Agni pray to Siva and Parvati to protect them from the all consuming poison. Siva accedes to their request and drinks the poison himself, whereupon Parvati, solicitous of Siva's life, stops the poison in Siva's neck; hence the name Nilakantha (bluenecked) to Śiva. 45 Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Sheets-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 73. Remarks:-The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 70. The three countries, Cera, Cola and Pandya suffer from want of rain. The Kings of these three lands pray to Sage Agastya who advises them to practise the Somavaravrata or fasting on Mondays to please the Lord Siva. As a result of the penance they are endowed with a power of travelling in the air at will, whereupon Indra asks them what they wanted. Indra accedes to the request of the Kings of Cera and Cola for plenty of rain but refuses the same to the King of the Pandyas as King Ugrapāṇḍya was insolent enough to seat himself on an equal seat with him. Indra and Ugrapandya fight each other. Ugrapandya uses his second giftthe divine bangle referred to in No. 62 and chops off the crown of Indra. This incident is illustrated in full detail ag Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 46 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF narrated in the Tiruviļayādalpurãņam. The last page is beautifully illustrated with flowers. !Prachfeat 75. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 r. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper, Size--13% X 54 inches. Sheets--16. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 73. Remarks :- Same as No. 71. ll FięAT II 76. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size-11 X 49 inches. Sheets-19. Lines 7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgars. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 73. Remarks:Same as No. 72. krag FileAT II a77. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2343 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance---Paper. Size--11x48 inches. Sheets—17. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No, of Granthas -160. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTE Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ इंद्र त्वा वृषभं वयं सुते सोमै हवामहे । स पाहि मध्वो[5] अंधसः ॥ End : निषिध्वरीस्त[s] ओषधीरुतापो रयिं त[s]इंद्र पृथिवी बिभर्ति । सखायस्ते वामभाजः स्याम महद्देवानामसुरत्वमेकै ॥ ३१ ॥ Colophon: sa ni tataiet gari(s)cara: llll Subject: Third Astaka. Third Adhyāya. Axtaka III-3-1 to III-3-31] [Mandala III-4-40 to III-5-55. Remarks:--The beginning of the Fourth Adhyāya- H OT facia ATETETT HITT:” is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 73. The divine nectar which was produced by the churning is distributed to the Gods and the Asuras by Vigņu in the form of Mohinithe divine enchantress. Pārvati and Siva are witnessing the scene. The last page is also illustrated with flowers. Il Raghiat 78. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 s. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size-14 x 54 inches. Sheoto-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari, No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 77. Remarks :-The title page continues the story narrated in No. 74, in pictures. King Ugrapāņdya is blessed with a son named Virapāņd ya but still the King is sad as famine is raging in his land. In dream, a sage advises him to attack the Mahameru which has been growing so much as even to impede the regular course of the Sun and Moon, with his third gift the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 48 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF flower bouquet (Vide No. 62). The King accordingly attacks the mountain Mahāmeru with the flower bouquet whereupon untola treasures are divulged to him from underneath the mountain. The King gathers the treasures and distributes them lavishly to all his subjects. The King now satisfied, crowns his son Vīra pāņdya as King and absorbs himself into the Lord Kadambavapeśvara. !! * CHICATII 79. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 s. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--134 x 54 inches. Sheets-17. Lines---8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 77. Remarks :- Same as No. 75. Il Rag HAT 11 80. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 o. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11 X 49 inches. Sheets--20. Lines---7 to a Page. Scrit-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 77. Remarks :-Same as No. 76. Il Racercar il 81. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. · Burnell's Catalogue No. 2343 d. Page 1. Loft column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 49 Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ न ता मिनंति मायिनो न धीरा व्रता देवानां प्रथमा धुवाणि । न रोदसी[5]अनुहा वेद्याभन पर्वता निनमै तस्थिवांसः ।। End: अया ते[s] अग्ने समिर्धा विधेम प्रति स्तोम शस्यमानं गृभाय । दहाशसौ रक्षसः पाद्यमा(द)हो निदो मित्रमहो[5] अवधात् ॥२५॥ Colophon : इति तृतीयाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥ Subject : Third Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. Astaka III-4-1 to III-4-25] [Mandala III-5-56 to IV-1-4. Remarks :-The beginning of the Fifth Adhyaya. "वैश्वानराय मी. लहुषे सजोषाः " is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the Goddess Gāyatri being worshipped by six Brahmin devotees. For further details, gee No. 9. It may be observed here that the body of the Goddess in number 9 is white and that under reference is red. Cf. "रक्ता गायत्री, श्वेता सावित्री, कृष्णा सरस्वती" (गायत्रीहृदय in वसिष्ठसंहिता) ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 82. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2849 t. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14x5 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 50 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colopbon and subject-Same as No. 81. Remarks: -See No. 78. Tha title page contains a pictorial repre sentation of a Brahmin of Madhurā by name Harabhakta, being approached by the sages for advice. Harabhakta leads the sages to the famous stone-banyan tree when to the wonder of all, Lord Daksiņāmürti manifests Himself from under the tree and advises all the assembled devotees. The sages and Harabhakta advise the King Virāpāņd ya in turn. Il Raghigan II 83. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 t. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets---17. Lines-_8 to a Page. Script--Devanãgari. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 81. Remarks :--The Mss. is in very good condition. 11 ta gritar II 84. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11 x 44 inches. Sheets-19. Lines--7 to a Page. Script--Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. Beginniag, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 81. Remarks :-Same as No. 80. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 85. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2343 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X4 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. ft: 3o 11 वैश्वान॒राय॑ म॒हुषे॑ स॒जोषा॑ः क॒था दशमा॒नये बृहद्भाः । अनू॑नेन बृह॒ता वृ॒क्षये॒नोप॑ स्तभायदुप॒मिन्न रोधः ॥ 51 End: अव॑त्य॒ शुन॑[s] आंत्राणि॑ पेच॒ न दे॒वेषु॑ विविदे मर्डितारे । अप॑श्य॑ जा॒यामम॑हीयमाना॒मध॑ मे श्ये॒नो मध्वा जंभार ॥ २६ ॥ Colophon : इति तृतीयाष्टके पश्चमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ५ ॥ Subject: Third Astaka. Fifth Adhyaya. Aṣṭaka III-5-1 to III-5-26] [Mandala IV-1-5 to IV-2-18. Remarks:-The beginning of the Sixth Adhyāya " एवा त्वाf# afand” is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of King Bhagiratha doing austere penance, whereupon Brahma, Indra, Agni and Viņu pray to Lord Paramasiva to pacify Bhagiratha. For Private and Personal Use Only ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 86. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 u. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 5 inches. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Left column. Sheets--14. Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 52 A DESORIPTIVE OATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subjeot-Same as No. 86. Romarks:-See No. 82. The decorations contained on the title pages of this family of Mss. now cease. The title page of tho Mss. under reference contains in pencil an outline sketch of a decoration which could not be completed. 'The Mss. is in good condition, ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 87. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 u. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--138 X 54 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 85. Remarks:-The Mss. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 88. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2343 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4 inches. Sheets-17. Lines—-7 to a Page. Script--Devapāgari. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ एवा त्वामिंद्र वज्रिनत्र विश्वे देवासः मुहवाम[5]ऊमाः। महामुमे रोदसी वृध्रमृष्वं निरेकमिणते पत्रहत्यै ॥ End : अरै म उस्रयाम्णे(रमनुस्रयाम्णे । बघू यामेवत्रिधा ॥ ३० ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Colophon: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 89. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति तृतीयाष्टके षष्ठो (S) ध्यायः ।। ६ ।। 46 Subject: Third Astaka. Sixth Adhyaya. Astaka III-6-1 to III-6-30] [Mandala IV-2-19 to IV-4-33. Remarks:-The beginning of the seventh Adhyaya ‹ Art वृ॒तमि॑व॒ वाच॑मिष्ये " is given after the colophon, The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 85. Agreeably to the prayers, Paramasiva allows the Goddess Ganga to flow forth in seven streams from His head and allowed one stream only to follow King Bhagiratha. The Mss. is in good condition. Burnell's Catalogue. No. 2349 v. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 × 5 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. 53 Beginning, end colophon and subject-Same as No. 88. Remarks:-The Mss. is in good condition. From this Mss. onwards no attempt is made to decorate the title page of this family of Mss. See No. 86. 11 Kázeiftar || 90. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 v. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas-160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 88. For Private and Personal Use Only Left column. Sheets-17. No. of Gran Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 54 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks:-The Mss. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 91. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2343 g. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-11 x 4 inches. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas-160. Complete. Beginning: ER: 30 11 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Left column. प्र ऋभुभ्यो॑ दू॒तमि॑त्र॒ वाच॑मिष्य [s] उप॒स्ति वैत॑रीं धे॒नुमळे । ये वात॑जूतास्त॒रणि॑भि॒रेयै॒ परि॒ द्या॑ स॒द्यो [5] अपसौ बभूवुः || End: Sheets-17. No. of Gran बृह॑स्पत[s]इ॑त्र॒ वर्ध॑तं नः सचा सा वा॑ सुम॒तिर्भूत्व॒स्मे । afté fait fagá göaftslaagaf zggraziat: 11 20 1 Colophon: || százáfgar || 92. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 w. Page 1. For Private and Personal Use Only इति तृतीयाष्टके सप्तमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Subject: Third Aṣṭaka. Seventh Adhyāya. Astaka III-7-1 to III-7-27] [Mandala IV-4-33 to IV-5-50. Remarks:-The beginning of the Eighth Adhyāya‘gay Gregoať grata' is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 88. King Bhagiratha is shown as arriving at Benareswith the River Gangā following him. The town, the river bank and the famous bathing ghats are beautifully illustrated. Left column. Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTA 88 Substance-Paper. Size--14x5 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, enil, colophon and subject--Same as No. 91. Remarks:-Same as No. 89. The Mss. is in very good condition, The paper used in this family of Mss. bears the water mark of 1827. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता। 93. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 w. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--132x52 inches. Sheets-17. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 91. Remarks:-The Mss. is in very good condition. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 94. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2343 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X42 inches. Sheets-18. Lines--7 to a Page, Script-Devanagari, No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ इदमु त्यत्पुरुतम पुरस्ताज्ज्योति॒िस्तमसो वयुनावदस्थात् । नूनं दिवो दुहितरौ विभातीर्गातुं कृणवन्नुषसो जनाय ॥ End: त्वामने प्रदिव आहुतं घृतैः सुम्नायवः सुषविधा समीधिरे । स वावधान ओषधीभिरुक्षितोऽभि ज्रयोसि पार्थिवा वि तिष्ठसे ॥२६॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 56 À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: इति तृतीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)च्यायः ॥ ८ ॥ Subject: Third Antaka. Eighth Adhyāya. Astaka III-8-1 to III-8-28] [Mandala IV-5-51 "to V-1-8. Remarks :--The beginning of the Fourth Aştaka'ari a at is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 91. The River Ganga accompanies Bhagiratha to the nether worldart , flows over the ashes of Bhagiratha's ancestors and reaches the ocean. !! a Firear it 95. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogne No. 2349 x. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper, Size-14X54 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 94. Remarks :-Same as No. 92. lleg HEAT II 96. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 x. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -134 x 54 inches. Sheets--17. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 94. Romarks :-Same as No. 93. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 97. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection. No. 42 b. Substance - - Paper. Size - 101 x 33 Lines---7 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-20. Complete. inches. Sheets-2 (6-7 ). Beginning: समुद्रसूक्तप्रारंभः । समुद्रादूर्मिर्मधुमां (माँ) उदारदुपांशुना सममृतत्वमानद् । घृतस्य नाम गुह्यं यदस्ति जिह्वा देवानाममृतस्य नाभिः ॥ End: धाम॑न्ते॒ विश्वं॒ भुव॑न॒मधि॑ धि॒तम॒तः स॑मु॒द्रे दृद्यंतरायु॑षि । अपामनीके समिथे य आभृ॑त॒स्तम॑श्याम॒ मधु॑मंतं त ऊर्मिं ॥ २ ॥ Colophon : समुद्रसूक्तं संपूर्णम् । Subject: Samudra Sukta. 46 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Astaka III-8-10-11] [ Mandala IV-5-58. Remarks :—This Mss. contains three Sūktas, the ānobhadra Sūkta at the beginning, the Samudra Sukta in the middle and the Vienu Sūkta at the end. Only the first two Rks of this Sukta are not accented. The Samudra Sukta is also known by the name Ghṛta Sükta, evidently due to the oblation being ghṛta. The Viniyoga of this Sukta may be found in Saunaka's Rg-vidhana where it is mentioned that it should be used in पूर्णाहुति, Compare. समुद्रादिति सूक्तेन यः सदा जुहुयाद्धृतम् । . संयतात्मा जितेन्द्रियः । 57 93 तमग्निः सर्वतः पाति भद्रेण द्रविणेन च ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only [Adhyāya II. Verses 251-262]. Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 58 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 98. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection. No. 11. Substance--Paper. Size--81X41 inches. Sheets--67 (2-73; Sheets--39-43 are missing). Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1360. Incomplete. Beginning (उतो पितृभ्यां प्रविदानु घोष महो महामनयंत शृषं । उक्षा ह यत् परि धानमुक्तो)रनु खं धाम जरितुर्ववक्षु ।। End: तं नो अग्ने अभी नरो रयिं सहस्व आ भर ।। स क्षेपयत्स पोषय वद्वाजस्य सातय उतैधि पृत्सु नौ वृधे । Colophon: इति तृतीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)भ्यायः ॥ श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु । लिखितं देवकृष्णेन ।। Subject : Third Astaka. 1-3 Adhyayas, omitting the First Varga of the First Adhyāya. The First Varga of the First Adhyāya of the Fourth Astaka is includ ed at the end of this Mss. Astaka III-1-2 to IV-1-1] [Mandala III-1-7 to V-1-9. Remarks :--The colophon "इति तृतीयाष्टके अश्मो(s)ध्याय:" is given after the first Varga of the first Adhyāya of the fourth Aptaka. The Mss. is very old and is in a worn-out condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 99. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. J. L. Collection. No. 10. Substance-Paper. Size-94 X 3} inches. Sheets-19 (78-96). Lines-8 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari No. of Granthas-250. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Beginning : स्वस्तये वरुणं मित्रमग्निं हवामह इंटं वज्रबाहुं ॥ 4 ।। इंद्रमिवेदुभये वि हयंत उदीराणा यज्ञमुपप्रयंतः । End and colophon-Same as No. 94. Subject : Third Astaka. 7-8 Adhyayas. Agtaka III-7-18 to III-8-26] [Mandala IV-4-39 to v-1-8. Remarks :This Mss. begins with the latter half of the fourth Rk. of the 13th Varga, of the 7th Adhyāya. The Mss. is very old and is accented in red ink. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 100. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 3. Substance-Paper. Size-101x4 inches. Sheets--71. Lines—8 or 9 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas---1370. Complete. Beginning :-Same as No. 69. End :-Same as No. 98. Colophon : इति तृतीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ इति चोरवर्गः ॥ राक्षसभुवनकरकमलाकरभट्टस्येदं पुस्तकम् ॥ वा सुदेवदीक्षितात्मजजीवरामदीक्षिततनयगोविन्दभट्टसूनुकमलाकरसुताम्बाजिना इदं पुस्तकं राक्षस० कमलाकरभट्टपुत्रेण प्लवङ्गनाम संवत्सरे लिखितम् ।। Subject : Third Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas and the First Varga of the Fourth Astaka. Astaka III-1-1 to IV-1-1] [Mandala III-1-7 to v-1-9. Remarks:--Just before the colophon of each Adhyâya are given the indices of each ten Vargas of each Adhyāya of this Astaka:'इदमुत्यत्सम्यक्सवन्ति सुप्रतीके षट् ' etc. etc. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BO A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OY The Mss. is in good condition and is accented in red ink. The paper is of Indian manufacture. The date of the Mss. is 1787 A. D. Plavanga year. The scribe's name is Ambaji. 11 pagatat it 101. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection. No. 11. Substance--Paper. Size_98x48 inches. Sheets—67. Lines--9 or 10 to a Page. Script Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas-1360. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 69. End :--Same as No. 94. Colophon: sfat garage 18#1(s)6714: 11 इदं पुस्तकं नराजिव्यासपुत्रमोरव्यासेन लिखितं स्वार्थ परार्थ च। राक्षसभुवनकरोपनामकमलाकरभट्टस्य सुतेन स्वरितम् ।। Subject: Third Axtaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Ataka III-1-1 to III-8-26] [Mandala III-1-7 to V-1-8. Remarks :--The beginning of the Fourth Axtaka arhd faciat' etc. is given in a different handwriting after the colophon. The Mss. is fairly old and is accented in red ink. The Mss. belongs to the second half of the eighteenth century. The scribe's name is Moravyāsa, son of Nirajivyāsa. 11 #TE THEAT 11 102. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection. No. 12. Substance---Paper. Size-8*X45 inches. Sheets----36. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-1360. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon-Same as No. 101. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 61 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Subject : Third Antaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka III-1-1 to III-8-26] [Mandala III-1-7 to v-1-8. Remarks :-The last foot of the last Ķk of the third Adhyāya 'देवानामसुरत्वमेकं' in omitted in this Mss. Accent is marked in red ink. The Mss. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 103. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2344 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-18. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ त्वामग्ने हुविष्मतो देवं पास ईळते । मन्ये त्वा जातवेदसं स हृव्या वक्ष्यानुषक् । End : एवा हि त्वामृतुथा यातयंतं मघा विप्रेभ्यो ददतं शृणोमि । किं ते ब्रह्माणो गृहते सखायो ये त्वाया निदधुः काममिंद्र ॥ ३३ ॥ Colophon : इति चतुर्थाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ १ ॥ Subject : Fourth Astaka. First Adhyaya. Amaka IV-1-1 to IV-1-33] [Mandala V-I-9 to V-3-32. Remarks :-The beginning of the Second Adhyaya "महिं महे is given after the colophon. The title page contains in pictures the continuation of the story narrated in No. 21. One of the evil spirits engendered in the Abhicărika homa is Gajăsura, the elephant-faced demon. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF The title page illustrates the fight between Gajāsura and Paramasiva. 104. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 y. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size-14X54 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas --190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 103. Remarks :The Mss. is in excellent condition and is accented. li pa great in 105. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 y. Page 1. Left column. Substance---Paper. Size-13 X 58 inches. Sheets--18. Lines-—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgart. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 103. Remarks:-The Mss. is in very good condition. 11 paghieAT II 106. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2344 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--11 X 43 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Deyanîgari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 63 Beginning : हरिॐ॥ महि महे तवसै दीध्ये नृनिंद्रायेत्था तवसे अतव्यान् । यो अस्मै सुमतिं वाजसातौ स्तुतो जनै समयश्चिकेत ॥ End: उत ग्ना व्यतु देवपत्नीरिंद्राण्यग्नाव्यश्विनी राद् । आ रोदसी वरुणानी शृणोतु व्यंतु देवीर्य ऋतुर्जनीनां ॥ २८ ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीचतुर्थाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ २ ॥ Subject: Fourth Astaka. Second Adhyāya. Asta.ka IV-2-1 to IV-2-28] [Mandala V-3-33 to v-4-46. Remarks :-The beginning of the Third Adhyaya. "प्रयुंजती दिव एति ब्रुवाणा" | is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 103. Gajasura now assumes the form of an elephant in all details and continues the fight with Paramasiva. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 107. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2319 z. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 x 54 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script---Devanagari. No. of Granthas ----180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 106. . Remarks: --The Mss. is in excellent condition and is throughout accented. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 84 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Or ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 108. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. · Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 z. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--134X 54 inches. Sheets--18. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagart. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 106. Remarks :-The Mss. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 109. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2344 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X48 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagarl. No. of Granthas. -200. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ प्रयुंजती दिव एति बुवाणा मही माता दुहितुर्बोधयंती । आविर्वासंती युवतिर्मनीषा पितृभ्य आ सदने जोहुवाना ॥ End: यद्वंहिष्ठं नातिविधै सुदानू अछिद्रं शमै भुवनस्य गोपा । तेने नो मित्रावरुणावविष्टं सिषासंतो जिग्रीवांसः स्याम ॥३१ ।। Colophon : इति श्रीचतुर्थाष्टके तृतीयो(5)ध्यायः ॥ ३ ॥ Subject : Fourth Astaka. Third Adhyaya. Astaka IV-3-1 to IV-3-31] [Mandala V-4-47 to v-5-62. Remarks:--The beginning of the Fourth Adhyaya "ऋतस्य गोपाव is given after the colophon. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 65 The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 106. Gajasura swallows the Lord Paramasiva. Vienu, Brahma, Indra and Agni pray for the Lord's reappearance whereupon Paramasiva emerges out tearing open the stomach of Gajasura. The whole incident is believed to have taken place at Cyutapura or modern Valuvür near Mayavaram. In Cyutapura, the sacred tank is known as Hastipuskariņī and the Lord is worshipped as Kṛttivaseśvara. For more detailed information, please see Cyutapuramahātmya available in this Library. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 110. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 aa. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size--14 x 5 inches. Sheets-15. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 109. Remarks:-The Mss. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 111. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 aa. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13× 5 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari, No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 109. Remarks:-The Mss. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 112. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2344 d. Page 1. Left column. 9 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 66 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-20. Lines--7 to a Page. Script---Devanagari. No. of Granthas-~200. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ ऋतस्य गोपावधि तिष्टथो रथं सत्यधर्माणा परमे व्योमनि । यमत्र मित्रावरुणावथो युवं तमै वृष्टिर्मधुमन्पि(त्पि)न्वते दिवः ॥ End: पुरूण्यने पुरुधा त्वाया वखूनि राजन्वसुता ते अश्या । पुरूणि हि त्वे पुरुवार संत्यग्ने वसु विधते राजन त्वे ॥ ३६ ॥ Colophon : _ इति चतुर्थाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥ Subject : Fourth Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. Actaka IV-4-1 to IV-4-36] [Mandala V-5-63 to VI-1-1. Remarks: --The beginning of the Fifth Adhyaya is given after the colophon. The title page is pictorially illustrated by depicting an incident from the Sivapurāņa. Mahivişņu unable to bear the troubles of the daityas worships with lotus flowers Lord Paramasiva. The Mss. is well preserved. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 118. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 ab. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14x5 inches. Sheets-16. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 112. Remarks :-The Mss. is in excellent condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 ab. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-13 X5 inches. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas 200. Complete. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 114. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. End: Colophon : Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 112. Remarks: The Mss. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 115. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2344 e. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-11 X 48 inches. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas-200. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Left column. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ।। त्वं हि क्षैत॑व॒द्यशो ( s)ग्ने॑ मि॒त्रो न पत्य॑से । cái falador war aut gfé a grafa 11 Sheets-19. No. of Gran For Private and Personal Use Only अग्निं दे॒वास अप्रि॒यम॑धते॑ वृत्र॒हंत॑मं । dar agentai goa zaifu gnfaat 11 30 || इति चतुर्थाष्टके पञ्चमो ( s)ध्यायः || ५ || Fifth Adhyaya. Sheets-17. No. of Gran 67 Subject: Fourth Astaka. Astaka IV-5-1 to IV-5-30] [Mandala VI-1-2 to VI-2-16. Remarks:-The beginning of the Sixth Adhyaya "fog oft यमु॑त्र॒ तद॑ः ॥ is given after the colophon. 33 The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESOBIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF No 112. One day 88 Viņņu was performing the pūjā to Paramasiva, He found that the lotus flowers were short by one. He at once plucked His own right eye and offered it to the Lord whereupon Paramasiva, pleased with such devotion, gave Him the Sudarśana Cakra. This incident is also narrated in Pundarikapura Māhātmya to have taken place in Tejani Vana, or Modern Tediyūr, near Kumbhakopam. Compare: "तेजनीवनसंज्ञेच स्थितोऽहं सर्वदा हरे। सहस्रकमलेनैव पूल्यमाने त्वया मयि ॥ दृष्टा त्वमेकं न्यूनन्तु नेत्रमुत्पाट्य भक्तितः । बत्राभ्यध्ये तु मां चक्रं त्वमेतल्लब्धवान्हरे ॥" [Puņdarīkapura Māhātmya. Adhyāya VII. Verses 47-48.] Il racefcat ! 116. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 ac. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 x 54 inches. Sheets-14. Linos-8 to a Page. Script--Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas-200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 115. Romarks :--The Mos. is in excellent condition. Il *uageEM 11 117. RG-VELA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 ac. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets-19. Linel--8 to & Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas-200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and object-Same as No. 115. Remarks :-The Mss. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता॥ 118. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2344 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4g inches. Sheeta-17. Lines-_-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas.-160. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ पिबा सोममभि यमन तदै ऊर्व गव्यं महिं गृणान इंद्र । वि यो धृष्णो वधिषो वजहस्त विश्वा वृत्रममित्रिया शोभिः ॥ End: उपेदमुपपर्चनमासु गोधूपं पृच्यतां । उप ऋषभस्य रेतस्युपेंद्र तव वीर्य ॥ २५ ॥ Colophon : इति चतुर्थाष्टके षष्ठो(s)भ्यायः ॥ ६ ॥ Subject: Fourth Agtaka. Sixth Adhyāya. Ataka IV-6-1 to IV-6-25] [Mandala VI-2-17 to VI-3-28. Remarks :-The beginning of the Seventh Adhyâya " at arti सख्याय सेपुर" is given after the colophon. The title page pictorially illustrates another incident from the Sivapurāņa. Once Brahmã woke up the sleeping Vişnu and accosted Him "child, wake up." At this, Visnu grew angry; and both decided to fight out the issue. The Gods grow frightened at the unpleasant turn of events, and prayed to Paramasiva to put a stop to the duel. Paramasiva thereupon appeared on the scene in the form of a Jyotirlinga standing in full enveloping heaven and earth. Brahma and Vinnu were now convinced of another being greater to them. selves, stopped fighting and looked wonder-stricken at the Jyotirlinga. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 10 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 119. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 ad. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14x5 inches. Sheets-12. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 118. Remarks:-The Mss. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 120. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 ad. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--132X51 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas-160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 118. Remarks:-The Mas. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 121. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No.2344g. Page 1. Left column. substance-Paper. Size--11x4 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-7 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-200. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ इंद्र को नरः सख्याय सेपुमहो यंता सुमतयै चकानाः । महो हि दाता वज्रहस्तो अस्ति महामु रण्वमवसे यजध्वं ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End: Colophon : SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS anga gandâyan: Aguggiualaqifa | समव॑प॒र्णाश्चर॑ति नो॒ नरो (S) स्माकमिंद्र र॒थिनौ जयंतु ।। ३५ ।। इति चतुर्थाष्टके सप्तमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Subject: Fourth Astaka. Seventh Adhyāya. Astaka IV-7-1 to IV-7-35] [Mandala VI-3-26 to VI-4-47. Remarks:-The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 118. Visņu assumes the form of Varaha (boar) to find out the bottom of the Jyotirlinga, but with no success. Brahmā assumes the form of a hamsa (Swan) to find out the top of the Jyotirlinga. The hamsa, after entering the heavenly regions, meets on the way with a descending Ketaka flower which has been jerked down from the top of the Jyotirlinga. The hamsa asks the flower to tell a lie to bear witness to the effect that he had seen the top of the Jyotirlinga, reinforcing his argument by the maxim, " असत्यमपि शस्तं स्यादापदीत्यनुशासनम् " ॥ 71 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 122. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 ae. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 × 5 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 121. Remarks:-The Mss. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 123. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2351 ae. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUB OF Substance---Paper. Size -134 x 54 inches. Sheets-21. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. . Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 121. Remarks :--The Møs. is in good condition. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 124. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-81x1 inches. Sheets-28. Lines— to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Grantha. -200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject:-Same as No. 121. Subject : Antaka IV-7-1 to IV-7-35] [Mandala VI-3-26 to VI-4-47. Remarks :-The Mss. is worn out and is partly accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 125. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2344 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4g inches. Sheets-17. Lines---7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ यज्ञायज्ञा वो अमय गिरागिरा च दक्षसे । प्रय क्यममृतं जातवेदसं मियं मित्रं न शैसिषं । End : सरस्वत्यभि नौ नेषि वस्यो मापं स्फरीः पयसा मा न आ धक् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 78 जुषस्व नः सख्या वेश्या च मा त्वत्क्षेत्राण्यरणानि गन्म ॥ ३२॥ Colophon : fa stageriet Step(s)sara: Il clll Subject: Fourth Aataka. Eighth Adhyāya. Astaka IV-8-1 to IV-8-32] [Mandala VI-4-48 to VI-6-61. Romarks :--The beginning of the First Adhyāya of the Fifth Astaka—" F art TFT Teat" is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 121. Brahma, having secured the Ketaka flower as his witness came to Visņu and assured him of the success of his mission. Paramasiva, incensed at the unworthy conduct of Brahmā, assumed His full divine form and appeared before the astounded Brahma and the reverent Vienu. Paramasiva was pleased with Vişņu and granted him the privilege to be worshipped as His equal everywhere in all temples. Brahma was punished for his misbehaviour by being excluded from any kind of worship in any temple. llac FileAT 11 126. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2349 af. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14X 54 inches. Sheets-14. Lines 8 to a Page. Script--Devanāgarī. No. of Gran tbas-160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 125. Remarks :--The Mss. is in excellent condition. Il a CFEAT 11 127. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2351 af. Page 1. Left column. 10 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 74 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance--Paper. Size--132 X 54 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No, of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 125. Remarks: The M8s, is in good condition. Il Practical il 128. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-84 x 34 inches. Sheets-21. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 125. Remarks: The varga index is given at the end of the colophon. But the peculiarity of this index is the adoption of the reverse order of the vargas. The Mss. is a bit worn out. Il *ECHIETTI DI 129. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-84 X 4 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -960. Incomplete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ ॐ ॥ अन ओजिष्ठमाभर घुम्नमस्मभ्यमधिगो। प्र नौ गया परीणमा रत्सि बाजाय पंथी ॥ १॥ End and colophon-Same as No. 115. Subject: Fourth Astaka. 1-5 Adhyāyas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 75 Astaka IV-1-2 to IV-5-30] [Mandala V-1-10 to VI-2-16. Remarks :--The first varga of the first Adhyāya is not found in the beginning of this Mss. The M88. is accented only in the first two pages. The paper is of Indian manufacture and the Mss. is very much worn out. Il 19 FEAT 11 130. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-10 X4 inches. Sheets--50. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas-1120. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 103. End: वधीदिंद्रो परशिखस्य शेषो(s)भ्यावर्तिने चायमानाय शिक्षन् । वृचीव(तो यद्धरियूपीयर्यायां हन्पूर्वे अर्धे भियसापंगे दर्द ॥२३॥) Subject: Fourth Aataka. 1-6 Adhyāyas. Astaka IV-1-1 to IV-6-231 [Mapdala V-1-9 to VI-3-27. Remarks :--The sixth Adhyāya abruptly ends in the middle of the 23rd varga. The Mss. is accented and is fairly worn out. ! HachikaT 181. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection No. 12. Substance-Paper. Size-94 x 37 inches. Sheets---78. Lines—8 to & Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1200. Incomplete. Beginning—Same as No. 103. End : सत्रा मदासस्तव विश्वजन्याः (मत्रा रायोऽध ये पार्थिवासः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 76 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF मत्रा वाजानामभवो विभुक्ता यहेवेषु धारयथा असुर्य ।।) Colophon: (Sheet No. 75.) इति चतुर्थाष्टके षष्ठो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject: Fourth Actaka. 1-7 Adhyayas. Addaka IV-1-1 to IV-7-8] [Mandala v-1-9 to VI-3-36. Remarks :-The Mss. ends abruptly in the beginning of the first Rk of the eighth varga of the seventh Adhyâya of this Axtaka. The Mss. is fairly old and is accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 182. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. S. K. Collection. No. 10 Substance-Paper. Size-91x34 inches. Sheets-66. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Grantham-1300. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 103. End: यद्वा वृक्षौ मघवन्नुह्यावा जने यत्पूरौ कच्च वृष्ण्यं ! अस्मभ्यं तद्रिरीहि सं (नृषाह्येऽमित्रान्पृत्सु तुर्वणे)॥ Subject : Fourth Astaka. 1-7 Adhyayas. Ashaka IV-1-1 to IV-7-28] [Mandala V-1-9 to VI-4-46. Remarks:--This Mss. ends in the middle of the 8th Rk of the 28th varga of the 7th Adhyaya. Phe Mss. is old and is unaccented throughout. The paper is of Indian manufacture. The Mss. is very much worn out. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 188. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. J. L. Collection No. 2. Substance-Paper. Size-130x8 inches. Sheets-69. Lines-9 to aPage. Script-- Devanagari. No. of Granthas--1500. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 184. RG VEDA SAMHITA. Beginning-Same as No. 103. End and colophon-Same as No. 125. Subject: Fourth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka IV-1-1 to IV-8-32] [ Mandala V-1-2 to VI- 6-61. Remarks:The Mss. is written in a bold hand and accented throughout. The ends of the Mss. are moth-eaten . T. S. Collection No. 4. Substance-Paper . inches. Sheets- 76. Lines-8 to a Page. Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1500. Beginning and end -- Same as No. 133. Colophon: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Size --- 103 ×4 Script For Private and Personal Use Only 77 Complete. इति चतुर्थाष्टके अष्टमो ( 5 ) ध्यायः ॥ शके १७०९ लवंगसंवत्सरे अधिक श्रावणशुद्ध चतुर्दशीभानुवासरे दिवा द्वितीययामे देवनायकपुर पुलि पंगुडिमामे चतुर्थाष्टकसंहिता संपूर्णा || महालक्ष्म्यै नमः ॥ माधुर्यमक्षरव्यक्तिः पदच्छेदस्तु सुखरः । धैर्य लयसमर्थेषु (र्थच) षडेते पाठका गुणाः ॥ १ ॥ नीती शीघ्री शिरः कम्पी तथा लिखित पाठकः । अनर्थज्ञोऽल्पकण्ठश्च षडेते पाठकाधमाः ॥ २ ॥ हस्तस्य दोषान्मतिविभ्रमाथ न्यूनातिरिक्तं लिखितं मयात्र । तत्सर्वमार्यैः परिशोधनीयं प्रायेण मुझन्ति हि ये लिखन्ति ॥३॥ संपोष्यं व (स) दपत्यवत् परकर (1) द्रक्ष्यं च सुक्षेत्रवत् संशोध्यं व्रणिनोऽङ्गवत्प्रतिदिनं वीक्ष्यं च सन्मितवत् । Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 78 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF बध्यं वध्यवदश्लथं न हि न विस्म (स्मा ) ये हरेर्नामवत् नैवं सीदति पुस्तकं किल कदा ए (प्ये) तद्गुरूणां वचः ॥४॥ Subject : Fourth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka IV-1-1 to IV-8-32] [Mandala : V-1-9 to VI- 6-61. Remarks :- The Mss. is old. It is dated 1709 Saka or 1787 A. D. in the year called Plavanga. The scribe's name is Ambāji. See also No. 33. The Slokas Nos. 1 and 2 in the colophon are taken from पाणिनीयशिक्षा - Verses. 33 and 32. Beginning: Eft: 39 11 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 135. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue. No. 2345 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11 x 43 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. स्तु॒षे नरा॑ दि॒वो अ॒स्य प्र॒संता॒श्विना॑ हुवे॒ जर॑माणो अ॒र्कैः । या स॒द्य उ॒स्रा व्युषि॒ ज्मो अ॑ता॒न्युयू॑षत॒ः पर्युरू वरा॑सि ॥ १ ॥ End: नू मे ब्रह्मण्य (उच्छ॑शाधि॒ त्वं दे॑व म॒घव॑द्भ्यः सुषूदः) । ग॒तौ स्या॑मो॒(भया॑स॒ आ ते॑ यू॒र्य॑ पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभि॒ः सदा॑ नः) ॥२७॥ Colophon : इति पचमाष्टके प्रथमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ १ ॥ Fifth Astaka. First Adhyāya. Subject: Astaka V-1-1 to V-1-27] Remarks:- The beginning of the Second Adhyaya स॒मध॑म अ॒द्य " is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial illustration of an incident [Mandala VI- 6 - 62 to VII-1-1. “ जुषस्व नः For Private and Personal Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 79 from the Jñánasambitā of the Sivapurāņa. At the instigation of Duryodhana, an asura Mūka by name, assumes the form of a boar and attacks Arjuna when Arjuna was doing penance at Indrakila. Arjuna fights the boar with his bow when, from the other side, the boar is also attacked by Lord Siva accompanied by Pārvati and His Gaņas, all of whom assuming the form of ordinary hunters. ll fra gureat 11 136. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 54 inches. Sheets-13. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Boginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 135. Remarks :--This M88. is not accented. It is in good condition. The watermark bears the date 1829. (A. D.) Il pachat H1 137. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size--134 x 54 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Gran th&s--160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 135. Remarks :--The Mss. is throughout accented. The writing is bold and exceedingly legible. The sheets are sulpburated and the watermark bears the date 1827. The Mss. is in excellent condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 80 À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 188. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2345 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11 X 43 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas --170. Complete. Beginning: जुषस्व नः समिधमने अद्य शोचा बृहद्मजतं धूपमृण्वन् । उप स्पृश दिव्यं सानु स्तूपैः सं रश्मिभिस्ततनः सूर्यस्य ॥ End: नू ईंद्र शूर स्तवमान ऊती ब्रह्मजूतस्तन्वा वावृधस्व । उप नो वाजान्पिमीछुप स्तीन्यूयं पात स्वस्तिभिः सदा नः ॥३०॥ Colophon : इति पञ्चमाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ २ ॥ Subject : Fifth Astaka. Second Adhyaya. Astaka v-2-1 to v-2-30] [Mandala VII-2-1 to VII-2-19. Remarks :--The beginning of the Third Adhyaya "उग्रो जज्ञे efreita Faro TTTT" is given after the colophon. The Mss. is in good condition. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 135. The fight continues and the fatal charge is made simultaneously by the arrows of Siva and Arjuna. The last page is embroidered with flowers. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 189. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No.: 2350 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X52 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --170. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 81 Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 138. Remarks :--This Mss. is not accented. The Mss. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 140. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-138 X 54 inches. Sheets--18. Lines --8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -170. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 138. Remarks:-This Mss. is throughout accented. The Mss. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 141. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2345 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X48 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthes -160. Complete. Beginning : उग्रो जज्ञे वीर्याय स्वधावाँ (अ)चक्रिरपो नर्यो यत्करिष्यन् । जग्मियुवा नृषदनमौभित्राता न इंद्र एनसो महश्चित् ॥ End: ये देवानां यज्ञिया यज्ञियानां पनोर्यजत्रा अमृता ऋतज्ञाः । ते नौ रासंतामुरुगायमद्य यूयं पात स्वस्तिभिः सदा नः ॥३०॥ Colophon: इति पञ्चमाष्टके तृतीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ३ ॥ Subject : Fifth Astaka. Third Adhyaya. Antaka v-3-1 to V-3-80] [Mandala VII-2-20 to VII-3-35. Remarks :-The beginning of the Fourth Adhyaya "प्र ब्रह्मैतु For Private and Personal Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 82 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF HEGTET" is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 138. Siva and Arjuna dispute over the arrow that was actually responsible for killing the boar. A fine fight with arrows between Siva and Arjupa is graphically portrayed. The last page is beautifully ornamented with floral designs. Il Ratchigan 11 142. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 c. Page 1. Left column Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 54 inches. Sheets-13. Lines--8 to a Page. Script--Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 141. Remarks This Mss. is not accented. It is in good condition. Il Racing AT 11 143. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2352 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 141. Remarks :- This Mss. is throughout accented. It is in excellent condition. !! BracciEAT II 144. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2345 d. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS Substance-Paper. Şize-11 X 48 inches. Sheets--19. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ प्र ब्रह्मैतु सदनादृतस्य॒ वि रश्मिामः ससृजे सूर्यो गाः । वि सानुना पृथिवी संस्र उर्वी पृथु प्रतीकमध्येधै अग्निः ॥ End : त्र्यंबकं यजामहे सुगंधि पुष्टिवर्धनं । उर्वारुकमिव बंधनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥ ३० ॥ Colophon : इति पञ्चमाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥ Subject : Fifth Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. Astaka V-4-1 to v-4-30] [Mandala VII-2-20 to VII-3-35. Remarks:-The beginning of the Fifth Adhyaya "यदद्य सूर्य ब्रवो(s)नागा:" is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 141. The arrow-fight not being decisive, Arjuna rushes upon Siva with a view to break Siva's head with his Gāndiva (bow). On contact with Siva's head, the Gandiva breaks into two. Floral designs illuminate the last page. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 145. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14x5 inches. Sheets-16. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 144. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 84 Remarks:-This Mss. is not accented. condition. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 146. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Sheets-20. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 144. Remarks:-This Mss. is throughout accented. The Mss. is in excellent condition. Beginning: aft: 30 11 Burnell's Catalogue No. 2345 e. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size 11 X 4g inches. The Mss. is in good ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 147. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. End: Left column. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ager då zeì(s)aon serfgeng arboner zei i व॒यं दे॑व॒त्रादि॑िते स्याम॒ तव॑ प्रि॒यासो॑ अर्यमन्गृ॒णंतेः ॥ अश्वा॑वती॒र्गोम॑तीर्न उ॒षासो॑ वी॒रव॑ती॒ सद॑मुच्छंतु भ॒द्राः । gå gelar faxa: afta şi (qla zzftafu: ugt 7:) 112011 Colophon : इति पचमाष्टके पचमो (S) ध्यायः ॥ ५ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Subject: Fifth Astaka. Fifth Adhyāya. Astaka V-5-1 to V-5-27] [Mandala VII-4-60 to VII-5-80. 66 85 Remarks: The beginning of the Sixth Adhyāya प्रत्यु अदय यती " is given after the colophon and the latter part of the end “पा॑त॒ स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः " is omitted. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 144. Downhearted at the failure of even Gaṇḍīva, Arjuna sits down to perform Siva Linga pūjā, to invoke the Lord's aid on his side. The last page is well illustrated with creepers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 148. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 14 x 5 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 147. Remarks:-This Mss. is not accented. It is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 149. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 147. Remarks:-This Mss. is throughout accented. It is in excellent condition. Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 86 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 150. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2345 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4g inches. Sheets-16. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -155. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ प्रत्यु अदाय॒त्युछिंती दुहिता दिवः । अपो महि ब्ययति चक्षसे तमो ज्योतिष्कृणोति सूनरी ॥ End: वर्षट् विष्णवास आ कृणोमि तन्मे जुषस्व शिपिविष्ट हव्यं । वर्धेतु त्वा सुष्टुतयो गिरो मे यूयं पात स्वस्तिभिः सदा नः ॥२५॥ Colophon : इति पञ्चमाष्टके षष्ठो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ६ ॥ Subject: Fifth Astaka. Sixth Adhyāya. Astaka. V-6-1 to V-6-25] [Maņdala VII-5-81 to VII-6-100. Remarks:--The beginning of the Seventh Adhyāya 'तिस्रो वाचः प्रवदज्योतिरमाः " is given after the colophon. The title page continues in pictures the story narrated in No. 147. Lord Siva is pleased with Arjupa's devotion and manifests Himself as the Divine Siva with Parvati riding His sacred Bull and presents Arjuna with the Pasupata Astra in the presence of the Ganas and Nārada and Tumburu. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 151. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 f. Page 1. Left column, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 87 Substance-Paper. Size-14X5 inches. Sheets-13. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No, of Granthas -155. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 150. Remarks :--This Mss. is not accented. It is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 152. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-138 X 54 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -155. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 150. Remarks This M88. is throughout accented. It is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 158. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2345 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-- 7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ तिलो वाचः प्र व ज्योतिरग्रा या एतद्दई मधुदोषमूर्यः । स वत्सं कृण्वन्गर्भमोषधीनां मयो जातो पभो रौरवीति । End: वृक्षाश्चिन्मे अभिपित्वे अरारणुः । गां मजंत मेहनाथ भजंत मेहना ॥ ३३ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 88 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: इति पञ्चमाष्टके सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Subject : The Fifth Astaka. Seventh Adhyaya. Astaka v-7-1 to v-7-33] [Mandala VII-6-101 to VIII-1-14. Remarks :--The beginning of the Eighth Adhyaya "दूरादिहेव यत्मती" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the Lord Siva as descrided in the ध्यानश्लोक of शक्तिपञ्चाक्षरी, as enjoined to be practised by every householder who still lives with his family circle. The Lord Siva is represented, seated on a lotus with Parvati seated on His left lap, under the shadow of the Divine Kalpataru with Ganesa and Subrahmanya standing on either side. All the details described in the following śloka have been deftly worked into the illustration. " मूले कल्पद्रुमस्य दुतकनकनिभं चारुपद्मासनस्थं _ वामावारूढगौरीनिबिडकुचभराभोगगाढोपगूढम् । नानालकारदीप्तं मृगपरशुवराभीतिहस्तं त्रिणेत्रं वन्दे बालेन्दुमौलिं गजवदनगुहाश्लिष्टपाव महेशम् ॥" The last page is well illustrated with roses. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 154. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14x5 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script--Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 153. Remarks :--This Mss. is not accented. It is in good condition. - - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 89 l facrileat all 155. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-133 x 54 inches. Sheets--17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No, of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 153. Remarks: This Mss. is throughout accented. It is in excellent condition. a CHIETT 11 l 156. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 40. Substance-Paper. Size-10% x 34 inches. Sheets--3. Lines-6 to a Page. Script, Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--25. Complete. . Beginning : ---Same as No. 153. End: गवा मंडूका देदतः शतानि सहस्रसावे प्र तिरंत आयुः। “34947() is reta a aa atti) I मध्ये इदस्य प्लवस्य(ख)निगृद्य चतुरः पदः ॥ ४॥" Colophon : * faeramani siquin.” II Subject: Tisrovācas Sūkta. Astaka V-7-1 to V-7-4] [Mandala VII-6-101 to VII-6-103. Remarks :--The last Ķk. of this Sūkla“ 3999?” etc., is the 16th Section of the Rg-Veda Khila. [See M. Muller's IInd Edition of Rg-Veda Vol. IV. Page 531]. The Mss. is accented, the paper being of Indian manufacture. This Sūkta is used for invoking plenty of rain by appealing to the Sun-god Divākara. Compare the following from Saunaka's Rgvidhana--Adhyāya III. verses 326 and 327. 12 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 90 Á DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE or " आस्यवनं विगाह्यापः प्राङ्मुखः प्रयतश्शुचिः । सूक्ताभ्यां तिस्र आदिभ्यामुपतिष्ठेत भास्करं ॥ अनभतैतज्जप्तव्यं वृष्टिकामेन यत्नतः । पंचरात्रेप्यतिक्रान्ते महतीं वृष्टिमाप्नुयात् ॥" ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 157. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2345 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-15. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-150. Complete. Beginning: हरि: ॐ॥ दूरादिहेव यत्मत्यरुणप्सुरशिश्वितत् । वि भानुं विश्वातनत् ॥ End: प्रत्नो हि कमीड्यो अध्वरेषु सनाच्च होता नव्य॑श्च ससि । खां चाग्ने तन्वं पिप्रयस्वास्मभ्यं च सौभेगमा यजस्व ॥३६॥ Colophon : इति श्री पञ्चमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ८ ॥ Subjest: Fifth Astaka. Eighth Adhyaya. Astaka V-8-1 to V-8-36] [Maņdala VIII-1-5 to VIII-2-11. Remarks: The beginning of the Sixth Astaka तमः" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the Lord Siva in the form in which He shoald be invoked by widows and widowers in their daily practice of the Pañcāksari. All the details given in the following ITश्लोक have been carefully worked into the picture. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS " शान्तं पद्मासनस्थं शशिधरमकुटं पञ्चवक्रं त्रिणेत्रं शूलं वज्रं च खड्गं परशुमभयदं दक्षभागे वहन्तं । नागं पाशं च घण्टां प्रलयहुतवहं साङ्कुशं वामभागे 39 नानालङ्कारयुक्तं स्फटिकमणिनिभं पार्वतीशं नमामि ॥ 158. Lord Siva is represented, seated on a lotus without Parvatā and unattended by Ganesa and Subrahmanya. Floral decorations beautify the last page. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Left column. Sheets-10. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 h. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size 14 x 5 inches. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -150. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 157. Remarks:-This Mss. is not accented. It is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 159. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. 91 Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13x5 inches. Sheets-15. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -150. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 157. Remarks:-This Mss. is throughout accented. It is in excellent condition. Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir .92 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 160. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 61. Substance-Paper. Size-91X41 inches. Sheets-21. Lines-9 or 10 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Grantha3-360. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 144. Erd-Same as No. 147. Colophon--See under Remarks. Subject : Fifth Astaka. Fourth and Fifth Adhyayas. Astaka V-4-1 to V-5-27] [Mandala VII-2-20 to VII-5-80. Remarks :--The Mss. contains two important indices. On page 36 the following colophon with index occurs : "इति पंचमाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः।। यदद्य मैलावरुणं तु वै सौर्याद्योद्वां सप्तोत्सूर्यः षट्काद्यास्तिस्रः सौर्य[s]उद्वेतीति चार्द्धपंचमादिविपंच प्रतिवां प्रमित्रयोरेकोनागायत्रं दशम्यादयस्त्रयः प्रगाथाः पुरउ. ष्णिक् चतुत्ाद्या दशादित्यस्तिस्रः सौर्यः प्रतिवां दशाश्विनं तु तदा शुभ्रा नवसप्ताद्या विराज[s] आवां रथोष्टावा विश्ववारा सप्तापस्वसुः षटकागोमता पंचा तारिज्मेमा[s] उबां षट् प्रागाथं व्युषा[s] अष्टा [s]उषस्यं तु वा[s] उदुसप्तो रुरुचे षट् प्रतिपंचव्युषाः प्रतितृचं ॥" On page 45, 'इति पंचमाष्टके पंचमो(s)ध्यायः ।। प्रत्युषट् प्रगाथमिन्द्राव. रुणाहजागतं तु युवां नरार्वा पंच पुनीषे धीराष्टौ वारुणं हरदृत्सप्त प्रदु ध्युवमत्यापाशविमोचिनी मोषुपंच गायलं जगत्यंतं प्रवीरया सप्तवायव्यं बैंद्रश्च यादिवदुक्ताः कुविदंगा वायो पंचशुचिन्वष्टा वैन्द्रामं त्विमं वां-दशगायत्रमंत्यानुष्टुप् प्रक्षोदशाषट् सारस्वतं तृतीया सरस्वते ब्रहदुप्रगाथः पस्तारपंक्ति: परा तिस्रो गायत्र्यः सरस्वते यज्ञे दशॆन्द्रा बार्हस्पत्यं मंत्येंद्री च तृतीया नवम्या वैन्द्रा ब्राह्मणस्पत्ये[s]अध्वर्यवः सत्योक्तदेवतां त्यापरो वैष्णवं तूरुमित्यै. न्यश्च तिस्रो नमर्तः ॥ ६ ॥" For Private and Personal Use Only Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 93 Each sentence in the index refers to the presiding devatā invoked in the various rks forming the Sükta. For example ." यदद्य मैत्रावरुणं तु वै सौर्याद्योद्वां" meaning that this sukta. beginning with “ यदद्य' has मित्रावरुणौ as presiding devatās and the first rk is सूर्यदेवताक । ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 161. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 i. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-88 X 33 inches. Sheets--50. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --680. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 147. End--Same as No. 157. Colophon: इति पञ्चमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ शके १५८० विलम्बिनामसंवत्सरे उत्तरायणे ग्रीष्मर्तों आषाढमासि शुक्लपक्षे सप्तम्यां शुभतिथौ रविवासरे हस्तनक्षत्रे ४०, परिघ १३, वणज ३०,तैलाद्रक्षेज्जलाद्रक्षेद्रक्षेच्छिथिलबन्धनात् । परहस्तगताद्रक्षेदेवं वदति पुस्तकम् ॥ १ ॥ भनपृष्ठकटिग्रीवः स्तब्थदृष्टिरधोमुखः । कष्टेन लिखति प्रन्थं यत्नेन परिपालयेत् ॥ वेदव्यासभट्टस्यात्मजेन वेङ्कटभटेन लिखितम् । प्रति विट्ठलभट्टाची ॥ श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु । Subject : Fifth Ataka. 5-8 Adhyayas. Aataka v-5-1 to V-8-36] [Mandala. VII-2-20 to VIII-2-11. Remarks :--The front page of the first sheet of this Mss. contains the last Rks.of the fourth Adhyāya of this Aptaka. The Mss. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 94 . A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF is very old and dated 1580 Saka or 1658 A. D. The scribe's name is given as Venkata Bhatta, son of Vedavyāsa bhatta. The paper is of Indian manufacture and the writing is legible and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 162. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-9x37 inches. Sheets-101. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1315. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 135. End-Same as No. 157. Colophon: इति पञ्चमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ इति श्री आश्वलायनसंहितापंचमाष्टके (ऋग्वेदसंहितापंचमा टके) अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ श्रीविठ्ठलार्पणमस्तु । शके १६९७ (1775 A. D.) मन्मथनामसंवत्सरे श्रावणवद्यपंचमी मंगल. वारे समाप्तोऽयं पंचमाष्टकः ॥ इदं पंचमाष्टकं नरसिंपुर करवासुदेवेन लिखितं माचे गणनृसिंहाचार्याय दसं । श्रीलक्ष्मीनृसिंहार्पणम् ॥ माचेगण अग्निहोत्री अप्पा. चें पुस्तकं संपूर्णम् ॥ Subject : Fifth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka v-1-1 to v-8-36] [Mandala. VI-6-62 to VIII-2-11. Remarks ;-In the colophon of this Mss. आश्वलायनसंहिता is given in the place of ऋग्वेदसंहिता॥ The beginning of the Sixth Astaka. ' य इंद्र सोमपातमः' is given after the colophon. At the end of each Adhyâya of this Mss. are given in the reverse order the indices of the Vargas that each Adhyâya For Private and Personal Use Only Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 95 contains :- विप्रं विप्रासोवसे (३६) । त्वमने व्रतपा असि (३५) ॥ etc. etc. This Mss. is partly accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 168. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. J. L. Collection No. 3. Substance-Paper. Size-132x6 inches. Sheets--67. Lines-9 to aPage. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--1315. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 162. Colophon : इति पंचमाष्टके अष्टमो()ध्यायः ॥ Subject : Fifth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Aptaka V-1-1 to v-8-36] [Mandala VI-6-62 to VIII-2-11. Remarks :--This Mss. is throughout accented in red ink and is in a fairly good condition. - - ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 164. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection No. 11. Substance--Paper. Size-85 x 34 inches. Sheets-102. Lines-8 to a Page. Script Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas--1315. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 162. Colophon : इति पञ्चमाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ रुथिरोद्गारिसंवत्सरे मार्गशीर्षमासि शुद्धपूर्णिमदिने गुरुवासरे समाप्तः । विश्वनाथभट्टेन लिखितम् ।। Subject: Fifth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Amtaka V-1-1 to V-8-36] [Mandala VI-6-62 to VIII-2-11. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 96 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks: The Mss. is in a decaying condition and is throughout accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 165. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir T. S. Collection No. 5. Substance-Paper. Size-10x4 inches. Sheets-105. Lines-7 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-1315. Beginning and end-Same as No. 162. Colophon : Complete. इति श्री पंचमाष्टके अष्टमो ( S)ध्यायः ॥ शके १७४३ वृषनामसंवत्सरे (1821 A. D.) आश्विनशुद्धसोमवासरे शङ्करनारायणसन्निधौ शङ्करमहादेवगृहे पौराणिकोपनामराक्षसभुवनकरस्य कमलाकर भट्टसूनुरामेण लिखितेयं पञ्चमाष्टकसंहितेयं समाप्ता | ग्रन्थसंख्या १३७७ ।। पत्रे ॥ १०५ ॥ Subject: Fifth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka V-1-1 to V-8-36] [Mandala VI-6-62 to VIII-2-11. Remarks:-The beginning of the Sixth Astaka 1⁄2 àì9918¶ :' is given after the colophon. This Mss. is accented in red ink. The Mss. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेद संहिता ॥ 166. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2346 a. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size 11 x 4 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 101 and in Prapañcasāra :"अक्षस्रग्वेदपाशाङ्कुशडमरुखट्टानशूलान् कपालं बिभ्राणो भीमदंष्ट्रोऽञ्जनरुचिरतनुर्भीतिदश्चाप्यघोरः ॥" The last page is profusely ornamented with floral decorations. 1 paghileat I 173. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 k. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14x54 inches. Sheets--16. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas -220. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 172. Remarks :-The Mss. is in good condition. la chreat II 174. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 k. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--139 x 54 inches. Sheets--21. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. · No. of Granthas -220. Complete, Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 172. Remarks :--The Mes. is in excellent condition. NI ATE HIEHT 11 175. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2346 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size--11 X 43 inches. Sheets-26. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 102 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines---7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas. -270. Complete. Beginning : त्वावतः पुरूवसो वयमिंद्र प्रणेतः । मसि स्थातहरीणां ॥ End: वि पु द्वेषो व्यहतिमादित्यासो वि संहितं । विश्वग्वि वृहता रपः ॥ ५४॥ Colophon: इति षष्ठाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥ Subject : Sixth Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. Astaka VI-4-1 to VI-4-54] [Mandala VIII-6-46 to VIII-7-67. Romarks:-The beginning of the Fifth Adhyaya "आ त्वा रथं यथो तये" is given after the colophon. See No. 186. The title page contains a pictorial representation of Lord Jiva as तत्पुरुष. The Lord is represented as of golden colour with four faces and four hands. The following are the descriptions of तत्पुरुष in Saktapramoda: " प्रदीप्तविद्युत्कनकावभासो विद्यावराभीतिकुठारपाणिः । चतुर्मुखस्तत्पुरुषस्त्रिणेत्रः प्राच्यां स्थितं रक्षतु मामजस्त्रं ॥" and in Prapancasāra : 'विद्युद्वर्णोऽथ वेदाभयवरदकुठारान् दधत् पूरुषाख्यः ॥' - - ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 176. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 23501. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-1454 inches. Sheets-20. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 103 Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -270. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 175. Remarks:-The Mss. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 177. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catlogue No. 23521. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13% X 54 inches. Sheets--25. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -270. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 175. Remarks :-The Mss. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 178. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection. No. 60. Substance--Paper. Size--10 X4 inches. Sheets-5. Lines-9 to a Page. ScriptDevanāgarl. No. of Granthas-125. Complete. Beginning : अथ वालखिल्यारम्भः ॥ अभि प्र वः सुराधसमिंद्रमर्च यथा विदे । यो रितृभ्यो मघवा पुस्वसुः सहस्रेणेव शिक्षति ॥ End: इंद्रावरुणा सौमनसमदृसं ग़यस्पोषं यजमानेषु धचं । प्र॒जां पुष्टिं भूतिमस्मासु धत्तं दीर्घायुत्वाय प्रतिरत न आयुः ॥ ३१ । Colophon : इति वालखिल्यास्समाप्ताः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 104 Subject: Valakhilya Sukta. Astaka VI-4-14 to VI-4-31][Mandala VIII-6-49 to VIII-7-59. Remarks:-The Mss. is very old and accented. The paper is of Indian manufacture. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: Burnell's Catalogue No. 8968 a. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16 x 13 inches. Leaves-6. Lines-6 to a Page. Script--Grantha. No. of Granthas -125. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 178. Remarks:-The palm leaves are very old but still well preserved. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 180. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2346 e. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-11 X 48 inches. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. -150. Complete. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 179. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Colophon: Subject: Beginning: gft: 39 11 en far rå aððð gund aåaracâ | gitqfådatefte afay dà 11 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir सद्योजुव॑स्ते॒ वाजा॑ अ॒स्मभ्य॑ वि॒श्ववे॑द्राः । stea 11 36 11 वशैश्च मक्षू Left column. Sheets-15. No. of Granthas For Private and Personal Use Only इति षष्ठ[म][ष्ट पञ्चमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ५ ॥ Sixth Astaka. Fifth Adhyaya. Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 105 Astaka VI-5-1 to VI-5-38][Mandala VIII-7-68 to VIII-9-81. Remarks:-The beginning of the Sixth Adhyaya 'आप द्रव परावतः' is given after the colophon. See No. 166. The title page contains a pictorial representation of Lord Siva as ma. The Lord is represented as of pearlish white colour with five faces and ten hands. The following descriptions of ETTA are given in Sāktapramoda : वेदाभयेष्टाङ्कुशपाशटङ्क कपालढक्काक्षकशूलपाणिः । सितधुतिः पञ्चमुखोवतान्मा मीशान ऊर्ध्व परमप्रकाशः ।।" and in Prapañcasāra :'मुक्तागौरोभयेष्टाधिककरकमलोऽघोरतः पञ्चवक्त्रस्त्वीशो ध्येयोऽम्बुजन्मोद्भवमुररिपुरुद्रेश्वराः स्युः शिवान्ताः ॥' ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 181. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 in. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X52 inches. Sheets-11. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -150. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject:-Sane as No. 180. Remarks:-The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 182. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogne No. 2352 m. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-15. 14 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 106 A DHBCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines-8 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -150. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 180. Remarks :-The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 183. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2346 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ।। आ प्र व परावतो(s)र्वावतश्च वृत्रहन् । मध्वः प्रति प्रभमणि ॥ End : तन्म ऋतमिंद्र शूर चित्र पात्वपो न जिन्दुरिताति पर्षि भूरि । कदा न इंद्र गय आ देशस्योर्वश्वप्न्यस्य स्पृहयाय्यस्य राजन् ॥३८॥ Colophon : इति षष्ठाष्टके षष्ठो(5)ध्यायः ॥ ६ ॥ Subject : Sixth Astaka. Sixth Adhyaya. ___Antaka VI-6-1 to VI-6-38. Mandala VIII-9-82 to VIII-10-97. Remarks :-The beginning of the Seventh Adhyaya "इंद्रीय साम गायत" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of Siva and Vişnu in one form as Sankara-lārāyaṇa and again Parvati and Lakşmi in one form. The two figures have been deftly worked into a single forin with all details complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBCRIPTS 107 #agriffat I 184. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 n. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 x 54 inches. Sheets—13. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 183, Remarks :- The Ms. is in good condition. ll krachigat !! 185. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 n. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -134 X 54 inches. Sheets-17. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 183. Remarks :--The Ms. is in excellent condition. !Wag HEAT 11 186. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2346 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-8. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas -100. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ इंद्राय सामं गायत विप्राय बृहते बृहत् । धर्मकृते विपश्चितै पनस्यवै ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 108 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: आमै याहि मरुत्सखा रुद्रोभिः सोमपीतये । सोभा उप सुष्टुतिं मादयस्व वर्णरे ॥ १५ ॥ Colophon : इत्यष्टमं मण्डलम ॥ Subject : Sixth Astaka. Seventh Adhyaya. Astaka VI-7-1 to VI-7-15. ___Mandala VIII-10-98 to VIII-10-103. Remarks :-The beginning of the Ninth Mandala (18th Varga of 7th Adhyaya) "स्वादिष्ठया मदिष्ठया" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of Siva and Pārvati on one side and Gaņeśa and Subrahmanya with Valli and Devasena on either side, on the other side. The last page is decorated with flowers. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 187. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. J. L. Collection. No. 19. Substance-Paper. Size-7x3 inches. Sheets-8 (Begins from 2nd Sheet). Lines-- 8 or 9 to a Page. Script--Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas -90. Incomplete. Beginning: (मत्स्वा सुशिप्र हरिवस्तीमहे त्वे आ भूषंति) वेधसः । तव श्रवौस्युपमान्युक्थ्या सुतेविंद्र गिर्वणः ॥ End and colophon-Same as No. 186. Subject : Sixth Astaka. Seventh Adhyaya. Astaka VI-7-3 to VI-7-15. Mandala VIII-10-99 to VITJ-10--103. Remarks :-This Ms. begins in the middle of the second Rk of the third varga. The Ms. is in a worn-out condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 109 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 188. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2346 gb. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X48 inches. Sheets-8. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-100. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । हरिः ॐ ॥ स्वादिष्ठया मदिष्ठया पवस्व सोम धारया । . इंद्राय पातवे सुतः ॥ End: आ पवमान धारय यिं महस्रवर्चसं । असे इंदो स्वानुवै ॥ २४ ॥ Colophon : इति पवमाने प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ १ ॥ Subject : Sixth Astaka. Seventh Adhyaya. (Pavamāna Sūkta. First A Thyāya). Astaka VI-7-18 to VI-7-39] [Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-1-12. Remarks:--The beginning of the Eighth Adhyāya(Pavamāna Second Adhyaya) “सोमः पुनानो अर्षति" is given after the colophon. The title page contains & pictorial representation of Ganesa and Subrahmanya on one side and Siva and Pärvati riding the sacred bull on the other side. The farum of the पवमानसूक्त is thus given in the rgvidhāna of Saunaka. " पावमानं परं ह्येतनवमं मण्डलं पठेत् ।। स्नात्वा शुचिः शुचौ देशे सपवित्रः सकांचनः ॥ स्वादिष्टयेति गायत्री: पावमानी: जहिजः । पवित्राणां पवित्रं तु पावमानीचो जपेत् ॥ प्रयतोऽप्सु निमज्याशु सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते । एतासां कीर्तनं पुण्यं स्मरणं धारणं तथा ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 110 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF याथातथ्येन च ज्ञात्वा ब्रह्मलोकं समश्नुते । एतेषान्तु यथोक्तानां गुणवद्यद्यदुत्तरं ॥ कीर्तनासु भवेत्पूतः स्मरणात्स्मरते परं । धारणाद्ब्रह्माणमेति (ब्रह्माणं धारणादेति) पूतात्मा याथातथ्येन च ज्ञात्वा ब्रह्मणो विन्दते परं । श्रावयेद्देवताकृत्ये ब्राह्मणान्भुञ्जतोऽग्रत ॥ प्रीणाति देवतां शश्वत्समर्थयति कर्म वा । पित्र्ये पितॄन् प्रीणयन्ति श्राविताः प्रयतात्मना ॥ कृत्वा दोषान्सुमहतोऽप्यपेयादीन्प्रपीय च । जप्त्वा तरत्समंदयं प्रविश्यापस्त्र्यहाच्छुचिः ॥ अक्षय्यं च भवेदन्नं पितृभ्यः परमं मधु । तस्य कामदुघा भूत्वोपतिष्ठति च धेनवः ॥ आयुर्बलं यशो वित्तं प्रजां कीर्तिमनामयं । स्वाध्यायं पुण्यमतुलं पूतः प्राप्नोति चाभ्रयं ॥ अशक्तस्तु जपेद्यस्तु त्रिंशद्वैखानसीऋच: : सप्तर्षिभिश्च याः प्रोक्ताः पवित्रस्य च याः पराः ॥ ऋचां द्विषष्टिः प्रोक्तेयं पवस्वेत्यृषिसत्तमैः ! सर्वकल्मषनाशाय पावनाय शिवाय च ॥ स्वादिष्ठयेति सूक्तानां सप्तषष्टिरिहोदिता: दशोत्तराण्यृचांश्चैव पावमानीः शतानि षट् ॥ एतज्जुह्वन् जपेन्मन्त्रं घोरं मृत्युभयं हरेत् । व्याधिभ्यः परिमोक्षं च लभते नात्र संशयः ॥ 99 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. 189. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2443 a. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only विजितेन्द्रिय ॥ Page 1. Right column. Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRİPTS 121 Substance--Paper. Size--7*X 31 inches. Sheets-11. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Gran thas- 1.00. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon---Saine as No. 188. Subject: Sixth Astaka. Seventh Adhyāya. Astaka VI-7-16 to VI-7-39] [Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-1-12. Remarks :--The Me. is old and not accented. Il ya great I 190. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection No. 73. Substance-Paper. Size-67 x 4 inches. Sheets--10 (from 1-9 & 12). Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Deva năgari. No. of Granthas-80. Incomplete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 188. Remarks :—The beginning of the second Pavamãnādhyāya, " TH: garīt rara + + 9947774aFtat amar4 " is given after the colophon. In this Ms. five Vargas 32-37 and 2 rks in the 38th varga are not found. The Ms. is old and accented. Il a chreaTui 191. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection. No. 73. Substance--Paper. Size-8X4 inches. Sheets-6. Lines-_-9 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-100. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 188. Remarks :--The Ms. is in good condition and accented. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra £12 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 192. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 o. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X5 inches. Sheets-12. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran Lines-8 to a Page. thas-200. Complete. Beginning:-Same as No. 186. End-Same as No. 188. Colophon : इति ष्ट [T]ष्ट सप्तमो ( s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: Sixth Astaka. Seventh Adhyāya. Astaka VI-7-1 to VI-7-39][Mandala VIII-10-98 to IX-1-12. Remarks: The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 193. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 o. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Sheets-12. Devanagari. No. of Gran Lines-8 to a Page. Script thas-200. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 192. Remarks:-The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 194. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2346 h. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-11 X 43 inches. For Private and Personal Use Only Left column. Sheets-13. Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 118 Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-130. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ सोमः पुनानो अर्षति सहस्रधारो अत्यविः । वायोरिंद्रस्य निष्कृतं ॥ End: पवस्व वाजसातये विप्रेस्य गृणतो वृधे । सोम राख सुवीर्य ॥ ३३ ॥ Colophon: ___इति पवमाने द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ २ ॥ Subject : Sixth Astaka. Eighth Adhyaya. (Pavamana Sukta. Second Adhyaya). Astaka VI-8-1 to VI-8-33] [Mandala IX-1-13 to IX-2-43. Remarks :-The beginning of the Seventh Astaka (the Third Adhyaya of Pavamāna Sukta) “प्रण इंदो महे तने" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the marriage of Pārvati with Siva. For a detailed description, see No. 10. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 195. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 p. Page 1. Left column. Substance---Paper. Size--14X 54 inches. Sheets--11. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -130. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 194. Remarks :--The Ms. is in good condition. 15 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 114 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 196. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 p. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 × 5 inches. Sheets-11. Lines-8 to a Page. Script—Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-130. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 194. Remarks:-The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 197. S. K. Collection. No. 15 a. Substance-Paper. Size-7X4 inches. Sheets-10. Lines-11 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-130. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 194. Remarks:-At the end of this Ms. are given in the reverse order the Varga Index of this Adhyāya--which begins: इव. ३३. and ends: सोमः पुनानो अर्षति ॥ and the index of : gala:1 -- each ten Vargas (giving the beginnings only) — एते धावंति । प्र सोमासः । प्र ये त्रयः ॥ ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 198. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. For Private and Personal Use Only Burnell's Catalogue No. 2443 b. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size--7×3 inches. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas-130. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon-Same as No. 194. Right column. Sheets-18. No. of Gran Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 115 Subject: Sixth Astaka: Eighth Adhyāya. Astaka VI-8-1 to VI-8-33] [Mandala IX-1-13 to IX-2-43. Remarks :-Pavamāna Sūkta. Second Adhyāya. The Ms. is old and not accented. 11 #vagabeat 11 199. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection. No. 7. Substance-Paper. Size—7} x 43 inches. Sheets--17 (from 2 to 19; 10th sheet missing). Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -120. Incomplete. Beginning : निरिणानो वि धावत जहच्छाणि तान्वा । 341 Å fad yt II End and colophon-Same as No. 194. Subject: Pavamāna Sūkta. Second Adhyāya. Astaka VI-8-3 to VI-8-33] [Mandala IX-1-14 to IX-2-43. Remarks :--This Ms. begins abruptly in the fourth Ķk of the third Varga. The Ms. is old and accented. II REGHEAT 11 200. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2465. Page 1. Right colump. Substance-Paper. Size--97 x 35 inches. Sheets--11. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--230. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 188. End-Same as No. 194. Colophon : इति पवमाने द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 116 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF 201. Subject: First two Adhyayas of Pavamana Sūkta. Astaka VI-7-16 to VI-8-33] [Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-2-43. Remarks:-This Ms. is not accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir S. K. Collection No. 8. Substance --Paper. Size-3×7 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-5 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-230. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 200. Remarks:-The Ms. is not accented and very much worn out. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 202. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 j. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 8×4 inches. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas-540. Complete. Sheets-56. No. of Gran Beginning-Same as No. 166. End and colophon-Same as No. 172. Subject: Sixth Aṣṭaka. 1-3 Adhyayas. Aṣṭaka VI-1-1 to VI-3-49][Mandala VIII-2-12 to VIII-6-45. Remarks:-The Ms. is very old and is not accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 208. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection No. 12. Substance-Paper. Size-9×41 inches. Sheets-37. Lines-10 to a Page. Script For Private and Personal Use Only Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Devanagari. No. of Granthas-540. Beginning-Same as No. 166. End: Colophon : सुनीथो घास मर्त्यो य॑ म॒रुतो॒ यश॑र्य॒मा । fax: (qteyge: 1) Complete. रामचन्द्रभट्टस्येदं पुस्तकम् ॥ 1-3 Adhyayas. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 117 Subject: Sixth Astaka. Astaka VI-1-1 to VI-4-1] [Mandala VIII-2-12 to VIII-6-46. Remarks:-This Ms. ends in the middle of the 4th Rk of the 1st Varga of the fourth Adhyāya. The Ms. is very old and accented. For Private and Personal Use Only ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 204. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 k. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-8X 4 inches. Sheets-37. Lines-8 to 12 to a Page. Script--Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-500. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 175. End: zcan'vzý fagù ačag¶æð aût signet: i aù a Hondanty(afejâsalfà àì gquù galaret (1) Colophon : Nil (incomplete). Subject: Sixth Astaka. 4-6 Adhyāyas. Astaka VI-4-1 to VI-6-34][Mandala VIII-6-46 to VIII-10-96. Remarks:-This Ms. ends in the middle of the 14th Rk of the 34th Varga of the 6th Adhyaya. The Ms. is very much worn out and is partly accented. Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1.18 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF llachitat 11 205. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection No. 4. Substance-Paper. Size-13} x 6 inches. Sheets-74. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanāgars. No. of Granthas----1430. Complete. Beginning---Same as No. 166. End and colophon-Same as No. 194. Subject : Sixth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyâyas. Astaka VI-1-1 to VI-8-33] [Mandala VIII-2-12 to IX-2-43. Remarks: The Ms. is in good condition and fully accented. Il Pergrikat 11 206. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection. No. 13. Substance-Paper. Size-93 X3 inches. Sheets-126. Lines--5 to 7 to a Page. Script Deyanāgarl. No. of Grantbas--1430. Complete. Beginning, enil, colophon and subject-Same as No. 205. Remarks :-The Ms. is in fairly good: condition and is fully accented. #rachigat all 207. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11 X 43 inches. Sheets--13. Lines --7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -130. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ प्रण इंदो महे तन ऊमि न बिभ्रदर्षसि । अभि देवाँ अयास्यः॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 119 End: ऋधक्सौम स्वस्तयै संजग्मानो दिवः कविः । पवस्व सूर्यो दृशे ॥ ४१ ॥ Colophon: इति पवमाने तृतीयो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject : Seventh Astaka. First Adhyaya. (Pavamāna Sūkta. Third Adhyâya.) Astaka VII-1-1 to VII-1-41] [Mandala IX-2-44 to IX-3-64. Remarks:- The beginning of the Second Adhyaya "हिन्वंति सूरमुनयः" is given after the colophon. The title page pictorially represents the faqatga of Lord Parameśvara. The soul-entrancing dance of Siva during evensong is described in detail in the following bloka : 'वाग्देवी धृतवल्लकी शतमखो वेणुं दधत् पद्मजः तालोनिद्रकरो रमा भगवती गेयप्रयोगान्विता । विष्णुस्सान्द्रमृदङ्गवादनपटुर्देवास्समन्तात् स्थिताः सेवन्ते तमनु प्रदोषसमये देवं मृडानीपतिम् ॥" A detailed description of the same picture is given under No. 13. On one side of the Lord, Visnu plays on the drum, Lakşmi on the tambour, Indra on the flute with Gaņeśa in devout meditation, while on the other side, Brahmã plays on the Jalar, Sarasvati on the Vina with Nandi, Tripad etc. in devout meditation. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता॥ 208. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 q. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14-5 inches. Sheets-11. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-130. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 120 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 207. Remarks: -The Ms. is not accented. It is in good condition. The paper bears the watermark of 1829. The handwriting is bold and legible, Il #raguita I 209. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 q. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size_134x58 inches. Sheets-12. Lines— 8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas-130. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 207. Remarks: The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The paper bears the watermark 1825-1827. The hand writing is beautiful and very bold. a chile at al of 210. RG-VEDA SAMHITÄ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2443 C. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-74 x 3 inches. Sheets--19. Lines to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas -130. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon--Same as No. 207. Subject : Seventh Astaka. First Adhyāya. (Pavamăna Sūkta. Third Adhyāya). Astaka VII-1-1 to VII-1-41] [Mandala IX-2-44 to I.X-3-64, Remarks :-The Ms. is old and unaccented. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 211. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Left column. Sheets-9. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 ba. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-11 x 43 inches. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -90. Incomplete. Beginning: eft: 3й 11 fráfa azgdy: zaakî mqgxqfð 1 fa asiyet: 11 End: ऋ॒चो अ॒क्षरे॑ पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न्यस्मि॑न्दे॒वा अधि॒ विश्वे॑ निषे॒दुः । यस्तन्न वेव किमृचा क॑रिष्यति॒ य इत्तष्वि॒दुस्त इ॒मे समा॑सते ॥ ४ ॥ Colophon : इति परिशिष्टम् ॥ इति पवमाने चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ Subject: Seventh Astaka. Second Adhyāya. 1-18 Vargas and 1-1 Pavamana Parisistas. Astaka. VII-2-1 to VII-2-18.. Mandala IX-3-65 to IX-4-67. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 121 Remarks:-The first three vargas of the Parisistas are khilas(No. 17. M. Muller's Rg-veda Second Edition. Volume IV. Pages 531-533) and the fourth Parisista is the 39th Ṛk of the 21st Varga, of the 3rd Adhyaya of the 2nd Aṣṭaka (Mandala 1-22-164 (39)). The title page contains a pictorial representation of Lord Śrī Tyāgarājasvami with being worshipped by Indra, Nandi, Vyaghrapad and other sages standing in devout meditation. 212. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2443 d. Page 1. Right column. 16 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 122 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Lines-6 to a Page. -100. Complete. Size-93 x 3 inches. Sheets-10. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas Beginning, end and colophon-Same as No. 211. Subject:-Pavamana Sūkta. Fourth Adhyāya and 1-3 Parisistas. Astaka VII-2-1 to VII-2-18] [Mandala IX-3-65 to IX-4-67 and Rg-Veda Khila-Section 17. Remarks:-See No. 188. for विनियोग | The Ms. is old and unaccented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 213. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Beginning: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Burnell's Catalogue No. 2462. Substance-Paper. Size-7x4 (J3-31). Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-285. Incomplete. Page 1. Right column. inches. Sheets-19. एष गव्युरचिक्रदत्पवमानो हिरण्ययुः । इंदुः सत्राजिदखु (स्तु) तः ॥ (4) For Private and Personal Use Only End: इंद्र: सुनीती सह मा पुनातु सोमः स्वस्त्या वरुणः समीच्या ! यमो राजा प्र(मृणाभिः पुनातु मा जातवेदा मू (मो) जयंत्या पुनातु ॥ 5) Subject: Pavamana Sukta. 2-4 Adhyayas and First Varga of Pavamana Parisista. Astaka VI-8-17 to VII-2-18] [Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-4-67. Remarks:-This Ms. begins in the 4th Rk. of the 17th Varga, of the 8th Adhyaya of the 6th Aṣṭaka and ends in the 1st Rk of the 1st Varga of Pavamana Parisista-which forms the former part of the Bg-Veda khila-Section 17. M. Muller's Second edition of Bg-Veda, Volume IV (Pages 531-532). The Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 123 Ms. is unaccented. The paper is of Indian manufacture. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 214. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2442. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-61x3 inches. Sheets-55. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -460. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 188. End--Same as No. 211. Colophon: इति पवमाने चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ।। इति शाकलसंहितायां पवमानः समाप्तः । भूवराहात्मकश्रीलक्ष्मीवेङ्कटेशार्पणमस्तु ।। Subject : Pavamana Sukta. 1-4 Adhyayas. Astaka VI-7-16 to VII-2-18] [Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-4-67. Remarks:-The Ms. is old and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 215. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2444. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-63x3 inches. Sheets--47. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran thas—460. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 214. Colophon: इति पवमाने चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ।। शके १६२० वर्षे बहुधान्यनामसंवत्सरे दक्षिणायने हेमन्तौ पौष्य__ मासे शुक्लपक्षे तृतीया(यां)भानुवामरे धनिष्ठानक्षत्रे सिद्धयोगे For Private and Personal Use Only Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 124 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF तहिने पवमानस्समाप्तः । Remarks .--The Mb. is good and accented. The paper is of Indian manufacture. From the colophon, the date of the Ms. is known as Saka 1620 or 1698 A. D. 11 faqÅEAT 11 216. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2461. Page 1. Right column. Substance ---Paper. Size-94 34 inches. Sheets--27. Lines -9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas --460. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 214. Remarks:-After the end the beginnings of each varga of the Second Adhyâya of the Seventh Astaka are given in reverse order. The Ms. is in good condition. It is not accented. Il Frachigat il 217. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2463. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-71 X 48 inches. Sheets-46. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas 459. Incomplete. Beginning and subject-Same as No. 214. End: ___यः पौवमानीरध्येत्यृषिभिः संभृतं रस । सर्व स पृतमश्नाति वदितं मातरिश्वना ।। Subject: Pavamāna Sūkta. 1-4 Adhyāyas. Agtaka VI-7-16 to VII-2-18] [Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-4-67. Remarks :-In this Ms, the last fk of the 18th Varga of the Second For Private and Personal Use Only Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 125 125 Adhyaya-"पावमानीर्यो + मधूदकम्" is omitted. The Ms. is very old and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 218. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2443 e. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-84X4 inches. Sheets-51 (2-52). Lines-7 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas --450. Incomplete. Beginning : (पुना)ति ते परिश्रु(सु)तं सोमं सूर्यस्य दुहिता। वारेण शश्चता तना ॥ End : दशोत्तराण्यचांश्चैव पावमानी शतानि षट् । एतत्पठन्ति यन्मन्त्रं घोरं मृत्युभयं हरेत् ॥ १०. Colophon: इति पवमानस्य चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: Pavamāna Sūkta. 1-4 Adhyāyas, and 1-3 Parisistas. Antaka VI-7-17 to VII-2-18] [Mandala 1X-1-1 to IX-4-67. Remarks :--The first varga of the first Adhyāya is wanting in the beginning. Also the fourth Parißimta is not given here at the end. The Ms. is old. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 219. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2466. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--80x3g inches. Sheets-29. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -460. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 126 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end and colophon-Same as No. 214. Subject: Pavamāna Sūkta. 1-4 Adhyāyas. Aştaka VI-7-16 to VII-2-18] [Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-4-67. Remarks: At the end of this Ms. are given the first three sections of Pavamāna Parişistas--which form the 17th section of the Rg-Veda khila. The Ms. is very old and partly accented. llla CHIETTI 220. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2467. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-94X4} inches. Sheets--35. Lines-8 to a Page, Script-Devanagarl. No. of Granthas -460. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 214. Colophon: sfat yaara agat(s)ert: 11 बाबाजीनइकपुडस्येदं पवमानपुस्तकं समाप्तम ।। Remarks :-At the end of this Ms. after the colophon are given two sections of Ķks---the first 6 JET + gaf n (Astaka VIII-7-13 (1-8) or Mandala X-10-126) the second s sro TT A +1 garo" (Astaka VIII. 6-26 (1-6) or Mandala X-10-119). The Ms. is very old and accented. ll get create 221. RG-VEDA SAM HITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2468. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-94 X 4 inches. Sheets-44. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Deyanāgarl. No. of Granthas -460. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 127 Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 214. Colophon : इति पवमाने चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ।। इदं पुस्तकं संग्रहकृतं गोपालबालाजि करतटांगुडि बापुबावद पुस्तक. Remarks :-The Ms. is accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 222. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8969. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-18xi inches. Leaves-25. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Telugu. No. of Granthas 460. Complete. Beginning and subject-Same as No. 21.4. End : पावमानीः पितृन्देवान्ध्यायेद्यश्च सरस्वतीं । पितॄस्तस्योपवर्ते तत्क्षीरं सर्पिर्मधूदकं ॥ Remarks: The last two Rks of the third Varga in Parisista are omitted. After the end the beginnings of each varga of the second Adhyāya of the seventh Astaka are given in the reverse order. The palm-leaves are much worn out and are not accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 228. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 33. Substance-Paper. Size-74x48 inches. Sheets-20. Lines-14 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas--460. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 214. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 128 À DESCRIPTIVE DATALOGUE OF Colophon: इति पवमाने चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ संवत् १६७६ समये भाद्रपदशुद्धप्रतिपदायां(दि) रविवासरे फाना न्यलूरगामे लिखितं । तुलसीदाससुतकुमारविश्वनाथनीपोधिदवे सारिंगधरसुतमहादेवेन इदं पुस्तकं शोधितं ॥ Remarks :-The Ms. is old and accented. The Ms. is dated samvat 1676 or 1819 A. D. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 224. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection. No. 35. Substance--Paper Size-84x37 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-280. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 214. End : बालनान्मातृपितृवधाडूमितस्करात्सर्ववर्णगमनमै थुनसङ्गमात् । Subject : Pavamāna Sukta. 1-4 Adhyayas. Remarks:-This Ms. contains only in the first Adhyaya 1-21 Vargas; in the second Adhyāya 27-33 Vargas, and the third and fourth Adhyāyas complete. This ends in the middle of the eleventh sk of the second Parisista of the Pavamāna Sukta. The Ms. is worn out and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 225. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2469. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-48x3d inches. Sheets-44. Lines-8toaPage. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas -400. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 131 Beginning : (aftada 49 Hjeg JTÉT! 1) of TETT Ariat (8) 11 End: IX-4-75. वृषा पवस्व धारया मरुत्वते च मत्सरः । ê (YA TIGAT) 11 Subject: Pavamāna Sūkta. 1-4 Adhyāyas. Astaka VI-7-16 to VII-2-2] [Mandala IX-1-1 to I Remarks :--This Ms. begins in the middle of the 3rd R. 16th Varga of the 7th Adhyāya of the 6th Astaka, ar abruptly at the end of the second Varga of the fourth Adu,. of Pavamāna Sūkta (Seventh Axtaka. Second Adbyāya). Sheets 1, 7, 13, 24, 33, 41-47 and 52 are missing in this Ms. The Ms. is unaccented. !! FOC HEAT in 226. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2464. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--83 X 4 inches. Sheets-44. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas --450. Incomplete. Beginning : (Taft(3)#HEFTI 3a sfruifat tarat: FTİ 1 सोममिंद्राय पातवे ॥ End and colophon--Same as No. 214. Subject : Pavamāna Sūkta. 1-4 Adhyāyas. Astaka VI-7-17 to VII-2-181 Mandala IX-1-1 to IX-4-67. Remarks :- This Ms. begins with the last but one rk of the second Varga of the 1st Adhyāya of Pavamāna Sūkta. The Ms. is old and partly accented. 17 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 128 À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophi ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ संवत 227. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Fell's Catalogue No. 2347 bb. Page 1. Left column." .bstance-Paper. Size-11x48 inches. Sheets-9. unes-7 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas Remarks.70. Incomplete. sam inning: । देवमच्छा मधुमंत इंदवो(s)सिष्यदंत गाव आ न धेनवः । बर्हिषदो वचनावत ऊधभिः परिस्रुतमुस्रियां निर्णिजे धिरे ॥ End: परि सोम प्र धन्वा स्वस्तये नृभिः पुनानो अभि वासयाशिरै । ये ते मदा आइनसो विहायमस्तभिरिंद्र चोदय दातवे मधं ॥३३॥ Colophon. __ इति सप्तमाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ २ ॥ Subject : Seventh Astaka. Second Adhyaya. Astaka VII-2-19 to VII-2-33][Mandala IX-4-68 to IX-4-75. Remarks:-The beginning of the Third Adhyaya "धर्ता दिवः पवते कृत्व्यो रसः" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the famous Siva-linga in the Bșhadiśvarasyāmi temple at Tanjore. The picture shows Brhannāyikā (Pārvatī) worshipping the Sivalinga with the attendants standing by in devout meditation. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 228. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 r. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X51 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 131 Beginning-Same as No. 211. End and colophon-Same as No. 227. Subject : Seventh Astaka. Second Adhyaya. Astaka VII-2-1 to VII-2-33] [Mandala IX-3-65 to IX-4-75. Remarks:-The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 229. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 r. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-14. Lines --8 to a Page. Script-- Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 228. Remarks:-The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 230. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 c. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X48 inches. Sheets--18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning : धर्ता दिवः पवते कृत्यो रसो दक्षौ देवानामनुमायो नृभिः। हरिः सृजानो अत्यो न सत्व भिवृथा पाजांसि कृणुते नदीष्वा ॥ End : ए॒वा राजैव ऋतुमाँ अमैन विश्वा घनिनहुरिता पवख । इंदो सूक्ताय वचसे वयो धा यूयं पात स्वस्तिभिः सदा नः ॥२६॥ Colophon : इति सप्तमाष्टके तृतीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ३ ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 132 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: Seventh Astaka. Third Adhyāya. Astaka VII-3-1 to VII-3-26] [Mandala IX-4-76 to IX-5-90. Remarks :--The beginning of the Fourth Adhyāya "OTH TAIT TO TUTT” is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of Lord Natarāja dancing the Divine dance attended by Devi Tripurasundarī. The bhaktas are represented as young boys standing in devout meditation. 11 AUTHEAT 11 231. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 s. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 54 inches. Sheets-14. Lines -8 to a Page. Script-Devanagāri. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 230. Remarks :--The Me. is in good condition. ll *acrifEAT 282. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2352 s. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper, Size—13x 54 inches. Sheets--16. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthal -190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 230. Remarks: The Ms. is in excellent condition. Il pacHEAT II 233. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 e. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Substance-Paper. Lines-7 to a Page. -190. Complete. SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Colophon : Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 230. Remarks:-This Ms. is good. It is not accented. The writing is elegant. Subject: Size 11 x 4 inches. Sheets-20. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 234. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 d. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size 11 x 4g inches. Lines 7 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. -160. Complete. Beginning: असर्जि वक्वा॒ रथ्ये यथाजौ धिया मनोत प्रथमो मनीषी । दश॒ स्वसा॑रो॒ अधि॒ सानो॒ो अव्ये ( s) जैति॒ वद्धं सद॑ना॒न्यच्छ॑ ॥ End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir त्वं द्यां च महिव्रत पृथि॒वीं चानि॑ जभ्रिषे । afd zıfqkýayı: qdana alĝezar || 26 || Left column. Sheets-17. No. of Granthas इति सप्तमाष्टके चतुर्थो (S) ध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥ Seventh Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. Aṣṭaka VII-4-1 to VII-4-28. Mandala IX-5-91 to IX-6-100. Remarks:-The beginning of the Fifth Adhyāya inter:" is given after the colophon. 133 For Private and Personal Use Only 66 पु॒रोहि॑ती वो The title page contains a pictorial representation of the See Siva-linga in the Bṛhadisvarasvami temple at Tanjore. No. 227. In this picture, the goddess Bṛhannayīkā embraces the Lord Bṛhadisvara. Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 134 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF all #TE GHEAT II 285. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 t. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -14% 5% inches. Sheets—12. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas --160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 234. Remarks: The Ms. is in good condition. 11 FUEGHETTI 236. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 t. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper, Size--137 x 54 inches. Sheets-15. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 234. Remarks :--The Ms. is in excellent condition. Il pacient II 237. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11 X 44 inches. Sheets-19. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 234. Remarks: --See No. 233. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेद संहिता ॥ 238. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 e. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size 11 x 48 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning: पु॒रोजि॑ती वो अ॑ध॑सः सु॒ताय॑ मादयि॒नवे॑ । ag and afueg vakî zififügŤ || 135 End: अस॑च्च॒ सच॑ पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न्दक्ष॑स्य॒ जन्म॒न्नदि॑तेरुपस्थै । अ॒ग्निहि॑ नः प्रथमजा ऋ॒तस्य॒ पूर्व॒ आयु॑नि वृष॒भय॑ धे॒नुः ॥ ३३ ॥ Colophon: इति सप्तमाष्टके पंचमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ५ ॥ Subject: Seventh Astaka. Fifth Adhyaya. Astaka VII-5-1 to VII-5-33] [Mandala IX-6-101 to X-1-5. " अयं स यस्य॒ Remarks:-The beginning of the Sixth Adhyaya quali:" is given after the colophon. For Private and Personal Use Only The title page contains a pictorial representation of the famous Siva Linga in or modern Tirukaḍayur near Tranquebar in the Tanjore Dt. The Lord is known as Amṛtaghaṭeśa. The picture shows Märkandeya worshipping the Lord when God Yama, riding his buffalo throws his Kalapāśa to remove Markaṇḍeya to his own regions. Yama is attended by his followers. The worship of Markaṇḍeya stands him in good stead. From out of the Linga emerges the Lord as Kalasamharamurti and throws down Yama from his vahana with His Divine Trisula. Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 136 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF |Aa GFREAT 11 239. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 u. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-1454 inches. Sheets--14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 238. Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. a ceilaar 1 Il 240. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 u. Page 1. Left coluinn. Substance-Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 238. Remarks:-The Ms. is in excellent condition, ll fra Frian II 241. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 g Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11x4 inches. Sheets-21. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas 180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 238. Remarks :--See No. 233. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 137 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 242. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-51xsg inches. Sheets-3 (10-12). Lines-_-9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No, of Granthas-20. Complete. Beginning: ॐ नानानं वा उ नो धियो वि व्रतानि जनानां । तक्षा रिष्टं ऋ(रु)तं भिषग्ब्रह्मा सुन्वंतमिच्छतींद्रायेंदो परि स्रव ॥ End: यते राजन्(क)कृतं हविस्तेन सोमामि रक्ष नः। अरातीवा मा नस्तारीन्मो च नः किं चनाममदिंद्रायेंदो परि सव ॥ ४॥ यत्र गंगा च यमुना यत्र प्राची सरस्वती । यत्र विश्वेश्वरो देवस्तत्र माममृतं कृधींद्रायेंदो परि स्रव ॥ Colophon : नारायणसूक्तं समाप्तम ॥ - Subject: Seventh Astaka. Fifth Adhyaya. 25-28 Vargas. Astaka VII-5-25 to VII-5-28. Mapdala IX-7-112 to Ix-7-114. Remarks:-नारायणसूक्तम् ॥ “यत्र गंगा च + परि सव-" is a newly added verse at the end of this Sūkta, taken from the Rg-Veda Khila. Section 19. Verse 5. (See M. Muller's Rg-Veda Sambitā. Second Edition. Fourth Volume. Page 531]. This hymn if recited in the death-bed is believed to transport the dying man to heavenly bliss. Saunaka has the following in his Rgvidhāna, regarding the viniyoga of this hymn. " नानानमिति सूक्तान्य(क्तं यत् तत्काले च जपेत् सकृत् । __ जत्वा चैव परं स्थानममृतत्वं च गच्छति ॥"(III-378.) 18 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 138 À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF । ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 248. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X48 inches. Sheets-8. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -80. Incomplete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ अयं स यस्य शर्पन्नवोभिग्नेरेधते जरिताभिष्टौ । ज्येष्ठेभिर्यो भानुभिषूणां पर्येति परिवीतो विभावा ॥ End: सप्त क्षरंति शिशवे मरुत्वते पित्रे पुत्रासो अप्यवीवतं(नृतं । उभे इदस्योभयस्य राजत उभे यतेते उभयस्य पुष्यतः ॥ १३ ।। Subject : Seventh Astaka. Sixth Adhyaya. 1-13 Vargas only, Astaka VII-6-1 to VII-6-13] [Mandala x-1-6 to x-1-13. Remarks :-The title page contains a pictorial representation of Lord Siva as Nandiśvara—the forın taken by Him when He was worshipped by His attendant Nandi in Cidambaram. The Sivalinga-Nandīśvara--is east of Hariśvara who is seated east of Lord Natarāja in Cidain baram. The incident is narrated in detail in the Puņdarikapuramāhātmya from which the following verses are quoted: "हरीश्वरसमाख्यं तु यत्ते लिङ्गं पुरोदितं । तस्य प्राच्यां तु याल्लनं दृश्यतेऽद्भुतदर्शनं ॥ नन्दीश्वरसमाख्यं तत् स्थापितं नन्दिना मुने । येन यत् स्थापितं लि; तन्नाम्ना तत्प्रकीर्यते ॥" ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 244. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 v. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 189 Substance-Paper. Size-14X5 inches. Sheets 13. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas --175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 245. Subject: Seventh Agtaka. Sixth Adhyāya. Aptaka VII-6-1 to VII-6-28] [Mandala X-1-6 to X-2-18. Remarks :The beginning of the Seventh Adhyāya “ Er aasa HTC TAT” is given after the colophon. The Ms. is in good condition. 11 Aracrilat it 245. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 v. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -134 X 54 inches. Sheets—16. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 243. End: प्रतीचीने मामहनीयाः पर्णमिवा दधुः। प्रतीची जग्रभा वाचमवै रशनयो यथा ॥ २८ ॥ Colophon: a p a gt(s) ra: il & 11 Subject: Seventh Astaka. Sixth Adhyāya. Astaka VII-6-1 to VII-6-28] [Mandala X-1-6 to X-2-18. Remarks :-The Me. is in excellent condition. lipsa crear 11 246. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 h. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 140 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Size-11 × 44 inches. Sheets-19. Substance-Paper. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 245. Remarks:-See No. 233. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 247. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Beginning: Eft: 3 11 Sheets-16, Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 g. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-11X 48 inches. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Left column. नि व॑र्तध्वं मानु॑ गातास्मान्सिषक्त रेवतीः । अनी॑षोमा पुनर्वसू अ॒स्मे धा॑रयत॑ र॒र्य॑ ।। End: एतानि भद्रा कलश क्रियाम कुरुश्रवण दद॑तो म॒घानि॑ । दा॒न इ॒द्रो॑ मघवान॒ः सो अ॑स्त्व॒यं च॒ सोमो॑ दृ॒दि यं बिभर्मि ॥ ३० ॥ Colophon : इति सप्तमाष्टके सप्तमो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Subject: Seventh Astaka. Seventh Adhyaya. Astaka VII-7-1 to VII-7-30] [Mandala X-2-19 to X-3-32. Remarks:-The beginning of the Eighth Adhyaya "nat ggà agon aatat ” is given after the colophon. For Private and Personal Use Only The title page contains a pictorial representation of the Lord Siva as Vyaghrapadisvara-worshipped by Sage Vyaghrapäd. The Sivalinga is west to Lord Nataraja in Cidambaram. Compare Puṇḍarīkapuramāhātmya; Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 141 " व्याघ्रपादेश्वरनाम स्थानं देवस्य पश्चिमे । यत्र देवमुमाकान्तं पूजयामास वै मुनिः ॥ तदेवपुरतो यत्तु दृश्यते तीर्थमुत्तमम् । न्याघ्रपादामिधं तत्तु सेवितं सर्वदैवतैः ॥" ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 248. - RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 w. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14X62 inches. Sheete-13. Lines-8 toa Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 247. Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 249. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 w. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-132x51 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas ---175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 247. Remarks:-The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 250. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2363 i. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4g inches. Sheets-19. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 148 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 247. Remarks :-See No. 238. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता॥ 251. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2347 h. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4g inches. Sheets-18. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-175. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ प्र मा युयुजे प्रयुज़ो जनानां वहामि स्म पूषणमंतरेण । विश्वे देवासो अध मामरक्षन्दुःशामुरागादिति घोष आसीत् ॥ End: अस्ताव्यग्निर्नरां मुशेवौ वैश्वानर ऋर्षिभिः सोमगोपाः । अद्वेषे द्यावापृथिवी हुवेम देवा धत्त रयिमस्मे सुवीरै ॥ २९ ॥ Colophon: इति सप्तमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ८ ॥ Subject : Seventh Astaka. Eighth Adhyāya. Astaka VII-8-1 to VII-8-29] [Mandala X-3-33 tox-4-45. Remarks :-The beginning of the Eighth Astaka "q at ICT महाभभोवित" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of Lord Siva as Ananteśvara-worshipped by Sage Patañjali. The Sivalinga is due west of the west gopura of Lord Nataraja in Cidambaram. Compare Pundarikapuramahatmya: “ अनन्तेश्वरसंझं च यत् स्थानं तत्र वै मुने। शेषः पतंजलि ना यत्र देवमपूजयत् ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 143 SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS यत्रासौ मठिकां कृत्वा चचार सुमहत्तपः ॥" The last page is decorated with ornamental flowers. H Rachitat al 252. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 X. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper, Size--14 x 54 inches. Sheets-13. Lines---8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 251. Remarks: The Ms. is in good condition. Il ChiCAT II 253. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 x. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size--135 X 54 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 251. Remarks: --The Ms. is in excellent condition. ll RECHEAT !! 254. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 j. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size-11x4 inches. Sheets-19. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No, of Granthas -175. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 251. Remarks: -- See No. 233. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 255. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. J. L. Collection No. 13. Substance-Paper. Size-91x37 inches. Sheets-28 (30-67). Lines-7 to a Page. Script Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas--400. Incomplete. Beginning : (तं त्वा हस्तिनो मधुमंतमद्रिभि)वुहंत्यप्सु वृषभं दश क्षिपः। इंद्र सोय मादयन्दैव्यं जनं सिंधोरिवोर्मिः पर्वमानो असि ।। End :: तमुस्रामिंटुं न रेजमानमग्निं गीर्भिर्नपौभिरा कृणुध्वं । आ यं विना(सो मतिभिगुणति जातवेदसं जुह महानो ।) Subject: Seventh Astaka. 3-5 Adhyāyas. Astaka VII-3-5 (5) to VII-6-1 (6). Mandala IX-4-80 (5) to X-1-6 (5). Remarks :- This Ms. begins with the middle of the fifth fk of the fifth Varga of the third Adhyâya and ends in the fifth fk of the first Varga of the Sixth Adhyāya. Sheets 30-32, 39-42, 44, 45, 47-63, 66 & 67 are only found here; hence only a fragment. The Ms. is old and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 256. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 m. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-81x44 inches. Sheets-64 (12-75). Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1100. Incomplete. Beginning : (अंशुर्य)वैन पिपिशे यतो नृभिः सं जामिभिर्नसते रक्षते शिरः॥४॥ End-Same as No. 251. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 145 Colophon: इति सप्तमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ शके १५३६ प्रवर्तमाने आनन्दनामसंवत्सरे फाल्गुनवदिप्रतिपद्यां(दि) इन्दुवासरे घटिका १६ हस्सनक्षले घटिका ३२. मध्याह्नकाले समाप्तः श्रीधरभट्टसुतफणिभट्टसुतश्रीधरस्वहस्त(लिखितम्) Subject : Seventh Astaka. 2-8 Adhyayas. Astaks VII-2-19 (4) to VII-8-29. Mandala IX-4-68 (4) to X-4-45. Remarks:-This Mo. abruptly begins in the latter half of the fourth rk of the 19th Varga of the second Adhyaya. The Ms. is old and accented. It is dated Saka 1536 or 1614 A. D. The scribe's name is Sridhara. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 257. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection. No. 14. Substance-Paper. Size-104x41 inches. Sheets-66. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas--1300. Incomplete. Beginning: (आ धावता सुहस्त्यः शुक्रा गृभ्णीत मंथि)ना । गोभिः श्रीणीत मत्सरं ।। End : वि(बा ते अग्ने त्रेधा याणि विना ते धाम विभृता पुरुत्रा।) Subject : Seventh Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka VII-1-3 (4) to VII-8-28 (2). Mandala IX-2-46 (4) to x-4-45 (2). Remarks:-This Ms. begins in the middle of the 4th rk. of the tbird Varga of the 1st Adhyāya and ends in the very beginning of the 2nd rk of the 28th Varga of the 8th Adhyaya. The Ms. is old and accented. 19 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 146 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUB OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 258. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 14. Substance-Paper. Size-81x43 inches. Sheets-147. Lines-8 to aPage. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthag-1170. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 207. End: अक्षेत्रविक्षेत्रविदं ह्यप्राट् स प्रै(ति क्षेत्रविदानुशिष्टः । एतद्वै भद्रमनुशासनस्योत त्रुतिं विद त्यंजसीनो ॥ ७॥) Colophon : Sheet No. 132. इति सप्तमाष्टके षष्ठो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: Seventh Astaka. 1-7 Adhyayas. ___Astaka VII-1-1 to VII-7-30 (7). Mandala IX-2-44 to X-3-32 (7). Remarks :-This Ms. breaks off in the beginning of the 7th Rk of the 30th Varga of the 7th Adhyaya. The Ms. is old and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 259. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 7. Substance-Paper. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets-93. Lines-8 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1220. Incomplete. Beginning :-Same as No. 207. End: अक्षर्मा दीव्यः कृषिमित्कृषस्व वित्ते रमस्व बहु म(न्यमानः) । Colophon: 91st Sheet. इति सप्तमाष्टके सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject : Seventh Ashaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 147 Astaka VII-1-1 to VII-8-5 (13). Mandala IX-2-44 tox-3-34 (13). Remarks:-This Ms. breaks off in the middle of the 30th rk of the 5th Varga of the 8th Adhyāya, The Ms, is old and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 260. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2154 1. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-93x4 inches. Sheets-85. Lines-9 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1346. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 207. End-Same as No. 251. Colophon: इति षट्पंचाशो(s)ध्यायः ॥ इति सप्तमाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् १७०७ वर्षे पौषशुदि ५ भौमे............वास्तव्य खेडा बालदुवे श्री वाहालासुत गोकललिखितमिदम् । श्रीरस्तु । Subject: Seventh Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka VII-1-1 to VII-8-29] [Mandala IX-2-44 to X-4-45. Remarks :-The Ms. is old and accented. It is dated Samvat 1707 or 1850 A. D. The scribe's name is Gokala. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 261. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. J. L. Collection No. 5. Substance-Paper. Size-130x6 inches. Sheets-73. Lines-9 to aPage. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1345. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No.260. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 148 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: इति सप्तमाष्ठके सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. It is accented. The writing is bold and legible. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता॥ 262. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2348 a. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ प्र होता जातो महाभोविऋषा सीददपामुपस्थे । दधिर्यो धायि स ते बोसि यंता वसूनि विधते तनपाः ।। End: त ऊ षु णो महो यजत्रा भूत देवास ऊतये सजोषाः । ये वाजाँ अनयता वियतो ये स्था निचेतारो अमूराः ॥ ३० ॥ Colophon : ___इति अष्टमाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ १॥ Subject : Eighth Astaka. First Adhyaya. Artaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-1-30] [Mandala x-4-46 to X-5-61. Remarks :--The beginning of the Second Adhyaya "ये यज्ञेन दक्षिणया समक्ता" is given after the Colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the worship of Sivalinga by Tripād Maharşi on one side and on the off-side three sages and two devout brāhmins are standing in an attitude of prayer. The place of worship is in or near Cidambaram. From the way in which the brābmin devotees, are depicted, it seems probable that the DIkşitas of Çidam For Private and Personal Use Only Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 149 baram at that age had their tafts not in the centre but at the back of the head as is usual with others. llachitat all 263. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2360 y. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X 54 inches. Sheets--14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas ---160. Complece. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 262. Remarks :-See No. 208. The Ms. is in good condition, acfif al 11 284. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 y. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--138 X 54 inches. Sheets-19. Lines--8 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No, of Gran thas-160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject---Same as No. 262, Remarks :- See No. 209. The Ms. is in excellent condition. Bag Hiieat a 265. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2363 k. Page 1. Left column. Substanco-Paper, Size--11 X 44 inches. Sheets-20. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject:-Same as No. 262. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 150 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks :-See No. 233. The Ms. is good. # Astagfiicat 11 266. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection No. 15. Substance-Paper. Size--11X41 inches. Sheets-12. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Deva nāgarl. No. of Granthas-160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 262. Remarks :--The Ms. is in a fairly good condition and is accented. li # geilbarli 267. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection. No. 5. Substance-Paper. Size_8X4 inches. Sheets-15 (2-16). Lines--9 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-145. Incomplete. Beginning : (जगृभ्मा ते दक्षिणमिंद्र हस्तै वसूयवौ वसुपते वसूनां । विद्मा हि त्वा गोपतिं शूर) गोनामस्मभ्य चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दाः॥ End and colophon-Same as No. 262. Subject: Eighth Astaka. First Adhyāya. Astaka VIII-1-3 to VIII-1-30] [Mandala X-4-46 to X-5-61. Remarks:This Ms. abruptly begins at the end of the first Rk. of the third Varga of this Adhyâya. The Ms. is old and is partly accented. Il segril at 11 268. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2348 b. Page 1. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 151 Substance-Paper. Size-11x4g inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-180. Complete. Beginning: ये यज्ञेन दक्षिणया समक्ता इंद्रस्य सख्यममृत त्वमानश । तेभ्यो भद्रमैगिरसो वो अस्तु प्रति गृभ्णीत मानवं सुमेधसः ॥ End : ऋचां त्वा पोषमास्ते पुपुष्वान्गायत्रं त्वो गायति शक्करीषु । ब्रह्मा त्वो वदति जातविद्यां यज्ञस्य मात्रा वि मिमीत उ त्वः ॥२४॥ Colophon : इति अष्टमाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्याय: ।। २ ।। Subject: Eighth Astaka. Second Adhyāya. Antaka VIII-2-1 to VIII-2-24] [Mandala x-5-62 to x-6-71. Remarks :-The beginning of the Third Adhyaya. "देवानां नु is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the worship of the Sivalinga in Cidambaram by a Brāhmin devotee, evidently the chief representative of the DIkşit&s who are official priests at Cidambaram for the worship of Sri Nataraja. In Nos. 247, 251 & 262 the title page represented the worship of the Mahuśivalinga at Cidambaram by the Sages Vyāghrapad, Patañjali and Tripās. This series of pictures is closed by No. 268 which traces the worship down to the modern Diksita of Cidambaram. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 289. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 2. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14x5 inches. Sheets-13. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 152 Á DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 268. Remarks :--The Ms. is in good condition. RECHEAT 11 270. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 z. Page 1. Left column, Substance-Paper. Size-131 x 54 inches. Sheets--18, Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Gran. thas- 160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 268. Remarks:- This Ms. is in excellent condition. 271. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 1. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-11 X 49 inches. Sheets-19. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 268. Remarks :- The Ms. is good. it fag FEAT II 272. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 41 a. Substance-Paper. Size -104 X 37 inches. Sheets--10. Lines— 7 to a Page. Script-Deva. nāgarl. No. of Granthas-60. Complete. Beginning : Same as No. 268. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 158 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS End: एवा प्लुतेः सूनुरवीवृधद्वो विश्व आदित्या अदिते मनीषी । ईशानासो नरो अमर्दैनास्तात्र जनौ दिव्यो गयेन ॥ ५ ॥ Colophon: ये यज्ञेनसूक्तं संपूर्णम् । Subject: Astaka VIII-2-1 to VIII-2-5] [Mandala X-5-62 to X-5-63. Remarks:-This Ms. contains besides the ये यज्ञेनसूक्त, the following suktas also:-(1) मन्युसूक्तम् (2) सूर्यसूक्तम (3) अग्न्युत्तारणसूक्तम् . The Ms. is old and accented. The Viniyoga of the ये यज्ञेनसूक्त is popularly believed to be its usage in the 31stra H following the 39ea ceremony of the followers of the Rg-veda. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 278. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T.S. Collection No. 59. Substance-Paper. Size-94X41 ___ inches. Sheets-4. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas--60. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 272. Remarks :--This Ms. is not accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 274. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2470. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-64x4 inches. Sheets--2. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -15. Complete. 20 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 154 Beginning : Beginning: बृह॑स्पते प्रथ॒मं वाचो अग्र॑ यत्प्रेर॑त॒ नाम॒धेयं॒ दधा॑नाः । यदे॑षा॒ श्रेष्ठं यद॑रि॒प्रमासत्ये॒णा तदे॑षां॒ निर्हितं गुहाविः ॥ End - Same as No. 268. [Mandala X-6-71. Subject : Brhaspati Sūkta. Astaka VIII-2-23 to VIII-2-24] Remarks:—The Ms. is legible and accented. Saunaka has the follow ing, regarding the विनियोग of this hymn. 46 बृहस्पते प्रथममिति नित्यं ज्ञानस्तुतिं जपेत् । ज्ञानवान्भवति श्रीमाननन्तां विन्दते श्रियम् ॥ " It secures for its user knowledge and endless prosperity. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 275. RG VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2348 c. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size - 11X 44 inches. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas-180. Complete. End : A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दे॒वानां॒ नु वर्यं जाना॒ प्र वो॑चाम विप॒न्यया॑ । उ॒क्थेषु॑ श॒स्यमा॑नेषु यः पश्या॒दुत्त॑रे युगे || Left column. ध्रुवैधि॒ पोष्या॒ मा॑य॒ महो॑ त्वादा॒ह॒स्पति॑ः । मया पत्य प्र॒जाव॑ती॒ सं जीव शरदः शतं ॥ २९ ॥ इति अष्टमाष्टके तृतीयो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ ३ ॥ Sheets-- 18. No. of Gran For Private and Personal Use Only Subject: Eighth Astaka. Third Adhyaya. Astaka VIII-3-1 to VIII-3-28 & Bg-Veda khila. 22nd Section. Mandala X-6-72 to X-7-85 & Rg-Veda Khila. 22nd Section. Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 155 Remarks :—The beginning of the Fourth Adhyaya “fe fe a dera” is given after the colophon. The last section in this Ms." ifayattaa" is the 22nd. section of Rg-veda Khila (See M. Muller's Second Edition of Rg-veda. Vol. IV. Page 534]. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the worship of the Lord Vaidyeśvara by the ten-headed demon Rāvaņa. The place of worship is the modern Vaidiśvarankoil in the Tanjore Dt. Rāvana made the supreme sacrifice to satisfy the Lord Mahadeva by offering his heads one after another in the sacrificial fire. When the tenth and last bit was about to be offered, the Lord was pleased and stopped Rāvana at the last minute. He appeared as the Divine Doctor and reset the lost heads on Rāvana. Hence the name of Vaidyesvara to the Lord Mahadeva. On one side of the title page, Rāvana is shown worshipping the Lord and on the other side his attendant demons all standing in an attitude of ecstatic prayer. The demons are depicted with long upturned noses in the forin of a scythe. Il rac GENI 276. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 aa. Page 1. Left colump. Substance-Paper. Size -14x54 inches. Sheets—14. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject---Same as No. 275. Remarks:—The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 156 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेद संहिता ॥ 277. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 aa. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 13 x 5 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -180. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 275. Remarks:-The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 278. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection No. 14. Substance-Paper. Size-934 inches. Sheets-5. Lines-11 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-110. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 275. End: ant zazred word ma gantz at (caànda äîá) || Subject: Eighth Astaka. Third Adhyaya. Ataka VIII-3-1 to VIII-3-13] [Mandala X-6-72 to X-6-78. Remarks:-The end and colophon of the Second Adhyāya “ विमिमीत उत्वः ॥ २४ ॥ इत्यष्टमाष्टके द्वितीयो (S) ध्याय: || are given at the beginning of this Ms. This Ms. breaks off in the last Rk of the 13th Varga of this Adhyaya. The Ms. is old and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 279. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 41 d. Substance-Paper. Size-10×3 inches. Sheet-1 (10th). Lines-7 to a Page. Script For Private and Personal Use Only Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 157 Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas--10. Complete. Beginning : अग्निः सप्तिं वाजंभरं ददात्यग्निर्वीरं श्रुत्यै कर्मनिष्ठां । अग्नी रोदसी वि चरत्समंजननिर्नारी वीरकुक्षिं पुरैधि । End : अग्नये ब्रह्म ऋमवस्ततक्षुरग्निं महामवोचामा सुवृक्ति र अग्ने प्राव जगतारै यविष्ठाने महि द्रविणमा यजस्व ।। Colophon: अमिसप्तवर्गः सम्पूर्णः ।। Subject : Agnisaptavarga or Agnyuttarana Sukta. Astaka VIII-3-15] [Mandala X-6-30. Remarks :-This Ms, contains the name agaf for this and this same work is also named as अग्न्यु त्तारणसूक्त. Ms, is old and accented. The Viniyoga of this Sūkta is believea to be its usage for the purpose of purifying a afà ar before t' प्राणप्रतिष्ठा ceremony by pronouncing this Sukta twior. . . with अग्निशब्द and then without अनिशब्द. See No.. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 280. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-84x43 inches. Sheets-2. Lines.-8 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-10. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 279. Colophon: ॥ अग्न्युत्तारणसूक्कं ॥ Subject: Agnisapta varga or Agnyattārana Sūkta. Astaka VIII-3-15] [Mandala X-6-80. Remarks:-See No. 279. The Ms. is old and accented. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 168 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 281. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance--Paper. Size—85X43 inches. Sheet-1. Lines-10 to aPage. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-20. Complete. Beginning: ॥ अथ मन्युसूक्तम ना यस्तै मन्यो(s)विधद्वन सायक सह[s] ओजः पुष्यति विश्वमानुषक् । गह्याम दासमार्य त्वया युजा सहस्कृतेन सहसा सहखता ।। d: सृष्टं धनमुभर्य समाकृतमस्मभ्यं दत्ता वरुणाश्र मन्युः । व्याधिवर्जिताः । भियं दधाना हृदयेषु शत्रवः पनन्यांश्च सज्जनान् । Colophon: मयाश्व इति व भवन्ति विगतज्वराः । Subject स्त्रियं चेदभिमन्येत तस्याः संवननं महत् ॥ End : ब्रीहीणां नखभिन्नानां तण्डुलान् सूक्ष्मचूर्णितान् । सहस्रसंपातहुतान् खेदयेत्कुशलोऽमिना । तेन प्रतिकृतिं कुर्यात्तां ध्यात्वा मनसा स्त्रियम् । अक्तां सर्षपतैलेन जुहुयादशश्च ताम् । पादौ प्रथमतच्छिन्द्यास्फडित्यग्नौ निधापयेत् । अथ अके जानुनी च ऊरू बाहू ततः शिरः ॥ छित्वा हृदयदेशं तु हृदये स्खे निवेशयेत् । जपतमृर्षि विप्रः स्त्रीवशं सोऽधिगच्छति ॥ नैतत् परगृहीतासु न साध्वीषु कथश्चन । न धर्मव्रतशीलासु कुर्वीत द्विजसत्तमः ॥ कामं परिगृहीतासु हीनवर्णासु यश्चरेत् । पतिमस्यागुणीकुर्वन्पूर्व पश्चात्तु तां त्रियम् ॥ ति For Private and Personal Use Only Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 159 SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS अन्ते तु द्वादशाहस्य शुचौ देशे समाहितः । पुंसः प्रतिकृति कुर्यात् भूमौ पांसुमयी कृती ॥ तस्या हृदयदेशं तु समाक्रम्य जपेदृषिम् । अमोघं कर्म जानीयादहोरात्रे गते सति ॥ त्र्यहेण धनिनं वैश्यं चतूरामेण क्षत्रियम् । राजानं पञ्चरात्रेण षड्रात्रेण द्विजोत्तमम् ।। तपस्विनस्सप्तराबाजपेद्भुञ्जीत चैव तम् । अपि वोषितः सुनातो जपेदेतत्सदा स्थितः ॥ य इच्छेदशमानेतुं हीनं तु परिवर्जयेत् । सहस्रसंपातहुतं बिल्वानां चूर्णमावपेत् ।। उदपाने वशं नेतुं तं जनं क्षिप्रमानयेत् । मातर्यात्मनि पुत्रेषु पितृभ्रातृसुहृत्सु च ॥ हृद्यमेतत्पयुञ्जीत शिरसा धारयेत तं । ... . सुमित्रं तु परिष्वज्य मूर्धन्याघ्राय चात्मजम् ।। हृद्यमेतत्प्रयुञ्जीत शान्त्यर्थाय सुखाय च । असंसिद्धे संवनने पांसुप्रतिकृतिं पथि ॥ प्रज्वाल्य जुहुयादग्निं घृतेन ब्राह्मणो यदि । क्षत्रियस्त्वथ तैलेन सार्षपेण विशोऽपि च ॥ आयसी वा प्रतिकृति अग्निमध्ये निधापयेत् । तां च प्रज्वलितां मत्वा जुहुयात्तन्मनाश्शुचिः ॥ उप्रेण महसा हन्यात् क्रुद्धश्च जुहुयाघृतम् । यथा यथा प्रज्वलिते हूयते जातवेदासि ।। दीप्तां प्रतिकृति विप्रः तथा स बशमेष्यति । श्मशानदग्धपांसूनां कुर्याद्वेदि विलक्षणाम् ।। वैभीतकेध्मज्वलिते लोहप्रतिकृति न्यसेत् । अर्धरात्रे स्थिते तैलं सार्षपं लवणान्वितम् ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 1.60 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF तत्र शरमयं कुर्यात् प्रस्तरं प्रतिल्लोमतः | त्रिषु शङ्कुषु चासीनो जुहुयादुमदर्शनः ॥ मुक्तकेशो वधं प्रेप्सुरचिरेण प्रसाधयेत् । अथवाभिचरेदेनं जुहुयादात्मशोणितम् ॥ वशं नयति राजानं क्षिप्रं जनपदं पुरम् । पुष्टिकर्मापि कर्तव्यं हृद्येनैव यतात्मना अनागसि न कुर्वीत ब्राह्मणो वधसंयुतम् । सरूपवत्साया गोश्च पयसा साधयेश्चरुम् | सहस्रसंपातहुतं पायसे वत्समग्रजम् । सहस्रानुचरो वत्सः स स्याद्रोगैर्विवर्जितः । गाचैव पाययेत्ताश्च भवन्ति व्याधिवर्जिताः । पुत्रांश्च प्रार्थयेन्नित्यं प्रियांनन्यांश्च सज्जनान् ॥ निरामयाच स्निग्धाश्च भवन्ति विगतज्वराः । स्त्रियं चेदभिमन्येत तस्याः संवननं महत् ॥ व्रीहीणां नखभिन्नानां तण्डुलान् सूक्ष्मचूर्णितान् । सहस्रसंपातहुतान् खेदयेत्कुशलोऽग्निना ॥ तेन प्रतिकृतिं कुर्यात्तां ध्यात्वा मनसा स्त्रियम् । अक्तां सर्षपतैलेन जुहुयादङ्गशश्च ताम् ॥ पादौ प्रथमतच्छिन्द्यात्पडित्यग्नौ निधापयेत् । अथ अङ्के जानुनी च ऊरू बाहू ततः शिरः ॥ छित्वा हृदयदेशं तु हृदये स्वे निवेशयेत् । जपने तमृषिं विप्रः स्त्रीवशं सोऽधिगच्छति ॥ नैतत् परगृहीतासु न साध्वीषु कथञ्चन । न धर्मव्रतशीलासु कुर्वीत द्विजसत्तमः ॥ कामं परिगृहीतासु हीनवर्णासु यश्चरेत् । पतिमस्यागुणीकुर्वन्पूर्व पश्चात्तु तां स्त्रियम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 161 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS भुक्तां वा पायसं सद्यश्छर्दयित्वा निधापयेत् । तच्चूर्णाकृत्य जायायै देयं संवननं स्मृतम् ॥ महावृक्षफलान्येवमयुग्मान्यभिमन्त्रयेत् । तेषां युग्मानि भुञ्जीत स्वयमर्धानि शेषयेत् ॥ तानि दद्याद्यमिच्छेत्तु वशीकर्तुं जपनृषिम् । सुहृद्भूत्वा सुहृद्यस्य देयं संवननं स्मृतम् ।। एकैकमभिरूपं तु हृद्यसूक्ताद्यतः पुनः । कर्माणि स्वभिरूपाणि कुर्याद्यस्तु यथेच्छति ।। पराकदासस्य विधि हृद्येनोक्तं विदुर्बुधाः । स्त्रीणां संवननं चैतत पुंसामपि विधीयते ॥ द्वेष्ये तु ज्ञातिनामेव जपेञ्चैव सदा युधि । खादिरं कारयेच्छकुं हृदि तं सनिवेशयेत् ॥ कृत्वा प्रतिकृतिं पूर्व पांसुभिर्वाथ वा तुषैः । इषुमप्यनुमन्त्र्यैव सङ्ग्रामं सम्प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ रिपुनमेतज्जानीयात्प्रयुक्तः पराजितम् । पराकदासप्रेष्याएं हृद्यं संवननं स्मृतम् ।। चिन्तयन्मनसैवैनत्सूक्तं सिद्धिं नियच्छति ॥ [Rg-vidhana. Verses 436-474.] ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 282. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-61X4 inches. Sheets-2. Lines-8 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No of Granthas-20. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon--Same as No. 281. Subject: Manyusūkta. Astaka VIII-3-18-19] [Mandala X-7-83-84. 21 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1.62 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks: -See No. 281. The Ms. is legible and accented. Il #agrieAT 283. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance--Paper. Size-71 X3 inches. Sheets----2. Lines--8 to a Page. Script Devanagarī. No. of Granthas-20. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 281. Colophon: Nil. Subject: Manyu Sūkta. Astaka VIII-3-18-19] [Maņdala X-7-83-81. Remarks :--The Ms. is old and accented. See No. 281. Il fagfEAT II 284. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 41 b. Substance-Paper. Size-104 X 3% inches. Sheets--10. Lines-7 to a Page. Script Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas--20. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon--Same as No. 281. Subject: Manyu Sūkta. Astaka VIII-3-18-19] [Mandala X-7--83-84. Remarks: The same Ms. contains on the whole four works, the first Ye yajñena Sūkta, the second Manyusukta, the third Saura Sūkta and the fourth Agni Sapta Varga or Agnyuttăraņa Sūkta. See Nos. 272 and 281. The Ms. is legible and accented. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 163 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 285. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper Size-55 X 33 inches. Sheets-2, Lines ---8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas--15. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 281. End: सहस्व मन्यो अभिमा॑तिमस्मे सृजन्मृणन्प्रमृणन्प्रेहि शत्रून् । Subject : Manyu Sukta.. Astaka VIII-3-18-19] [Mandalax-7-83-84. Remarks :- This Ms. ends in the first half of the third Rk of the 19th Varga. See No. 281. The Ms. is legible and accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 286. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 41 c. Substance-Paper. Size--101X33 inches. Sheets-6 (5-10). Lines--7 to aPage. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-_70. Complete. Beginning: सत्येनोभिता भूमिः सूर्येणोत्तभिता द्यौः । ऋतेनादित्यास्तिष्ठति दिवि सोमो अधि श्रितः॥ End: समंजंतु विश्वे देवाः समापो हृदयानि नौ । सं मातरिश्वा सं धाता समु देष्ट्री दधातु नौ ॥९॥ Subject : Surya Sukta. Astaka VIII-3-20-28] [Mandala X-7-85. Remarks :- At the end of this Ms. is given one Khila Sūkla of six Fks. " अविधवा भव वर्षाणि-संजीव शरद)शतं ॥१०॥" M. Muller's IInd Edition of Rg-Veda Vol. IV. Khila Section 22). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 164 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Besides Sürya Sūkta this Ms. contains three other worka: 1. येयझेनसूक्तम् । 2. मन्युसूक्तम् । 3. अग्निसप्तवर्गः । This Sukta is also known as the Sūryāsā vitrī-Sūkta and is practised for the attainment of long and continued life with one's husbandदीर्घसौमङ्गल्यावाप्त्यर्थे । ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 287. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2348 d. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x1 inches. Sheets-19. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-190. Complete. Beginning : वि हि सोतोरस॒क्षत नेंद्र देवममंसत । यत्रामंदद्वृषाकपिर्यः पुष्टेषु मत्सखा विश्वस्मादिंदै उत्तरः॥ End : सुते अध्वरे अधि वाचमकता क्रीळयो न यातरै तुदंतः। वि पू मुंचा सुषुवुषो मनीषां वि वर्ततामद्रयश्चायमानाः ॥ ३१ ॥ Colophon : __इत्यष्टमाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ४ ॥ Subject : Eighth Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. Astaka VIII-4-1 to VIII-1-31] [Mandala X-7-86 to X-8-64. Remarks:- The beginning of the Fifth Adhyaya "हये जाये मनसा तिष्ठ घोरे" is given after the colophon, The title page contains a pictorial representation of the King Kártavíryārjuna worshipping the Mahāśivalinga with his attendants standing by with folded arms. Kārtavīryārjuna is represented as having many hands. He is generally invoked to get back stolen or lost article. The following verse is pronounced on the occasion: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 165 ." कार्तवीर्यार्जुनो नाम राजा बाहुसहस्रवान् । यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण हृतं नष्टं च लभ्यते ॥" Il fagfiigaL ll 288. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 ab. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14 X 54 inches. Sheets--15. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Gran thas-190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 287. Bemarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. Il actreat it 289. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 ab. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--133 x 5 inches. Sheets-20. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 287. Remarks :--The Ms. is in excellent condition. Il we caEAT II 290. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2471. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-77 X 34 inches. Sheets-3. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas—27. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 166 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning : हविष्पांतमजरं स्वर्विदि दिविस्पृश्याहुतं जुष्टमनौ । तस्य भर्मणे भुवनाथ देवा धर्मणे कं स्वधया पप्रथंत ॥ End : 66 यावन्मात्रमुषसो न प्रतीकं सुपर्ण्यो ३ वसते मातरिश्वः । तावद्दधात्युप यज्ञमायन्ब्राह्मणो होतुरवरो निषीदन् ॥ ४ ॥ Colophon : इति श्री हविष्पांतसूक्तं समाप्तम् ॥ Subject : Havispāntasūkta. Astaka VIII - 1-10 to VIII-4-13] Remarks : - The Ms. is not accented. is given by Saunaka as follows: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 291. [ Mandala X-7-88. The viniyoga of this Sukta हविष्पान्तीयमेतत्तु सूक्तमत्र प्रयोजयेत् । गर्हितान्नात्तृयोगे च हविष्पान्तीयमभ्यसेत् ॥ पवित्रं परमं ह्येतद्ध्यातव्यं चाप्य भीक्ष्णशः । आदित्ये दृष्टिमास्थाय षण्मासान्नियतो भवेत् ॥ देवयानं स पन्थानं पश्यत्यादित्यमण्डले । विद्या वैश्वानरी चास्य स्वकायस्था प्रकाशते ॥ "" It absolves the user from the sin of eating forbidden things, shows the user the Devayana path to Heaven and makes the user know automatically the Vaiśvānari Vidya. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2471 a. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size -- 51 × 33 inches. Lines 8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. thas-27. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon - Same as No. 290. For Private and Personal Use Only Right column. Sheets- 3. No. of Gran Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 167 Subject : - Havigpanta Sukta. Astaka VIII-4-10 to VIII-4-13] [Mandala X-7-88. Remarks:-Aduplicate copy of No.290. The Ms. is not accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 292. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No.2348 e. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11X48 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -190. Complete. Beginning: हये जाये मनसा तिष्ठ घोरे वचौसि मिश्रा कृणवावहै नु । न नौ मंत्रा अनुदितास एते मर्यस्करन्परतरे चनाहन् । End : शतं वा यदसुर्य प्रति त्वा सुमित्र इत्थास्तौदुर्मित्र इत्थास्तोत् । आवो यहस्युहत्यै कुत्सपुत्रं प्रावो यदस्युहत्यै कुत्सवत्सं ॥२७॥ Colophon : __ अष्टमाटके पंचमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ५ ॥ Subject: Eighth Astaka. Fifth Adhyāya. Astaka VIII-5-1 to VIII-5-27. Mandalax-8-95 tox-9-105. Remarks :--'The beginning of the Sixth Adhyaya "उभा उ नूनं is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the worship of the Mahāśivalinga called Agastyeśvara in Kāverippattanam by the Sage Agastya, bis attendant sages standing with folded arins in devout prayer. Käverippattanam is at a distance of 18 miles due east of Mayavaram in the Tanjore Dt. and stands at the confluence of the river Cauvery and the ocean. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 168 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 298. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 ac. Page 1. Left column, Substance-Paper. Size--14X5 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-8 to & Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 292. Remarks:-The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 294. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 ac. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets---18. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-190. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 292. Rermarks:- The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 295. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2318 f. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-11X43 inches. Sheets-16. Lines-7 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-160. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ उभा उ नूनं तदिदर्थयेथे वि तन्वाथे धियो वस्त्रापसैव । मधीचीना यातवे प्रेमजीगः सुदिनैव पृक्ष आ सयेथे ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 169 End : गृहो याम्यरकृतो देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहनः । faccia figurat el 2011 Colophon: a SICAIS gi(s)eert: 11 € 11 Subject: Eighth Aạtaka. Sixth Adhyāya. Astaka VIII-6-1 to VIII-6-27. Mandala X-9-106 to X-10-119. Remarks :--The beginning of the Seventh Adhyâya “afecta velay " is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the worship of the Mahăśivalinga, called against in modern Shiyali in the Tanjore Dt., by Tirujñānasamnhandhar who is depicted as a young boy. On the off-side, four sages are shown standing with folding arms, in an attitude of prayer. li xa great II 296. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 ad. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper Size--14 X 54 inches. Sheets---12. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Sane as No. 295. Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. llage at it 297. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 ad. Page 1. Left column. 22 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 170 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size--137x5 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -160. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 295. Remarks:-The Me. is in excellent condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 298. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 39 b. Substance-Paper. Size--101X34 inches. Sheets-3. Lines-7 to a Page. Seript-- Devanagari. No. of Granthas-75. Complete. Beginning: न वा उ देवाः क्षुधमिट्टधं ददुरुताशितमुपं गच्छंति मृत्यवः । उतो रयिः पृणतो नोप दस्यत्युतापृणन्मर्डितारं न विदते ॥ End-Same as No. 295. Colophon: न वा उ देवसूक्तं सं(माप्तम्) वर्ग २७ ॥ Subject: Navāvu Deva Sūkta, Astaka VIII-6-22-27] Mandala X-10-117-119. Remarks:-This Ms. contains 8 Sheets (28-30) of which the first 51 sheets contain the वामनसूक्त and the last 21 sheets contain this नवाउदेवमूक्त. The Ms. is old and accepted. The Viaiyoga of this Sūkta is during the पितृश्राद्धाभिश्रबणकाल. It ensures plenty of food and frees one from one's sin. Saunaka has the following verses in respect of the larant of this Sūkta :-- 'नवावुदेवा इत्येतजपेत नियतव्रतः। अनं विन्दति सर्वत्र यत्र यत्रोपतिप्रति ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 171 पाप्मोपहतमात्मानं यो मन्येत विचक्षणः । स जपेभियतो भूत्वा लघु मन्येत पाप्मना ॥" ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 299. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2348 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x42 inches. Sheets-22. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --220. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ तदिौस भुवनेषु ज्येष्ठं यतो जज्ञ उग्रस्त्वेषन॒म्णः । सद्यो ज्ञानो नि रिणात शवननु यं विश्वे मदंत्यूमाः ॥ End : आयने ते परायणे दूर्वा रोहंतु पुष्पिणीः । हदाश्च पुंडरीकाणि समुद्रस्य गृहा इमे ॥ ३० ॥ Colophon : इति अष्टमाष्टके सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Subject: Eighth Astaka. Seventh Adhyāya. Astaka VIII-7-1 to VIII-7-30. Mandalax-10-120 tox-11-142. Remarks:-The beginning of the Eighth Adhyaya "त्यं चिदत्रिमृत जुर" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the Lord Siva seated with Parvati on His lap on the mountain Kailāga borne by Rivaņa in the centre, Bāņāsura worshipping the Lord on one side and the attendants of Siva Standing on the other side. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 172 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 300. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 ae. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper, Size --14X58 inches. Sheets-17. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -220. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 299. Remarks :--The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 801. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 ae. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-134 x 54 inches. Sheets ---23. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -220. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 299. Remarks:-The Ms. is in excellent condition. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिता॥ 302. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance--Paper. Size-68 X 4 inches. Sheets--2 (3-4). Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -12. Complete. Beginning: अथ लक्ष्मीसूक्तम् ॥ अहं रुद्रेभिर्वसुभिश्चराम्यहमादित्यैरुत विश्वदेवैः । अहं मित्रावरुणोभा बिभर्म्यहमिन्द्रामी अहमश्विनोभा ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 173 End: अहमेव वात इव ब्र(प्र)वाम्यारभमाणा भुवनानि विश्वा । परो दिवा पर एना पृथिव्यैतावती महिना सं बभूव ॥ २॥ Colophon: इति देवीसूक्तम् । Subject : Laksmi Sukta or Devi Sukta. Ashaka VIII-7-11-12] [Mandala X-10-125. Remarks :-Besides लक्ष्मीसूक्त this Ms. contains three other Suktas: (1) श्रीसूक्तं (Sheets 1-3), (2) बळित्था(?)सूक्तं (4-6), (3) लक्ष्मीसूक्तं (6th Sheet). This Sukta is known either as लक्ष्मीसूक्तं or as देवीसूक्तं. The use of this Sukta is to attain proficiency in speech. Saunaka has the following in his Rgvidhāna in respect of the viniyoga of this Sūkta: 'अहं रुद्रेभिरित्येतद्वाग्मी भवति पूजितः । वाचं प्रपद्येद्वाक्कामो हुनेदाशु जपनिमाः॥" The Ms. is in good condition and is not accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 308. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2348 b. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x4 inches. Sheets-22. Lines-_7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas -220. Coimplete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ त्यं चिदत्रिमृतजुरमर्थमश्वं न यातवे । कक्षीवैतं यदी पुना रथं न कृणुथो नवै ॥ End: समानी व आकृतिः समाना हृदयानि वः । समानमस्तु बो मनो यथा वः सुसहासति ।। ४९ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 174 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon : sfa sgargi sgT(S)821: 11 c II Subject: Fighth Astaka. Eighth Adhyāya. Astaka VIII-8-1 to VIII-8-49. Mandala X-11-143 to X-12-191. Remarks:- The beginning of the Yajurveda Samhita "orararail" is given after the colophon. The title page contains a pictorial representation of the Lord Siva with Pārvati seated on His lap in the centre, Subrahmanya, Agni and Indra standing on the left and Ganesa, Visņu and Brahmā standing on the right. il #tagårEAT II 304. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2350 af. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper Size-14 x 54 inches. Sheets-18. Lines—8 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas -220. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 303. Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. 11 Fachfear ! 305. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2352 af. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--138 X 54 inches. Sheets-22. Lines—8 to a Page. Script --Devanagarl. No. of Granthas -220. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Samne as No. 303. Remarks: The Ms. is in excellent condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 175 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 306. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size--64 x 4 inches. Sheets-1 (6th). Lines---9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -5. Complete. Beginning : अथ लक्ष्मीसूक्तम् ॥ अरायि काणे विकटे गिरिं गच्छ सदान्वे । शिरिंबिठस्य सत्वभिस्तेभिष्ट्वा चातयामसि । End: परीमे गामनेषत पर्यग्निमहृषत । देवेष्वक्रत[:] श्रवः क इमा(माँ) आ दधर्षति ॥ Colophon: इति लक्ष्मीनारायणसूक्तं समाप्तम् ॥ Subject : Laksminarayana sākta. Astaka VIII-8-13] [Mandala X-12-155. Remarks:-In the beginning, this Sukta is named as Laksmisükta but at the end as Laks nínārāyaṇa Sūkta. Besides this लक्ष्मीसूक्तं, this Ms. contains three other Suktas : (1) श्रीसूक्तं (Sheets-1-3), (2) देवीसूक्तं (3-4), (3) बळित्था(?)सूक्तं (4-6). This Lakşmi Sūkta is also known as fiftrato from the name of the seer fifties. This is used for the warding off of adversity - अलक्ष्मीनाशनार्थ. Saunaka has the following in his Bgvidhāna. regarding the viniyoga of this Sūkta : " अलक्ष्मीनाशनार्थ तु जपेन्नित्यं शिरिबिठम् । अपामार्गमयीं शाखां सदर्भो सह वीरुधैः ।। गृहीत्वात्मानं पावयेदधश्चोर्ध्वं च नित्यशः । आज्यं वानेन जुहुयात्सहस्रं दशतीदेश ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 176 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF त्र्यहेण नुदते देहादलक्ष्मीं शतवार्षिकीं । चान्द्रायणञ्चरन्ने तत्सूक्तं सिद्धिकरं जपेत् अलक्ष्मीर्नुदते देहादपि वर्षसहस्रिकी । 3 The Ms. is not accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 307. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 n. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 8 X 4 inches. Sheets -74. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -775. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 262. End: सा नो दुहिययवसेव गत्वी सहस्रधारा पयसा मही गौः ॥ 9 ॥ Colophon : अष्टमाष्टके चतुर्थो (S) ध्याय: Subject: Eighth Astaks. 1-4 Adhyayas and 1-19 Vargas in the Fifth Adhyaya. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-5-19 (9). Mandala X-4-46 to X-9-101 (9). Remarks:-This Ms. breaks off in the 9th Rk of the 19th Varga of the 5th Adhyaya. The Ms. is old and not accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 308. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Sheets-150. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2354 0. Page 1. Substance-Paper. Size-8 x 4 inches. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1430. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Left column. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 177 Beginning-Same as No. 262. End : यः परस्याः परावतस्तिरो (धन्वातिरोचते । स नः पर्षदति द्विषः)। Subject: Eighth Astaka. 14-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-8-45. Mandala X-4-46 to X-12-187. Remarks: This Ms. breaks off at the end in the beginning of the second !k of the 45th Varga of the 8th Adhyāya. This Ms. is partly accented and is very much worn out. 11 #aghigant 309. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ: Size 134 X 6 Script-Deva J. L. Collection. No. 6. Substance-Paper inches. Sheets-83. Lines-9 to a Page. nāgari. No. of Granthas-1450. Complete Beginning-Same as No. 262. End and colophon-Same as No. 303. Subject: Eighth Astaka, 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-8-49. Mandala X-4-46 to X-12-191, Remarks:--This Ms, is accented and good. il Fachfeat a 310. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ. S. K. Collection. No. 13. Substance---Paper Size-91 X 4 inches. Sheets---50. Lines-11 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-1450. Complete. Beginning, und and colophon--Same as No. 309, 28 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 178 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: Eighth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-8-49. Mandalax-4--16 tox-12-191. Remarks: The Ms. is accented, is very much worn out and is hardly readable in many places. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिता ॥ 811. RG-VEDA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 8. Substance-Paper, Size--103 X 4 inches. Sheets-113. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Deva. nagari. No. of Granthas-1450. Complete. Beginning and end--Same as No. 309. Colophon : इति श्री ऋग्वेदसंहितायां अष्टमाष्टकेऽष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ॐ इषे त्वोर्जे त्वा । शके १७४१ प्रमाथिसंवत्सरकार्तिकशुद्धपूर्णिमायां भौमवासरे राक्षस भुवनकरकमलाकरभट्टस्य सूनु(ना) रामेण लिखितमिदं पुस्तकम् ।। " माधुर्यमक्षरव्यक्तिः पदच्छेदस्तु सुस्वरः । धैर्य लयसमर्थेषु(थं च) षडेते पाठका गुणाः ॥ १ ॥ गीती शीघ्री शिर:कम्पी तथा लिखितपाठकाः । अनर्थज्ञो(s)ल्पकण्ठश्च षडेते पाठकाधमाः ॥ २ ॥" प्रमाथ्यब्दे सिते पश्ने पौ(पू)र्णिमाभौमवासरे । रामेण लिखितं पुस्तं (क) कार्तिक्यां तंजपट्टणे ॥ १ ॥ राजगृहे धर्मसभायां वेणुगोपालसन्निधौ लिखितमिदं पुस्तकम् ॥ प्रमाथ्यब्दे सिते पक्षे पौर्णमास्यां तु कार्तिके । रामेण लिखितं भौमे तंजपुर्यां तु पुस्तकम् ॥ श्रीकोल्हापुरमहलक्ष्म्यै नमः ।। परमशिवः शरणम् ।। Subject : Eighth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-8-49][Mandala X-4-46 to X-12-191. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 179 Remarks: -The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The Ms. is dated Saka 1741 or 1819 A. D. The scribe's name is Rama, son of Kamalakara Bhatta. ॥ अभिश्रवणसूक्तम् ॥ 312. ABHIŚRAVANA SŪKTAM. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance --Paper. Size--101 X 4 inches. Sheets-2. Lines-9 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas ---30. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning : ॥ श्रीचंपकेशः प्रसन्नः ॥ ॐ ॥ कृणुष्व पाजः प्रसितिं न पृथ्वीं याहि राजेवामवाँ इभेन । तृष्वीमनु प्रसितिं द्रुणानो(s)स्तामि विध्य रक्षसस्तपिष्ठैः ।। End: आच्या जानु दक्षिणतो निषधेमं यज्ञमभि गृणीत विश्वै । मा हिंसिष्ठ पितरः केन चिनो यद्व आ(गः पुरुषता कराम ।।) Subject : Abhisravana Sukta. The Abhiśravana Sūkta is composed of the following: Astaka III-4-23-25 and VIJ-6-17-18. Remarks:--The Ms. is old and much worn out. This sukta is used for getting rid of one's enemies, such as devils, goblins etc. Regarding the Viniyoga of this Sūkta, Saunaka's Rgvidhāna has the following: " कृणुष्वेति जपन् सूक्तं रक्षोनन्दस्युभिर्वृतः । अरातीनां हरेत प्राणान् रास्यपि च नाशयेत् ॥" This Ms. breaks off in the first Rk of the eighteenth Varga of the sixth Adhyāya in the seventh A staka. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 180 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ आनोभद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 313. ĀNOBHADRA SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 42 a. Substance-Paper. Size-101 X 3 inches. Sheets--6. Lines-7 to a Page. Seript-Deva nagari. No of Granthas---75 Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ॥ आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यंतु विश्वतो(s)दब्धामो अपरीतास उद्भिदः । देवा नो यथा सदमिद्धे असन्त्रायुवो रक्षितारों दिवेदिवे ।। End : अंधा अमित्रा भवताशीर्षाणा अहय इव । तेषां वो अग्निदग्धानामाग्निमूळ्हानामिंद्रो हंतु वरवरं ॥ ९॥ मुश्वामित्वा० ॥ Colophon: आनोभद्रा (सूक्तं) संपूर्णम् ।। Subject: Anobhadra Sūkta or Santi Sūksta, otherwise known as Sāntipātha. The Ānobhadra Sūkta is composed of the following verses :-- Section. I. आनोभद्रा:- Astaka 1. 6. 15-16. __II. स्वस्तिनो मिमीत , IV. 3. 7. III. स्वस्त्ययनं ताक्ष्य Rg-Veda | No. 6. (1-2 Rks). +भयं नो अस्तु Khila No. 6. (1-2 Rks). IV. शं न इन्द्र- Astaka. v. 3. 28-30 Vargas. v. आशु:शिशानो---- ,, VIII. 5. 22 & 23. असौ या सेना+Rg-Veda VI असौ No. 23. (1-2 Rks). Khila. UNO. 2.5. (1-28ks). बरवरं VII. मुश्वामित्वा० Astaka VIII. 8. 19. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 181 Remarks:-The Ms. is old and accented. The paper is of Indian manufacture. This Sukta is used for all purificatory functions. Regarding the Viniyoga of this Sūkta, Saunaka's Rgvidhāna has the following : " आनोभद्रीयमायुष्यं वैश्वदेवं जपन्मुनिः । मुमूर्षुरपि जप्त्वैतदीर्घमायुरवाप्नुयात् ।। पितृणां श्राद्धकाले तु मध्वित्येतत्तृचं पठेत् । अघोराः पितरस्तस्य विशन्ति ज्योतिरुत्तमम् ॥" Besides Ānobhadra Sūkta, this Ms. contains two other Sūktas, the Samudra Sūkta and the Visņu Sūkta. ॥ आनोभद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 314. ĀNOBHADRA SŪKTAM. T.S. Collection. No. 31. Substance-Paper. Size-92X12 inches. Sheets--1. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-85. Complete. Beginning and end--Same as No. 313. Subject: Anobhadra Sūkta or Santipātha. Remarks :-See Remarks on No. 313. Between 'शंन इन्द्र०" (4) and ''आशुः शिशानः" (5) the following are additionally given in this Ms: यत इन्द्र+बनरिमिक्षतुः (VI-4-38 & 39 Vargas. (13-18 Rks)). 'भद्रं नो अपिवातय मन:” (VII-7-2 (1st Rk)). This Ms. is throughout accented and is in good condition. ॥ आनोभद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 315. ĀNOBHADRA SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 32. Substance-Paper. Size-91x41 inches. Sheets-6. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Deva For Private and Personal Use Only Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 182 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF nāgarl. No. of Granthas--85. Complete. Beginning---Same as No. 313. End: यस्मै पुत्रासो अदितेः प्र जीवसे माय । ज्योतिर्यच्छंत्यजस्रं ॥ Colophon : __शांतिपाठः समाप्त: ।। सांबमूर्तिनेदं लिखितं ।। Subject: Ānobhadra Sūkta or Santipātha. Remarks : --See No. 313. In additon, two sections : 1. त्यमूषुवाजिनं+युवर्ति न शो (Ag. VIII. 8. 36. (3 Rks)). 2. महित्रीणां+यच्छन्त्यजत्रं (Ag. VIII. 8- 43. (3 Rks)). and three śāntis beginning with-- __ 1. तच्छं यो रावृणीमहे+चतुष्पदे ।। 2. नमो ब्रह्मणे+महते करोमि । 3. शांता पृथिवी+सर्वतः ॐ शांतिः ॥ ३ ॥ are given at the end of this Ms. It is accented and isin fairly good condition. ॥ नवग्रहसूक्तम् ॥ 316. NAVAGRAHA SŪTKAM. T. S. Collection No. 78. Substance -Paper. Size-91x4 inches. Sheets-5 (2-6). Lines-6 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-60. Incoinplete (Wants beginning). Beginning : ....(गायत्री ॥ रुद्रप्रीत्यर्थे ज० ॥ ॐ ॥ कद्रुद्राय प्रचैतसे मीळ्हुष्टमाय तव्यसे । वोचेम शंतमं दृदे ॥ ३॥ आप्यायख गौतमः सोमो गायत्री । चन्द्रप्रीत्यर्थे ज० ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 183. SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॐ ।। आ प्यायस्व समेतु ते विश्वतः सोम वृष्ण्य । भवा वाजस्य संगथे ।। १ ।। End: स चित्रचित्रं भरद्वाजश्चित्रगुप्तस्त्रिष्टुप् । चित्रप्रीत्यर्थे ज० ॥ ॐ ।। स चित्र चित्रं चितयतमस्मे चित्रक्षत्र चित्रतमं वयोधां । चंद्रं गयिं पुरुवीर बृहतं चंद्र चंद्राभिर्गुणते युवस्व ।। ३ ।। Colophon : इति नवग्रहमन्त्राः समाप्ताः ॥ शेषभट्टात्मजबालाख्यस्येदं ॥ Subject: Navagraha sukta. The Navagraha Sukta is composed of the following:-- Rks. Reference. Devatā. I. (3) कद्रुद्राय० Astaka. I. 3. 26. Rudra. II. (1) आप्यायस्व० I. 6. 22. Sona (Candra) (2) अप्सु मे सोमो० I. 6. 5. Ap (water) (3) गौरीमिमाय० II. 3. 22. Uma. III. (1) अग्निर्मूर्धा VI. 3. 39. Angāraka. (2) स्योनापृथिवी० I. 2. 6. Bhūmi (3) कुमारं माता० III. 8. 14. Skanda. IV. (1) उद्वध्यध्वं० VIII. 5. 18. Budha (2) इदं विष्णुः० I. 2. 7. Visnu (3) सहशीर्षाः पुरुषः० VIII. 4, 17. Purusa (1) बृहस्पते अती. II. 6. 31. Bịhaspati (2) इंद्रः श्रेष्ठा० II. 6.27. Indra. (3) ब्रह्मणा ते० III. 2. 17. Brahman VI. (I) शुक्रं ते० IV. 8. 27. Sukra (2) इंद्राणी० VIII. 4. 3. Indrani (3) इंद्रं वो० I. 1. 14. Indra VII. (1) शमग्नि० VI. 1. 26. Sani For Private and Personal Use Only Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 184 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OP (2) प्रजापते० VIII. 7. 4. Prajāpati (3) यमाय० VII. 6. 16. Yama VIII. (1) कया न:० __III. 6. 24. Rahu (2) आयं गौः० VIII. 8. 47. Sarpās (3) परं मृत्यो० ___VII. 6. 26. Mrtyu IX. (1) केतुं कृण्वन० I. 1. 11. Ketu. (2) ब्रह्मजज्ञानं० IV. 1. 6. Brahiman (3) सचित्रचित्रं IV. 5. 8. Citragupta. Remarks:--This Ms. contains Navagraha Sukta-rks related to nine planets, each along with two allied gods, separately grouped as a 'trio'. Hence nine Trios. At the beginning of each řk the rsi, chandas and devată are also given. This Ms. abruptly begins in the beginning of the third șk pertaining to Rudra in the Aditya Trio. It is accented and is in fairly good condition. This Sūkta is generally used for the expiation of the evil etfects produced by the nine planets. ॥ पश्चरुद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 317. PANCARUDRA SŪKTAM. Burmell's Catalogue No. 2430 a.. Page 1. Right column. Sabstance-Paper. Size--10x4 inches. Sheets-1. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Davanāgari. No. of Granthas -55. Complete. Beginning : कबुद्राय॒ प्रचेतसे मीळ्हुष्टमाय तव्यसे । वोचेम शंतमं दृदे ॥ End : मा नौ वधी रुख मा परी दा मा ते भूम प्रसितो हीळितस्य । आ नौ भज बर्हिषि जीवशंसे यूयं पात स्वस्तिभिः सदा नः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 185 Subject: Pañcarudra Sūkta. This sūkta is composed of the following: - I. कदुद्राय० Antaka. I. 3. 26-27. (9 Rks). II. इमा रुद्राय I. 8. 5-6. (11 Rks). III. आ ते पितर्मरुतां० , II. 7. 16-18. (18 Rks). IV. सोमारुद्रा० V. 1. 18. (4 Bks). v. इमा रुद्राय स्थिर० , V. 4. 13. (4 Rks). Total No. of Rks 46. Remarks:-The Name "Paicarudra" is quite consistent with the contents of this Sūkta since the main sections of this sūkta are five and extols the virtues of god Rudra. The विनियोग of the पञ्चरुद्रसूक्त is thus given in the Rgvidhāna of Saunaka: 'रौद्रीमिष्षड्भिरीशानं तुयाद्यो दिने दिने । स नारीसहितः शान्ति शंकरात् प्राप्नुयात् सदा ।। एतेनैव षडर्चेन जुहुयादाज्यमन्वहम् । चरं च कल्पये द्रौद्रं भूतिकामोऽथ पर्वसु ६ इमा इति जपेच्छश्वत् रौद्रसूक्तं द्विजः शुचिः । आयुर्वियां धनं पुतान् गृहांश्चाप्नोत्यनामयान् ॥" The Babyscas use these five sūktas generally during the abhineka cereinony of the Sivalinga during their daily püjā. The Ms. is accented and is in fairly good condition. ॥ पथरुद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 818. PANCARUDRA SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2430 b. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--111x4] inches. Sheets-5. Lines-7 to a Page. Secipt--Devanagari. No. of Granthas -50. Counplete. 24 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 186 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः !! कद्बुद्रायेति नवर्चस्य सूक्तस्याघोरः कण्वो रुद्रा गायत्री । जपे विनियोगः ॥ कदुद्राय पचैतसे० ।। End: त्र्यंबकं यजामहे सुगंधि पुष्टिवर्धनं । उर्वारुकमिव बंधनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ।। Colophon: इति पंचरुद्रं समाप्तम् ।। Subject. Pañcarudra Sūkta. Remarks:--This Ms. is composed of seven main sections, of which the first three are the same as No. 317. The remaining four are as follows:--- ___I. (4) आवो राजानं० Astaka. III. 1. 20. (1st Rk). II. (5) तमुष्टुहियरिस्वषु० IV. 2. 19. (11th Rk). III. (6) भुवनस्य पितरं० .. IV. 8. 6. (10th Rk). IV. (7) त्र्यंबकं यजामहे v. 4. 30. (12th Rk). In addition to the text proper, their Rşis, chandas and Viniyoga are also given in their respective places. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ पश्चरुद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 319. PANCARUDRA SUKTA M. J. L. Collection. No. 20. Substance-Paper. Size--6X4 inches. Sheets-7. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devana. gari. No. of Granthas—40. Incomplete. Beginning: ....भज ॥ यास्तै प्रजा अमृतस्य परस्मिन्धामनृतस्य । मूर्धा नाभा सोम वेन आभूषतीस्सोम वेदः ॥ २ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 187 End : भुवनस्य पि(तरै गीमिग़भी रुद्रं दिवा वर्धयो रुद्रमक्तौ । बृहतमृध्वमजरै सुषुम्नमृधग्घुवेम कविनैषितासः ॥) Subject: Pancarudra Sūkta. Remarks :--See No. 317. In addition, two more pks. 1. आवो राजानं० Astaka. III. 4. 20. (1st rk). 2. भुवनस्य पितरं० IV. 8. 6. (10th rk). are given at the end of this Ms. This Ms. abruptly begins in the last word of the last but one pk of the 27th Varga of the 3rd Adhyāya of the Ist Astaka. The Ms. is accented. It is in a worn-out condition. ॥ पचरुद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 320. PANCARUDRA SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 45. Substance-Paper. Size-8x4 inches. Sheets-4. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-60. Complete. Beginning :-Same as No. 317. End: अयं मे हस्तो भगवानयं मे भगवत्तरः । अयं मे विश्वभेषजो(s)यं शिवाभिमर्शनः ॥ ॐ शांतिः ॥ Colophon: इति पञ्चरुद्रः समाप्तः ॥ Subject: Paicarudra Sūkta. Remarks:--See No. 317. In addition, five Sections (five Rks only) are given at the end:(1) आवो राजानं+कृणुध्वं AstakaIII. 4. 20. (1st Rk). (2) ॐ तमुष्टुहि य:+दुवस्य , IV. 2. 19. (1st Rk). (3) भुवनस्य पितरं+नोषितास: IV. 8. 6. (last Rk). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 188 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF (4) व्यंबकं मामृतात् (5) अयं मे+मर्शनः Astaka ,, V. 4. 30. (last Ķk). VIII. 1. 25. (last Rk). The Ms, is not accented and is in a good condition. ॥ पश्चरुद्रसूकम् ॥ 821. PAÑCARUDRA SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 46. Substance--Paper. Size -111x5} inches. Sheets-3. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-~-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas--60. Complete. Beginning:-Same as No. 317. End : अस्मे रुद्रा मेहना पर्वतासो वृत्रहत्ये भरहूतौ सजोषाः। यः शंसते स्तुवते धार्यि पुज्र इंद्रज्येष्ठा अस्माँ अवंतु देवाः ॥ Subject : Paricarudra Sukta. Remarks :-See No. 317. (1) भुवनस्य पितरं+नेषितास: (Astaka IV. 8. 6). (2) व्यंबक+मामृतात् ( , V. 4. 30). (3) अयं मे+मर्शनः ( , VIII. 1. 25). —these three řks are omitted in this Ms. and in addition is given the following rk 'अम्मै रुद्रा+देवाः" (Astaka VI. 4.43 (last rk)). The Ms. is accented and is in a good condition. ॥ पञ्चरुद्रसूक्तम् ॥ 322. PANCARUDRA SUKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 47. Substance-Paper. Size-73x38 inches. Sheets-6. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Deva nãgari. No. of Granthas--55. Complete. Beginning---Same as No. 317. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 189 End: तिग्मायुधौ तिग्मती सुशेवौ सोमारुद्राविह सु मृळतं नः । प्र नो मुंचतं वरुणस्य पाशाद्गोपायतं नः सुमनस्यमाना ॥९॥ आवोराजानम० ।। भुवनस्य पितरं० ।। Subject: Pañcarudra Sūkta. Remarks:-See No. 317. The peculiarity of this Ms. is that the 4th section is given here as the 5th and the 5th is placed as the 4th. The Ms. is not accented. It is in good condition. ॥ पुरुषसूक्तम् ॥ 323. PURUSA SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2362. Page 1. Right column. Substance---Paper. Size-134 X 5% inches. Sheets--- 2. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas- 52. Complete. Beginning : सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषः सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् । स भूमि विश्वतौ वृत्वात्यतिष्टद्दशांगुलं । End : संसृष्टं धनमुभयै ममाकृतमस्मभ्यं दत्तां वरुणश्च मन्युः । भियं दधाना हृदयेषु शत्रवः पराजितासो अप नि लयंतां ॥ ४. Colophon: इति पुरुषसूक्तं समाप्तम् ॥ Subject : Purusa Sukta. This Sūkta is composed of the following four Sections: I. सहस्रशीर्षाः+संति देवाः Astaka. VIII. 4. 17-19. II. अतो देवाः+परमं पदं I. 2. 7. III. विश्वतश्चक्षुः+देव एकः VIII. 3. 16. (3rd Rk). IV. संमृष्टं धनं+अपनिलयंतां VIII. 3. 19. (7th Rk). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 190 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks :-In these four, the second section 'अतो देवाः' forms also a section of Visnu sakta and the fourth-'संसृष्टं धनं०-'. forms also the last Rk of Manyu Sūkta. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The विनियोग of the पुरुषसूक्त is given in detail in the Rgvidhāna of Saunaka. The following extracts give a good summary of the same: " शुक्लपक्षे शुभे वारे सुनक्षत्रे सुगोचरे । द्वादश्यां पुत्रकामाय चरुं कुर्वीत वैष्णवम् । दम्पत्योरुपवासस्स्यादेकादश्यां सुरालये। ऋग्मिष्षोडशमिस्सम्यगर्चयित्वा जनार्दनम् !! चरुं पुरुषसूक्तेन अपयेत्पुत्रकाम्यया । प्राप्नुयाद्वैष्णवं पुत्रमचिरात्सन्ततिक्षमम् ॥ हुत्वानं विधिवत् सम्यक् ऋग्भिष्षोडशभिर्बुधः । कृताञ्जलिपुटो भूत्वा स्तवं ताभिः प्रयोजयेत । ................................ आयुष्मन्तं सुतं सूते परामेधासमन्वितम् । धनवन्तं प्रजावन्तं धार्मिकं सात्विकं तथा ।। अप्स्वनौ हृदये सूर्ये स्थण्डिले प्रतिमासु च । षट्स्वेतेषु हरेस्सम्यगर्चनं मुनिभिः स्मृतम् ।। अग्नौ क्रियावतां देवो दिवि देवो मनीषिणाम् । प्रतिमास्वल्पबुद्धीनां योगिनां हृदये हरिः ।। तद्भक्तस्तन्मनायुक्तो दशवर्षाण्यनन्यभाक । साक्षात्पश्यति तं देवं नारायणमनामयम् ।। सर्वत्रैवात्मनात्मानं पश्येदृषिपरायणः । जपेञ्चैव सदा स्नात: पवित्रमिदमुत्तमम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 191 अपि पातकसंयुक्तः कालेन सुकृती भवेत् । येन येन च कामेन अपेदिममृषि सदा ॥ स सकामस्समृद्धस्स्यात् श्रद्दधानस्य कुर्वतः । होमं वाप्यथवा जाप्यमुपहारनथो चरुम् ।। कुर्वीत येन कामेन तत्सिद्विमवधारयेत् । ज्ञानगम्यं परं सूक्ष्मं व्याप्य सर्व व्यवस्थितम् ।। ग्राह्यमत्यन्तयत्नेन ब्रह्माभ्येति सनातनम् । सहस्रशीर्षेति सूक्तं सर्वकामफलप्रदम् ॥ वेदगर्भशरीरेण स वै नारायणः स्मृतः । ब्रह्मेन्द्ररुद्रपजेन्या अत्र सूक्ते व्यवस्थिता. ।। एतत्तु य: पठति केवलमेव सूक्तं नारायणस्य चरणावभिवन्ध वन्द्यौ । पाठेन तेन परमेण सनातनस्य स्थानं जरामरणवर्जितमेति विष्णोः ॥ हविषानौ जले पुष्पैर्ध्यानेन हृदये हरिम । यजन्ति सूरयो नित्यं जपेत रविमण्डले ! इत्येवमुक्तः पुरुषस्य विष्णो राविधिर्विष्णुकुमारनाम्रा । मुक्त्येकमार्गप्रतिबोधनाय दृष्ट्वा विधानन्त्विह नारदोक्तम् ॥" ॥ पुरुषसूक्तम् ॥ 324. PURUSA SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2363. Page 1. Right column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 192. A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size--11x 54 inches. Sheets--4. Lines 7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -27. Complete. Beginning : ॥श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ सहस्रशीर्षा नारायणः पुरुषोनुष्टुप् अंत्या त्रिष्टुप् छन्दः । पुरुषसूक्तपठने विनियोगः ॥ ॐ सहस्रशीर्षापुरुषः ॥ End and colophon:-Same as No. 323. Subject : Purusa Sukta.. Remarks :-The rsi, chandas and use of the Purusa Sukta are, in addition, given in this Ms. See No. 3:23. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The Ms. has a black background on which the characters appear as if written with white ink. ॥ पुरुषसूक्तम् ।। 325. PURUSA SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No.2457. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-68x4 inches. Sheets-4. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --22. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 323. End : तद्विप्रासो विपन्यवो जागृवांसः समिधते । विष्णोर्यत्परमं पदं ॥ Subject: Purusa Sukta. Remarks: -See No. 323. Only the first and second sections are given in this Ms. The Ms. is accented and is in very good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 193 11 96934 11 326. PURUSA SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2460. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-73X3 inches. Sheets-4. Lines—6 to a Page. Script-Devanãgari. No. of Grantha's -22. Complete. Beginning and end--Same as No. 325. Subject; Purusa Sūkta. Remarks :-In this Ms. only the first two sections of Puruşa Sukta are given. See No. 323. The Ms. is not accented. It is in good condition. 11 95 TL 11 327. PURUSA SŪKTAM. J. L. Collection No. 18. Substance--Paper. Size-84 X 44 inches. Sheets--2 (1-2). Lines-12 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--22. Complete. Beginning and end--Same as No. 325. Subject: Purusa Sūkta. Remarks In this Ms. only the first two sections of Purusa Sukta are found. For the contents of Puruşa Sukta See No. 323. After Puruşa Sūkta, an incomplete copy of Sri Sūkta is found in this Ms. The Ms. is accented and is too much worn out. Il Ball 328. PURUSA SUKTAM. S. K. Collection No. 15 c. Substance-Paper. Size--10x44 inches. Sheets--9. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-- Devanagarf. No. of Granthas-22. Complete. 25 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 194 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning and end-Same as No. 325. Subject: Purusa Sukta. End: Remarks:See No. 323. Only the first two sections are given in this Ms. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. The same Ms. contains the Vamana and the Viṣṇu Suktas also. 329. ॥ रात्रिसूक्तम् ॥ RĀTRI SUKTAM. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-6X4 inches. Sheets-2. Lines-7 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-25. Incomplete. Beginning: रात्र॒ व्य॑ख्यदाय॒ती पु॑रु॒त्रा दे॒व्या॑क्षभिः । fear af feri(s)fera 11 II. आरात्रिपार्थिवं + Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ताम॒ग्निव॑ण॒ तप॑सा ज्वल॒तीं वैरोच॒नीं कर्षलेषु॒ जुष्ट । दुर्गां दे॒वीं शर॑णम॒हं प्र प॑द्ये सु॒तरा॑सि तरसे॒ नम॑ः ॥ सुतरसि तरसे नमोनम इति ॥ Subject: Ratri Sukta. This Sukta is composed of the following sections:-- 1. रात्रिव्यख्यदायती ० Asṭaka. VIII. 7. 14. (1-8 Rks). Rgveda khila. सुतरसि तरसे नम: | Serial No. 25. For Private and Personal Use Only 1-13 Rks. Remarks:-In this khila section the 10th, 11th and 14th verses are omitted and verses 12 and 13 are interchanged. There is one last sheet in this Ms. which contains the last three Rks of the 25th khila noted above. Compare Rg-veda khila, in M. Muller's Second Edition of Rg-veda, Vol. IV. Pages 535-536. The विनियोग of the रात्रिसूक्त is thus given in the Rgvidhana of Saunaka:~ Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 195 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS .' रात्रीम्प्रपद्येन्मनसा शुचिः पर्णव्रतो निशि । यः कामयेत न पुनर्जायेयमिति योनिषु । सहस्रकृत्वो मनसा जपेद्रात्रीति रात्रिषु । स्थालीपाकेन रात्रिश्च यजेताहरहर्निशि ॥ तन्मना निशि चासीनस्तिष्ठेदहनि धार्मिकः । ऊध्वं संवत्सराचैव चरुं पयसि संस्कृतम् ।। सहस्रकृत्वस्त्वेतेन दिवाहोमो विधीयते । जुहुयानिशि पूर्वस्मिन् भागे रालो समाहितः ।। दिवा चाविश्पति कार्य छायायामंशु तेजसा । प्रतिप्रयत आत्मवान् सूक्तन्तु मनसा जपेत् ।। संवत्सरे तृतीये तु सर्पिषा साधयेच्चरुम् । अथास्य वरदा देवी रात्रिर्भवति शर्वरी ॥ विज्ञापयीत तां देवीं वरदां स्वयमागताम् । संवत्सरे ऋतौ मासि दिवसेऽस्मिन् क्षणेपि वा ॥ प्रयाणकालो भविता तव वत्सेति वत्सला । रात्रिसूक्तं जपन्नेव तं कालं प्रतिपद्यते । न योनिं पुनरायाति सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ।” Among the Mahārāstras, this Sūkta is generally chanted in the night near the aràrTa to ward off evil influences by spirits. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ रात्रिसूक्तम् ॥ 330. RATRI SUKTA M. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-63x4 inches. Sheets-2. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas--15. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 329. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 196 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End : दुर्गा दुर्गेषु स्थानेषु शं नो देवीरभीष्टये । (य)इमं दुर्गास्तवं पुण्यं रात्रौ रात्रौ सदा पठेत् ।। रात्रौ रात्रौ सदा पठ्योनम इति ॥ Subject: Rātri Sūkta. Remarks:-See No. 329. The Ms. contains the first section in No. 329 in complete and the second section omitting verses 5-8, 10, 11 and 14. The Ms. is not accented and is in very good condition. ॥रात्रिसूक्तम् ॥ 331. RATRI SUKTAM. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-61x4 inches. Sheets--6. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Deva nāgari. No. of Granthas-50. Incomplete. १२. Beginning-Same as No. 329. (रानीव्यख्य) ॥ End: कर्कोटको नाम सर्पो यो दृष्टीविष उच्यते । तस्य सर्पस्य सर्पत्वं तस्मै सर्प नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ Subject: Rātri Sūkta. Remarks :-For the contents of this Ms. see the list attached to the No. 335. The first nine and the twelth sections are found in this Ms. The Ms. is partly accented and is in good condition. ॥ रात्रिसूक्तम् ॥ 332. RATRI SUKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 50. Substance-Paper. Size-91X41 inches. Sheets-8. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-75. Incomplete (wants end). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 197 Beginning : ॥ श्री गणेशाय नमः ॥ ॥रात्रिसूक्तारंभः ॥ सुमुखश्चैकदन्तश्च कपिलो गजकर्णकः । लंबोदरश्च विकटो विघ्नराजो गणाधिपः ॥ मातापित्रोः शिशोश्वायुष्याभिवृद्धयर्थं रात्रिसूक्तमन्त्रपठनं करिष्ये ॥ ॐ ॥ गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमं । ज्येष्ठराजन्ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत आ नः शृण्वभूतिभिस्सीद सादनं ।। End: महि त्रीणामवो(s)स्तु धुक्षं मित्रस्यार्यम्णः । दुराधर्ष (वरुणस्य) ।। Subject: Rātri Sūkta. Remarks:-See the list given in No. 335 for contents. At the beginning of this Ms. the twelve names of God Gaņeśa are given in verses along with the sankalpa and phala (object) of this Ratri sukta. In this Ms. Sections 16-39 are given at the beginning and between sections 30 and 31 one section (only one Rk beginning with सोमो धेनुं) is inserted, while sections 1-9, 12 & 13, 40-42 are given at the end. Sections 10, 11, 14, 15, 43-46 are omitted. This Ms, breaks off at the beginning of the 42nd section. The Ms. is not accented. It is in a fairly good condition. ॥ रात्रिसूक्तम् ॥ 338. RĀTRI SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 51. Substance-Paper. Size-5x20 inches, Sheets-6. Lines-5 or 6 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas--25. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 329. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 198 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: रात्रिः कुर्शिक भोभरो रात्रिर्वा भरद्वाजी । रात्रिः स्तवै गायत्रं । रात्रीसूक्तं जपेन्नित्यं तत्काल उप पद्यते ॥ १५ ॥ Subject: Rātri Sūkta. Remarks:--This Ms. contains only the 1st and 2nd sections given in the list in No. 335. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ रात्रिसूक्तम् ॥ 334. RATRI SUKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 52. Substance--Paper. Size--98x43 inches. Sheets-5. Lines--8 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-50. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 332. 'सुमुखश्च' । End : तपर्वत न० ॥ मर्पज्यं ते. ॥ बोधद्यन्मा०॥ अध्वानहत० ॥ उतत्यायजता० ॥ प्रयता० ॥ एषौदेवा० ॥ दीर्घायुरस्तु०॥ तंयुवंदै० ॥ दीर्घायुषंकृ० ॥ सहस्रमाख्यात्रे० ॥ श्वेतस्याश्वतरी० ॥ सर्वस्याप्त्यै सर्व० ॥ मातापित्रो० ॥ जले रक्षतु वाराहः०॥ अटव्यां नारसिंहश्च० ॥ जले रक्षतु विश्वेशः स्थले रक्षतु भैरवः । अटव्यां वीरभद्रश्च सर्वतः पातु शंकरः ॥ १॥ Colophon : पौराणिकोपनामराक्षसभुवनकरस्थकमलाकरभट्टस्य रामेण लिखितमिदं रात्रिसूक्तमिदं पुस्तकं समाप्तम ॥ धातनाम संवत्सरकार्तिकमासे अमाया(:) सूर्यग्रहणे प्रस्तास्ते समय इदं पुस्तकं समाप्तं , शके १७३८॥ Subject: Rātri Sūkta. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 199 Remarks: This Ms. is accented and complete but gives only the beginnings of Rks generally, sometimes the beginnings of the halves of the Rks (thats). For contents of this Ms. see the list attached to No. 335. In this Ms. the following are also given additionally (three rks only): (1) सोमो धेनुं० (Astaka. I. 6. 22. (20th rk)). (2) सुपर्ण० ( , VII. 7. 23). (3) यो मे राजन्० ( , II. 7. 10). The arrangement of many rks in this Ms. is different from that in No. 335. At the end of this Ms. is given an incomplete index of the sks collected here. ॥ रात्रिसूक्तम् ॥ 335. RĀTRI SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 53. Substance-Paper. Size-64X41 inches. Sheets-11. Lines--9 to a Page. Script-Deva. nagari. No. of Granthas-100. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 329. (रात्रीव्यख्यदायती)॥ End : तमवत०+दीर्घायुषं वृणोतु नः (तन) ॥ . सहस्रमाख्याने त(द)द्याच्छतं प्रतिगरित्रे+ लभंते ह पुत्रान् लभंते ह पुत्रान् ॥ Colophon: रात्रिसूक्तं संपूर्णमस्तु । ॥ श्रीरामार्पणमस्तु ॥ Subject: Ratri Sukta. The Rātri Sukta is composed of the following :(1) रात्रीव्यख्यदायती० Astaka VIII. 7. 14. (2) आरात्रि० Bg-veda khila No. 25. (1-14 rks). (3) उलूकायांतुक Astaka V. 7. 9. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 200 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF (4) पिशंग० Astaka II. 1.22. (5) यत इंद्र० VI. 4. 38. (6) स्वस्तिदा० VIII. 8. 10. (7) हिमस्य त्वा० Bg-veda khila.. No. 28. (1-10rks). (8) रक्षाणो अग्ने तव० Astaka III. 4. 22. (14th). (9) ब्रह्म च ते० VII. 5. 32. (7th). (10) ये ते पन्थाः० I. 3. 7. (11) अयाद्या० ,, VI. 4. 37. (17th). (12) स्वप्नः स्वप्नाधिकरणे च. Rg-veda khila. No. 14. (1-8 rks). (13) नर्मदायै० No.2. (14) कुषुभक० Astaka II. 5. 16. (15) घनेन हन्मि . Rg-veda khila No. 2. (1-4 rks). (16) आकृष्णेन रजसा० Abaka I. 3. 6. (2nd rk). (17) आप्यायस्व० I. 6.22. (17th). (18) अग्निर्मूर्धा VI. 3. 39. (16th). (19) उद्बुध्यध्वं० VIII. 6. 18. (1st). (20) बृहस्पते० II. 6.31. (15th). (21) शुक्रं ते IV. 8.24. (1st). (22) शमग्नि० VI. 1.26. (9th). (23) कयानश्चित III. 6.24. (1st). (24) केतुं कृण्वन्० I. 1. 11. (3rd). (25) इंद्रं वो विश्वतः० I. 1. 14. (10th). (26) अग्नि दूतं वृणीमहे० I. 1.22. (27) यमाय सोमं० VII. 6. 14. (28) मोषुणः परापराणि. I. 3. 16. (29) तत्वायामि० I. 2. 15. (80) तव वाय० I. 6.22. (81) तमीशानं० 1. 6.25. (8) ऊर्ध्व ऊषुण. I. 3. 10. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 201 (33) अथः पश्यस्व. Astaka VI. 3. 10. (34) द्यावापृथिवी० VIII. 2. 13. (35) गणानां त्वा० II. 6. 29. (36) जातवेदसे० I. 7. 7. (37) क्षेत्रस्य पतिना० III. 8. 9. (88) वास्तोष्पते प्रति० V. 4. 21. (39) त्र्यंबकं यजामहे० V. 4. 30. (40) मुञ्चामि त्वा० VIII. 8. 19. (1-5 rks). (41) त्यमूषु वाजिनं० VIII. 8. 36. (1-3). (42) महित्रीणां० VIII. 8. 43. (1-3). Rgveda khila. No.32 (5th rk). (44) नमो ब्रह्मणे० (1st rk). (45) शांता पृथिवी० (1st rk). (46) तमर्वतं० Astaka III. 5-16 (5rks). Remarks :--This Ms. is throughout accented and is in a fairly good condition. (45 ॥ रात्रिसूक्तम् ।। 388. RATRI SUKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 77. Substance--Paper. Size--91x4 inches. Sheets--13. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Deva nāgari. No. of Granthas--80. Incomplete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॥ अथ रात्रिसूक्तपाठक्रमो लिख्यते ॥ शुभे शोभने एवंगुणविशिष्टायां शुभतिथौ मातापित्रोः शिशो श्वायुष्याभिवृद्धयर्थ रात्रिसूक्तमन्त्रपठनं करिष्ये ॥ (ॐ) गणानां त्वा० 26 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 202 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End-Same as No. 329. Colophon : इति रात्रिसूक्तमन्त्रपठनक्रमः समाप्तः ।। अंबाजिना स्वरितं ।। शेषभ हात्मजवालाख्यस्येदं । Subject: Ratri Sukta. Remarks:--For the contents of this Ms. See No. 335. In this Ms. the following sections are omitted--4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 30 and 34, but two sections (tworks only) are added, one beginning with ' सोमा धेनु०' (Asta.ka. I. 6. 22) and other, with 'पिलाक्षलोहित+सर्व जायते' (Rg-veda khila No. 28 (4-10 Rks)). At the end of this Ms., the benedictory sentence “सर्वस्याप्त्यै सर्वस्य जित्यै सर्वमेव तेनाप्नोति सर्व जयति" is given. 'The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ विष्णुसूक्तम् ॥ 337. VISNU SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2448 b. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-62x4 inches. Sheets-10 (5-14). Lines--6 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-60. Complete. Beginning: अतौ देवा अवंतु नो यतो विष्णुर्विचक्रमे । पृथिव्याः सप्त धामभिः ॥ End : वर्षद ते विष्णवास आ कृणोमि तन्मै जुषस्व शिपिविष्ट हव्यं । वर्धेतु त्वा सुष्टुतयो गिरो मे यूयं पात स्वस्तिभिः सदा नः ।। Colophon: इति विष्णुसूक्तम् ॥ Subject: Visnu Sukta. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 203 This Sūksta is composed of the following: I. अतो देवाः Astaka. I. 2. 7. (6Rks). II. विष्णोर्नुकं II. 2. 24-26. (17 Rks). III. संवां कर्मणा V. 1. 13. (8Bks). IV. परोमात्र ___V. 6. 24 & 25. (14 Rks). Total No. cf Ķks=15. Remarks:-This Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The विनियोग of the विष्णुसूक्त is thus given in the Rgvidhina of Saunaka: " इदं विष्णुरितीमाभिः पञ्चभिः श्राद्धकर्मणि । अंगुष्ठमनेऽवगाह्येत्तेन रक्षांसि बाधते ॥ अङ्गुष्ठमात्रो भगवान् विष्णुः पर्यटते महीम् । राक्षसानां वधार्थाय तच्छ्राद्धे प्रहरिष्यति ।। अक्षय्यं च भवेदन्नं श्रद्धाभक्तिसमन्वितं । तस्माच्छ्राद्धेषु सर्वेषु अङ्गुष्ठप्रहणं स्मृतम् ॥" In practice, this Sukta is generally used in making obeisance to the ancestors who die as ascetics. This Ms. also contains the Hari and the Sürya Sūktas. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition, ॥ विष्णुसूक्तम् ॥ 338. VISNU SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2451. Page 1. Right coluinn. Substance--Paper. Size-61x1 inches. Sheets-3. Lines--9 to a Page, Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -25. Incomplete. Beginning : विष्णोर्नु के वीर्याणि प्र वौचं यः पार्थिवानि विममे रजौसि । यो अस्कभायदुत्तरं मधस्थै विचक्रमाणस्त्रेधोरुगायः॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 204 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: आ यो वि॒वाय॑ स॒चथा॑य॒ दे॑व्य॒ इंद्रा॑य॒ विष्णु॑ः सु॒कृते॑ सु॒कृत्त॑रः । वे॒धा अ॑जिन्वत्त्रिषध॒स्थ आर्य॑मृ॒तस्य॑ भा॒गे यज॑मान॒मा भ॑जत् ॥ Colophon : विष्णुसूक्तं सम्पूर्णम् ॥ Subject: Visnu Sūkta. Remarks:-This Ms. contains only the second section beginning with facon'. See No. 337. 4 This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ विष्णुसूक्तम् ॥ VISNU SŪKTAM. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 339. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2452. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-74 × 43 inches. Sheets-7. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -50. Incomplete. 340. Beginning-Same as No. 338. End-Same as No. 337. Subject: Visnu Sukta. Remarks:-This Ms. begins only in the second section of the Visnu Sūkta proper, beginning with 'fast'. See No. 337. This Ms. is not accented and is in good condition. ॥ विष्णुसूक्तम् ॥ VISNU SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2453 a. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size 7 x 3 inches. Sheets-4. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -50. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 205 Beginning-Same as No. 338. End-Same as No. 337. Colophon: इति विष्णुसूक्तं समाप्तम् ॥ Subject: Vişņu Sūkta. Remarks:See No. 337. In this Ms. the first Section beginning with 99 T:' is omitted. This Ms. is partly accented and is in farily good condition. In the beginning a portion of the Manyu Sukta is given. Harusath II 841. VISNU SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2453 b. Page 1. Right column, Substance-Paper. Size-54 X 37 inches. Sheets-6 (3-8). Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Gran thas-15. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 338. End: किमित्तै विष्णो परिचक्ष्य भूत्म यवक्षे (शिपिविष्टो अस्मि)। Subject: Visņu Sūkta. Remarks: -- See Subject on No. 337. This begins with the Second Section beginning with a corrgå" and ends abruptly in the middle of the 6th Ķk of the 25th varga beginning with ' in the last section. The Ms. is not accented and is in a fairly good condition. lll facogull 342. VISNU SŪKTAM. S. K. Collection No. 15 a. Substance-Paper. Size-10 X 45 inches. Sheets----4 (1-4). Lines--10 or 11 to a:Page. Script-Deva nāgari. No. of Granthas--50. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 206 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning and end--Same as No. 339. Subject: Vianu Sūkta. Remarks :-In this Ms. the first Section of Visņu Sūkta beginning with urat dar' is omitted. See No. 337. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. u facua 1 343. VISNU SŪKTAM. P. A. Collection No. 3. Substance-Paper. Size-123 X 41 inches. Sheets-.4. Lines—8 or 9 to a Page. Script Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas-50. Incomplete. Beginning and end--Same as No. 339. Subject: Vişnu Sūkta. Remarks :--The first Section beginning with 3ral aar:' is omit ted in this Ms. See No. 337. There is a loose sheet attached to this Ms, bearing the title-Saunakiya Rg.vidhāna. This Ms. is accented and is in a much worn-out condition. il fasujath 11 344. VISNU SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 42 c. Substance --Paper Size-104 X 37 inches. Sheets--12 (11-22). Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas-50. Incomplete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 339. Subject: Vişnu Sūkta. Remarks :-- In this Ms. the first Section stat aar: ' in omitted. See No. 337. The Ms. is partly accented and is in a fairly good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 207 ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 345. SRI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No.2439. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-4x3 inches. Sheets-20. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -60. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ । श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ हिरण्यवर्णामिति पश्चदशर्चस्य सूक्तस्य आनंदचिल्लीतकर्दमेंदिरासुता ऋषयः। ई बीजं । श्रीर्देवता । आद्यास्तिस्रो(s)नुष्टुभः । एका प्रस्तारपंक्त्यनुष्टुप् । हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजां ॥ End : यस्यां हिरण्यं प्रभूतं गावो दाश्चो()श्वान्विन्देयं पुरुषानहं ॥ १५ ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ।। सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधके ।। शरण्ये त्र्यंबके देवि नारायणि नमोस्तु ते ॥ ३० ॥ महादेव्यै च विद्महे विष्णुपत्न्यै च धीमहि । तन्नो लक्ष्मीः प्रचोदयात् ॥ रामार्पणमस्तु ॥ Subject: Rg-veda khila-Sri Sūkta or Lakşmi Sūkta. ___Nos. VII. & VIII. Remarks:- In this Ms. the Rşi, chandas, Devatās, Viniyoga and Angan yāsa etc., are given in the beginning. At the end of this Ms. some verses, that are to be sung in praise of Goddess Lak For Private and Personal Use Only Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 208 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF smi, are given. In this Ms. sheets are written only on one side. In most of the copies of Sri Sūkta, arrangements of Rks are different, additions and omissions of Rks are also found. This Ms. is unaccented and is much worn out. The Viniyoga of the Sri Sūkta is thus given in the RgVidhana of Saunaka :--- य इच्छेद्वरदां देवीं श्रियं नित्यं कुले स्थितां । स शुचिः प्रयतो भूत्वा जुहुयादाज्यमन्वहम् ॥ श्रियः पञ्चदशर्चच श्रीकामस्सततं जपेत् । आवाहयेच्छ्रियं पद्मे पञ्चभिः कन्य(न)केपि वा ।। उपहारानुपहरेच्छुक्लान् भक्ष्यान्पयो दधि । स्थाली वा?(पाक)च शालीनां पयसा संप्रकल्पयेत् ।। चान्द्रायणकृतात्मातु प्रपद्येत् प्रयतश्श्रियम् । सर्वोषधीभिः फांटाभिः स्नात्वाद्भिः पावनैरपि । उपैतु मां देवसख इति राज्ञोऽभिषेचनी । मनस: काममित्येषा पशुकामाभिषेचनी ॥ कर्दमेनेति यः स्नायात् प्रजाकामश्शुचिव्रतः । अश्वपूर्वामिति स्नायाद्राज्यकामशुचिव्रतः ॥ लोहिते चर्मणि स्नायाद्राह्मणस्तु यथाविधि । राजकर्मणि वैयाघ्र क्षत्रियस्त्वथ रौरवे ।। बस्तचणि वैश्यस्तु होमः कार्यस्त्वनन्तरम् । चन्द्रामिति तु पद्मानि जुहुयात्सर्पिषा द्विजः ।। आदित्यवर्ण इत्यनया बिल्वहोमं विधीयते । बिल्वेष्म एव वामिः स्यात्स्थालीश्च जुहुयाहिजः ॥ दशसाहनिको होम: श्रीकाम: प्रथमो विधिः । हुत्वा तु प्रयुतं सम्यगनन्तां विन्दते श्रियम ॥ अयुतं शतकृत्वस्तु हुत्वा शुक्लानि सर्विषा । अनन्तामव्यवच्छिन्नां शाश्वती विन्दते श्रियम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 209 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS अशक्तौ जप एवोक्तो दशसाहनिकावरः । जत्वा तु प्रयुतं सम्यगनन्तां विन्दते श्रियम् ॥ अयुतं शतकत्वस्तु हुत्वा श्रियमुपाश्नुते । अप्स्वेव जुहुयामित्यं पद्मान्ययुतशी निशि ॥ दृष्ट्वा श्रियन्तूपरमेत् किलासत्वद्विभेत वै । बिल्बाशी बिल्वनिलयो जुह्वन् बिल्वानि सर्पिपा ॥ एकविंशतिरात्रेण परां सिद्धिं नियच्छति । येन येन च कामेन जुहोति प्रयत: श्रियै ॥ पमान्यथापि बिल्वानि ससकामः समृध्यति । न जातु कृपणोऽर्थाय श्रियमावाहयेत कचित् ।। न यत्किञ्चन कामेन होमः कार्यः कथंचन । महद्वा प्राय॑मानेन राज्यकामेन वा पुनः । वाचः परं प्रार्थयिता यत्नाद्युक्तः श्रियं यजेत् ।। ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 346. SRĪ SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2440. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x43 inches. Sheets-3. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas----30. Complete, Beginnin हिरण्यवर्णा हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजां । चंद्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मी जातवेदो ममा वह ॥ End : "शरण्ये त्र्यंबके गौरि नारायणि नमो(s)स्तु ते" श्रीवर्चस्वमायुष्यमारोग्यमायुधात्पर्वमानं महीयते । धान्यं धनं पशुं बहुपुत्रलाभं शतसंवत्सरं दीर्घमायुः ॥ ॥ श्रीरस्तु । 27 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 210 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: Rg-veda khila-Sri Sūkta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks :--The Ms. is accented but the accents are slightly diffe rent from those in the Printed volumes of Sri Sūkta. Compare M. Muller's Rg-Veda Khila No. VIIJ. in his Rig Veda Samhitā. Second Edition. Vol. IV. Pages 523-526. “feturauif aftuff gut Gaatst चंद्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मी जातवेदो ममा वह ॥" etc. The Ms. is in excellent condition. Il fall 347. ŚRĪ SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-64X4 inches. Sheets-4. Lines 7 to a Page, Script-Deyanāgari. No. of Gran thas--30. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 346. Colophon : la sftation Subject: Rg-veda khila-Śri Sūkta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks :-The Ms. is not accented. It is in good condition. Il s119 11 348. S'RĪ SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445 a. Page 1. Right column. Substance--Paper. Size--43 X 23 inches. Sheets ---7. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas -30. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 346. Colophon : इति लक्ष्मीसूक्तं समाप्तम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 211 Subject: Rgoveda khila-Śrī Sākta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks :--The Ms. is unaccented. It is in a fairly good condition. . 11 19 11 349. SRĪ SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445 b. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-5X 33 inches. Sheets.6. Lines-- 8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas-30. Complete. Beginning and end--Same as No. 346. Colophon: श्रीसूक्तं समाप्तम ॥ Subject: Rg-veda khila--Sri Sūkta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks: -See Remarks on No. 345. In addition some verses are given at the end of this Ms. in praise of goddess Laksmī. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition, 350. ŚRĪ SŪKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445 c. Page 1. Right column Substance --Paper. Size--45 X 4 inches. Sheets-6. Lines--9 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas ---30. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 346. Colophon: श्रीसूक्तं संपूर्णमस्तु ॥ Subject: Rg-veda khila--Śrī Sākta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks: The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 212 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 851. SRI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445 d. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-51X38 inches. Sheets-2. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -30. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 346. Colophon: __ इति श्रीसूक्तं समाप्तम् ॥ Subject : Rg-veda khila-Sri Sukta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks:-The Ms. is unaccented and is in a good condition. ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 852. SRI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445 e. Page 1. Right column. Substance--Paper. Size-7x4 inches. Sheets-3. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -20. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning--Same as No. 346. End: पद्मानने पद्मिनि पद्महस्ते पद्मप्रिये पद्मदलायताक्षि । विश्वप्रिये विष्णुमनो(s)नुकूले (त्वत्पादपद्मं हृदि सं निधत्स्व ॥) Subject : Rg-veda khila-~Sri Sukta. No. VIII. Remarks: The Ms. is unaccented and is in a poor condition, the writing being nearly illegible. ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 358. SRI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445 f. Page 1. Right column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 213 Substance-Paper. Size-8x4 inches. Sheets-4.. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthaa -22. Incomplete. (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 346. End: सिद्धलक्ष्मीर्मोक्षलक्ष्मीर्जयलक्ष्मी(:) सरखती। श्रीलक्ष्मीवीरलक्ष्मीश्च प्रस(बा मम सर्वदा ।) Subject : Rg-veda khila-Sri Sukta. No. VIII. Remarks:--The Ms. is unaccented and is in a poor condition. ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 354. SRI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2445g. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-101X4 inches. Sheets-2. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas--20. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 346. End: चंद्राभां लक्ष्मीमीशानां सूर्याभां श्रियमश्विरीम् । चंद्रसूर्यानि(संकाशां श्रीमहालक्ष्मीमुपासहे ।) Subject: Rg-veda khila-Sri Sukta. No. VIII. Remarks:--The Ms. is unaccented and is in a very much worn-out condition. ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 855. SRI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2446. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-58x4 inches. Sheets-14. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 214 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines-7 ito a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -60. Complete Beginning-Same as No. 345. End and colophon-Same as No. 346. Subject: Rg-veda khila-Śri Sūkta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks: The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. Il sirah 356. ŚRĪ SŪKTAM. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size---64X4 inches. Sheets--3 (1-3). Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas-30. Complete. Beginning---Same as No. 346. End : Arrai a fema za fainali ! ऋषयः श्रियपुत्रांश्च स्वयं श्रीदेवि देवि तां ।। Colophon : इति श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ Subject: Rg-veda khila-Sri Sūkta. No, VIII. Remarks :-In this Ms. readings are different from those in the printed books of Sri Sūkta. In this Ms. four different Saktas are found: 8. Sri Sūktam (Sheets. 1-3). b. Devi Sūktam ( 3—4). c. Balitthā (?) Sūktam ( „ 4-6). d. Lakşmi Sūktam (:, -6). The Ms. is not accented and is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 215 Il 19 11 357. ŚRĪ SŪKTAM. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size--8X42 inches. Sheets---3. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran thas—30. Complete. Beginning, end and colophon-Same as No. 316. Subject: Rg-veda khila ---Sri Sūkta. Nos. VII & VIII. Remarks :-The Ms. is unaccented and is very much worn out. Il sirge 11 358. ŚRĪ SŪKTAM. J. L. Collection No. 18 b. Substance-Paper. Size-87X41 inches. Sheet-1 (2nd). Lines-12 to a Page. Script Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas-20. Incomplete... Beginning-Same as No. 346. End: आर्द्रा यः करणी यष्टिं पिंगलां पत्रमालिनी । चन्द्रां (हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मी जातवेदो म आ वह ॥) Subject: Rg-veda khila---Sri Sūkta. "No. VIII. Remarks :-Besides Sri Sūkta this Ms. contains '957OW ! The Sri Sūkta breaks off in the middle. The Ms. is accented and is very much worn out. it wash 11 359. ŚRI SŪKTAM. J. L. Collection No. 72. Substance--Paper. Size-8X4 inches. Sheets--4. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Deva For Private and Personal Use Only Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 916 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF _nigars. No. of Granthas-30. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 346, Romarks:The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ श्रीसूक्तम् ॥ 360. SRI SUKTAM. r. S. Collection No. 37. Substance-Paper. Size-11xhd inches. Sheets-3. Lines-10 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-60. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ देशकालौ संकीर्त्य, मम समस्तक्लेशपरिहारार्थ सकलमनोरथपूर्वकं महदैश्वर्यप्राप्त्यर्थं श्रीसूक्तजपमहं करिष्ये ॥ * * * * * * हिरण्यवर्णा हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रा० ॥ End : "शरण्ये + नमोऽस्तु ते ॥" Same as No. 346. Subject. Rg-veda khila-Sri Sukta. No. VIII. Remarks:-The Ms. is partly accented and is in very good condition. ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 861. SAURA SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2472 a. Page 8. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-61x4 inches. Sheets-8. । Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -65. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 211 Beginning : उदु त्यं जातवेदसं देवं वहति केतवः । दृशे विश्वाय सूर्य ॥ End : सूर्याचंद्रमसौ धाता यथापूर्वमकल्पयत् । दिवं च पृथिवीं चांतरिक्षमथो स्वः । Subject : Saura Sukta, or Mahasaura Sukta. This Sūkta is composed of the following :(1) उदुत्यं० Astaka. I. 4. 7 & 8. (13 Rks). (2) चित्रं देवानां० , I. 8. 7. (6 Rks). (3) इंद्रं मित्रं. II. 3. 22 & 23 (only 2 Rks). (4) हंसश्शुचिषत्० III. 7. 14. (1 Rk). (5) यत्वा सूर्य० IV. 2. 11. (1 Rk). (6) यदद्यसूर्य० v. 5. 1. (1 Rk). (7) उत्सूर्यो. v. 5. 4. (1-3 Rks). (8) उद्वेति सुभगो० v. 5. 5. (1-43 Rks). (9) उदुत्यदर्शनं० v. 5. 10 & 11. (14-16-3 Rks). (10) बण्महामसि० VI. 7. 8. (11-12=2 Rks). (11) नमो मित्रस्य ___VII. 8. 12 & 13. (1-12 Rks). (12) सूर्यो नो दिवस्पातु०, VIII. 8. 16. (1-5 Rks). (13) बिभ्राट् बृहत्पिबतु. , VIII. 8. 28. (1-4 Rks). (14) आयं गौः० , VIII. 8. 47 & 48. (6 Rks). The total No. of Rks is 631. Remarks: The Ms. is accented and is in very good condition. The FRPTIT of the Saura Sūkta is thus given in the Rg. vidhāna of Saunaka : “उदित्युद्यन्तमादित्यमुपतिष्ठेहिने दिने । हृद्रोगनाशनं ह्येतत्परमारोग्यवर्धनम ॥" 28 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 218 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ।। 862. SAURA SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2472 b. Page 8. Right column, Substance-Paper. Size-61x4 inches. Sheets-9. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas. -80. Complete. Beginning: अथ सौराणां मन्त्राणां ऋक्संख्यांऋषिदेवंत(ता)च्छन्दांस्यनुक्रमिष्यामः । पूर्वाचार्यक्रमेणैतत्सौरं पुरा दृष्टं शौनकादिभिराचार्यै पदानप्रत्यक्षार्थमिदानीं तन्मयोच्यते ॥ "उदुत्यं जातवेदसं ++ चांतरिक्षमथो स्वः" ॥ End and colophon : सूर्यस्यैव सायुज्यं सरूपता सलोकतामश्नुते । नमः शौनकाय नमः शौनकाय नमः परमर्षिभ्यो नमः परमर्षिभ्यः ॥ अनेन महासौरजपेन श्रीसविता सूर्यनारायणः प्रीयताम् । श्रीसविता(४)सूर्यनारायणार्पणमस्तु । Subject: Mahāsaura Sükta. Remarks:-See No. 361. The introductory remarks regarding the Rsi, chandas (metre) and the use of the Saura Rks at the beginning and the foxra at the end are in addition given in this Ms. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 368. SAURA SUKTA M. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2472 c. Page 8. Right column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Substance-Paper. Lines-9 to a Page. -70. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 361. प्रज्ञाकाम आयुष्काम आरोग्यकाम एवं भास्करस्याराधनं कुर्यात्संदा (गृही पापक्षयार्थी + प्रीयताम् ) Subject: Saura Sūkta. Remarks:-Same as No. 361. An incomplete version of the Phala śruti of the Saura Sukta is given at the end of this Ms. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. Sheets-8. Size-6 x 4 inches. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ SAURA SŪKTAM. 364. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2472 d. Page 8. Substance-Paper. Size-7 × 4 inches. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 219 ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 365. SAURA SUKTAM. Right column. Sheets-6. Lines-10 to a Page. thas-75. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 362. End-Same as No. 363. Subject: Saura Sukta. Remarks:-The Ms. is unaccented. The paper is getting to be too damp. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran For Private and Personal Use Only Burnell's Catalogue No. 2172 e. Page 8. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-5 X 4 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -70. Incomplete. Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 220 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning and end-Same as No. 363. Subject: Saura Sūkta. Remarks :--The Ms. is unaccented and is in a good condition, ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 366. SAURA SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2472 f. Page 8. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-8X3 inches. Sheets-5. Lines--8 to a Page Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -45. Incomplete. Beginning : इंद्रं मित्रं वरुणमग्निमाहुरथो दिव्यः स सुपर्णो गरुत्मान् । एकं सद्विप्रा बहुधा वदंत्यनिं यमं मातरिश्वानमाहुः ॥ End: समुद्रादर्णवादधि संवत्सरो अजायत । अहोरात्राणि विदधद्विश्वस्य मिषतो वशी ॥ सूर्याचन्द्र०॥ Subject: Saura Sūkta. Remarks :---See subject on No. 361. The first two Sections beginning with ' उदुत्यं' and 'चित्रं देवानां०' are omitted in this Ms. At the end the last Rk beginning with 'सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ.' in the 'आय गौः' section is only just begun. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 367. SAURA SURTAM. Burneil's Catalogue No. 2472 g. Page 8. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-50X38 inches. Sheets-5. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 223 ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 371. SAURA SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection. No. 54. Substance--Paper Size-84X4 inches. Sheets-4. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-60. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 362. End : सूर्यो नो दिवस्पातु वातो अंतरिक्षात् । अग्निर्नः पार्थिवेभ्यः ॥ १॥ जोषा सवितर्य(स्य ......) Subject: Saura Sūkta. Remarks :-This Ms. ends abruptly in the beginning of the 2nd Rk of the 12th Section beginning with 'सूर्यो नो दिवस्पातु०'. This Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 372. SAURA SUKTAM. T. S. Collection No.55. Substance-Paper. Size-10X44 inches. Sheets-7. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-80. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 362. Colophon : महासौरः समाप्तः दुन्दुभिसंवत्सरे भाद्रपदएकादश्यां सौम्यवासरे इदं पुस्तकं सोनभट्ट. नारायणभट्टेन लिखितम् ।। Subject: Mahasaura Sukta . Remarks:-See No. 361. The Phala sruti in this Ms. is different from that in No. 362. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 224 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 373. SAURA SUKTAM. T.S. Collection. No. 56. Substance-Paper. Size-94X4 inches. Sheets---8. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-80. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 362. End: त्रिंशदाम वि राजति वाक्पतंगाय धीयते । पति वस्तारह धुभिः॥ सविता पश्चातात्+रासतां दीर्घमायुः ।। . Colophon : (इति सौरः समाप्तः) विरोधिनामसंवत्सरे भाद्रपददशमीभौमवासरे राक्षसभुवनकरकमला करभट्टसूनुरामभट्टस्य कनिष्ठपुत्रेण लिखितमिदं पुस्तकम् ॥ Subject: Mahāsaura Sūkta. Remarks:-See No. 361. In this Ms. are separately given the Rsi, chandas and use of the Sükta, at the beginning of each Section. of the last section of this Sukta, beginning with ' आयं गौः' one varga consisting of three Řks is omitted at the end. One new Rk---'सविता पश्चातात्'-Astaka. VIII. 8. 11. (14th Rk.) is in addition found at the end of this Ms. Alsu the verse 'नमः सवित्रे ' is given at the end. The Ms. is unacccen ted and is in good condition. ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 374. SAURA SUKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 57. Substance-Paper. Size-90x44 inches. Sheets-5. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthes-60. Complete.' For Private and Personal Use Only Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 225 Beginning :-Same as No. 361. End: ऋतं च सत्यं चाभीद्धात्तपसो(s)ध्यजायत । ततो राज्यजायत ततः समुद्रो अर्णवः ॥ समुद्रा० ॥ Subject : Saura Sūkta. Remarks :--This Ms. contains only the Saura Sūkta proper and in so many places only the beginnings of the Rks or Vargas are given. The Ms. is accented and is a bit worn out. ॥ सौरसूक्तम् ॥ 375. SAURA SŪKTAM. T. S. Collection No. 58. Substance-Paper. Size-114x51 inches. Sheets-3. Lines-10 to aPage. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -45. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 366. End-Same as No. 361. Subject: Saura Sūkta. Remarks:-The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ हरिसूक्तम् ॥ 876. HARI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2447. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--52X8 inches. Sheets-3 (13 -15). Lines--9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--30. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 377. End: अपाः पूर्वेषां हरिवः सुतानामथो इदं सवनं केवलं ते । ममद्धि सोमं मधुमंतमिंद्र सत्रा वृषञ्जठर आ वृषस्व ।। 29. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 226 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: इति हरिसूक्तम् ।। Subject: Hari Sūkta. इति इसिसन Remarks:-This Ms. is not accented. In this Ms. the last varga.. VIII. 5. 8. of the Second Section beginning with 'प्र ते महे' and the whole of the third section 'इष्कृतिनाम वो' are ormitted. See No. 377. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. For viniyoga see No. 377. ॥ हरिसूक्तम् ॥ 877. HARI SUKTAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2448 a. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--65 X 4 inches. Sheets--5 (1-5). Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas ----40. Complete. Beginning : अयं ते अस्तु हर्यतः सोम आ हरिभिः सुतः । जुषाण इंद्र हरिभिर्न आ गृह्या तिष्ट हरितं रथ ।। End : अति विश्वाः परिष्ठाः स्तेन इव बृजमक्रमुः । ओषधीः प्राचुच्यवुर्यत्कि च तन्वाई रपः ॥ Colophon: इति हरिसूक्तम् ।। Subject: Hari Sukta. This Sūkta is composed of the following : I. अयं ते अस्तु० Astaka III. 3. 8 & 9. (10 Rks). II. प्र ते महे० , VIII. 5. 5 to 8. (17 Rks). III. इष्कृति म बो० , VIII. b. 9. (2 Rks-9th & 10th). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 227 Remarks:--The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The विनियोग of हरिसूक्त is thus given in the Rgvidhāna of Saunaka: " अध्वानं प्रस्थितश्चैव मामन्द्ररिति संस्मरेत् । कार्याण्यशेषतः कृत्वा पुनरायाति वै गृहम् ।।" This Sükta is not in ordinary usage but is evidently intended to assure the safe return of a traveller back to his native home. ॥ बळित्था(?)सूक्तम् ।। 378. BALITTHA(?)SUKTAM. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size---61X4 inches. Sheets-3(4-6). Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -20. Complete. Beginning : बळित्था तद्वपुषे धायि दर्शतं देवस्य भर्गः सहसो यतो जनि । यदीमुप हरते साधते मतिर्ऋतस्य धेना अनयंत सस्नुतः ॥ End: हस्ताभ्यां दशशाखाभ्यां जिह्वा वाचः पुरोगवी । अनामयित्नुभ्यां त्वा ताभ्यां त्वोप स्पृशामसि । Subject : Astaka II-2-8 & VIII-7-24 & 25 Vargas. Mandala I-21-141 (1-5 Rks) & X-11-136 & 137. Remarks :-The exact name of this Sūkta is not known. Besides this sukta. this Ms. contains three other Suktas (1) श्रीसूक्तं (Sheets 1-3) (2) देवीसूक्तं (3-4) and (3) लक्ष्मीसूक्तं (6th). The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 228 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ मन्त्रसंहिता ॥ 879. MANTRA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2435. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets-97. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1800. Incomplete. Beginning : ......यै ॥ पिपर्षि यत् सहसस्पुत्र देवान् से(१) । अमे पाहि नृत सवाजे अमान् । End : ऋषयस्तु तपस्तापे सर्वे सर्वजिगीषवः । तपस्तपसोनियं तु पावमानी ऋचो(s)ब्रवीत् ।। यन्मे गर्भ०॥ Subject: A collection of hymns taken from the Rgveda consisting of गोसूक्तम् , लक्ष्मीसूक्तम , नारायणसूक्तम् , गणेशसूक्तम् , हरिसूक्तम् etc. Remarks:-Sheets Nos. 51, 52, 79, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88 are missing. The Ms. is partly accented. It is in a fairly good condition. ॥ मन्त्रसंहिता ॥ 880. MANTRA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2431. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-114x6 inches. Sheets-42.. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --920. Incomplete. Beginning :-Same as No. 384. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 229 End: सुरूपकृन्तमूतये सुदुधामिव गोदुहे । जुहूमसि द्यविद्यविः ॥ उप नः सवनागहि...... Subject: This Ms. is composed of the following :अघमर्षणसूक्तं , पुरुषसूक्तं , विष्णुसूक्तम् , षड़र्गात्मकं विष्णुसूक्तम् , वामनसूक्तम् , हरिसूक्तम् , रुद्रसूक्तम् , सोम । रौद्रम् , बृहस्पति. सूक्तम् , गर्भाधानमन्त्राः, पुंसवनोपयुक्तमन्त्राः, अभिषेकमन्त्राः, चौलमन्त्राः, अन्नसूक्तम् , मेधासूक्तम् , उपाकर्मोत्सर्जनोपयुक्तमन्त्रा : etc. Remarks:-The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ मन्त्रसंहिता ॥ 881. MANTRA SAMHITĀ. . J. L. Collection No. 16. Substance-Paper. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets-212. Lines-8 to aPage. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas.-3400. Complete. Beginning: आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतो दब्धासो अपरीता स उद्भिदः । देवा नो यथा सदमिवृधे सन्तयुवो रक्षितारो दिवेदिवे ।। End : देवैः सुकृतकर्मभिस्तत्र मामृतं कृधींद्रायेंदो परि स्रव ॥ ता एता न वा ................ तानो अधरं देवयज्येति दशमीमात्र... Colophon : (Sheets No. 206). __इति मन्त्रसंहिता !! Subject: A collection of mantras to be pronounced during the 64 Samskāras and such other domestic rituals. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 230 1 Remarks:-In the 206th sheet of this Ms. the Mantra Samhita comes to a close. The last six sheets contain some fragments of Rg-Veda. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. End: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF T. S. Collection No. 71. Substance-Paper. Size-10×3 inches. Sheets-107. Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-1500. Incomplete. Beginning: ॥ मन्त्रसंहिता ॥ 382. MANTRA SAMHITĀ. Subject: get at: divat é a sú vafàtùvať 1 fggars aftafa: 11 तस्मादनुपर्यावृत्या अनुब्रुवते (१) वानुप्रवत्तव्यमीश्वरीह ..... प्यन्यो.... | Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A Collection of Rks. - 1. विष्णुसूक्तम् 2. श्रीसूक्तम् 3. रुद्रम् 4 चमकम and many other Sūktas and Bks used in fale and other Samskāras. Remarks:-The Ms. is partly accented and is in a good condition. 383. Beginning: || Ħezeifgar || MANTRA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 72. Substance-Paper. Size-11x5 inches. Sheets-62 (17 to 78). Lines-8 or 9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1250. Complete. ...fwagskena faqet gàa: 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 231 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS तं त्वा मन्यो अतुर्जिहीलाहं खातनूर्बलदेयायमेहि ॥ End: यक्ष्मं श्रोणि भासंसाद्ससो विवहामि ते । मेहनादन करणा लोमभ्यस्ते नखेभ्यः । यक्ष्म सर्वस्मादात्मनस्तमिदं ............ । Subject: A collection of Ķks used in the various domestic rituals of a house-holder, like गृहनिर्माण, गृहप्रवेश, गर्भाधान etc. Reinarks :---The Ms. is partly accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ मन्त्रसंहिता ॥ 384. MANTRA SAMHITA. T. S. Collection No. 30. Substance-Paper. Size-81x4 inches. Sheets--86.. Lines-10 or 11 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas.-1750. Complete. Beginning: उदुत्यं जातवेदसं देवं वहति केतवः । दृशे विश्वाय मूर्य । अपत्येताय वो यथा नक्षत्रायंत्य॒क्तुभिः॥ End: श्रीवर्चः स्वमायुष्यपारोग्यमाविधाच्छुभमानं महीयते । धनं धान्यं पशुं बहुपुत्रलाभं शतसंवत्सरं दीर्घमायुः । Colophon: इति मन्त्रसंहिता संपूर्ण(र्णा) ॥ Subject: This Ms. consists of the following sections: अघमर्षणमन्त्राः , पुरुषसूक्तम , विष्णुसूक्तम, वामनसूक्तम् , हरिसूक्तम् , For Private and Personal Use Only Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 232 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF रुद्रसूक्तम , बृहस्पतिसूम , गर्भाधानमन्त्राः , पुंसवनोपयुक्त. मन्त्रा : etc. Remarks:-This Ms. is partly accented. In many cases, the viniyoga of the mantras is also given. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. ॥ अक्सङ्ग्रहः ॥ 385. RK-SANGRAHAH. J. L. Collection. No. 17. Substance-Paper. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets-40 (39, 40, 46-49, 51-87). Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-800. Incomplete. Beginning : (कितवासो यद्रिरिपुर्न दीवि यद्वा घा सत्यमुत यन्त्र विद । सर्वा ता वि व्य) शिथिरेव देवाधा ते स्याम वरुण प्रियासः॥ End: मेधाव्यहं सुमनाः सुप्रतीकः श्रद्धामनाः सत्यमात. सुशेवः । महायशा धारयिनु(ष्णु) प्रविक्ता भूयासमस्मै स्वधया प्रयोगे । परिशिष्टम् ॥ Colophon: इत्यष्टमाष्टके सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject: An incomplete collection of important Rks from ___the Rg-veda. Astaka IV. 4. 34 to VIII. 8. 9 (5). and Rg-veda-khila-29th Section. Medhāsūkta. Remarks :-The Ms. is partly accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ 386. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance---Paper. Size--83x4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 283 ३७ inches. Sheets-4. Lines--17 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-15. Complete. Beginning : प्रथमाष्टक एकूनवर्ग 1 अग्निमीळे 2 अयं देवाय .... 3 एताया ... 4 अयं वां .... End : ७ तदिदास १४ परिशिष्ट ३ संहिता १६ परिशिष्ट १. ३०. ८ त्यंचि ९ परिशिष्ट १ संहिता ४२ परिशिष्ट १.५१. Subject : An Index of the Eight Aatakas of the Rg-Veda. .... ३५ Remarks: This Ms. contains the beginnings of all the Adhyāyas of the eight Astakas of the Rg-Veda, the No. of the Vargas in each Adhyāya and also the particular places where the Parisigtas and Mandalas begin. The Ms. is in good condition and is unaccented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ 387. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2353 m. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--129x64 inches. Sheet--1. Lines-201. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-45. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ इंद्राय । धर्मकृते । त्वामिंद्राभिः । विश्वकर्मा ॥ विभ्राजं । देवास्त इंद्र ॥ एंद्र ना गधि । गिरिने विश्व ।। 30 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 234 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End : नित्यस्तोत्रो। हिन्वानो मानु । अभि प्रिया । विप्रस्य धार !! आ पवमान । अरसे इन्द्रो स्वा ॥ Colophon: इति षष्ठाष्टके सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ७ ॥ Subject: An Index of the 39 Vargas of the seventh Adhyāya ___of the sixth Astaka. Remarks:-This Ms. contains an Index of therks of this Adhyaya the beginnings of the former and the latter halves of each rk being given in tabular form. The Ms. is in good condition and is unaccented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ 388. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2.173 a. Page 2. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-125x8 inches. Sheets-24. Lines-15 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-260. Incomplete. Beginning : ॥ षष्ठाष्टक अनुक्रमणिका । हरिः ॐ ॥ १. य[s]इंद्र सोयपा। येनाहांम न्य१ ॥ २. येना दशग्वम । येना समुद्रमा ॥ ३. येन सिंधु मही। पंथाभृतस्य ॥ ४. इमं स्तोममभि । येना नु सद्य ओ ।। ५. इमं जुषस्व गिर्व । इंद्र विश्वामि ॥ १॥ End : १. स्वादोरभक्षि। विश्वे यं देवा ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 235 २. अंतश्च प्रागा। इंदविंद्रस्य स ॥ ३. अपाम सोम। किं नुनममा ॥ Colophon : (Sheet No. 23) ___ इति षष्ठाष्टके तृतीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: An Index of the first Four Adhyāyas of the Sixth Agtaka giving the beginnings of the two halves of each rk. Remarks :--This Ms. breaks off in the 11th Varga of the 4th Adh yāya of the 6th Aşt:ka. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ 389. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 24730. Page 2. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--113x8 inches. Sheets-101. Lines--15 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-820. Complete. Beginning: ॥ संहिता षष्ठाष्ट के सप्तमाध्यायानुक्रमणिका । १. इंद्राय साम गा। धर्मकृते विप ॥ २. त्वमिंद्राभिभू । विश्वकर्मा वि ॥ ३. विभ्राजं ज्यो । देवास्त इंद्र स॥ End: १. संमपिघुवसे। इळस्पदे समि ॥ २. सं गछ संव। देवा भागं यथा ॥ ३. समानो मंत्रः । समानं मंत्रम । ४. समानी व आ । समानमस्तु वो । ४९ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 236 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: çfa sigarg gh(s):77: | : 3 11 Subject: An Index of the Seventh and Eighth Adhyāyas of the Sixth Astaka and of each eight Adhyâyas of the Seventh and Eighth Agtakas giving the beginnings of the two halves of the sks. Remarks:—The Ms, is in good condition and is accented. 11 FagFEATTE. HITET 11 390. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. T. S. Collection. No. 96. Substance-Paper. Size -12X4 inches. Sheets-1. Lines--7 to a PageScript-Devana gari. No, of Granthas-45. Incomplete. Beginning: अग्निपीले त्रिसूक्तस्तु सुरूपैंद्रचतुष्कको । अग्निं सोपानमित्येतौ षकैकस्यति सप्तकः ।। End: यस्ता नृग्विवेद च अप्यधीते स नाकपृष्ठं भजते ह शश्वत् ।। Subject: Indices of Rg-Veda. Five kinds of Indices are givin herein: I. Giving the beginnings of the groups of Sūktas. II. Giving the No. of Anuvākas in each Mandala. III. Giving the No. of Sūktas in each Mandala IV. Giving the total No. of Sūktas of the whole of Rg Veda. . Giving the total No. of Anuvākas of the whole of Rg-Veda. Remarks: The Ms. is in good condition, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 237 ॥ सौरवर्गशृङ्गला ॥ 391. SAURAVARGA ŚRNKHALĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2403. Page 3. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-61X3 inches. Sheets-10. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari, No. of Granthas -100. Complete. Beginning : प्रति त्यं न हि देवो ये महो य उग्रा ये शुभ्राः ॥ १॥ ये नाकस्य (य) ईखयंत्याये तन्वंत्याभि त्वा ॥२॥ यत्र ग्रात्वा(वा) यत्र द्वाविवा(व) यत्र नारी यत्र मंथां यश्चिद्धि ॥३॥ End : प्राग्नये यः परस्य यो रक्षांसि यो विश्वायो अस्य पारे । उदसौ असपत्ना अभीवर्तेन असपत्नः सपत्नः ॥ १६१ ॥ Colophon: इति वणिगे(?) समाप्तः ॥ Subject: An Index of 161 Vargas pertaining to Sūra or Sürya devată selected from Rg-Veda, giving the be ginnings of the Rks. Remarks :-Not all the rks in this collection are related to sārya. The Naine of the book is given in this Ms. as वेदसौराची सांखली in Mahrathi i.e., FITMEET in Sanskrit. The meaning of 'aforat? in the colophon has yet to be known. The Ms. is unaccented and is very old. ॥ सौरवर्गशृङला ॥ 392. SAURAVARGA SRNKHALA. T. S. Collection. No. 68. Substance-Paper. Size-10x4 inches. Sheets-4. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanigarl. No. of Granthas--60. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 238 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अग्निमीळे ॥ प्रति त्यं न हि देवो ये महो य उग्रा ये शुभ्राः पंच ॥१॥ ये नाकस्य य ईखयंत्याये तन्वंत्यधि त्वा चत्वारि ॥२॥ अयं देवाय :: यत्र ग्रावा यत्र द्वाविव यत्र नारी यत्र मंथां यचिद्धि त्वं पंच ॥ १ ॥ End : इंद्रं वो ॥ यस्य त्यच्छंबरं यस्य तीव्र यस्य गा यस्य मंदानश्चत्वारि ।। १ । यो रयिवो यः शग्मस्तु येन वृद्धो त्यमु वो इंद्रं विश्वा साहं यं वर्धयंती पंच २॥ Colophon: इति श्रीप्रथमाष्टकादिचतुर्थाष्टकपर्यतं सौल(र)वर्गाणां शृङ्खलाः समा. प्ता(:) धातृनामसंवत्सरे मार्गशीर्षे वद्य पतिपदि गुरुवासरे राक्षसभुवनस्थकमलाकरभट्टस्य सून (ना) रामेण लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं समाप्तम् ।। Subject: An index of all the Süra Vargas from the first to the fourth Astakas of Rg-Veda, giving the beginnings of the Rks. Remarks: There is a loose sheet in this Ms. which contains an index of Saura Vargas from the middle of the 2nd Astaka to the beginning of the 5th Astaka. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 398. RG-VEDA PADAPATAHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355 a. Page 1. Right column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 239 Substance-Paper. Size-9X4 inches. Sheets-80. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1600. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणाधिपतये नमः ॥ श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः । श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः । श्रीवेदव्यासाय नमः ।। हरिः ॐ ॥ अग्निं । ईळे । पुरःऽहितं । यज्ञस्य । देवं । ऋत्विजै ॥ होतारं । रत्नऽधातमं ॥ End: मा । सा । ते । अस्मत् । सुऽमृतिः । वि । दसत् । वाजऽप्रमहः। सं। इषः। वरंत ॥ आ । नः । भज । मघवन् । गोषु । अर्यः । मंहिष्ठाः । ते । मधमादः । स्याम् ॥ २६ ॥ Colophon: इति श्रीप्रथमाष्टकस्याष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ इति श्रीशाकल्यदृष्टे पदे प्रथमाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ परिधाविनाम संवत्सरे अध्यापकगिरिभट्टावे पुस्तकं परोपकारार्थ ॥ Subject: First Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Antaka I-1-1 to 1-8-26] [Mandala I-1-1 to 1-18-121. Remarks:-The Ms. is accented aud is in a fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 394. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No.2356a. Page 1. Right coluun. Substance-Paper. Size-9x3 inches. Sheets-110. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1600. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 393, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 240 Á DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: ___ इति प्रथमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ।। पूवंगसंवत्सरे उत्तरे अयने रवेमौसि भये पक्षे पञ्चमीचन्द्रवासरे वाराणस्यां रंगनाथात्मजनारायणेन लिखितम् ॥ Remarks :-This Ms. is accented and is good. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 395. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2357 a. Page 1. Right coluinn. Substance-Paper. Size -73x3d inches. Sheets-86. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1600. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Saine as No. 393. Colophon: इति प्रथमाष्टके अष्टमोध्यायः ॥ रामार्पणमस्तु॥ Remarks :--This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ।। 396. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2358 a. Page 1. Right columnn. Substance-Paper. Size-10x4 inches. Sheets--69. Lines--12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1600. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 393. Colophon : इति प्रथमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Remarks :-This Ms. is not accented and is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 241 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 397. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. T. S. Collection No. 15. Substance-Paper. Size-9X48 inches. Sheets---87. Lines-10 to a Page, Script-Deva___nagari. No. of Granthas-1600. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 393. Colophon : इति प्रथमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ विक्रमवर्षे शरदी चाश्वयुजी मासि कृष्णपक्षेदी पौराणिकोपनाम राक्षसभुवनकरकमलाकरभट्टस्य सूनु(ना) रामेण नवमितिथौ लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं समाप्तं ॥ Remarks :—The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. The date of the Ms. is evidently 1760. A. D. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 398. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No. 98. Substance-Paper. Size--81X38 inches. Sheets-4 (1-5; 2nd Sheet missing). Lines-7 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-24. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 393. End : गायति । त्वा । गायत्रिणः । अर्चति । अर्क। अर्किणः॥ (ब्रह्माणः । त्वा । शतक्रतो इति शतक्रतो । उत् । वंशंऽ इव । येमिरे ।) Subject: First Astaka. First Adhyaya. ___Astaka I-1-1 to 1-1-19] [Mandala I-1-1 to I-3-10. Remarks:-- This Ms. ends abruptly in the middle of the 1st Rk of the 19th Varga of the first Adhyaya. The paper of this Ms. is . 81 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 242 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF This Ms. blue in colour and bears the watermark year 1870. is unaccented and is in a bad condition, ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 399. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. S. K. Collection No. 1. Substance-Paper. Size-10 X4:1 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-7 to a Page. Seript-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-200. Incomplete. Beginning :-Same as No. 393. End: आ । माः । अग्ने । इह । अवसे । होत्रां ! यविष्ठ । (भारती ॥ वरूत्रीं । धिषणां । वह ।।) Colophon: (16th Sheet). इति प्रथमाष्टके प्रथमाध्यायः संपूर्णः ॥ Subject: First Astaka. 1-2 Adhyayas. __Astaka I-1-1 to I-2-5] [Mandala I-1-1 to I-5-22. Remarks:--This Ms. breaks off in the middle of the last rk of the 5th Varga of the 2nd Adhyava. This Me. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 400. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. S. K. Collection No.2. Substance-Paper. Size-9X4 (1-19 Sheets) and 98 X 4.5 (20-30 Sheets) inches. Sheets---30. Lines-7 or 8 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-360. Incomplete. Beginning-Saine as No. 393. End : इंद्रः। यातः । अवऽसितस्य । राजा । शर्मस्य । च । शृंगिणः । वज्रऽबाहुः॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 248 सः । इत् । ऊ इति । राजा । क्षयति । चर्षणीनां । अरान् । न । नेमिः । परि । ता । बभूव ॥ ३८ ॥ Colophon: इति प्रथमाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: First Astaka. 1-2 Adhyayas. Astaka I-1-1 to I-2-38] [Mandala I-1-1 to 1-7-32. Remarks:-At the end of this Ms. the first three Řks of the third Adhyāya are also given. This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 401. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection. No.97. Substance-Paper. Size-8x41 inches. Sheets--56 (1-59; 41st, 45th and 46th sheets missing). Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --760. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 393. End: एव । ते । हारिऽयोजन । सुऽवृक्ति । इंद्र । ब्रह्माणि । __ गोतमासः । अक्रन् । आ । एषु । विश्वऽपेशसं । धिये । धाः । (प्रातः । मक्षु । धियाऽवसुः । जगम्यात् ।) Colophon: - प्रथमाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः समाप्तः ।। साम्बसदाशिवार्पणमस्तु । वृकोपनामकजंबुनाथस्येदं पुस्तकं इति ज्ञेयम् ॥ ईश्वरसंवत्सर अधिकज्येष्ठसितनवमीसोमवारे संपूर्णः ॥ Subject: First Astaka. 1-4 Adhyayas. Astaka I-1-1 to I-4-29] [Mandala I-1-1 to 1-11-61. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 244 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks :-This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. The date of the Ms. is 1877 A. D. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 402. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No. 113. Substance-Paper. Size-11x5 inches. Sheets--34. Lines-10 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-800. Incomplete. Beginning: End: (एव । हि । ते ।) विऽभूतयः । ऊतयः । इंद्र । माऽवते । मद्यः । चित् । संति । दाशुषे । यथा । विग्रस्य । मनुषः । हुविाऽभिः । देवान् । अयजा । कविऽभिः। कविः । सन् ॥ एव । होतरिति । सत्यऽतर । त्वं। अद्य । (अग्ने । मंद्रया। जुह्वा । राजस्व)॥ Subject : First Astaka.. 1-5 Adhyayas. Astaka I-1-16 to I-5-24] [Mandala I-3-8 to I-13-77. Remarks :--This Ms. abruptly begins with the 9th Rk of the 16th Varga of the 1st Adhyāya and breaks off at the end of the 5th Rk of the 24th Varga of the 5th Adhyāya. This Ms. is accented and many letters in the beginning are worn out. The Ms. is decaying. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 408. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No. 99. Substance-Paper. Size-84x32 inches. Sheets-60. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-840. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 245 Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ प्र । मन्महे । शवसानाय । श्रूषं । आंगृषं । गिर्वणसे । अंगिरस्वत् ॥ सुवृक्तिभिः । स्तुवते । ऋग्मियाय । अर्चाम । अर्क । नरै। विऽश्रुताय ॥ End and colophon-same as No. 393. Subject: First Astaka. 5-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka 1-5-1 to I-8-26] [Mandala I-11-62 to I-18-121. Remarks :-This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 404. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No.71. Substance-Paper. Size -51x30 _inches. Sheets-8 (2-9). Lines-6 to a Page. Script Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas-50. Incomplete. Beginning : न । अस्मै । विद्युत् । न । तन्यतुः । मिसेध । न । यां। मिहै । अकिरत् । दादुनिं । च ॥ इंद्रः । च । यत् । युयुधाते इति । अहिः। च । उत । अपरीभ्यः। मृघऽवा । वि । जिग्ये ॥ End-Same as No. 391. Colophon: श्रीकोल्हापुरमहालक्ष्म्यै नमः ।। _इदं पुस्तकं राक्षससाबमूर्त्यस्य(र्तेः) ॥ ६ ॥ Subject : Astaka I. 2. 38 (last 3 Ķks). , I. 8.35 ( 5 Rks). , I. 4.29 (6 Rke). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 246 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Astaka I. 5. 31 (6 Rks). ,, I. 6. 32 (6 Rks). ,, I. 7.37 (5 Rks). ,, I. 8. 26 (5 Bks). Remarks :--The Ms. begins with the 3rd rk of the last Varga of the 2nd Adhyaya and ends with the 8th Ahhyaya of the 1st Astaka. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition, Sth Ahhyāyu of the let ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 405. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355 b. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-8IX} inches. Sheets-72. Lines-10 to a Page. Seript-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1680. Complete. Beginning : श्रीवेदव्यासाय नमः ।। ॐ प्र । वः । पांत । रघुऽमन्यवः । अंधः । यज्ञं । रुद्राय । मीळ्हुषे । भरध्वम् ॥ दिवः । अस्तप । असुरस्य । वीरैः । इषुध्याऽइव । मरुतः । रोदस्योः ॥ End: सः । होता । यस्य । रोदमी इति । चित् । उर्वी इति । यज्ञंऽयज्ञं । अभि । वृधे । गृणीतः ।। प्राची इति । अध्वराऽईव । तस्थतुः । मुमेके इति सुऽमेके। ऋतरी इत्यृतऽवरी । ऋतऽजातस्य । मृत्ये इति ॥२७॥ इति द्वितीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ।। संवत् १५५६ भा(भ)वनामाब्दै(ब्दे) श्रावणे मासि दशम्यां वदौ तहिने ऽयमष्टक: समाप्तः ॥ श्रीलक्ष्मीनरसिंहार्पणमस्तु । Colophon: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 247 Subject: Second Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka II-1-1 to II-8-27] [Mandala 1-18-122 to III-1-6. Remarks This Ms. ends in the last but one rk of the 8th Adhyā ya of the 2nd Astaka and the last sk of the 2nd Astaka “ soot A T a tto is given in Samhitāpātha after the Colophon in a different handwriting. The Ms. is accented and is in a worn-out condition here and there. The date of the Ms. is given as a 1556 in the year Bhava. Evidently it is Saka 1556 or A.D. 1634 which falls in Bhava year of the Hindu Calender. 1 BOGTGT: 11 406. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2357 b. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--8X3 inches. Sheets--97. Lines—8 to a Fage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1680. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 405. Remarks:--This Ms. is partly accented and is in a fairly good condition. #saCICII: 407. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. T. S. Collection No. 16. Substance--Paper. Size--9} x 42 inches. Sheets--90. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Deva pāgarī. No. of Granthas--1680. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 405. Colophon: इति श्रीमहितीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ।। स्वस्तिश्रीशालिवाहनशके १७४३ वृषनामसंवत्सरे उत्तरायणे वसन्तऋ. तौ(तों) वैशाखमासे कृष्णपक्षे द्वितीयायां स्थिरवासरे ज्येष्ठानक्षत्रे सि For Private and Personal Use Only Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 248 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF द्धि(द)नामयोगे गरजवा(१)करणे द्वितीययामे सेतुबावासत्रे पुस्तकमिदं पौराणिकोपनामराक्षसभुवनकरकमलाकरभट्टस्यात्मजरामेण लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं समाप्तं ॥ स्वार्थ परोपकारार्थ च ॥ कष्टेन लिखितं ग्रन्थं यत्नेन प्रतिपालयेत् मूर्खहस्ते न दातव्यमेवं बदति पुस्तकं ॥ रामचंद्रभट्टस्य सूनु(ना) सांबेन स्वरितं ॥ Remarks :-The Ms. is accented. It is in good condition and is written on Indian paper. The scribe's name is given as Rāma, son of Kamalakara Bhatta. The date of the Ms. is Saka 1743 or 1821 A.D. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 408. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2356 b. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-9x33 inches. Sheets-66. Lines-9 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1000. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 405. End : आ । यः । स्वः । न। भानुना । चित्रः । (विऽभाति । अर्चिषा ।। अंजानः । अजरैः । अभि ।।) Colophon : (56th Sheet).. इति द्वितीयाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject : Second Astaka. 1-5 Adhyayas. Astaka II-1-1 to II-5-29] [Mandala -18-122 to II-1-8. Remarks:-This Ms. ends abruptly in the middle of the 4th Rk of the 29th Varga of the Ist Adhyaya. This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 251 Remarks :-In this Ms. the last Rk beginning with 'इळा अने. of the 27th Varga of the 8th Adhyaya is not given. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 412. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355 C. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-93x4 inches. Sheets-98. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1550. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीवेदव्यासाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ३म् ॥ प्र। ये । आरुः । शिति० पृष्ठस्य । धासेः । आ । मातरी। विविशुः । सप्त । वाणीः ॥ परि० क्षिता । पितरी । सं । चरेते इति । प्र । साते ___इति । दीर्घ । आयुः । प्र०यः ॥ End: त्वां । अग्ने । पृ०दिवः। आहुतं । घृतैः । सु म्न०यवः । सु०ममिधा । सं। ईधिरे ॥ सः । ववृधानः । ओषधीभिः । उक्षितः । अभि । ज्रया सि । पार्थिवा । वि । तिष्ठसे ॥ २६ ॥ Colophon: इति श्रीतृतीयाष्टके अष्टमो(5)ध्यायः ॥ Subject : Third Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Antaka 111-1-1 to III-8-26] [Mandala III-1-7 to V-1-8. Remarks:--The Cora Varga (the 1st Varga of the 4th Astaka) " त्वां । अग्ने । हविष्मंत+नः वृधे" is given after the colo For Private and Personal Use Only Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 252 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF phon. In this Ms. small zeros are given in the places of Avagraha. The Ms. is accented and is in very good condition. | *GUGHTY: 11 413. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2356 c. Page 1. Right column. Substance--Paper. Size-83 X 33 inches. Sheets-.76. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Gran thas-1550. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 412. Remarks:- This Ms. is partly accented and is in a fairly good con dition. Il FaCYTO: 11 414. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2357 c. Page 1. Right column. Substance --Paper. Size-73 X 3] inches. Sheets -90. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -1550. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 412. Remarks:See Remarks on No. 412. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. il Raciu: 11 415. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2358 c. Page 1. Right column. Substance--Paper. Size-8} x 34 inches. Sheets--103. Lines-9 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1550. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 412. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 253 Colophon: इति तृतीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ स्वस्तिश्रीशके शोभकृन्नामसंवत्सरे ज्येष्टबहुलद्वितीयायां धर्मपुरिनर सिंहक्षेत्र सन्निधौ आत्मार्थ परोपकारार्थ च लिखितम् ॥ Remarks :- This Ms. is partly accented. The colophon ' इति तृतीया ष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥' is given after the चोरवर्ग in this Ms. The Ms. is in good condition. The Ms. is written on Indian paper and belongs generally to about the same time as No. 417. Phe date inay therefore be fixed Saka 1585 or A. D. 1663 which falls in the year शोभकृत्. The scribe's name is not given but the Ms. is declared to have been written at Dharmapuri in the templ ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 416. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 a. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--.71x3 inches. Sheets--153. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1550. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 412. Colophon : इति तृतीयाष्टकं संपूर्णम् ।। ॥ श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु । अच्युतभट(ह)स्य पुस्तकं ॥ Remarks:-This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 417. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 b. Page 1. Right column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 254 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF SubstancePaper. Size-9 X 4 inches. Sheets---137. Lines-8 to a Page, Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1550. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 412. Colophon : sfat zafranca STGAT(S)eart: 1 11 sflour CTAED II शके १५[शें]८८ वर्षे पराभ(व)संवत्सरे वैशाखवदिपं(च)मि(म्यां) समाप्तः । अ(ोलूरनारायणेन लिखितम् . Remarks This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. The scribe's name is given as Alür Nārāyana and the date of the date of the Saka 1588 or 1666 A.D. || F UC916: 11 418. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 c. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper Size-10X 4 inches. Sheets --86. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Grantbas -1550. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 412. Remarks This Ms. is accented. The 56th sheet is missing in this Ms. The Ms. is very old and partly worn out. 11 FAGYOTT: 11 419. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. T. S. Collection No. 17. Substance--Paper. Size--9; X 43 inches. Sheets-77. Lines-10 or 11 to a Page. Script -Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas-1550. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 412. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 255 Colophon: इति तृतीयाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ शके १७४४ चित्रभानुसंवत्सरे कार्तिकवद्यद्वादशीमंगलवारी पौराणि कोपनामराक्षसभुवनकरकमलाकरभट्टस्य सूनु(ना) रामेण लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं समाप्तम । संपोष्यं सदपत्यवत्परि(र)कराद्रक्ष्यं च सुक्षेत्रवत् संशोध्यं व्रणिनोऽङ्गवत्प्रतिदिनं वीक्ष्यं च सन्मित्रवत् । बध्यं वध्यवदलथं न हि न विस्म(स्मार्य हरेर्नामवत् नैवं सीद(द)ति पुस्तकं किल कदा ए(प्ये)तद्गुरूणां वचः ॥ सांबेन स्वरितम् ॥ Remarks :-This Ms. contains the चोरवर्ग (Astaka IV-1-I) after the colophon. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The scribe's name is given as Rāma, son of Kanualăkara Bhatta and the date of the Ms. is Saka 1744 or 1822 A. D. See No. 407. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 420. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No. 102. Substance-Paper. Size-10x43 inches. Sheets-29 (1-30%; 21st Sheet missing). Lines-8 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas--350. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 412. End : ब्रह्मणा । ते। ब्रह्मऽयुजा । युनज्मि । हरि(री) इति । सखाया। मधऽमादै । आशु इति ॥ स्थिरं । रथै । सुखं । इंद्र । अधिऽतिष्ठन् । (पृऽजानन् । विद्वान् । उप । याहि । सोमै ॥) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 256 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: Third Astaka. 1-2 Adhyâyas. Astaka III-1-1 to III-2-17 (4). Mandala III-1-7 to III-3-35 (4). Remarks:- This Ms. ends abruptly in the 4th sk of the 17th Varga of the 2nd Adhyāya. This Ms. is throughout accented and is in very good condition. Il ragga5: 11 421. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. gi TT I : 1 Tits Ti Tas#T: 11 ga ..! J. L. Collection No. 101. Substance-Paper. Size--104 X 34 inches. Sheets--- 91. Lines-7 or 8 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas--1100. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 412. End : ga i gig Colophon: Sheet No. 79. sta Tatatea E (S)&r: 11 Subject: Third Astaka. 1-6 Adhyâyas. Astaka III-1-1 to III-6-22 (16). Mandala III-1-7 to IV-3-30 (16). Remarks:--This Ms. ends in the 16th fk of the 22nd Varga of the 6th Adhyâya. This Ms. is throughout accented and is in a fairly good condition. 11 RaguC416: 11 422. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355 d. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper Size-98 X 4 inches. Sheet3-105. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas 1650. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSOBIPTS 257 Beginning: ॥ श्रीवेदव्यासाय नमः ॥ हरिः । ॐ३म् । अग्ने। ओजिष्ठं । आ। भर । द्युम्नं । अस्मभ्यं । अध्रिगो इत्यध्रिगो॥ प्र। नः। गया । परीणसा । रसि । वाजाय । पंथी । End: स्वरति। (सरस्वति ।) अभि। नः । नेषि । वस्यः। मा । अप । स्फरी । पयसा । मा। नः । आ । धक् ।। जुषस्व । नः । सख्या । वेश्यो । च । मा । त्वत् । क्षे(क्षे) त्राणि । अरणानि । गन्म ॥ ३२ ॥ Colophon: इति चतुर्थाष्टकेऽष्टमो(s)भ्यायः ॥ ॥ श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु ।। बालकृष्णाने आनंतव्रतयेतला संवत्सर अंगिरा नाम । शुभमस्तु । अध्यापकगिरिभद्दाचे-पुस्तक परोपकारार्थ ॥ शुभमस्तु । Subject: Fourth Ataka, 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka IV-1-2 to IV-8-32. Mandala V-1-10 to VI-6-61. Remarks:--The Ms. is accented and is in very good condition. The Ms. belongs to Adhyāpaka Giri Bhatta and is said to have been written in the year Angiras which falls on 1632 A. D. or 1692 A. D. The Ms. belongs to the same class as No. 442 which is declared to have been written in Saka 1595 or A. D. 1672. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 428. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2357 d. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-73x34 inches. Sheets-82. 33 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 258 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanā garī. No. of Granthas -1650. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject---Same as No. 422. Remarks :--See Remarks under No. 422. This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ll Ratu: A1 424. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAụ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2358 d. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-10 X 38 inches, Sheets-91. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagarl. No. of Gran thas-1650. Complete. Beginning : ll fiaGOTETT THE II eft: a II rat i à glaciai ! tai pia: i goà Troll i Cat i prasaci i ! | Toni i ri SITTEET End and colophon-Same as No. 422. Subject: Fourth A staka. 1-8 Adhyâyas. Astaka IV-1-1 to IV-8-32] [Mandala V-1-9 to V-6-61. Remarks: -This Ms. is throughout accented and is in a fairly good condition, though some sheets at the end are very much worn out. 11 FaçTETIT: 11 425. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 d. Page 1. Right column. Substance--Paper. Size-9X 4 inches. Sheets---111. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 259 Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgars. No. of Granthas -1650. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 424. End and colophon--Same as No. 422. Subject: Fourth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka IV-1-1 to IV-8-32] [Mandala V-I-9 to V-6-61. Remarks :—This Ms. is throughout accented. The beginning of the Fifth Astaka' FOUT ITT I is given after the colophon. An incomplete index of the Vargas of the 8th Adhyāya of the 4th Astaka (giving the beginnings of the Vargas only) is given at the end of this. Ms. The Ms. is much worn out and seems to be very, very old. Il faaqg917: 11 426. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. J. L. Collection. No. 103. Substance-Paper. Size-87 x 37 inches. Sheets--119. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-1650. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 425. Colophon : इति चतुर्थाष्टके अष्टमो(s)न्यायः ॥ श्रीमार्ताण्डभैरवाय नमः ॥ दोरो(?) जगन्नाथभट्टखेदं पुस्तकम् ॥ इदं पुस्तकं प्रीतिनेहाभ्यां जंबुनाथाय तेन दत्तम । Remarks .-This Ms. is accented. In this Ms. sheets are sepa rately numbered for each Adhyāya. The Ms. is in excellent condition. The Ms. belongs to one Doro Jaganṇātha who is said to have presented the same to his friend Jambunătba. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 260 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 427. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. T. S. Collection. No. 18. Substance-Paper. Size—9hx48 inches. Sheets- 77. Lines-9 or 10 to a Page. Script ---Devanågari. No. of Granthas--1650. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 425. Remarks:-To this Ms. is attached a loose sheet which contains the last portion of the Eighth Adhyaya of the Fourth Astaka, along with this colophon :― " इति चतुर्थाष्टके अष्टमो ( S) ध्याय: || राक्षसभुवनकर रामभट्टपुत्रकमलाकरस्य प्रतिनाम अय्यासामिपुस्तकं चतुर्थाष्टकम् ॥ दुन्दुभिसँबत्सरे चैत्रशुभप्रतिपदिन्दुवासरे बाहेकरशेषभट्टेन कमलाकरस्य दत्तम् ॥ 39 428. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. The date of the Ms. is given as - which falls on 1802 A. D. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 e. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size - 9 x 4 inches. Sheets-47. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas - 850. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 424. End : पु॒रूणि॑ अ॒ग्ने॒ । पुरु॒धा । त्वा॒ या । वसू॑नि । राजन् | व॒सुता॑ ते॒ । अ॒श्यः॑ ॥ पु॒रूणि॑ हि । त्वे इति॑ । पुरुव्वा॒र॒ । संति॑ । अझै बर्सु । वि॒ध॒ते । राज॑नि । त्वे इति ॥ ३६ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 261 Colophon: इति चतुर्थाष्टके चतुर्थो(5)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: Fourth Astaka. 1-4 Adhyāyas. Astaka IV-1-1 to IV-4-36] [Mandala v-1-9 to VI-1-1. Remarks :-This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 429. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 f. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--9x4 inches. Sheets-26 (81 to 106.) Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas-400. Incomplete. Beginning: (हयान् । अग्ने । प्रथिनः । विंशतिं । गाः । वधूमतः)। मघवा । मयै । मराट् ॥ अभि० आवर्ती । चायमानः । ददाति । दुः०नशा । इयं । दक्षिणा । पार्थवानी ।। २४ ॥ End-Same as No. 422. Colophon : इति श्रीचतुर्थाष्टके अष्टमोध्यायः ॥ ।। पाण्डुरङ्गार्पणमस्तु । Subject : Fourth Astaka. 6-8 Adhyayas. Aataka IV-6-24 to IV-8-32. Mandala VI-3-27 to V1-6-61. Remarks :- This Ms. begins abruptly in the middle of the last fk of the 24th Varga of the 6th Adhyaya and is throughout accented. The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 262 A DBHORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 430. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. T. S. Collection No. 19. Substance-Paper. Size-91x41 inches. Sheets-73 (24 to 96). Lines-9 or 10 to a Page. Script ---Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1300. Incomplete (wants beginning). Beginning: (उत । माः । व्यतु । देवऽपत्नी। इंद्राणी । अमायी । अश्विनी। राट् ॥ आ। रोदमी इति । वरुणानी । शृणोतु । व्यतु । देवीः । या। ऋतुः । जनीनां ॥ End-Same as No.422. Colophon: इति चतुर्थाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ श्रीप्रणतार्तिहरार्पणमस्तु । Subject : Fourth Astaka. 2-8 Adhyayas. Astaka IV-2-28 to IV-8-32] [Mandala V-4-46 to VI-6-61. Remarks :--The beginning of the Fourth Asta given after the colophon. This Ms. abruptly begins in the last Rk of the 28th Varga of the 2nd Adhyâya of this Agtaka. This Ms. is throughout, accepted and is in a damp condition. The Ms. seems to have been written by four or five different scribes. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 481. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8966. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16X1 inches. Legveg-241. Lines-5 toa Page. Script-Telugu. No. of Granthas -5880. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End: Beginning-Same as No. 393. SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (अनिं । देवासः । अग्रियं ।) इंधते । वृत्रहन् - तमं ॥ येन । वसूनि । आ-भृता । तुम्हा | रक्षांसि । वाजिना ॥ ३० ॥ Subject: 1-4 Astakas. [ Mandala 1-1-1 to VI-2-16. Astaka I-1-1 to IV-5-30] Remarks:-In this Ms. a dash is generally used for avagraha in the padapatha. There are at the beginning and at the end 7 loose leaves which are fragmentary in character and as such could not be identified. 'This · Ms. is unaccented. The palm leaves are very old and are much worn out in many places. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 432. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355 e. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size—–82 X4 inches. Sheets-60. Lines-13 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1500. Complete. Beginning : 263 ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ | ॐ स्तु॒षे । नरा॑ । दि॒वः । अ॒स्य । प्र॒ऽसंता॑। अ॒श्विना॑ । हुवे॒ जर॑माणः । अ॒र्कैः || या । स॒द्यः । उ॒स्रा । वि॒ऽउषि॑ । ज्मः । अतन् । युर्युषतः । परि॑ । उ॒रु । वरांसि ॥ प्र॒त्नः । हि । ≠ । ईड्य॑ः । अध्व॒रेषु॑ । म॒नात् । च । For Private and Personal Use Only होता I नव्यः च । सत् ॥ Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 264 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF FI g , fagmenti FHI TH , 71 | TEE 11 Quell Colophon: stā gaire do 31 (s)kra: Subject: Fifth Astaka 1-8 Adhyâyas. Antaka V-1-1 to V-8-36] [Mandala VI-6-62 to VIII-2-11. Remarks This Ms. is tbroughout accented. The Ms. is in very good condition. #l #a99915: 11 433. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTNAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2356 d. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper Size--7X 4 inches. Sheets--127. Lines—9 to a Page. Script-Devanagars. No. of Granthas -1500. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 432. Remarks :- This Ms. is partly accented and is in good condition. 11 HEGTETTE: 11 484. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2357 e. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-73 X 34 inches. Sheets-65. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran thas—1500. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 432. Remarks:-This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 265 llageTO: 11 435. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2358 e. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--7}<3inches. Sheets---152. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas-1500. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 432. Colophon: stế đa gì ng(s)&TT: I. FTTAGET 7 MATIT(?) 8426+8 u grane galaa) artiqùta fofasi il hargaai aa garai (?)... Remarks :-This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. The scribe's name is given as Nārāyaṇa, son of Govindācārya. The date of the Ms. is given as Saka 1537+10 or 1547 or 1625 A. D. which falls on the year FTTA. 11 GTGOTO: II 436. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 g. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--9x45 inches. Sheets-78. Lines-13 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Gran thas--1500. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject---Same as No. 432. Remarks: The Ms. is accented and is in a worn-out condition, 34 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 266 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 487. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. T. S. Collection No. 20. Substance-Paper. Size--91x4 inches. Sheets-95. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-1500. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 432. Colophon : इति पंचमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ।। ॥ श्रीपरदेवताप्रीत्यै ।। इति श्रीशुभकृत्संवत्सरअधिकज्येष्ठशुद्धपंचमी(म्यां) शुक्रवारी(रे) साडे सहाफल्लविकतघतले(?) पौराणिकोपनामराक्षसभुवनक. रकमलाकरभट्टस्येदं पुस्तकं ।। Remarks: -The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The date of the Ms. is given as JHET which falls on the year 1782 A. D., that being Kamalakara Bhatta's time. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 438. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. J. L. Collection No. 104. Substance-Paper. Size-81X33 inches. Sheets-47. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Deva nagari. No. of Granthas-780. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 432. End: इहऽईह । वः। स्वऽतवसः। कवयः। सूर्यऽत्वचः ॥ यज्ञं । मरुतः । आ । वृरणे ॥) Colophon: (Sheet No. 34) __ इति पंचमाष्टके तृतीयो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject : Astaka. V-1-1 to V-4-30 (11). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 267 Mandala VI-6-62 to VII-4-59 (11). Remarks:-This Ms. breaks off in the last bnt one rk of the 4th Adhyaya of the 5th Astaka. It is accented. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 439. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 h. Page 1. Right column. Substance---Paper. Size--9x4 inches. Sheets-92. Lines--9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -----820. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 432. End: अव । वेदि । होत्राभिः । यजेत । रिपः। काः । चित् । वरुणऽध्रुतः । सः॥ परि । द्वेषःऽभिः । अर्यमा । वृणक्तु । उरुं। सुऽदासे । वृषणौ । ऊ इति । लोकं ॥ Colophon : (Page 91) इति पंचमाष्टके चतुर्थो(5)ध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ Subject : Astaka V-1-1 to V-5-2 (9th Rk). Mandala VI-6-62 to VII-4-60 (9th RE). Remarks:-This Ms. ends in the 9th rk of the 2nd Varga of the 5th Adhyaya of the 5th Astaka. It is unaccented and is in a bad condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 440. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH.. J.L. Collection. No. 115. Substance-Paper. Size--111x5 inches. Sheets-_-51. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Deva - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 268 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF nagari. No. of Granthas-1400. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 432. End : गवृधानः । उप । छवि । वृषा । (वनी । अरोरवीत् ॥ वृत्रहा । सोमपातमः ॥) Subject: Astaka v-1-1 to v-8-16 (40). Mandala VI-6-62 to VIII-2-6 (40). Remarks :--This Ms. abruptly ends in the middle of the last Rk of the 16th Varga of the 8th Adhyaya. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 441. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection. No. 105. Substance-Paper Size--94X4 inches. Sheets-39. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Deva nāgari. No. of Granthas--720. Incomplete. Beginning: (प । वां । सः । मित्रावरुणौ । ऋतवा । विप्रः। मन्मा नि। दीर्घ)ऽश्रुत् । इयर्ति ॥ यस्य । ब्रह्माणि । सुक्रतू इति सुक्रतू । अाथः । आ । यत् । क्रत्वा । न । शरदः । पृणेथे इति । End: त्वं । असि । प्रऽशस्यः । विदथेषु । सहत्य ॥ (अग्ने । रथी । अध्वराणी . ) Colophon: (Sheet No. 74) इति श्री(शा)कल्यऋग्वेदपदे पं(च)माष्टके पदे सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: Astaka V-5-3 (2) to v-8-36 (2). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 269 Mandala VII-4-61 (2) to VIII-2-11 (2). Remarks:--This Ms. begins abruptly with the 2nd rk of the 3rd Varga of the 5th Adhyāya and breaks off in the 2nd rk of the 35th Varga of the 8th Adhyaya of the 5th Aataka. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 442. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355 f. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--94 X 4 inches. Sheets--95. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas ---1700. Complete. Beginning : ॥श्रीवेदव्यासाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ यः । इंद्र । सोम०पातमः । मदः । शविष्ठ । चेतति ॥ येन । हंसि । नि । अत्रिण । तं । ईमहे ॥ End: पर्वख । वाजसातये । विप्रस्य । गृणतः । वृधे । सोमं । राखें । सु०वीर्य ॥ ३३ ।। Colophon : इति षष्ठाष्टके पदे अष्टमो(5)ध्यायः ॥ शके १५९५ परिधाविनामसंवत्सरे भाद्रपदवदिपञ्चमीतदिने समाप्तः॥ अध्यापकगिरिभट्टाचे पुस्तकम् ॥ १७०० ग्रन्थसंख्या । Subject: Sixth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka VI-1-1 to VI-8-33. Mandala VIII-2-12 to JX-2-43. Remarks:-The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. The Me. belongs to one Adhyāpaka Giri Bhatta. The date of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 270 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF the Ms. is given as Saka 1595 or 1672 A. D. which falls in the year परिधावि. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 443. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection. No. 106. Substance-Paper. Size-8x30 inches. Sheets-105. Lines-9 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No of Granthas--1700. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 442. Colophon: इति श्रीषष्ठाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ नागराजेन स्वरितम् ॥ यादृशं पुस्तकं दृष्ट्वा तादृशं लिखितं मया । अप(ब)त्थं(छ) वा सुपत्थं(बद्धं) वा मम दोषो न विद्यते ॥ व्ययनामसंवत्सरे दक्षिणायने वर्षऋतौ भाद्रपदमासे शुक्लपक्षे चतुद(द) श्यां भौमवारे अस्मिन्दिने अपु(पु)देवभट्टस्य इदं षष्ठा [मा]ष्टकपद पुस्तकं लोकोपकारार्थं विश्वनाथभट्टस्वहस्तलिखितं ॥ समाप्तं षष्ठा[माष्टकं ॥ Remarks:-The Ms. is accented. It is in very good condition. The scribe's name is given as Visvanátha Bhatta and the name of the owner of the Ms. is given as Appu Bhatta. The date of the Ms. is given as 544 year. No Saka date is given. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 444. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAR. T. S. Collection. No. 21. Substance-Paper. Size-31x5t inches. Sheets-108. Lines-9 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-1700. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Beginning, end and subject--- Same as No. 442. Colophon : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति षष्ठाष्टके अष्टमो (S) ध्यायः ॥ इति (ऋग्वेदपदे) अष्टाचत्वारिंशो (s) ध्यायः ॥ क्रोधिसंवत्सराश्विनवद्य चतुर्दशी सौम्य वासरे षष्ठाष्टके अष्टमो ( S) ध्याय: । इदं पुस्तकं पौराणिकोपनामराक्षसभुवनकर कमलाकर भट्टस्यात्मजेन लिखितं ॥ ह्या अध्या मध्ये चारि अध्ये दोन फल्लमास विकत घेतले | वरकडचारि अध्ये म्यालिहिले अस्सति शके इदं पुस्तकं राक्षसभुवनकरस्य ॥ स्वार्थं परोपकारार्थं ॥ श्रीशिव ॥ इति अष्टचत्वारिंशो(S) ध्याय: || कमलाकर भट्टस्य सुतेन स्वरितम् ॥ स्वस्ति श्रीनृपशाली (लि) वाहनशके १७०६ क्रोधिनामसंवत्सरे राक्षसभुवनकरस्थपु (पौराणिकोपनामकवासुदेवात्मकगोविंदसूनुकमलाकरतांबाजिना तंजपुरे लिखितं इदं (यं) षष्ठाष्टकपदपुस्तकस्य समाप्तिः ॥ शिवशिव० ॥ भग्नपृष्टी (ष्ठ) काटेग्रीवा (वो) बद्धदृष्टिरधोमुखं (खः) । कष्टेन लिखितं (खति) प्रन्थं यत्नेन परिपालयेत् ॥ 271 Remarks : - The Ms. is accented. The front page of the title sheet contains the Padapatha of the 2nd and 3rd Vargas of the 4th Adhyāya of the 6th Astaka. The Ms. belongs to Kamalākara Bhatta, being written by his son Ambaji at Tanjore. The date of the Ms. is given as Saka 1756 or 1784 A. D. in the year क्रोधि. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 445. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. For Private and Personal Use Only Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 i. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-9 X 4 inches. Sheets-14. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. thas--- 200. No. of Gran. Incomplete. Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 272 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning-Same as No. 442. End : विश्व । पश्यतः । बिभृथ । तनूषु । आ । तेन । नः । अधि । वोचत । क्षमा । रपः । मरुतः । आतुरस्य । नः । इष्कर्त । विहु तं । पुनरिति ॥ २६ ॥ Colophon: इति एकचत्वारिंशोध्यायः ॥ (षष्ठाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः) Subject : Sxith Astaka. First Adhyaya, Astaka VI-1-1 to VI-1-40. Mandala VIII-2-12 to VIII-3-20. Remarks :--The beginning of the second Adhyaya "वयं। ऊं इति । त्वां। अपूव्ये । स्थूरं । न" is given after the Colophon. This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 446. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2356 e. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-91 x 37 inches. Sheets---102. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -1320. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 442. End: कदा । नः। इंट। रायः । आ । दशस्येः। विश्व० प्स्न्यस्य । स्पृहयाय्यस्य । राजन् ॥ ३८ ॥ Colophon : (Sheet No. 88) इति षष्ठाष्टके पश्चमो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject ; Sixth Astaka. 1-6 Adhyayus. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 273 Astaka VI-1-1 to VI-6-38. Mandala VIII-2-12 to VIII-10-97. Remarks: This Ms. is throughout accented and is in excellent condition. dl FagTTO: 1 447. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. J. L. Collection. No. 116. Substance-Paper Size--115x5 inches. Sheets-38. Lines-10 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas---1690. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 442. End : ETA: I IST i qet: (urat i afte i floud il क्रंदन् । देवान् । अर्जाजनत् ॥) Subject: Agbaka VI-1-1 to VI-8-32. Mandala VIII-2-12 to IX-2-42. Remarks :-This Ms. ends abruptly in the 4th rk of the 32nd Varga of the 8th Adhyāya. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition though a little worn out here and there. Il POFTET: 11 448. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2357 f. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-8} x 31 inches. Sheets-70. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Granthas -1200. Incomplete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 442. Colophon : इति षष्ठाष्टकेऽष्टमोऽध्यायः ॥ 85 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 274 समाप्तोऽष्टकः ॥ श्रीराम ॥ संवत् समये आषाढवदौ चतुर्दश्यां खौ तद्दिनेऽयमष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भवतु ॥ A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks :—In this Ms. sheets are not properly numbered. Many sheets are missing in the middle. Hence only a fragment. The Ms. is partly accented and is in a fairly good condition. End : ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 449. RG VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Page 1. Right column. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets- 91. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355g. Substance-Paper. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1500. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीवेदव्यासाय नमः ॥ aft: 3o 11 प्र । न॒ः । इ॑द॒ इति॑ । म॒हे । तने॑ । ऊर्मिं । न । बि प्र॑त् । अर्ध॒सि॒ ।। अभि । देवान् । अयास्य॑ः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Colophon : अस्ता॑वि । अ॒ग्निः । न॒रा॑ । सु॒०शेव॑ः । वैश्व॒न॒रः ०भिः | सोम॑० गोपाः ० (अ॒वे॒षे इति॑ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी इति॑ हुवे॒म॒ । दे॒वा॑ } इति श्रीसप्तमाष्टकेमो ( s) ध्यायः ॥ ८ । श्रीगोविंदमुकुंद के शवशिवश्रीवल्लभ श्रीनिधे श्रीवैकुंठसुकंठ कुंठितरवस्वामिन कंठोदये ॥ र॒यिं । अ॒स्मे इति॑ । सु॒वीरं॑ ॥) For Private and Personal Use Only ऋषि · । २९ ॥ च॒त्त । Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS "275 "परिधावि(ना)मसंवत्सरे मार्गशीर्षशुद्धदशमि(म्यां) तहिनी(ने) समाप्तः ।। अध्यापकगिरिभहाचे पुस्तकम्” ॥ Subject : Seventh Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Astaka VII-1-1 to VII-8-29] [Mandala IX-2-44 tox-4-45. Remarks :-This Ms. is throughout accented. The latter half of the last rk of the 7th Astaka is not given in this Ms. The Ms. is in fairly good condition. The Ms. belongs to Adhyāpaka Giri Bhatta. The date of the Ms. is given as oftenê year or 1672 A.D... ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः !! 450. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2358 f. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-71X3d inches. Sheets-156. Lines...-7 to a Puge. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthae ---1500. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 449. Colophon : (इति) सप्तमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ।। "शके १६१९ ईश्वरनामसंवत्सरे चैत्रशुद्ध सप्तमीगुरुवासरे कुंभकोण ग्रामे अनन्तघोगरग्रामस्थेन लिखितं केतुकरशेषभहस्य दसं । श्रीवेंकटेशार्पणमस्तु ।” Remarks :--This Ms. is partly accented and is in fairly good condition. The date of the Ms. is given as Saka 1619 or 1697 A. D. which falls on the year ईश्वर. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 451. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2358 g. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--81x37 inches. Sheets-66. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 276 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines-8 to 10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthae-1500. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 449. Colophon : इति सप्तमाटकेऽष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ समातो(s)यमष्टकः ॥ शके १५५६ समये भाद्रपदमासे तृतीयायां शुल्ले शनिवासरे कृष्णातीरे तदिवसेऽयमष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भवतु ॥ Remarks :-This Ms. is partly accented. The date of the Ms. is given as Saka 1556 or 1634 A. D. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 452. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection. No. 107. Substance-Paper. Size-72x31 inches. Sheets-60. Lines-10 to & Page. Script-Deva nāgari. No. of Granthas-1500. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 449. Remarks :- This Ms. is partly accented. It is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 453. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No. 110. Substance-Paper. Size-10x48 inches. Sheets-73. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Deva nāgarl. No. of Granthas—1500. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 449. Remarks :-This Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 281 Beginning : (क्रत्वै । दक्षाय । नः । कवे । पवस्व । मोम) । धारया ।। इंद्राय । पातवे । सुतः । मित्राय । वरुणाय । च ॥ २७ ॥ End :-Same as No. 449. Colophon : ___ इति सप्तमाष्टके पदे अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ॥ श्रीवासुदेवार्पणमस्तु । संवत् शके १६३५ वर्षे विजयनामसंवत्सरे दक्षिणायने हिमंत्रितो (हेमन्तौँ) मार्गशीर्षमासे कृष्णपक्षे सप्तम्यां भृगुवासरे तंजावरक्षेत्रे इदं पुस्तकं समाप्त:(म्)॥ नरशिंपुरकररघुभहस्येदं पुस्तकम् ॥ कष्टेन लिखितं ग्रंथं यत्नेन प्रतिपालयेत् ।। लेखकपाठकयोः शुभं भवतु ॥ Subject : Seventh Astaka. 4-8 Adhyayas. Astaka VII-4-27 to VII-8-29. Mandala IX-6-100 tox-4-45. Remarks :-This Ms, abruptly begins in the middle of the last sk of the 27th Varga of the 4th Adhyaya. In the middle of this Ms. portions from the last but one řk of the 21st Varga of the 6th Adhyaya to the beginning of the 10th Varga of the 8th Adhyaya of the 7th Astaka are missing. The Ms. is accented. At the beginning of each Adhyaya the अनुक्रमणिका of rsi, chandas, devata etc., is given. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. The date of the Ms. is given as Saka 1635 or 1713 A. D. in the year विजय. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 461. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2358 b. Page 1. Right column. 36 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 282 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size-71x3 inches. Sheets-96 (Sheets 1-20%; 15-633967-98). Lines-8 to 10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas--1400. Incomplete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 419. Remarks:-This Ms. is partly accented. In this Ms. 1-20 Vargas of the 6th Adhyāya are missing. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 462. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2357_h. Page 1. Right column. Substance--Paper. Size--8} X 35 inches. Sheets--82. Lines--10 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -1700. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीरस्तु ॥ ॐ॥ प्र होता । जातः । महान् । नभाऽवित् । नृ०सा । सीदत् । अपां । उपस्थे । दधिः । यः । धायि । सः। ते | वयांसि । यता । वसूनि । विधते । तनूऽपाः ॥ End-Same:as No. 463. Colophon: अष्टमाष्टके(s)टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: Eighth Aştaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-8-49. Mandalax-4-46 toX-12-191. Remarks: This Ms. is accented except in the last sheet and is in a fairly good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 283 ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 463. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. T. S. Collection No. 24. Substance-Paper. Size-91x44 inches. Sheets-101. Lines--8 to 10 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-1700. Complete. Beginning and subject -Same as No. 462. End : समानी । वः । आकूतिः । समाना(ना) । हृदयानि । वः ॥ समानं । अस्तु | व | मनः । यथा । वः । सुऽसंह । अ सति ॥ ४९॥ Colophon: इति श्री अश्माष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ॐ शके १७०५ शोभकृत्संवत्सरभाद्रपदवद्यप्रतिपदा(दि) गुरुवासरे चतुर्थयामे समाप्तः । इदं पुस्तक पौराणिकोपनामराक्षसभुवनकर. कमलाकरभट्टस्य पुत्रेण लिखितं ॥ इति ऋग्वेदपदेषु चतुःषष्टितमो. (s)ध्याय: ।। कमलाकरभट्टस्येदं पुस्तकं ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ सांबशिवार्पणमस्त । कोल्हापुरमहालक्ष्म्यै नमः ॥ क्रोधिसंवत्सर आ षाढवद्यचतुर्दशीशुक्रवासरे कमलाकरभट्टस्य सूनुना स्वरितम् ॥ Remarks:-The beginning of the Yajur Veda Padapatha "इषे । त्बा । ऊर्जे । त्बा ॥" is given before the colophon. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. The Ms. belongs to Kamalākara Bhatta. The date of the Ms. is given as Saka 1705 or 1783 A. D. in the year शोभकृत् । ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 464. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No.2359j. Page 1. Right column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 284 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets-18. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -250. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 462. End : दक्षस्य । वा । अविते । जन्मनि । वते(ते)। राजाना । मित्राव(वरुणा । आ । विवामसि ।। अतूर्तऽपन्थाः । पुरुऽरथः । अर्यमा | सप्ताहोता । विषुs रूपेषु । (जन्मऽसु । ६ ॥) Subject: Eighth Astaka, 1-2 Adhyāyas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-2-6. Mandalax-4-46 tox-5-64. Remarks:--This Ms. breaks off at the end of the last Rk of the 6th Varga of the 2nd Adhyāya. The Ms. is accented and is in fairly good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 465. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2359 k. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets-24. Lines-13 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -400. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 462. End: वयः । सुऽपर्णाः । उप । सेदुः । इंद्रं । प्रियऽमेधाः । ऋष यः । नाधमानाः ॥ अप । ध्वांतं । ऊर्गुहि । पूर्धि । चक्षुः । मुमुग्धि । असा न् । (निधयाऽइव । बद्धान् ॥) Subject: Eighth Astaka. 1-3 Adhyâyas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 385 Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-3-4. Mandala X-4-46 to X-6-73. Remarks This Ms. breaks off at the end of the last Rk of the fourth Varga of the third Adhyaya. The Ms. is unaccented. The letters are disappearing in some of the sheets. । ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 466. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No. 112. Substance --Paper. Size-94 X 4% inches. Sheets-34. Lines-10 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-550. Incomplete. Beginning--Same as No. 462. End : यः । ते। मन्यो इति । अविधत् । बज्र । मायक। सहः । ओजः । पुष्यति । विश्व । आनुषक् । मह्याम । दास । आर्य । त्वयो । युजा । सहःऽकृतेन । सह सा । सहस्व(ता)। Colophon: (Sheet No. 27). इत्यष्टमाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ।। गोपालभट्टकालेन स्वरितम् ॥ 3ubject : Eighth Astaka. 1-3 Adhyayas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-3-18. Mandala X-4-46 to X-6-83. Remarks:-This Ms. ends in the first rk of the 18th Varga of the 3rd Adhyaya. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 467. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2356 g. Page 1. Right column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 286 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size--71X44 inches. Sheets-60. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --800. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as. No. 462. End : त्रिः । स्म । मा । अह्नः । श्नथयः । वैतसेन । उत । स्म । मे । अव्यत्यै । पृणासि ॥ पुरूरवः । अनु । ते । केतं । आयं । राजा । मे। वीर । तन्वः । तत् । आसीः । ३२ ।। Colophon: इत्यष्टमाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject : Eighth Astaka. 1-4 Adhyayas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-4-32. Mandala X-4-46 to X-8-95 (5th Rk). Remarks : In this Ms. the thirtysecond Varga of the fourth Adhyāya corresponds to the First Varga of the Fifth Adhyāya in the printed edition of the Rg Veda Samhită. This Ms. is partly accented and is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 468. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. J. L. Collection No. 111. Substance-Paper. Size--10 X41 inches. Sheets-72. Lines-10 to a Page. Script Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--1500. Incomplete. Beginning:-Same as No.462. End : त्वं । इंद्र । अभिऽभूः । असि । विश्वा । जातानि। ओजसा ।। सः । विश्वाः । भुवः । आ । अभवः ।) Subject: Eighth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 287 Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-8-11. Mandala X-4 46 to X-12-153. Remarks :--This Ms. breaks off in the beginning of the last Rk of the 11th Varga of the 8th Adhyāya. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. Il pacTETTY: 11 469. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2355 h. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size 94 X 4 inches. Sheets--129. Lines-7 to a Page. Script--Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1650. Incomplete. Beginning :--Same as No. 462. End: 47:17 : STT: forff SFAT: 1 qtraat: 1 37T I FTUDY I TETT: il TÅ I ÅSunt igf I fara sa isai ar Pre i fati : I get 11 Subject: Eighth Astaka. 1-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka VIII-1-1 to VIII-8-38 (2nd Rk). Mandala X-4-46 to X-12-180. Remarks :- This Ms. ends in the second Rk of the 38th Varga of the eighth Adhyāya. This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition, though some of the sheets in the end are too inuch worn out. Il pagamIT: 11 470. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2356 h. 'Page 1. Right column, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 288 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size -9x4 inches. Sheets-38. Line8--14 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1300. Incomplete. Beginning : ऋजीती। एनी । रुशती । महित्वा । परि। जयोसि । भरते। रजांसि ॥ अदब्धा । सिंधुः। अपसौ। अपःऽतमा। अश्वा । न। .. चित्रा । वपुषीऽइव । दर्शता ॥ End--Same as No. 463. Colophon : इत्यष्टमाष्टके अष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ॥ बहुधान्यसंवत्सरपुष्यवदिप्रतिपदा.... ।। श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु ।। Subject: Eighth Astaka. 3-8 Adhyāyas. Astaka. VIII-3-7 to VIII-8-49. Mandalax-6-75 tox-12-191. Remarks:--The Ms. is partly accented. The Ms. is much worn out. ॥ ऋग्वेदपदपाठः॥ 471. RG-VEDA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8967. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-171x1 inches. Leaves-349. Lines-9 or 10 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-12,930. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 393. End-Same as No. 463. Colophon: इत्यष्टमाष्टकः परिसमाप्तः ॥ सर्वजित् वर्ष ALLTHLET 20a- कुंभीश्वरवाध्यार् ऋग्वेद(पद) पुस्तकम् ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 289 Subject: 1-8 Astakas, Axtaka 1-1-1 to VIII-8-49] [Maņdala 1-1-1 to X-12-191. Remarks :--The beginning of the Yajurveda “ecarstatte O" is given before the colophon. This Ms. is not accented. The Ms. is in good condition. The Ms. is declared to be written on the 20th day of the month of Purattāśi (Tamil Calender-October) of the year Hattat and to have belonged to one Kumbhāśvara Vādhyār. Il megegT: II 472. RG-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8968 b. Page 1. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size---171 x 14 inches. Leaves 224 (1-125; 1-119). Lines-8 to a Page. Script--Gran tha. No. of Granthas-6400. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 432. End-Same as No. 463. Colophon: (fa waoge 44 ) FT @(a) 516 ja Subject: 5-8 Agakas. Astaka V-1-1 to VIII-8-49. Mandala VI-6-62 to X-12-191. Remarks :-The Ms. is not accented and is very much worn out. The Ms. is declared to be written on the eighth day of the month of Tai Tamil Calender-Janauary February) of the year 4. H HIGHETTI 473. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9083. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16_xl} inches. Leaves-28, 37 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 290 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines—7 to a Page. Script--Grantha. No. of Granthas -650. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ __ अन आँ याहि वीतये गृणानो हव्यंदातये । निहांता सत्सि बर्हिषि ॥ End: एवाहयेव एवाह्यग्ने । एवाहीन्द्र । एवा हि पूषन् । एवा हि देवाः ॥ इन्द्रं धनस्य द्वे । शीहि शयो गोषुदाथे व्यनपूदे । वारि । स्वा. १. उदात्त. २. धारि. २४. खि. ३. Colophon: विदामघवन् शकरि समाप्तम् ॥ Subject : Purvarcika-Agneya, Aindra and Pavamana-and Ārana and Mahānãmní or Sakvarī Divisions. Remarks :-After the colophon at the end of this Ms., two rks are given : (1) उद्वयं तमसस्परि ज्योतिः पश्यन्त उत्तरम् etc., and (2) तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि. etc. This and other Palm leaf Mss. follow only the Parva division in Pürgārcika and the Adhyāya division in Uttarárcika. The Prapāthaka and Ardhaprapāthaka division along with the one noted above is found in the printed Volumes of Sāma Veda Samhita. Cf. The Calcutta Edition of Säina Veda Samhita by Pandit Jīvānanda Vidyasāgar. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. The Ms. is accented. ॥ सामवेदसंहिता ॥ 474. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9084. Page 10. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 291 Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16x1 inches. Leaves-24. Lines----8 to a Page. Script-Grantha, No. of Granthas660. Complete. Beginning---Same as No. 478. End : एवाहयेव । एवाह्यो । एवाहि इन्द्र । एवाहि पूषन् । एवाहि देवाः ।। स्वारम्. ६. ॥ उदात्तम् २. ॥ धारि २४ ॥ खि ॥ Colophon : इति शकर्यः ॥ Subject: Purvarcika-Agneya, Aindra and Pavamāna; Arana, Sukriya and Mahānāmni (Sakvarī) Divisions. Remarks:--See Remarks on No. 473. In addition one more Rk is given: आक्रन्दय कुरु योष +++ शयातैके शवच्छिरः ॥ स्वारं २. उदात्तम् २. धारि(य)। ५॥ छु । This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ सामवेदसंहिता ॥ 475. SAMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No.9085. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-14X17 inches. Leaves--47. Lines-4 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas --250. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 473. End : तव त्यनयं नृ(तो)पोप इन्द्र प्रथमं पूर्व्य दिवि प्रवाच्यं कृतम् । यो देवस्य शवसा प्रारिणा असु रिणत्रपः । भुवो विश्वमभ्यदेवमोजसा विदेदूर्ज शतक्रतुर्विदेदिषम् ॥९॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 292 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: sa yo a ll gro: o ir Subject: Pūrvārcika-Agneya and Aindra Parvas only. Remarks :--This Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. A transcribed copy of the Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 33., the date of copying being 1914. A. D. [Reference. T. V. 33. (No 1.)] HaGrikat ll 476. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2506 a. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11 X 43 inches. Sheets-45. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas ---650. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 473. End: एवाह्येव । एवाह्यग्ने । एवाहींद्रं । एवाहि पूषन् । एवाहि देवाः । ॐ एवाहि देवाः ॥ ११ ॥ Colophon : TITOR parar if Subject: Pūrvárcika--Āgneya, Aindra and Pavamāna; Āraņa and Mahānāmni (Sakvarī) divisions. Remarks This Ms. is not accented. By mistake the colaphon 66 STTTOTETE Hattat” is given after the Mahānămní otherwise known as Sakvarī division. This Ms. contains divisions only by Dašatis, and not by Prapathakas or by Adhyāyas. The Ms. is in good condition. ll ATHCHEATH 477. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9086. Page 10. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Lines-9 to a Page. -1300. Complete. Beginning: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS End: Substance-Palm leaf. Size-153 x 14 inches. Leaves-47. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas ॥ श्रीगोपालगुरवे नमः ॥ उपास्मै गायता नरः पवमानायेन्दवे । अभि देवां इंयक्षते ।। Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमि (:) स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥ धारि - २९ ॥ उदात्तम् - १. स्वारम् ... Colophon: ॥ सामवेदसंहिता ॥ SAMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. 293 एकविंशो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ Subject: Uttararcika: 1-21 Adhyayas. Remarks:-The front Page of the first leaf of this Ms. contains the last five Ṛks of Sakvari and the three Ṛks-(1) 'İ तमसस्परि' (2) 'तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं' and (3) 'आक्रन्दय कुरु योष०' At the end two indices of this Uttararcika are given (1) giving the beginnings of all treas 'उपदवपव । अग्न आ नो मित्र' etc., and (2) giving the beginnings of all the khandas of all the Adhyayas. The latter of these two indices goes by the name of Uttarachalākṣara. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition, though the first leaf is slightly damaged. Lines-7 to a Page. -1300. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 477. 478. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9087. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16 x 11 inches. Leaves-56. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas For Private and Personal Use Only Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 294 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon: clarat(s)&214: 11 उत्तर समाप्तम् ।। Remarks .--This Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. A transcribed copy of this Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 31, the date of copying being Saka 1835 or 1913 A. D. in the year Pramādi. [Ref. T. V. 34. (No. 2.)] 11 Arachitat i 479. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9088. Page 10. Left column. Substance---Palm leaf. Size-167 X1 inches. Leaves-_-55. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -1300. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 477. Colophoni darat(s)477: कोनेरिराजपुरनिवासाय उमामहेश्वराय मङ्गलम् । Remarks :-This Ms. is throughout accented and is in good con dition. A transcribed copy of the Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 35, the date of copying being Saka 1935 or 1919 A. Din Saka 1935 or 1913 A. Din the year Pramãdi. [Ref. T. V. 35. (No. 3.)7 ll AlHÇALEAT II 480. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2506 b. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--11x45 inches. Sheets--73. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas ---1300. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 295 Beginning, end and subject-Saine as No. 477. Colophon: इति नवमः प्रपाठकः ।। इत्युत्तरसंहिता समाप्ता ॥ Remarks :-This Ms. is not accented and contains only the Prapa thaka and Ardha-Prapāthaka division and not the division by Adhyayas. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ सामवेदपदपाठः ॥ 481. SĀMA-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9089 a. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-141X11 inches. Leaves-70 (1-70). Lines-5 or 6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-900. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ शुभमस्तु । ॐ अंग्ने । आयाहि । वीतये । गृणानः । हव्यंदातये । हव्यं । दातये ॥ नि । होता । सत्सि । बर्हिषि ॥ End: एवं । हि । एवं । एवं । हि। अग्ने । एवं । हि । इन्द्र । एवं । हि । पूषन् । एवं । हि । देवाः ॥ ७९ ॥ Colophon : शकरि समाप्तम् ॥ Subject: Pūrvārcika Padapātha: Āgneya, Aindra and Pava. __māna; Arana and Sakvari Divisions. Remarks :- In the beginning and end of each ten řks the following three lists are given: (1) "नमस्ते ।। दीर्घः ॥ मः जमैः । त्रं हं म जि वरा ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 296 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF न द्यो नी भाषा मः । रारामं । ति से श्वं रमो जछं न यं जः स्व ततिः ॥ ३३ ॥" (2) “विसर्जनीयः । मः। यः । मैः । वः | यः । । तिः । तः। विः । तः । योः । स्तः । स्तः . मः । तः । भिः । भिः । नः। र्त्यः। भिः । भिः । सः । तिः रः । २४॥ (8) "पर्व ।। अ । विश्व । हव्य । अ । हव्यः । दिवे । दोषा । जर । विशे । सं । और्व । समुद्र । वि। ० १३ ॥ डो॥ This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. A transcribed copy of this Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 366, the date of copying being 30th November 1913. [Ref. T. V. 36. (No. 4.)] ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 482. SAMA-VEDA GANAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9090. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-161x1 inches. Leaves-172. Lines--7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -2400. Complete. Beginning : प्रकृतिः आग्नेयम् । हरिः ॐ ।। गौतमस्य पर्कः ॥ ओ त ग्नाइ । आँ छो याही ण रोइतोया प्रे इ । तो का या प्रेइ । गृकाणीनों ह । व्यचो दातो या प्रेइ । तो का या प्रेइ । नाधी इहांतासा । त्सा वे इ बा औहोबा । ही टू पी दी. ७. प. ९. मा. ९ । झो ॥१॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 297 End: एवद्विः । ए च । वलूदो वदो वदो । नृम्णानि रयTil for THUET: 11 to 8861918231 91. 804 Colophon : भारुण्डमामानि ॥ प्रकृतिसामानि समाप्तानि ॥ Subject : Prakstigāna—Āgneya, Aindra and Pāvamāna; Āraņa or Āruņa, Sukriya, Mahānāmni or Sakvari and three Bhāruņda Sämans. Remarks :--The last eight leaves of the Ms. contain the index of the whole Prakştigăna which goes by the name of 'Prakstichala kşara'. This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. Il ATHÈGIA II 483. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9092. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--143x1} inches. Leaves-- 128. Lines—7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran. thas --2300. Complete. Beginning--Same as No. 482. End--Same as No. 473. “TENTO" Colophon : fa ya F184 1 Subject: Prakştigăna-Āgneya, Aindra and Pāvamāna; Āraña, Sukriya and Mahānãmdi or Sakvarī Divisions. Remarks :-The last Section - padi' contains only the Řks beginning with 'fa149T' and not the gāna proper. This Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. 38 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 208 A DËSORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 484. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2521. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11kx41 inches. Sheets-115. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Devanagarf. No. of Granthas -1400. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 482. End: शाकपूतं । आपानोवयोवयश्यायाम् । मशे होतं गहरा इष्ठाम् । महान्तं पूर्विणाइष्ठाम् । उग्रं वा चाः । अटोपवाधां इः ॥ दी. ५। प. . ५। मा. ८॥ Colophon : (Sheet 110). इति बिष्टुप् समाप्तः ॥ (अथानुष्टुप्) Subject : Prakrtigana : Agneya Purva and a part of Aindra Parva. Remarks :- This Ms. ends in the middle of the Anugtup khand a of the Aindra Parva The Ms. is partly accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 485. SAM A-VEDA GANAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2522. Page 10. Left column. Substance --Paper. Size-12X48 inches. Sheets---82. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1500. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 482. End : त्रैकककुभानि त्रीणि ॥ य प ए क इ दि हाँ हा उ । वीर द यता इ। व कः सुमार्ता । यरदाश्रुषा इ । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 299 इका शी(नो) नू आ । प्रो झिति कुता उवा । इंट द्राः । अं र गा। औ ची वा । हो ता इ । डाप ।। दी. ६ । प. ११. मा. ९. को ॥. याद् ए । काट् ईत । वीशेदायाता (इ । वायो संमतो हा ॥). Colophon : (Sheet No. 80). _अनुष्टुप् समाप्तम् ॥ (अथेन्द्रपुच्छम् ॥) Subject: Prakrtigana: Agneya and Aindra Parvas. Remarks:-This Ms. ends abruptly in the middle of the Indra puccha khanda (the last of the 7 khandas) of the Aindra Parva. This Ms. is throughout accented and is in good condition. ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 486. SAMA-VEDA GANAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2520. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-11x5 inches. Sheets-92. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1700. Incomplete. Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॐ नमः सामवेदाय । विश्वामित्रो गायत्री सविता ।। ॐम् । भवस्वः । तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भैगो देवस्य धीमहि । धियोयोनः प्रचोदयात् । परमेष्टी प्रजापतिर्गायत्र्यनिः। गायत्रं । र । तत्सवितुर्वरेणयोम् । भगो देवस्य धीमहीर । धियोयोनः प्रचों १२१२ । हुम् । और दायो । ०६ ॥ दी० ६ ५० ७ । मा० २ । खा ॥१॥ पर्कम् । गोतमो For Private and Personal Use Only Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 300 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF गायत्र्यमिः ॥ ॐय् । ओना है। आर्याहि वों इतोया ॥ End: इंद्राण्या साम । इंद्राणी गायत्री सोपः ॥ उच्चाते जातमंधसाः। दिवा इसा २२४ मिया २ ददे । ओम् । ओश्वा । ओश्वा । ववा २३ होइ । उग्र शा २३ मा । ओ ३ वा । ओ ३ वा । वव । २३ होइ । महिश्रवो२ । या २३४ औहो वाययुरे २३४५ ॥ दी ५ । प १४ । मा ५ । घू ।। १२ ॥ आमहीय वम् ॥ अमहीयुयज्ञा सो । Colophon: (Sheet 91). इत्यैन्द्रपर्व समाप्त:(म) (अथ पा(व)मानं पर्वोच्यते ।।) Subject: Prakști Gāna: Āgneya and Aindra complete and the Beginning of the Pāvamāna Parva. Remarks :--This Ms. ends with the first æk of the Pāvamāna Parva beginning with 'उच्चा ते जातमन्धसः'. This Ms. is partly accented and the text of this is different from the other copies of this Prakstigāna Ms. The Ms. is in fairly good condition. ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 487. SAMA-VEDA GANAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2523. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-10x43 inches. Sheets-72. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas--1000. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 301 Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॐ नमः सामवेदाय ॥ अंजो वैरूपं । वैरूपो बृहतीन्द्रः ।। अष्टसु । यद्याव ई । द्रता ३१ ऊवा २३ शा २३४ ताम् । हाहा ३१ रूवा २३ । ई २३४ डा। शतं भूमीः । उता ३१ ऊवा २३ सी २३४ युः । हाहा ३१ ऊवा २३ । ई २३४ डा। नत्वा वनि सहस्र ८. सु । रिया ३१ ऊवा २३ । अ २३४ हाहा ३१ ऊवा २३ । ई २३४ डा । नजा तम । ष्टरो ३ | आठु । वा २३ । दा २३४ सी । हाहा ३१ ऊवा २३ । इट इडा २३४५॥दी १०। प. १२ । मा १३ । फि॥ End: आ इवा । हिये व । २३४५ । हो । होऽऽ । वा हा ३१ ऊवा २३ । ई ३ डा। आहवा । हियग्ना २३४५ इ । होइ। होऽऽ । वाहा ३१ ग्ना २३४५ इ । होइ । होऽऽ । वाहा ३१ ऊवा २३ । ई ३४ डा। आ इवो । हि इंद्रो । २३४५ । होइ । होउ । वाहा ३१ ऊवा २३ । ई ३४ डा। आ इवा । हि पूषा ३३४५ न् । होइ । होऽऽवाहा ३ । ऊवा २३ ई ३४ डा । अश्वा । हिदव । २३४५। होइ । होऽ। वाहा ३१ ऊ वा २३ । ई ३४ डा । दी. प० ३० मा १९ । णो॥४॥ Colophon: ॐ महानानी समाप्ता ।। Subject: Araña Parva and Malānāmns, of which the Ārana For Private and Personal Use Only Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 302 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Parva consists ot four divisions: I. Arka Parva. II. Dvandva Parva. III. Trtiya Parva. IV. Vacovrata Parva. Remarks :-The text of this Ms. is slightly different from the Arana aud Mahanamni texts found in No. 482. In this Ms. Arana Parva is classified into four Parvas as noted above but the fourth Parva of this Ms. is generally believed to be a separate one called Sukriya Parva. The Ms. is not accented and is in good condition. ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 488. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9096. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leat. Size--161x1 inches. Leaves-149. Lines--8 to 10 to a Page. Script--Grantha. No. of Gran. thas-2500. Complete. Beginning: . उ फ ांता जीतमन्धसाः। दीछु । भूप्रे । मिकः न्ध उ रोम । मा। मकः इउ । वाचा! End: श्रायन्तीयम् । यो श्रायन्त इव सूरा याम् । अचो च्छशि इषाम् । गीधिरोप्रे अप्रे । दाकै प्रेताम् । आडे च्छी नी सांसी पुचु भू प्रेम्। पु चु आये। पूरा । प्रकः आ री कै प्रेणाम् । द्वा घि इ ता या भूतों म । दि चु इ वा प्रे। हे घि ती म वि शि । होकः ता। माका माः । हिर क । वि टी शा । ओ कु वा । हेद् ॥ दी २८ । उ ८ । मा २८ डै ४०॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 303 Colophon : श्रीवत्सकुलतिलकस्य श्रीकृष्णशर्मण पुत्रस्य स्मृतिकरपलता प्रवन्धकरणप्रवीणस्य अण्णनुपाध्यायस्य पुत्रस्य वेङ्कटेश्व. रशासिणः पुत्रेण भारद्वाजगोत्र.... तत्कुलसंभूतचिदंबरेश्व. रशर्मणः दौहित्रेण वैद्यनाथेन लिखितमिदं जहं संपूर्ण सल क्षणम् ॥ Subject : Uhagana: Dasara tra, samvatsara, Aikaha, Ahina, Satra, Prāyaścitta and kąudra divisions. Remarks :-At the end of the eleventh section in Dasarātra Division the following index is given :" एतास्वेव नाझिझे आसिताद्यसाध्याकूपाराणि । स्वासुमवि धर्म(म्)। उपो षु ची श्रुद्धयम् । स्वासां बु वरुठऐध्मवाहत्रैककुभोवंशीयानि । ऊचागुकू आजीगाभीके । पुनाटीरोघउत्सेधयज्ञायशीयनिषेधाः। आजाय गौरीवितम् । माचिदि मैथातिथम् । उदुत्येद् अभीवर्तः । अच्छत रोहितकुलीयम् । पर्यष्ठढेढो श्यावाश्वान्धीगवे । धन्वन्तौ वांनिधनसौहविषमेकादश ॥" This gives the beginnings and the names of the sãmans of the twenty subsections of the eleventh section of Dasarătra. This system of giving index at the end of each main section is throughout followed in this Ms. cf. No. 489. Th accented and is in a fair condition, with some damaged leaves in the middle. A transcribed copy of the Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 40, the date of copying being 30th March 1913. (Ref. T. V. 40 (No.5.)] ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 489. SAMA-VEDA GANAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9095. Page 10. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 304 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Palm leaf. Size-1512 X1} inches. Leaves— 210. Lines-6 to aPage. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-3450. Incomplete. Beginning: .... आत्र नई । स्व । आकूपारम् । म। ओकैत्रइ । द्रचन्ताम् । चिरैत्राभा प्रेया । चि (री सां गृक । औ चे हो ज्यभा-प्र-या। ए-रव-मको हंस्तहो) इ । ऑरहो । वाँट् वा ।। End: पुनानो अक्रमी दभी । ये । अग्ने मृडमहां असि । यामम् । पुथिनीनों अमाभि । ऑरूहा ओहा । वि टी श्वी | णीम् । ओं|........ ...... विटो इउ । नू है तौ हाँन्द । ऑ०...॥ दी. २२। उत्. ३। मा. १० । जौ ॥ Subject : Uhagana : Dasaratra to Ksudra. divisions. Remarks:--This Ms. begins abruptly in the middle of the second section of the Dasarātra division and breaks off in the middle of the last section of the Kşudra division. This Ms. is quite similar to No. 488 but does not give the index. The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. A transcribed copy of this Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 39, the date of copying being Saka 1835 or 1913 A. D. in the year Pramadi. [Ref. T. V. 39 (No. 6.)] ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 490. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9094. Page 10. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--141x14 inches. Leaveg-52. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -1200. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 805 Beginning : रथन्तराणि चत्वारि । स्व । आरभ त्वा शुरना नुमोवा। आका दुग्धा इव धेनव ईशानमस्य जगतः। सुकः वा दृशाम् । आघईशी नामा ईन्द्रा । सुकी स्थुषी ओति वाहा । End : भृकै प्रेषाइ । इ । प्रान्दता इन्द्रा पाई । अकीम् । चाताथाः । पकोवमानमहाहोइ । त्वान्दना वा उवा इकूद सा। दी १२ । उत् ३. मा ३४ । जी ॥ अर्गलै(ला) समाप्त()म् ॥ क्षुद्रं समाप्तम् ॥ कोनेरिराजपुरिवासिन्यै त्रिपुरसुन्दर्यै नमः ॥ रहस्य समाप्तम् ॥ O AGR GOOT IT IS Atiwi ना . वेङ्क. टेश्वराय नमः ॥ Colophon: Subject: Rahasyagāna : Dasarātra to Koudra Divisions. Each of the seven main divisions has got many sub-divisions as follows: 1. Dasaratra: 1-3 Sub-divisions. 2. Samvatsara 1-5 3. Aikaha 1-3 4. Ahina 1-3 5. Satra. 1-2 6. Prayascitta. 1-2 7. Ksudra. 1-6 Remarks:-This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 491. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9093. Page 10. Right column. a9 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 306 À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size-15}x17 inches. Leaves-41 (70111). Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran thas-1200. Complete. Beginniag, end and subject--Same as No. 490. Colophon: (fa) 1: 1 TERİ ĦAL !! Remarks: -The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. A trans cribed copy of the Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 38, the date of copying being Saka 183 (5) or 1913 A. D. in the year Pramādi. [Ref. T. V. 38. (No. 7.)] ll Algalli 492. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9091. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--175 X 15 inches. Leaves-168. Lines—8 or 9 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -3700. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 488. End and colophon-Same as No. 490. Subject: Sāma Veda Gāna: Uha and Rahasya with all their fourteen main Divisions. See subject on Nos. 488 and 490. Remarks:- See Remarks on 189. Only for the Ūha Section the beginnings of the Sāmans are given. At the end of the Ms. is given an incomplete index of the first four sections in Dasarātra divisions of the Uha-gāna, which furnishes the names and the beginning of the Sāmans therein: for example, “ irta-gaTĒTATTUT; 77 Thar” etc., etc. The Ms. is accented and is in a very much worn-out condition. A transcribed copy of the Ms. in paper is also available in the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 307 Library. See Transcript Volume 37, the date of copying being 20th May 1915. [Ref. T. V. 37 (No. 8.)] ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 493. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Size-105 X 48 Script-- Deva J. L. Collection. No. 58. Substance--Paper. inches. Sheets---2. Lines--10 to a Page. nāgarī. No. of Granthas---40. Complete. Beginning: End : बृहत्साम ॥ औहोय त्वामिद्धिहवामही ३ एं। सातौवाजा । स्याकारा २३४ वाः । नुवा ३४ । बेहोवा । वृत्रा यिषुवायि । द्रासा ३१ त् । पति ना २३४ राः। वैश्वानराम् । ऋतआ । जातमग्निम् । कवी सम्रा जा ई मति । थिञ्जनानाम् । औसनः पा । त्राँ ३ जन यन्तदेवाः । हो उहाँ उहाँ उ । च्योहं । च्योहम् । च्यो ३ हाँ उ । वा ३ ए ३ ऋतम् ।। १३ ।। Subject: A collection of Sāmans consisting of the Bșhat Saman, the Rathantara, the Vamadevya. the three Deva vrata Sāmans, the three Margsyava Sämans and the three Vaisvānara Sämans. Remarks :-To this Ms. is attached a loose sheet of a different size which contains two Sāmans that belongs to the Aindra Tristup. “ योनिनी द्वे । द्वयोत्समदस्त्रिष्टुबिंद्रः ॥ योनीः। त आपि । ......... सौम: । होवा । हो५यि । डा ॥ २॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 308 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 494. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. J. L. Collection. No. 57 a. Substance-Paper. Size-10×4 inches. Sheets-9 (1--9). Lines-7 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-120. Incomplete. Beginning : ॥ शिवाय नमः ॥ दीक्षणीयायामिष्टौ ॥ तार्क्ष्यसाम्नः तार्क्ष्य ऋषिः । इन्द्रो देवता । त्यपमूंषु । वाचजि । ना । मू । देवजूंताम् । सयौ हा वानन्ता | राचाता । रचिरा थानाम् । बहिष्पवमानस्य नवानां गायत्राणां पुष्कल ऋषिः गायत्रीछन्दः सोमो देवता । १) तार्क्ष्यसाम २) प्रवद्भार्गवसाम ३) औशनस्य (स) ४) सुब्रह्मण्य ५) वाजसाम ६) शुक्रसाम चन्द्रसाम * * * * मनोहिकार इत्युद्गीथस्य वासनविधिः Subject : Selections of Samans to be chanted in Dikṣṇīyesti. The names of the samans are as follows: " For Private and Personal Use Only * ८- ९) धर्मतनू (द्वे) सामनी १०) धर्मशेवनसाम ११) धेनुसाम १२) पयसाम १३) सिधुसाम १४) वसिष्टशफात्मके (द्वे) सामनी १५) व्रतपचे सामनी Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra १६) राजत्र साम. १७) अश्विनव्रजे (द्वे) सामनी १८) सुब्रह्मण्याह्वानसाम. १९) वार्षाहरसाम. २०) इष्टाहोत्रिय साम. २१) शैतसाम. २२) वामदेव्यसाम SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS End: २६) लोकद्वारसाम. २७) विश्वरूपगानम् २८) ज्योतिर्गानम् २९) बहिष्पवमानम्. Remarks:-The Ms. is accented and is in a fairly good condition. Subject: ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 495. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNAM. Script J. L. Collection. No. 57 b. Substance-Paper. Size-10 × 4 inches. Sheets-6 ( 10-15). Lines--7 to a Page. Devanågari. No. of Granthas-80. Incomplete. Beginning : ॥ श्री शिवाय नमः ॥ उक पास्मै गायता नरो । ॐ पा वामानायैदवाः 1 अभिदेव हया ३ क्षकतो आटु || २३) अनेव्रतसाम २४) सोमव्रतसाम २५) यज्ञसारथिसाम. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir व्याचेहदावायाइभुकैवद्वाजेष्ववि । ताकः भुवात् । हि कम इस्मो वार्घा इ । ऊनुः तत्रा ता तनू नाबू | वाटु || १) आसितसाम २) आमहीयव A collection of Sāmans. follows: ३) रौरव ४) यौधाजय For Private and Personal Use Only 309 Their names (5 Rks). (3 rks). (2 xks). (2 rks). are 28 Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 310 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ५) औशन (3rks). ६) कालेय (2 rks). ७) मायत्र (4 rks). ८) यौत्कल (4 xks). ९) आन्धीगव (3rks). १०) काव (3rks). ११) तृणपाणीय (2rks). Remarks:--These eleven Samans are to be chanted in the 33 rks that come within the first 55 rks of the Uttarārcika of Sāma Veda. This Ms. contains also five loose sheets which contain (1) an index of Margiya saman of Bahusami division; (2) the first Arka sarma sung in the rk 'अभित्वा शूर नोनुम' in the Brhat division; (3) the Vak-saman to be chanted in the rk 'कयानश्चित्र' in the Ekasami division. The Ms. is aceented, but the accent marks are not quite clear. The Ms. is in a decaying condition. ॥ सामवेदगानम् ॥ 496. SAMA-VEDA GANAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9126. Page 10. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-161x1 inches. Leaves-65. Lines-4 to 5 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-700. Incomplete. Beginning : आथर्वणप्रयोगकुशियसामानि ॥ रथन्तरं ॥ आँभित्वा शूर नानुमोवा ॥ अदुग्धा इव धेनवः ईशानमस्य जगतः । End: मार्गीयवं ॥ तद्वौहोवा । गाया। . . . . . . .. ......... . . . . . . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 311 दानं वांज । स्यगोमांऽश्ताऽ२ः॥ Subject:-A collection of Samans. Remarks:-These Samans are to be used by Atharvanas in Dvada śāha Prayoga. As per index given in the first four leaves the Samans are 170 in number, but this Ms. contains only 107 Sārnans from the beginning. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. ॥स्तोभपदपाठः ॥ 497. STOBHA PADAPATHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No.9089 b. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-141x1 inches. Leaves-12 (71-82). Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-150. Complete. Beginning : ॐ॥ सिद्धि। अथ । स्तोभ । प्रकृतिः। पू । कृतिः । अश्वाः । गावाः । हुवेवसु । हुवे । वसु ॥ End: अथ । असं। प्रोक्तानी प्रकृतिः। प्र। कृतिः । है । है । हया । है । स्वः । ज्योतिः। भाः । विशुः । वाजी । अश्वः । मेध्यः । स्वर्वते । भूः । भुवः । स्वरिति । सत्यं । पुरुषः। एं। इंडा । अथ। इंद । इंडा । होइ । हः । वा । हाँ। इंडा ॥ ३२ ॥ Colophon : (इति) पंचविंशः ॥ सौम्यवर्षे 60, (मृगशीर्षमासि) (स्तोभ) ऋपदग्रन्थं() नरसिंहशर्मस्वहस्तलिखितं () समाप्तम् (6) ॥ श्रीकृष्णाय नमः । गोविन्दाय नमः ॥ Subject: Stobha pada. 1-25 Sections. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 312 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks:-In this Ms. are given three lists,-one at the beginning and two at the end- of faastarat which is supposed to have three khandas, दीर्घ, पर्व and मात्रा (विसर्ग). (1) सिद्धि अथस्तोभ । दीर्घः ॥ थ। तिः। श्वं । दः। सु। सु । क्षा । निं । दः । सु । हुं । उ । च । ते । वः । श्वाः । तः । ति । ष । हः। यः। श्र। श्र । व । साः । वं । तं । तः। म । ध । श्वं । श्वं । श्व । म । यः । वः । शः। तिः। श्वा । व ।द । रे । श्वा । ना । ना । ४५ ॥ (2) प (व)।प्र। हुवे । विदाः । आ । आ । गातु । हविः । उद । सुसं । वि । सत्य । सु । अ। मधु । सं । वि । सदा । दुः। मुः । नृ । वि । वि ।। २५ ॥ (8) विस (गः) । तिः। तिः । श्वाः । वः । दाः। द्रः। थः । दाः । निः । तः । तः । क्रः। तः। तः। विः । गोः । धिः । धिः । धिः । धिः । वः । वाः । तः । तः । षः। खः । हा। स्वः । यः । साः । सः । सः। तः । तः। दुः। यः। वः । षः । शः । दः। शः । दुः । वः । मिः । भिः । कः । कः । वाः । ४७ ॥ झे ॥. प्रथमः ।। At the end of this Ms. the explanation of दीर्घ, पर्व and मात्रा is given as follows:- "विसर्जनीयमात्रायाः प्रथमखण्डबिसर्जनीयं (6) दीर्घ (6); द्वितीयखण्डविसर्जनीयं () पर्व[म्]; तृतीयखण्डविसर्जनीयं (:) मात्रा- इति खण्डवयस्य संज्ञा ॥" The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTA 313 ॥ सामवेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ 498. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9104 b. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-161x13 inches. Leaves-10. Lines—6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas --130. Incomplete. Beginning: हि गृ। हो सत्सि । ग्नेषां । णीमरं । जहनद्रवि । द्ध आ । विं व । वे । अभिः वि । म ।। 4 । मयमत्प । मये । ध्य । वि स । ह्यनो ॥ ३७॥ अ श्री ते नो व्यं । ये। णिं हेो हिं। पि । त्वं ज्ञा हो वितः । *. अ विदी स्मै त हो वो ह्य शे॥ स्वरितम् १०. उदावं नास्ति । धारि ३७ ।। End: तत् । वि नुं श्व । ३९ । जी ते गं तं मरं तु उत्येन गि का झें । त। श्री हूँ याँ । वे । दं वि-धी नि न्दं । से ले ॥ स्व०६ । उत्० ... । धारि० ३९ । को ५॥ Colophon : (Leaf No. 8) बहुसामि समाप्तम् ।। Subject: Three lists of letters that bear Svarita, Udätta and Dhāriya in the Āgneya Parva and in the Babusāmi and Ekasāmi divisions of the Aindra Parva. Romarks:-This Ms. breaks off at the beginning of the sixth (last) section of the Ekasami division of the Aindra Parva. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 314 A DBSORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ सामवेदगानानुक्रमणिका ॥ 499. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9089 c. Page 10. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--144 X 14 inches. Leaves- 23. (83-105). Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthag-350. Incomplete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ अविघ्नमस्तु ॥ अनि झो तत । त्वमने झू । अनिंदू कू । अग्निवृत्रा धू धे दी । श्रेष्ठ छो डौ कु । त्वमो झेतो एयूदैनु । आते थे । झ । त्वामग्ने जा । अमे विवस्व घो। एकोनविंशतिः प्रथमः ॥ End: परिस्वानोढि पयोहीनः । माभेमजीरवन्तरं । * परित्यमाद्यायां बुसंकृति । पुनाजी यशः प्रथमः ॥ पुरोथै ई निधनवाग्जम्भम् । उत्सोमि प्रव पुरो थूलोये... ॥ Colophon : (Leaf No. 90) इति प्रकृतिछलाक्षरं समाप्तम् ।। Subject: Sāma Veda Cbalāksara or an Index of the Praksti gāna consisting of the Āgneya, Aindra and Pávamána Parvas, the Aruņa, Sakriya and Sakvarī Divisions; Uha-gana with Seven main divisions; and Rahasyagāna consisting of Dasarātra, Samyatsara, Abina and the first section of Ekāba. Remarks This Ms. abruptly ends in the beginning of the second section of the Ekāha division of the Rahasya-gāna. The Ms. is in good condition. For the Trangcript Volume of this Me. See Remarks on No. 481. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 3 ॥ सामवेदगानानुक्रमणिका ॥ 500. SAMA-VEDA GANANUKRAMANIKA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9114. Page 10. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-91x1 inches. Leaves-22. Lines-5 oretoaPage. Script-Grantha. . No. of Granthag-130. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 499. End: “कविश्वा धनेन्द्रं नरे (च्छ ख) यशो मा भू। चतुरेकारेण । प्रवोमहे (था पक्ष एकारेण इन्द्रं नरोधै)। Colophon : (इति) दश तृतीयः । Subject: Sāma Veda Chalaksara or an index of Prakrti Gãa consisting o Agneya, Aindra, Pavamana and three Parvans of Arupa Parva. . Remarks:-This Ms. breaks off in the index of the 4th khanda of the Vrata Parva. The Ms. is in a very much worn-out condi: tion. A transcribed copy of the Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 47, the date of copying being Saka 1836 or 1914 A. D. in the year Ananda. [Ref. T. V. 47. (No.9)] ॥ सामवेदगानानुक्रमणिका ॥ 501. SAMA-VEDA GANANUKRAMANIKA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9115 a. Page 10. Right column. Substance-Palm leat. Size-71x14 inches. Leaves-10 (1-10). Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas--200. Incomplete. Beginning : उचान आमहीयनम् । पुना चौटी रौरवयोधाजये । प्रकृन्दै औशनम् ॥ कयावी वामदेव्यम् । तं वोदै For Private and Personal Use Only Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 318 A DEPORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF नौषसम् । तरोग कालेयम् । स्वादिन्द संहितम । पवस्वेन्द्रमच्छफोथो सफपोकले । End: वामिद्धि त्वं हि । भूजै कण्वबृहती। यया यदिन्द्रयादुदमाहापैष्टममे-प्रथमः ।। पिनासो भुधी हवं भोदधिहो दैवतमसे ।.... Colophon : Subject: Uhagānānukramanikā: Dasarātra and Prdyascitta complete and the first section in Kudra division. Remarks :--For the explanation of the Index, see Remarks on No. 488. This Ms. breaks off in the beginning of the second section of Ksudra Division. Besides this index. this Ms. contains two other incomplete Mss. (1) ज्वरहरशूलिनीमन्त्र: (1 leat) (2) शक्तिवादः (8 leaves). There is also one loose leaf containing the Indox of Sāma Veda Gāna, which is not to be traced out. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. A trangcribed copy of the Me, in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 48, the date of copying being Saka 1836 or 1914 A. D. [Ref. T. V. 48. (No. 10.)] ॥ सामवेदगानानुक्रमणिका ॥ 502. SĀMA-VEDA GĀNĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9116. Page 10. Right column. Substance-Palm leat. Size-131x1 inches. Leaveg-15. Lineg-6toaPage. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -180. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 501. End: उपोषितो प्रतीचि नेडम् काशीनम् । उत्से । पूगी. रीचितम् । आजा... । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 311 Subject: Ühagānānukramaniká : Dabarátra to Satra Divisions. Remarks This Ms. ends abruptly in the middle of the fourth Section of the Satra division. See Remarks on No. 488 for the explanation of the index of this Ms. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition, ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 503. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2474 8. Page 1. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--138 X 54 inches. Sheets-105. Lines-8 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1350. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ हुषे वोर्जे त्वा वायव(:) स्थोपायव(ः) स्थ देवो वः सविता प्रार्पयतु श्रेष्ठतमाय कर्मणे ॥ End: हुमौ देवौ जायमानौ जुषते(न्ते)मौ तमारसि गृहतामजुष्ट । आम्यामिंद्र(न्द्रः) पतमामस्वत: (न्तः) सौमापृषभ्यो जनदुनियासु ॥ ४२ ॥ Colophon: प्रथमकाण्डं संपूर्णम् ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ Subject: Black Yajurveda of the Taittiriyas. First Kanda. ____ 1-8 Prasnas. The Black Yajurveda Samhită consists of seven Kādas or Atakas, each Kända or Agtaka divided into a number of Preśnal or Prapathakas, each Praśna or Prapāthaka again bub-divided into a number of Anuvākas, each Anuvāka again sub-divided into a number of Pañcādis or Pañcābats. Remarke:-At the end of each Anuvaka in this Ms.. a PaAcadi For Private and Personal Use Only Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 318 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF index is given. For example, " qua: Fary: qoftare atat velfreglas 11" meaning that the Pañoādis of the (22nd) Anuvāka of the 8th Praśna end in words “ ka:, VETHT" etc. After this there are also three indices given at the end of each Praśna in this Ms.-for example, (1) CUT frater + qualfeurgtrakta: 11 -giving the beginnings of each Anuvāka in the (8th) Prasna; (2) ace Tea + fara fra Ik giving the beginnings of the groups of every ten Pañcādis of the (8th) Praśna; (3) HAUT great !! giving the beginning and ending words of the (8th) Praśna. The M8. is accented. This system of giving indices is throughout followed in this family of Msg. of Black Yajurveda Samhitä. The Mb. is in excellent condition. Il corrganisat il 504. KRSNAYAJOR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2475 a. Page 5. Left column. Substance---Paper. Size-84 X 33 inches. Sheets--103. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthes -1350. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 503. Colophon : इति प्रथमाष्टके अष्टमः प्रपाठकः ॥ शके १७४५ सुभानुनामाब्दे पौषशुषष्ठयां समापितम् ॥ Remarks :--For the indices in this Ms, see Remarks on No. 503. The Ms. is throughout accented and is in very good condition, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS. 319 The date of the Ms. is given as Saka 1745 or 1823 A. D. in the year Subhānu. Il cuygacdeal 11 505. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2483 a. Page 1. Left column. SubstancePaper. Size-14 X 5% inches. Sheets-59. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Gran thas-1350. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 503. Remarkg:For the indices of the Ms. see Remarks on No. 503. This Ms. is accepted. The Ms. is in excellent condition. !! Borugăchitat 11 506. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8983. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Palm leaf. Size--16 x 12 inches. Leaves76. Lines5 to 7 to a Page. Script--Grantha No. of Gran thas--1350. Complete Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 503. Remarks:-Same as No. 503. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 507. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8990. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Palm leaf. Size-144 x 1} inches. Leaves-58. Lines---7 or 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No, of Granthas-1350. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 320 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning and subject--Same as No. 503. End: srat faali TTTT that all 3999 fraro 11 Remarks :-The Ms. is unaccented. For the indices of this MB. Bee Remarks on No. 503. The last portion gartsfeurg is given in the 1st leaf of the Ms. No. 522, since the latter is the continuation of the former. The Ms. is in good condition. Il curryetaufgar 11. 508. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8994. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-12}x} inches. Leaves-60 Lines-6 to 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran thas--1350. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 503. Remarks :--This Mo, is accented. For the indices of this Ms. see Remarks on No. 503. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 509. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2536. Page 25. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--95 X 43 inches. Sheets-13. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran thas-200. Incomplete. Beginning : सं त्वा सिंचा(शा)मि यजुषा मायुर्धनं च । बृहस्पतिप्रसूतो यजमान इह मारिषत् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End: BANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 'अनश्वासोये पवयो (s) रथा इंद्रेषिग अभ्यवर्त (न्त) त दस्यून् ॥ ५१ ॥' Subject: Black Yajurveda of Taittiriya recension. Kānda. Sixth Prasna. 1-12 Anuvākas. 510. End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Remarks :- For the indices, see Remarks on No. 503. The Ms. is The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. not accented. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2531 a. Page 26. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 9×4 inches. Sheets-20. Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Incomplete. Beginning: श्री गणाधिपतये नमः ॥ ॥ श्रीवेदव्यासपादाभ्यां नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ पाकयज्ञं वा अन्वाहिताग्नेः पशव उपतिष्ठंत इडा खलु वै पाकयज्ञस्सैषांत (त) रा प्रयाजानूया - जान् यजमानस्य लोके (s) वहिता तामाद्रियमाणामभि मंत्रयेत स(सु) रूपवर्षवर्ण एहीति । 321 First For Private and Personal Use Only अस्माकं बोधि चोदिता नभंतामन्यकेषां । ज्याका अधि धन्वसु ॥ ५१ ॥ Subject: First Kanda. Seventh Praśna. 1-13 Anuvākas. Remarks:-At the end of each Anuvāka an index is given of the beginnings of each Pañcadi of that Anuvaka along with the number of the remaining vākyas of the last Pañcñdi - " जरसा 41 Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 382 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF arà garage gate 11" After that, an incomplete version of the Anuvāka index giving the beginnings of each Anuvāka in the 7th Praśna is given at the end of this Me "पाक यज्ञस श्रवाः परोक्षं बर्हिषोहं धृ (४) वामगन्मत्याह देवस fadaki...ll" Dr Barnell calls this Ms. Āpastamba Pākayajña Prayoga and says further that this Ms. contains 56 sheets. But this Ms. contains only 20 sheets and this is only a portion of the Taittiriya Samhită, as described in the Subject column above. There are two more M86. however, not noticed by Burnell, which go by the name Pākayajña. We group them under the same No. 2531 as they all belong to the same series. The Ms. is unaccented. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. 11 E60g: Fire ATI I 511. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2531 b. Page 26. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--91 X 44 inches. Sheets-14 (720). Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagarl. No. of Gran thas-160. Incomplete. Beginning : वैश्वानरं द्वादशकपालं निरष्टौ च ।। बार्हस्पत्यं चरुं निर्वपति ब्रह्मणो गृहे शितिपृष्ठो दक्षिणेंद्रमेकादश कपाल राजन्यस्य गृह ऋषभो दक्षिणा ॥ End-Same as No. 503. Subject: First Kāṇda. Eighth Praśna. 9-26 Anuvākas. Remarks :--This Ms. begins only in the Pancãdi index of the 8th Anuvāka of the 8th Praśna-agatol At the end of this Ms. the Apuvāka index and the index of the groups of each ten Pañcädis of this Praśna are given. See Remarks on No. 508. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 323 The Me. is not accented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 512. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9007. Page 5. Lett column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-151x11 inches. Leaves-11. Lines-6 to 9 toaPage. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-200. Incomplete. Beginning : यद्यज्ञस्याशीर्गच्छति यदृचाविशं यज्ञस्याशीर्गछत्यथ ब्राह्मणोनाशीर्केण यज्ञेन यजते सामिधेनीरनुवक्ष्य अता व्याहृतीः ॥ End and colophon-Same as No. 503. Subject: First Kanda. 6-8 Prasnas. Remarks: Thia Ms. abruptly begins with the beginning of the 4th Pancadi of the 10th Anuvaka of the 6th Prasna. For the indices in this Ms. Bee Remarks on No. 503. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 513. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8995. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-144x1} inches. Leaves-63 Lines-6 to8 toaPage. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -1250. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 503. End: समावनमधरागुदीचीरहिं बुनियमनु संचरन्तीस्वाः पवेतस्य वृ...॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 324 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: -- First Kānda. 1-8 Prasnas. Remarks:-- This Ms. breaks off in the middle of the 2nd Pañcādi of the 14th Anuvāka of the 8th Praśna. For the indices in this Ms. see Remarks on No. 503. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. End: ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेद संहिता ॥ 514. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2474 b. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 13 x 5 inches. Sheets-110. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1500. Complete. Beginning: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ । वा॒यव्य॒श्वे॒तमा ल॑भेत॒ मूर्तिकामो वायुर्वै पि॑ष्ठा दे॒वता॑ वा॒युमे॒व स्वेन॑ भाग॒धेये॒नोप॑ धावति॒ स ए॒वे॑नं॒ भूति॑ गमयति॒ भव॑त्ये॒वाति॑क्षिप्रा दे॒वत॑त्या॑हुः ॥ Colophon : अंगिरसो नः पि॒तरो॒ नव॑ग्वा॒ अथर्वाणो॒ भृग॑वः स॒म्यास॑ः तेषा॑ व॒यः सुमतौ य॒ज्ञिया॑नामपि॑ि भ॒द्रे सौमन॒से स्या॑म ॥ ११ ॥ इति द्वितीयः काण्डः समाप्तः ॥ Subject: Second Kanda. 1-6 Praśnas or Prapathakas. Remarks:-Before the colophon three indices are given:(1) " भवास्मभ्यमसुंयदग्मे मदन्तिसौमनस एकं च - " -" meaning that each Pañcãdi of the twelfth anuvaka of the sixth Praśna ends in words 'भव, अस्मभ्यं' etc., (3) "समिधश्चक्षुषी प्रजापति राज्यं + द्वादश" meaning that this Prasna contains 12 Anuvākas begin For Private and Personal Use Only Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 326 ning with words 'समिधः, चक्षुषी' etc., (8) 'समिधो याज्या तस्मात् +युक्ष्वसप्तति:'-meaning that this Prasna. has 70 Pancadis on the whole and the groups of every ten Pañcādis begin with words-'समिधा, याज्या' etc. This system of giving indices at the end ofeach Prasna is throughout followed in this family of Mss. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 515. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2475 b. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-88x4 inches. Sheets-84. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Grantbas -1500. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 514. Colophon: (इति) द्वितीयाष्टकः (काण्डः) समाप्तः शके १६८८ व्ययनामसंवत्सरे उत्तरायणे माघकृष्णपक्षे अमावास्याति थौ मन्दवासरे इदं पुस्तकं कार्लेकरोपनामक बालंभहात्मजहरिभद्देन लिखितम् ।। तैलाद्रक्षेत्रलाद्रक्षेद्रक्षेच्छिथिलबन्धनात् । मूर्खहस्ते न दातव्यमेवं भव(वद)ति पुस्तकम् ।। विमलेश्वरार्पणमस्तु । Romarks:-This Ms. is throughout accented. For the indices in this Ms. see Remarks on No. 514. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 516. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. । . . Burnell's Catalogue No. 2483 b. Page 5. Left column. Substanae-Paper. Size-14x53 inches. Sheets--62. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -1500. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 326 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 514. Remarks :-Same as No. 514. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. Il corag:cFITATII 517. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8984 b. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-161 X11 inches. Leaves-40. Lines-- 7 to a Page. Script-Telugu. No. of Granthas -1500. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 514, Remarks :- This Ms. is unaccented. This Ms. contains a partly alphabetical index of some Pañcādis of Black Yajur Veda Samhita. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. pitcritat i Il 518. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8991. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-18x14 inches. Leaves-34. Lines8 to a Page. Script--Grantha. No, of Granthas -1500. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 514. Remarks :--The Ms. is unaccepted. For the indices in this Ms., see Remarks on No. 514. The Ms. is in a much damaged condition. 11 gouriga CALEATH 519. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8996. Page 5. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 327 Substance-Palm leaf. Size-15} x 14 inches. Leaves--52. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -1500. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 514. Remarks :-The Ms. is unaccented. For the indices of this Ms., see Remarks on No. 514. The fist leaf being completely worn-out, is replaced by a new leaf by a different hand. The M8. is in good condition. Il protege CHEAT 11 520. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8997. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-12}xl inches. Leaves--56 (61-116). Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-1500. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 514. Remarks :- This Ms. is a continuation of No. 508. For the indices see Remarks on No. 514. The Ms. is unaccented and is in & fairly good condition. Il Footagrarilgat 521. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 3998. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-144x14 inches. Leaves-65. Lines---8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -1250. Incomplete. Beginning : ...ऋतस्य रश्मिमाददे। यज्ञो देवानां प्रत्येति मुम्नमादित्यासो भवता मृडयन्तः ॥ End-Same as No. 514. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir . 388 A DESORÍPTIVE OATALOGUE OF Subject : Second Kāņda. 1-6 Pragnas. Remarks: -The Ms. begins with the 3rd Pañcādi of the 11th (last) Anuvāka of the 1st Praśna and breaks off in the middle of the Anuvāka Index of the 6th (last) Praśna of the 2nd Kārda. For the indices, see Remarks on No. 514. The Ms. is unaccented. The Ms. is in good condition. EAT II 11 outu. 522. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8999. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-147 X14 inches. Leaves-60 (59-118). Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas--1350. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 514. End : रुद्राय पशूनपि दध्यादपशुर्यजमान() स्यादतिहाय पूर्वा आहूतीर्जुहोति पशूनां गोपीथाय ३५ (६) Subject: Second Kāņda. 1-6 Praśnas. Remarks: The last Six Anuvākas of the last Prasna of this kända are omitted in the Ms. The 1st leaf of this Ms. contains the last portion of the 1st Kānda of No. 507, since this is the continuation of No. 507. The Ms, is unaccented and is in good condition. surely crifcat Il 523. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2474 c. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 54 inches. Sheets-60. Lines 8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No, of Granthas --750. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ॥ प्रजापतिरकामयत प्रजाः सृजेयेति स तपो(s)तप्यत स सर्पानसृजत सौ(s)कामयत प्र. जाः सृजेयेति ॥ End: यज्ञेन यज्ञमयजंत देवास्तानि धर्माणि प्रथमान्यासन् । ते ह नाकै पहिमानः सचंते यत्र पूर्व साध्याः संति देवाः ॥३४॥ Colophon: इति तृतीयः काण्डः समाप्तः ॥ Subject : Third Kanda. 1-5 Prasnas (Prapathakas). 1-55 Anuvākas. Remarks -At the end of each Praśna in this Ms. a series of four indices is given:-- For example : (1) 'वोढवे दूतस्त्वं तमुसादत्वा यत्र चत्वारि च' ॥ ११ (१) 'पूर्णवयोऽमिना + प्रदेवमेकादश ॥', (3) 'पूर्णा सहजा स्तवाग्ने प्राणैरेव षट्ति शत्' ।।, (4) 'पूर्णाः संति देवाः' । The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 524. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2475 c. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -9x4 inches. Sheets-51. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No, of Granthas --750. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 523. Remarks :-Same as No. 523. Of the four indices, the last one 'पूर्णाः सन्ति देवाः ' is not given in this Ms. This Ms. is throughout accented and is in good condition, - - 42 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 330 A DÉSORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Il Futug hier il 525. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2483 c. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-14X57 inches. Sheets-36. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas ---750. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 523. Remarks: -For indices see Remarks on No. 523. This Ms. is throughout accented and is in excellent condition. II. Eroprac FirEaT 11 526. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8985. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-141x17 inches. Leaves-48. Lines-6 to 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran thas—750, Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 523. Colophon: । इति तृतीय काण्डः समाप्तः ॥ " श्रीवत्सान्वयवाधिना पापनाशतनूभुवा । foraatsarat: Tue: xfifaTa TATOTT 11" Remarks:-The verse in the colophon above is given in the begin. ning of this Ms. For the indices, see Remarks on No. 523. The Ms, is accented and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 527. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8992. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16 X 14 inches. Leaves--47, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 331 Lines—6 or 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran thas-750. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 523. Remarks :-For indices see Remarks on No. 523. The Ms. is un accented and is in good condition. 11 0173 CHEAT II 528. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9000. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-177 Xit inches. Leaves-43. Lines--7 or 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran thas-750. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 523. Remarks: --Same as No. 523. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition, ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 529. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9001. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Palm leaf. Size-205x15 inches. Leaves-38. Lines-5 to 6 to a Page. Script-Grantha No. of Gran thas--750. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 523. Remarks :-Same as No. 523. The Ms. is unaccented and is in & fairly good condition. Il purustataifear al 530. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell’s Catalogue No. 9002. Page 5. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 332 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Palm leaf. Size-111x1 inches. Leaves-41 (117-159). Lines-6 to7 toaPage. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-760. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 523. Colophon : इति तृतीयः काण्डः समाप्तः॥ क्रोधि कार्तिक (कायां) EP-का Remarks :-Same as No. 528. This Ms. is a continuation of No. 520. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fair condition. । कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 531. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2531 c. Page 26. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-81x41 inches. Sheets-46 (1156). Lines-6 to # Page. Script-Devanāgari. No, of Granthas-440. Incomplete. Beginning: ...(वसि)ष्ठेनास्पर्धेता स एतज्जमदग्निर्विहव्यमपश्यत्तेन वै स वसिष्ठस्येंद्रियं वीर्यमवृत यदि हव्यः शस्थत इंद्रियमेव तद्वीर्य यजमानो भ्रातृ व्यस्य बृक्ते ॥ End: कुहूर्देवानाममृतस्य पत्नी हव्यानो अस्य हविषश्चिकेतु । संदाशुषे किरतु भूरिवामरायस्पोषं चिकि तुषं दधातु ॥ Subject: Third Kanda. 1-3 Prasnas. Remarks:-The Ms. is in a tairly good condition. This Ms. abrup tly begins in the middle of the 22nd Pañcādi of the 1st Praśna. At the end of each Anuvaka, the Pañcādi index is given in this Ms. So also the Anuvāks index and the index of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 333 the groups of each ten Pañcădis of each Prabna are given at the end of each Prasna. The Ms. is unaccented. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 532. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9003. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Palm leaf. Size-157 X14 inches. Leaves—21. Lines--8 to 10 to a Page. Script--Grantha. No. of Gran thas-700. Incomplete. Beginning: प्रजां पशून्यजमानस्य शमयितोर्यहि पशुमाप्रीतमुदंचं नयन्ति तर्हि तस्य पशुश्रपण हरेत्तेनैवैनं भागिनं करोति ।। End-Same as No. 523. Subject : Third Kanda. 1-6 Prasnas. 3-55 Anuvakas. Remarks: --See Remarks on No. 523 for indices. This Ms. begins only with the second Pañcādi of the third Anuvāka of the first Prasna. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fair condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 533. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2474 d. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--134 x 54 inches. Sheets --83. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas---1000. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशायनमः ॥ हरिः ओं॥ युजानःप्रथमं मनस्तत्वार्य सविता धियः अग्नि ज्यो For Private and Personal Use Only Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 334 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF तिर्निचाय्य पृथिव्या अध्याभरत् ।। End: याह तद्वसवो गौर्य चित्पदि पितामसुंचता यजत्राः। एवा त्वमसत् प्रमुंचा व्य हः प्रातार्यमे प्रतरात्र आयुः ॥ ३९ ॥ Colophon: इति चतुर्थः कांडः ॥ Subject: Fourth Kanda. 1-7 Prasnas (Prapathakas). 1-82 Anuvākas. Remarks:--At the end of this Ms. five indices are given: (1) "गंतादषयन् स्तौमि+चतुखि शञ्च ॥" (2) “अग्नेमन्वे यस्येदमिन्द्रस्य॒ यः संग्राम सनोमंच त्व हसः ॥ मन्वे+चतुरेनसो दिउ हसः ॥" (3) "अग्नाविष्णू+मन्वे पंचदश ॥" (4) “ अमाविष्णू + नव निशत् ।" (5) "अग्नाविष्णू प्रतरत्र आयुः ॥" The second index above noted gives one series of quibbles in "मुंच त्व हमः," where the next words after the quibbles 'अमे, मन्वे' etc. are given to avoid the confusion. For the explanation of the other indices, see Remarks on Nos. 503 and 514. This system of giving indices at the end of each Prasna is throughout followed in this family of Ms. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 534. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2475 d. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-9x4 inches. Sheets-61. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanigarl. No. of Granthas--1000. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 335 Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 533. Colophon: इति चतुर्थः कांडः ॥ शके १७४५ सुभानुनाम संवत्सरे वैशाखमास शुक्लपक्षे मंदवासरे तहिने पुस्तकं समाप्तं ॥ हिपोथि शुभ्राद्रविडउपनाम तीर्थ . बलिग्राम गणपति अग्रहारयाचि असे ॥ Remarks :-See Remarks on No. 533 for indices. Of the five indi ces, the last index “ अमाविष्णू ०" is not given in this Ms.. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. The Ms. is dated 1745 Saka or 1823 A. D. in the year Subhānu. - - ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 535. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ, Burnell's Catalogue No. 2483 d. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14X5inches. Sheets--49. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1000. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 533. Remarks:-Same as No. 533. This Ms. is throughout accent ed and is in excellent condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 586. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8986. Page. 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16 X1}inches. Leaves--59. Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran. thas-1000. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 583. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 336 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUB OF Remarks :-Same as No. 533. The Ms. is not accented and is in good condition. Il trecuEat 11 537. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9004. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-201x15 inches. Leaves-62. Lines-5 or 6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-1000. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 533. Remarks:-Same as No. 533. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ll stygafileat 588. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9005. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-17x17 inches. Leaves-28. Lines—7 or 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran thas-1000. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 533. Remarks: Same as No. 533. The Ms. is unaccented and is in injured condition. Il Borys GHETTI II 539. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9006. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-17x16 inches. Leaves-10. Lines-6 to 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-170. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS. 337 Beginning---Same as No. 533. End: अग्निर्षिया समृण्वती (ति)। शमो भवन्तु वाजे वाजे ॥ Colophon : इति चतुर्थकांडे प्रथमः प्रश्नः ॥ Subject : Fourth Kanda. First Prasna. 1-11 Anuvakes. Remarks :-At the end of this Ms. four indices are given: (1) 'पूरुषत्वता+हितोष्टौ चः ॥ (2) 'युंजानः+यज्ञमेकादश,' (8) 'यु जानो-चत्वारिंशत् ॥' (4) 'युंजानो वाजेवाजे॥ The first Pañcãdi of the first Anuvāka of the second Prašna is given after these indices. At the end of this Ms. some verues praising the high virtues of Gods Ganapati, Rāma, and Navagrahas are given. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 540. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2495. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-83 X 4 inches. Sheets-10. Lines----8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas -100. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॐ अस्य रुद्रस्य प्रश्नस्यानुष्टुप् च्छन्दः अघोर ऋषिः। सर्षणमूर्तिस्वरूपोऽसावादित्यः परमपुरुषस्स एष रुद्रो देवता ॥ ॐ नमस्ते रुद्रमन्यव उतोत इषवे नमः। नमस्ते 43 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 338 Á DESORÍPTIVE CATALOGUE OF अस्तु [s] धन्वने बाहुभ्यामुत ते नमः ।। End : प्रतीचीर्दशोदीचीर्दशोस्तेिभ्यो नमस्ते नो मृड यन्तु ते यं द्विष्मो यश्च नो द्वेष्टि तं वो जम्भे दधामि ॥ Subject: Black Yajur Veda Samhita. Fifth Prasna. 1-11 ___Anavakas-(श्रीरुद्रम्) Remarks: “सर्वो वै रुद्रस्तस्मै रुद्राय नमो अस्तु+सौं ह्येवैष." from the Mabānārāyaṇopanigad is given at the end of this Ms. The Ms. is unaccented. This Rudra Prasna is otherwise known as 'Namaka' since a good number of the word 'नमः' occurs in this. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. The Paper of this Ms. is of Indian manufacture. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 541. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9011 a. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-92x1 inches. Leaves-8. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -60. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning :-Same as No. 540. End: नमः सोमाय च रुद्राय च (नमस्ताम्राय चारुणाय च नमः शङ्गाय च पशुपतये च ॥) Subject: Black Yajurveda Samhita. Fifth Prasna. 1-7 Anu. ___vakas-Sri Rudraim. Remarks This Ms. ends in the beginning of the eighth Anuvāka of the fifth Prasna. This Ms. contains another work'घोषशान्ति (1-10 Leaves) at the end. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 339 ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 542. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2505 o. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-52x4 inches. Sheets-10. Lines-10 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas--90. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning-Same as No. 540. End: ॐ ये तीर्थानि प्रचरंति सृकावंतो नि(इंगिणः स्वाहा)॥ Subject : Krena Yajur Veda Samhita. Fifth Prasna. 1-11 Anuvākas-Sri Rudrain. Remarks:-This Ms. abruptly ends in the beginning of the last Paūcādi of the Rudra Prašna. Most of the rks in this Ms. end in the word 'स्वाहा'. The Ms. is unaccented, old and in a fairly good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 543. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection No. 44. Substance-Paper. Size-8x34. inches. Sheets-4. Lines—9 to a Page. Script-Deva nigarl. No. of Granthas-100. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ॥ अग्नाविष्णू स जोषसेमावर्धन्तु वां गिरः । घुम्नैवाजेभिरा गतं ॥ वाजश्च मे प्रसवश्च मे प्रयतिश्च मे प्रसितिश्च मे धीतिश्च मे क्रतुश्च मे स्वरश्च मे श्लोकश्च मे ॥ End: वाजश्व प्रसवश्वापिजश्व ऋतुश्च सुवश्च मूर्धाच व्यश्नियश्चाऽत्यायनश्चान्त्यश्च भौवनश्च भुवनयाधिपतिथ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 340 Subject: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Fourth Black Yajur Veda of the Taittiriyas. Kända. Seventh Pragna. 1-11 Anuvākas only-Яrf Camaka Praśna. After the end given above, this Ms. contains one more Remarks: section इडा देवहूर्मनुर्यज्ञनीर्बृहस्पति रुक्थामदानि + शोभायै पितरोऽनु मदन्तु ॥ ame: mfa: anfa: 11 544. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir which constitutes the latter half of the first and the whole of the second Fañcadis of the third Anuvāka of the third Praśna of the third Kanda. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेद संहिता ॥ KRSNA YAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. T. S. Collection. No. 76. Substance-Paper. inches. Sheets-14. Lines-6 to a Page. Devanagari. No of Granthas-100. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 543. Colophon: लाडगे नानासूनु रामस्वामिलिखितम् ॥ Remarks:See Remarks on No. 543. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. The scribe's name is Ramasvami, son of Nanā. श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ Size-4X 2 Script ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 545. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2364. Page 5. Substance-Paper. Size-133 x 5 inches. Sheets-12. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. -200. Complete. No. of Granthas Beginning: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANSACRIPTS 341 अस्य श्रीरुद्राध्यायप्रश्नमहामंत्रस्य । अघोर अषिः । अनुष्टुपछंदः । श्रीरुद्रोदेवता ॥ ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय ॥ ॐ नमस्ते रुद्रमन्यव उतोत इषवे नमः । नमस्ते अस्तु धन्वने बाहुभ्यामुत ते नमः ॥ End : मे वाजेश्च प्रसवश्चापिजश्च क्रतुश्च सुवश्च मूर्धाच व्यग्नियश्चात्यायनश्चात्यश्च भौवनश्च भुव नश्चाधिपतिश्च ॥ ११ ॥ Subject: The whole of the Fifth Praśna and the first eleven Anuvākas of the Seventh Praśne of the Fourth Kāņda of the Taittiriya Krona Yajur Veda Sambită--Sri Rudra and Camaka Prasnas. Remarks :- See Remarks on No. 543. At the beginning of this Ms. after the ध्यानश्लोक two Paicadis from Camaka "शंच मे मयंश्च मे+मुदिनं च मे" are given. At the end of the Namaka also the following šks are given: 1) सियंबकं + मामृतात् । 2) यो रुद्रो + रुद्राय नमो अस्तु । 3) ये ते सहस्रं + मृत्योर्मा पाहि ॥ 4) तमुष्टुहि यः + मसुर दुवस्य ॥ 5) अयं मे हस्तो + शिवाभिमर्शमः॥ The Ms. is throughout accented and is in excellent con. dition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 546. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2488 a. Page 5. Left column, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 342 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size-8×3 inches. Sheets-16 (1-16). Lines-7 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -200. Complete. Beginning and end-Same as No. 545. Subject: Sri Rudra and Camaka Prasna. Remarks : - See Remarks on No. 543. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. After the colophon of Namaka ' इति नमकं ' the following Rks are given:— 1) सर्वो वै रुद्रः + नमो नमः । 2) विश्वं भूतं + नमो अस्तु ॥ 3) कद्रुद्राय + नमो अस्तु ॥ 4) नमो हिरण्य + नमो नमः ॥ 5) सद्योजातं + भवोद्भवाय नमः ॥ 6) वामदेवाय + मनोन्मनाय नमः ॥ 7) अघोरेभ्यो + रुद्ररूपेभ्यः । 8) तत्पुरुषाय + प्रचोदयात् ॥ 9) ईशान: + सदाशिवों ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 10 ) त्र्यंबकं + मामृतात् ॥ 11) ऋतसत्यं + नमो नमः ॥ 12) यो रुद्रो + नमो अस्तु ॥ 13) एष ते रुद्र + कृतिवासाः ॥ 14) तमुष्टुहि + मसुरं दुवस्य ॥ All the rks of the Rudra and Camaka Praśna are given here &8 स्वादान्त | At the end of the Ms. the मृत्युहरध्यक्ष रीपूजाहोमादिविधानम् is given. The 'सहनाववतु ' शान्ति is found in this Mo. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 347 Remarks :-For the Ķks given in addition in this Ms. see Re marks on Nos. 543 and 548. The Ms. is accented, very old and is in a damp condition. II &curug CHEAT I 557. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-53 x 3 inches. Sheets-36. Lines—7 to a. Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Gran. thas-200. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 545. Remarks:--For the Ķks given in addition in this Ms. see Remarks on Nos. 543 and 548. The Ms. is accented and is in very good condition, ll of ACHAT I 558. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection No. 61. Substance--Paper. Size-94X4} inches. Sheets-8. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Deve nāgarf. No. of Granthas—200. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 545. Remarks :-Bee Remarks on No. 554. At the beginning of the Ms. the rsi, chandas Devatā etc. of the Rudra Praśna are not given. This Ms. ends in ' agilaag' t-agro 1 The Ms. is unaccented and is in fairly good condition. Il corsaCAEat Il 559. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. J. L. Collection No. 62. Substance-Paper. Size--97 x4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 348 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF inches. Sheets-9 (1-10; 4th sheet missing). Lines8 to a Page. Script-Devanagarl. No. of Granthas-180. Incomplete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 545. Remarks:-Same as Remarks on No. 554. This Ms. ends with the 'सहनाववतु' शान्ति पाठ । The Ms. is accented, very old and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 560. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. 8. K. Collection. No. 131. Substance-Paper. Size--64 x 34 inches. Sheets ---6 (9-14). Lines-8 to a Page. Script Devanagari. No. of Granthas-75. Incomplete. Beginning: ...च नम आरिरव(खि)दते च प्र(क)खिदते च नमो वः किरिकेभ्यो देवानार (५) हृदयेभ्यो नमो विक्षीणकेभ्यो(भ्यो देवाना हृदयेभ्यो नमः ।। End: अशुश्च मे रश्मिश्चमे(s)दाभ्यश्च मेऽधिपतिश्च म उपा(-)शुश्च मेंतर्यामश्च म ऐंद्रवाय(वयं मे...॥) Subject : Rudra and Camaka. Remarks:-This Ms. abruptly begins in the middle of the 2nd Paicādi of the 9th Anuvaka of the Rudra Prasna-5th Prasna of the 4th Kānda and breaks off in the middle of the 1st Pañcādi of the 7th Anuvaka of the Camaka Prasna-7th Prasna of the 4th Kāņda of the Taittiriya Samhita. The M6. is accented and the accents are in Blight variance with those in the Printed Volumes. The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 349 ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 561.. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2505 g. Page 12. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-5x3g inches. Sheets-13 (315). Lines--11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas---180. Incomplete (wants beginning). Beginning: (यथा नः सर्वमिजगद)यक्ष्म सुमना असत् । अध्यवोचदधिवक्ता प्रथमो दैव्यो भिषक् । End and subject-Same as No. 545. Remarks:-Same as Remarks on Nos. 543 and 546. This Ms. abruptly begins in the middle of the Second Pañcãdi of the first Anuvāka of the fifth Praśna. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 562. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9008. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-171x1} inches. Leaves -11. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas --190. Incomplete. Beginning: (नमस्ते रुद्रमन्यव उतोत इषवे) नमः। नमस्ते अस्तु धन्वने बाहुभ्यामुत ते नमः । End : मेऽष्टाचत्वारिशच मे बाजश्व प्रसवश्थापिजश्च (क्रतुश्च सुवश्च मूर्धाच + पतिश्च ॥) Subject-Same as:No. 545. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 350 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks:-In this Ms. Rai, Chandas, Devata etc. are not given. This Ms. abruptly begins with the last word of the 1st vākya of Sși Rudra and breaks off in the last Pañcādi of Camaka omitting some words at the end. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a decaying condition, the sides of leaves being broken-off. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 568. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2474 e. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--139 x 54 inches. Sheets-110. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1320. Complete, Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।। हरिः ॐ॥ सावित्राणि जुहोति प्रसूत्यै चतुर्ग्रहीतेनं जुहोति चतुष्पादः पशवः पशूनेवावलंधे चतस्रो दिशौ दि क्ष्वेव प्रति तिष्ठति ॥ End: स एतं लोकमजयद्यस्मिनादित्यः स ते लोकस्तं जैष्यसि यचैव जिसि ॥ ५८ ॥ Colophon : पंचमकाण्डः समाप्तः ॥ Subject : Black Yajur Veda of the Taittiriyas. Fifth Kinda. 1-7 Prasnas. Remarks :-Before the colophon three indices are given: (1) " orenet 7" meaning that the very last Pancãdi of the 26th Anuvaka of this Kanda begins with the Pada ' यस्मिन् ' and has 58 Padas. (2) " यो वा अयथा देवतं + षडिंशतिः" meaning that the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 351 last Praśna of the Kānda contains 26 Anuvākas beginning with 'योवा अयथा' etc. (3) “ 7 ar SMT + far" meaning that the beginning of each group of every 10 Pañcădis are orat, Catara: etc. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. Il Bouleg fileat 564. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2475 e. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--9X4 inches. Sheets-90. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanăgari. No. of Granthas -1320. Complete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 563. Colophon: fa T A19*(:)AATT(S)' ( ) sized 11 हिपोथि शुभ्रंभटद्रविडयाचि असे शके १७४० पार्थिव नामाब्दे श्रावणशुद्ध ११ तहिने (इ)दं पुस्तकं समाप्तं (म् ) Remarks: For the indices in this Ms. see Remarks on No. 563. he Ms. is accented and in good condition. The Ms. is dated Saka 1747 or 1825 A. D. in the Parthiva year. This Ms. originally belongs to one Subhrambhatta Dravida. 11 cougFilent II 565. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2483 e. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14X5] inches. Sheets-66. Lines-9 to a Page. Script--Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -1320. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 563. Remarks :--For the indices of this Ms. see Remarks on No. 563. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 352 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF The Ms. is acoented and is in excellent condition. - - - ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 566. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8987. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leat. Size-19x1 inches. Leaves-47. Lines-7or 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-1000. Incomplete. Beginning : (सावित्राणि जुहोति + प्रतितिष्ठति) छन्दांसि देवे. भ्यो पाक्रामनवोभागानि भव्यं वक्ष्याम इति तेभ्य एतचतुर्ग्रहीतमधारयन् पुरोनुवाक्यायै या ज्यायै देवतायै ।। End: (जुहुयाच्छान्ति + मैत्रावरुण्याss) मिक्षया यजेत मैत्रावरुणतामेवोपैत्यात्मनोऽस्कन्दाय यो वा अग्निमृतुस्था (वेदतु ऋतुरस्मै कल्पपान एति प्रत्येव तिष्ठति संवत्सरो वा अग्निः ५) Subject : Black Yajur Veda of the Taittiriyas. Fifth Kinda. 1-7 Prasnas. Remarks :-This Ms. abruptly begins in the middle of the 1st Pañcādi of the Ist Pragna of the 5th Kāņda and breaks off at the end of the 5th Pancadi of the 6th Anuvaka of the 7th Praśna of this Kānda. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a decaying condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 567. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2474 f. Page 5. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Substance-Paper . Size-13 × 5 inches. Script — Devanagari. Lines-8 to a Page. thas-1100. Complete. End : Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ प्राचीनव॑शं करोति देवमनु॒ष्या दिशे॒ व्य॑भज॑त॒ प्राची॑ दे॒वा द॑क्षि॒णा पि॒तर॑ः प्र॒तीचा॑ मनु॒ष्या॑ उदी॑ींची" रुद्राः || Colophon : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir लो॒क इंद्रो॑ वृ॒त्रम॑हत्सा॒क्षादे॒व वजूंं भ्रातृ॑व्याय॒ प्रहरत्वरुणपिशंगोश्वो॒ दक्षि॑ण॒तद्वै वच॑स्य॒रू॒प समृध्यै ॥ ४३ ॥ 4.5 Sheets-90. No. of Gran इति षष्ट [म] (ष्ठः) काण्डः समाप्तः ॥ Subject: Black Yajur Veda of the Taittiriyas. Sixth Kāṇḍa. 1- 6 Prasnas. Remarks:-Before the colophon four indices are given: (1) लोको + चत्वारिंशच (2) सुवर्गाय दक्षिणानि + षोडशधैकादश ॥। ११ ॥ • ( 3 ) सुवर्गाय + पशूंत्रिचत्वारि ५ शत् ॥ ४३ ॥ (4) सुवर्गाय वयस्य रूप समृध्यै ॥ The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. 568. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2475 f. Page 5. Substance-Paper. Size -- 9x4 inches Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagarf. -1100. Complete. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA. For Private and Personal Use Only 353 Left column. Sheets-75. No. of Granthas Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 354 À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 567. Colophon: sfâ qg: +ie: 11 शके १५४७ श्रावणशुद्ध १३ पार्थिवनामाब्दे भृगुवासरे तहिने(इ) __ पुस्तकं समाप्त(म्) हि पोथि शुभ्रंभट द्रविडयाचि असे ॥ Remarks:--For the indices in this Ms. see Remarks on No. 567, The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. The Mb. is dated Saka 1747 or 1825 A. D. in the year Pārthiva. The owner's name is given as Subhrambhata Dravida.. Il soygdeaTui 569. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2483 f. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 55 inches. Sheets--52. Lines--9 to a Page. Script--Devanāgar. No. of Granthas -1100. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 567. Remarks :-For the indices in this Ms. see Remarks on No. 567. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 570. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8988. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--17% Xit inches. Leaves55. Lines—7 to 9 to a Page. Script--Grantha, No. of Granthas--1100. Complete. Beginning, end colophon and subject--Same as No. 567. Remarks .—See Remarks on No. 567. The Ms, is unaccented and is in a good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS 355 ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 571. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2474 g. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--14x57 inches. Sheets-74. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -900. Complete. Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ॥ प्रजननं ज्योतिरनिर्देवतानां ज्योतिर्विराछे(दसा ज्योतिर्विरावाचौ(s)ग्रौ सतिष्ठते विराजममिसंप. द्यते तस्मात्तज्ज्योतिरुच्यते ॥ End: हयो देवानवहृदर्वा(s)सुरावाजी गै()धर्वानश्वौ मनुष्यान्त्समुद्रो वा अश्वस्य योनिः समुद्रो बंद) धुः ॥ ५४ ॥ Colophon : यजुर्वेदसंहितासप्तमकाण्डः संपूर्णः ॥ Subject: Seventh Kāņda. 1-5 Praśnas. 1-103 Anuvākas. Remarks :- At the end of each Praśna of this Ms. four indices are given: (1) अग्नये वायवे (S)ष्टाचत्वारिंशत्-meaning that the last Anu vāka of the first Praśna of the Seventh Kāņda contains 48 Padas beginning with अग्नये; (2) प्रजननं प्रातः सवने + अग्नये वायवे विशतिः-meaning that this same Praśna consists of 20 Anuvākas beginning with प्रजननं etc., etc. (3) प्रजनन + वीक्षमाणाय द्विपं(क)चाशत्- meaning that this Praśna contains 52 Pañcădis of which the beginnings of every ten Pancãdis are 7778; etc. and For Private and Personal Use Only Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 356 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF (4) 'प्रजननं परिज्मा' meaning that this Prasna begins with the Pada 'प्रजननं' and ends with the word 'परिज्मा ॥. This system of giving indices from the first to the last Kända is followed in the family of these Mss. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 572. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ, Barnell's Catalogue No. 2475 g. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-9X4 inches. Sheets-67. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas-900. Complete. Beginning, end and subject--Same as No. 671. Colophon : इति सहितासप्तमाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ इदं पुस्तकं नारायणभट्टात्मजमहादेवभट्टेन (लिखितं) स्वार्थ परोपकारावं च ॥ श्रीरामचंद्रार्पणमस्तु ॥ श्रीमहासरस्वतीप्रसादो(s)स्तु ।। १७२२ रौद्रीनामसंवत्सरे आश्विनशुद्धाष्टमीतदिने सप्त माष्टकं समाप्तम् ।। Remarks :--For the indices in this Ms. see Remarks on No. 571. At the end of this Ms. the word 'बंधुः' after 'समुद्रः' is omitted. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition. The Ms. is dated Saka 1722or 1800. A. D. in the year Raudrt. The scribe's name is Mahadeva Bhatta, son of Narayana Bhatta. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 578. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2483 g. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14x57 inches. Sheets-45. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 357 Lines-9 to a Page. Script-~-Devanagari. No. of Granthan -900. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 571. Remarks :-Same as Remarks on No. 571. The Ms. is accented and is in excellent condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 574. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ, Burnell's Catalogue No. 8989. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--17x14 inches. Leaves-43 (382424). Lines---8 to a Page. Script--Grantha. No, of Gran thas-900. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 571. Remarks:-Same as Remarks on No.571. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 575. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8982. Page 5. Left column Substance-Palm leat. Size-181x11 inches. Leaves296. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran. thas-7920. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. 503. End--Same as No. 571. Colophon : इति सप्तमो()ष्टकः ॥ इति यजुर्वेदसंहिता समाप्ता ।। आदिनारायणस्यापि मांगुडिग्रामवासिना । नाना रामेण विदुषा संहिता प्रविलेखिता । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 358 A DEBCRIPTIVE OATALOGUE OF Subject : Black Yajur Veda of Taittriyas 1-7 Kamdas. Remarks :-The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. The scribe's name is given as Rāma, of Mängugi grāma or village in the Tanjore Dt. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 576. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8993. Page 5. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf . Size -161x1 inches. Leaves185. Lines -5-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-3600. Incomplete. Beginning: नमस्ते रुद्र मन्यव उतो त इषवे नमः । नमस्ते अस्तु धन्वने बाहुभ्यामुत ते नमः । ........... शिवातनूरपोरा(s)पापकाशिनी ॥ End: कल्याणीरूप (समृद्धा सा स्यात्साहि वरः समृद्धये) Subject: 4-7 Kandas. Kanda IV-5-1-1 to VII-1-6-5. Remarks: -This Ms. begins with the 5th Prasna of the Fourth Kanda and breaks off in the 5th Pancadi of the 6th Anuvaka. of the 1st Prasna of the 7th Kanda. The Ms. is unaccented. There are two loose leaves attached to this Ms. which being fully worn-out, are not identifiable. The Ms. is in a decaying condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 577. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9121a. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size -161x13 inches. Leaves For Private and Personal Use Only Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTŠ 359 134 (1-134). Lines --4 to 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas--2200. Complete. Beginning---Same as No 503. End :-Same as No. 571. Subject: Selections of Pañcādis from the Seven Astakas or Kāndas of Krộna Yajur Veda useful for the Athar vana Prayogas. Remarks: - Besides this the Ms. also contains other works: (1) Taittiriya Brahmana (leaves 135-151) (2) Taittiriya Kathaka (151-153) and (3) Taittiriyaranyaka (164-158). The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 578. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2476 a. Page 5. Right column. Substanee-Paper. Size -11x4 inches. Sheets -65. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1890. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ॥ इथे । त्वा । ऊर्जे । त्वा । वायवः । स्थ । उपाया (य) व इत्युपऽआयवः । स्थ । End: इमौ । देवौ । जायमानौ । जुषन्त । इमौ । तमासि । गूहतां । अजुष्टा । आभ्यां । इन्द्रः । पकं । आमासु । अंतः। सोमापूषभ्यामिति सोमा पूष भ्यां । जनत । उस्त्रियासु । (५) Colophon: इति पदप्रथमाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ Subject: Black Yajur Veda Padapātha of the Taittirīyas: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 360 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Or First Ashaka (Kanda.) 1-8 Prasnas. Remarks: -See Remarks on No. 503 for the indices of this Ms. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. In the series of Pada-PathaMss. the word 'Astaka' is used in the place of Kanda. - - - ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 579. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2476 b. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--11x44 inches. Sheets -79. Lines -10 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of 2200. Complete. Beginning : हरिः ॐ ॥ वायव्यं । श्वेतं । एति । लभेत । भूतिकाम इति भूतिऽकामः । वायुः । बै । क्षोपिष्ठा । देवता ॥ End: तेषां । बयं । सुपताविति सु ऽमतौ । यज्ञियाना । अपीति । भद्रे । सौमनसे । स्याम । ६ ॥ Colophon: इति पदं २(द्वितीय) समाप्तः(म्) ॥ ६ ॥ Subject: Second Astaka. 1-6 Praśnas. Remarks: --See Remarks on No. 514 for the indices of this Ms. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 580. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2476 c. Page 5. Right column. Substance--Paper. Size-11x44 inches. Sheets-43. Lines For Private and Personal Use Only Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 361 10 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas1155. Complete. Beginning: ॐ हरिः ॐ ॥ प्रजापतिरिति प्रजापतिः। अकामयत । प्रजा इति प्रजाः । सुजेय । इति । सः । तपः । अतप्यत । End: तानि । धर्माणि । प्रथमानि । आसन् । ते । ह । नाकं। महिमानः । सचंते । यत्र । पूर्वे । साध्याः । संति । देवाः ॥५॥ Colophon: इति पदतृतीयाष्टक: समाप्तः ॥ Subject: Third Astaka. 1-5 Prasnas Remarks: -See Remarks on No. 523 for the indices. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 581. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAD. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2476 d. Page 5. Right column. Substanee-Paper. Size-11x4 inches. Sheets-59. Lines --10 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarí. No. of Granthas--- 1495. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ युंजानः । प्रथमं । मनः । तत्वाय । सविता । धियः । अग्निं । ज्योतिः। निघाय्यति निऽचाय्य । पृथिन्धाः । End: स्वं । असत् । प्रेति । मुंच । वीती । अहः । प्रेति। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 369 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF अतारि । अग्रे। प्रतरामिति प्रऽतरां । नः । आ यु: (७)॥ Colophon: इति पदे चतुर्थाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ सं १७५४ ॥ Subject: Fourth Astaka. 1-7 Prasnas. Remarks: --See Remarks on No. 533 for the indices of this Ms. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. The Ms. is dated सं (संवत्) 1754 or विक्रम 1754 which corresponds to 1697 A. D. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 582. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2476 e. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size -11% 44 inches. Sheets ----81. Linen -10 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-- 2000. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ सावित्राणि । जुहोति । प्रसूत्या इति प्रसूत्यै । चतु गृहीतेनेति चतुःऽगृहीतेन । जुहोति । End : सः। एतं । लोकं । अनयत् । यस्मिन् । आदित्यः । सः । ते । लोकः । तं । जेष्यसि । यदि । अवजि घसीत्यवऽजिघ्रसि ॥२॥ Subject : Fifth Kanda. 1-7 Prasnas. Remarks: ---See Remarks on No. 563 for the indices. The Ms. is unaccented and is in very good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRTPTS 168 ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 583. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2477. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size -8x43 inches. Sheets-181. Lines -9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas 2000. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 582. Remarks: -See Remarks on No.563. The Ms. is accented and is in good condition, though the sides of the sheets are a bit worn out. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ 584. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2476 f. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size -11x4 inches. Sheets ---69. Lines -10 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas2000. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ॐ ॥ प्राचीनवशमिति प्राचीनऽवशं । करोति । देव मनुष्या इति देवऽमनुष्याः । दिशः ॥ End: एव । वजम् । भ्रातृव्याय । प्रेति । हरति । अरुणपिशा इत्यरुण-पिशंगः । अश्वः । दक्षिणा । एतत् । वै । वज्रस्य। रूपम् । समृद्धथा इति सम् -ऋद्ध्यै (६)॥ Colophon: इति पदषष्ठाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ Subject: Sixtkı Astaka or Kāņda. 1-6 Praśnas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 364 Remarks: ---See Remarks on No. 567 for indices. accented and is in very good condition. 585. Burnell's 586. Beginning : A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदपदपाठः ॥ KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA PADAPĀTHAH. Catalogue No. 2476g. Substance-Paper. Size-11 x 4 --10 to a Page. Script - Devanågarī. 1638. Complete. End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The Ms. is un हरिः ॐम् ॥ प्रजननमिति [s] प्रजननं । ज्योतिः । अभिः । देवतानां । ज्योतिः । विराडिति विराट् ॥ Page 5. Right column. inches. Sheets -59. Lines No. of Granthas—— एतौ । वै महिमानौऽअश्व | अमितः । समिति | वभूवतुः । हयः । देवान् । अवहत् । अर्वा । असुरान् । वाजी | गंधर्वान् । अश्वः । मनुष्यान् । समुद्रः । वै । अश्वस्य । योनिः । समुद्रः । बंधुः ॥ २ ॥ Colophon: इति पदसप्तमाष्टकः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् १७५४ ॥ Subject : Seventh Astaka or Kāṇḍa. 1-5 Praónas. Remarks : - See Remarks on No. 571 for indices. The Ms. is un accented and is in very good codition. The Ms. is dated as संवत् 1764 or विक्रम 1754 or 1697 A. D. For Private and Personal Use Only ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ KRSNAYAJURVEDASAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ, Burnell's Catalogue No. 8984 8. Substance-Palm leaf. Size - 164 ×11 Page 6. Left column. inches, Leaves--- Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 14 (1-14). Lines -8 or 9 to a Page. Script-Telugu. No. of Granthas-250. Incomplete. Beginning: Colophon: nil. Subject: ............ 587. अपि कृन्तामि ॥ अदे रुते ॥ अग्ने राते ध्यं ॥ संवत्सरः प्रियन्त ॥ सामान्य ऋचः ॥ सर्व .. ....... ............. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir An incomplete alphabetical Index of all the Pañcadis of the BlackYajur Veda from 3 to . Remarks: This Ms. abruptly ends with the s-series. The Nos. of the Pancadis are not given in this Ms. This Ms. contains one more work-the second Kanda of the Yajur Veda Samhita. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ 365 KRSNAYAJURVEDASAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9080 a. Page 6, Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-164×3 inches. Leaves-32. Lines-5 or 6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-300. Incomplete. Beginning: श्रौषडित्युपावास्राक् ॥ अजनयन्ये यजामहे ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 366 End : Subject : 588. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ऋतूनां प्रीणामीत्याह ॥ End: बृहस्पतिरकामयत ॥ इमानेव लोकान् ॥ यन्त्यथो अनयोः ॥ ****...... Remarks: This Ms. abruptly begins with the index of the 3rd Pañcadi of the 11th Anuvaka of the 6th Prapathaka of the first Kanda and breaks off in the 3rd Pañcadi of the 1st Anuvāka of the 4th Prapāthaka of the 7th Kanda This Ms. contains at the beginning 12 leaves which contain an index (अनुक्रमणिका) merely fragmentary in character. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. An Index of the Pañcadis of Black Yajur Veda Samhita giving the beginnings only. Kānda I-6-11 to VII-4-1. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ KRSNAYAJURVEDASAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9080 c. Page 6. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size 14 x1 inches. Leaves-17. Lines 4 or 5 to a Page. Script-Telugu. No. of Granthas -200. Incomplete. Beginning : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (इषे त्वा) । यज्ञस्य घोषत् । विवय रुहेम । शुन्धध्वं ॥ आसां गर्भ । विश्वकर्मा वि । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS मनोयुजं ॥ Subject: An Index of the Pañcadis of the Samhita, giving the beginnings only. Kānda I-1-2 to IV-6-2. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir End : Remarks : This Ms. begins only in the 2nd Anuvāka of the 1st Praśna of the 1st Kanda and ends in the 2nd Anuvāka of the 6th Prasna of the 4th Kanda. At the end of this Ms. there are two leaves containing an incomplete index not to be identified. Besides this work, this Ms. contains two other works (1) यजुर्वेदानुक्रमणिका ( 1-7 Kandas) and (2) धर्मपिण्डः. The Ms. is unaccented and is in a fairly good condition. Yajur Veda ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताऽनुक्रमणिका || 589. KRSNAYAJURVEDASAMHITĀNU KRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9079 a. Page 6. Left column. Substance-- Palm leaf. Size 15 x1 inches. Leaves-10 (1-10). Lines – 6 to 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas - 150. Complete. Beginning : शुधध्वं सन्तेवायुर्जन (य) स्ताभिरोज एवेन्द्रो वृत्रनन् तस्य स्वाहानुवर्षते षट् । नर्या पुरूणीन्द्रस्य वज्रोसि परमिन्द्रो वृत्र महन् सचात्वालाच्चत्वारि ॥ * * शुध्वं नर्यापुरूणीन्द्रस्येममिन्द्रस्य वज्रोसि रजनो वै पंच ॥ 25 ॥ 1 ॥ 367 For Private and Personal Use Only यो अन्त्यग्नेतां वावहि तद्वेद त्रीणि । इन्वा उप ब्रह्मा * 3 * 883 यो अंतीम्वा उपयद्वै होता त्रीणि ॥ 16 ॥ 55 ॥ af वयः पवत एकं ॥ 56 ॥ Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 368 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: Index of Pancădis beginning with Udätta Svara. Remarks:-This work has 55 sections of which each section con sists of two or more indices. At the end of each index the No. of Pañcădis is given and at the end of each section the No. of indices containd in that section is also given. The selection of Pañcādis made in each index is based on the similarity of accent falling on the first 5 or more letters. Cf. Ant. Pra. Anu. Pan, _I- 1 - 3 - 1. शुं च ध्वं दै न्या य क मैं . IV- 1 - 4 - 1. सं ते वा यु मी त रि श्री • v- 1 - 7 - 3. ज न य स्ता मि रे बै नौ . v- 3 - 4 - 2. ओ जे ए वो त र तो 4 . VII- 5 - 11 - 2. खा ही नु व र्षे ते खा हो • In this table of 5 Pañcădis, the accent falls uniformly on the first eight letters. The Me. is unaccented and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताऽनुक्रमणिका ॥ 590. KRSNAYAJURVEDASAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9079 b. Page 6. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Sin-151x1 inches. Leaves-14 (11-24). Lines-6 to 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-210. Complete. Beginning: हरिः ओं शुभमस्तु । अनुदातादि ॥ यज्ञस्य घोपन्मूर्धानन्देवेभ्य एवानाघमात्मश विश्वेदेवादेव ता शतभिषगिच्छमानस्सप्त ॥ End : सोभवत् स्न्यस्य योंशुं येगयो व्यृद्धं सामख्यन्तश्च For Private and Personal Use Only Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 369 राह्येष सन् ह्येतबर्धयेयं ह्येतौ सोब्रवीध्यमाद्याच्छ न्यमा...ति पश्चदश ॥ 64 ।। Subject: Index of Pancūdis beginning with Anudātta Svara. Remarks :--Same as No. 589. This work consists of 64 sections. The Ms. is unaccented and is in good condition. - ॥ शुक्लयजुर्वेदसंहिता ।। 591. SUKLAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA. Burnell's Catalogue No.2490. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-8X44 inches. Sheets --52. Lines -6 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas280. Complete. Beginning: श्रीवरदमूर्तये नमः ॥ श्रीभवानीशंकराभ्यां नमः ॥ ॐ यज्जाग्रतः॥ यज्जाग्रतो दूरमुदैति दैवं मूतदुसु. तस्य तथैवैति दूरंगमं ज्योतिषां ज्योतिरेकतन्मे मनः शिवसंकल्पमस्तु ॥१॥ End: "द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिौं शांतिः पृथिवी शान्तिरापः शान्ति रोषधयः शान्तिः ॥ वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवा शांतिब्रह्मशान्तिः सर्च शां तिः शांतिरेव शान्तिः सामा शान्तिरेधि । Colophon : इति बाजसने(य)शाखायां रुद्राध्यायः अष्टमः ।। इति रुद्रः समाप्तः ॥ Subject: White Yajur Veda of the Vājasaneyins. This Ms. is composed of the following:-- 47 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 33. 16. 13. 46. 370 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning : Adhyaya. Khanda. 1. यजाप्रतो. 34.. 1-8. 2. सहस्रशीर्षा 1--22. 8. आशुशिशानो. 17. 33- 49. 4. विभ्राट् बृहत् 30- 33. 5. तं प्रनथा० 12. 8. अयं वेन:० 7. चित्रं देवानां० 8. आनइडाभिः० 34- 43. 9. नमस्ते रुद्र० 1-66. 10. वय सोम० 56-63. 11. उपश्च भीमश्च० . 7-13. 12. वाजश्च मे प्रसवश्च मे० 1-29. 18. यतो यतस्समीहसे० 36. 22-24. 14. यौः शांतिरतरिक्ष५० 36. 17. Of these, the 2nd section is Purusa Sukta, Sections 3-9 constitute the Sata Rudra and sections 10-14 form the Cama ka of the Vājasaneyins. Remarks : -This Ms. is accented and is in good condition. 33. 16. 39. ॥ शुक्लयजुर्वेदसंहिता ॥ 592. ŚUKLAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No.2489. Page 5. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--74x4 inches. Sheets-34 (2051). Lines—6 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas-170. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 371 Beginning: "नमो वंचते ॥ २०॥ नमो वंचते ॥ परिवंचते स्तायूनाम्पतये नमो नमो निषंगिणऽइषुधिमते त. स्कराणाम्पतये नमो नमः ।" End-Same as No. 591. Subject: White Yajur Veda of the Vājasaneyins. Rudra and Camaka only. Remarks:- See the subject on No. 591. This Ms. abruptly begins with the 20th Khanda of the Rudra, according to the recension of the Vajasaneyins. This Ms. is not accented, is old and is in good condition. ॥ शुक्लयजुर्वेदसंहितानुक्रमणिका ॥ 598. ŚUKLAYAJURVEDASAMHITĀNUKRAMANIKĀ. Not noticed by Burnell. Substance-Paper. Size-73x43 inches. Sheets-4. Lines-7tos Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-24. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यजाग्रतो ॥१॥ येनकर्माण्य ॥ २॥ यत्प्रज्ञानमु ॥३॥ End: घौः शांतिः ॥ सयोजातं प्रपद्यामी(मि)। श्रीसदाशिवार्पणमस्तु । Subject : An index of the Khandas mentioned in No. 691 giving the beginnings of each Khanda. Remarks: --The Ms. is very old and is in a fairly good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 372 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ अथर्ववेदसंहिता ।। 594. ATHARVA VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2527. Page 12. Right column. Substance-Paper. Bize--131x5 inches. Sheets -225. Lines -- 10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -6700. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ विघ्नहर्ने । अथर्वणवेदाय नमः ॥ ॐ ये विषप्ताः परियति विश्वा-रूपाणि विधतः । वाचस्पतिर्बला तेषी संतन्वो अद्य द-धातु मे ॥ १॥ End: पनाय्यं तद-श्विना कृतं वा-वृषदिवो र-जसः पृथिव्याः । महस्रशंसा-ऊतये गांव-ष्ठौ सर्वी इत्ता उपयाता पिबध्यै ।। ९॥ छा १४३ ॥ Colophon: इति नवमो(s)नुवाकः ॥ अनुवाकसूक्त ॥ ऋचा ३०८ ॥ इत्यथवर्णसंहितायां विंशतिकांड स माप्तं ॥ एवं कांडे अनुवाके ९ ॥ सूक्त १४३ ॥ ऋचा ९३५ ।। श्रीकल्याणमस्तु ॥ संवत् १८८४ चैत्रवदे ११ तदिनि ग्रन्थलिखि रासमाप्त । Subject : Atharva Veda Samhith of the Saunakiyas. 1-20 Kandas. 1-111 Anuvakas. Remarks: -At the end of each anuyaka and Kāņda the Nos. of the rks, Suktas, anuvakas, sometimes Prapathakas, are given in this Ms. The Ms. is in very good condition and is throughout accented. The Ms. is dated संवत् 1884 or विक्रम 1884 or 1827 A. D. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 373 II 372 GHENI II. 595. ATHARVA VEDA ŞAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2526. Page 12. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size -103 x 53 inches. Sheets -321. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -6700. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 594. Remarks:-Same as No. 594. The Ms. is in good condition and is unaccented. || steaHER 11 596. ATHARVA VEDA SAMHITĀ. Burnell's Catalogue Nos. 9118 & 9120. Page-12. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size14x15 inchen. Leaves-568. Lines --5 to 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha No. of Gran thas--6700. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 594. Remarks:-Burnell's No. 9118 contains portions from the begin ning of the Atharva samhitā to the middle of the 20th Rk of the third Anuvāka, of the tenth Kānda, and Burnell's No. 9120 contains the remaining portions of the Atharvaņa Samhită. The Ms. is in very good condition and is unaccented. 11 Xa CEEATHISTÆ II 597. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2360 a. Page 3. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--13 X 54 inches. Sheets-594. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagarī. No. of Gran thas--17,000. Author---Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : and 9: Tory II For Private and Personal Use Only Page #373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 374 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॐ वागीश्वाद्याः सुमनसः सर्वार्थानामुपक्रमे । यं नत्वा कृतकृत्याः स्युस्तं नमामि गजाननम् ॥ १ ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं वेदा यो वेदेभ्यो ( s) खिलं जगत् । निर्ममे तमहं वन्दे विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ॥ २ ॥ यत्कटाक्षेण तद्रूपं दधहुक्कमहीपतिः । आदिवन्माधवाचार्य वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशने ॥ ३ ॥ स माह नृपतिं राजन् सायणार्यो ममानुजः । सर्व वेयेष वेदानां व्याख्यातृत्वेन युज्यताम् ॥ इत्युक्तो माधवार्येण वीरबुक्कमहीपतिः । अन्वशात्सायणाचार्य वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशने ॥ ये पूर्वोत्तरमीमांसे ते व्याख्यायातिसंग्रहात् । कृपालुर्माधवाचार्यो वेदार्थ वक्तुमुद्यतः ॥ ४॥ आध्वर्यवस्य यज्ञेषु प्राधान्याव्याकृतः पुरा । यजुर्वेदो (S)थ हौत्रार्थमृग्वेदो व्याकरिष्यते ॥ ५ ॥ एतस्मिन्प्रथमो (S)ध्यायः श्रोतव्यः सम्प्रदायतः । व्युत्पमस्तावता सर्व बोद्धुं शक्रोति बुद्धिमान् ।। ६ ।। अत केचिदाहुः । ऋग्वेदस्य प्राथम्येन सर्वत्रानातत्वादम्पतिं पूर्वमिति न्यायेनाभ्यर्हितत्वाच व्याख्यानमादौ युक्तम् ॥ End : सधमादः । मदतृप्तियोगे । चौरादिकः । सधादेयते ( सहमादयन्ते) तृप्ता भवन्तीति सघमादः । किप् चेति किप् । जस् । सध मादस्थ ये । च्छन्दसीति सहस्य सधादेशः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Colophon : SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS इति प्रथमस्याष्टमे षड़िशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन तमोहार्द निवारयन् । पुमर्थाश्चतुरो देयाद्विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति श्रीमद्राजाधिराजराजपरमेश्वर वैदिकमार्ग प्रवर्तक श्री वीरबुकभूपालसाम्राज्यधुरन्धरेण सायणाचार्येण विरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे प्रथमाष्टके (S) ष्टमो (S) ध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ 375 two Subject: Vedartha Prakasa-A Commentary (Bhasya) on Rg Veda Samhita: First Astaka: 1-8 Adhyāyas. Remarks: In the introductory verses noted above, the numberless verses are additionally given in this Ms. [Compare M. Muller's IInd Edition of Rg-Veda]. Along with the Bhaaya, the Rg-Veda Text without accent is given in this family of Mss. The Ms. is in good condition. This Ms. being too bulky, is kept in two Volumes. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 598. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2361. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13×6 inches. Sheets-202. Lines-8 to a Page. Script — Devanagari. No. of Granthas--3000. Author——Sāyanācārya. Incomplete (wants end). Beginning :- Same as No. 597. End: विश्व | विभवतीति विभुं । भ्रुव इत्यनुवृत्तौ विप्रसंभ्यो इसंज्ञायामिति डु[0] प्रत्ययः । डित्वाड्डिलोपः । प्रत्ययस्वरेणोकार उदाचः । (कृदुत्तरपदप्रकृतिस्वरेण स एव शिष्यते । एवं प्रभु ॥ २७ ॥ Colophon : Nil. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 896 À DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. First Astaka: First Adhyāya. 1-17 Vargas only. Remarks:--This Ms. breaks off at the end of the 17th Varga of the 1st Adhyāya. Sheets 194 and 202 bear watermark 1825, the paper being of English manufacture. The Ms. is well preserved and it is in excellent condition. || Aa CHIETHA !! 599. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. J. L. Collection. No. 22. Substance-Paper. Size-144 X 61 inches. Sheets--167 (26-192). Lines-14 to a Page. Script -Devanāgari. No. of Granthas--7500. Author---Sāyaṇicārya. Incomplete. Beginning : (3) Faste staan: at fi(s)Fri fafia ने । सुन्वते सोमाभिषवं कुर्वते । यजमानाय । End : वयं सधमादस्याम पुत्रपौत्रादिभिः सह माद्यंतो भवेम ।। Colophon: Same as No. 597. Subject: Vedartha Prakāśa. First Agtaka: 2-8 Adhyāyas. Remarks:- This Ms. abruptly begins with the 7th rk of the 2nd Varga of the 2nd Adhyāya. In this Ms. only the explanatory portion of the pks in the Sāyaṇabhāøya is given. The grammatical peculiarities and such other explanations are omitted. The Ms. is old and is in good condition. # # FETTHETALII 600. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. J. L. Collection. No. 23. Substance-Paper. Size—144 X 64 inches. Sheets --214 (239-471; Sheets 367-385 are mis For Private and Personal Use Only Page #376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS ing). Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-9000. Author---Sayanachrya. Incomplete. Beginning: ...... नम्या शत्रुषु नमनशीलेन सख्या सहायभूतेन वज्रेण परावति दूरदेशे नमुचिं नाम अनया संजया प्रसिद्ध मायिनं मायाविनमसुरं ॥ End and colophon-Same as No. 697. Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. First Awtaka. 4-8 Adhyayas. Remarks :-This Ms. abruptly begins with the commentary on the 7th rk of the 16th Varga in the 4th Adhyaya. The Ms. is ola and is in good condition, though the first few sheets are eaten by white ants here and there. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् । 601. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2360. b. Page 3. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size--134 X 5} inches. Sheets-325. Lines--9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Grantbas -11000. Author---Sayanācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ वागीशाबा * * * महेश्वरम् ।। १&२ ॥ प्रक्रिया प्रथमे काण्डे साकल्येनोपवर्णिता । अत ऊर्ध्व ततो ज्ञेया सर्यते च कचित्वचित् ॥ ३ ॥ अथ द्वितीयाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते । शतर्चिनामाघे मण्डले चतुर्विशत्यनुवाकाः। तेषु कदित्थेत्यष्टादशानुवाके पदसूक्तानि । तत्र प्रवः पातमिति द्वितीयं सूक्तम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 978 A DESCRIPTIVE OATALOGUE OF End : ऋतावरी उदकवत्यो । सत्ये सत्यखरूपे । माची अ. नुकूले तस्थतुः तिष्ठतः । कथमिव, (अध्वरेव) अध्वराविव यज्ञाविव ॥ अथकादशी ।। इळामग्न इतीयं पूर्व व्या ख्याता ॥ Colophon: इति द्वितीयस्याष्टमे सप्तविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरात् (रः)॥ द्वितीयाष्टकं समाप्तम् ।। ग्रंथसंख्या ११०००. Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Second Astaka. 1-8 Adhyayas. Remarks:-To this Ms. are attached after the 274th sheet two sheets of 16 lines each, which gives the Ms. continuity in the text of Sayanabhaaya. The bhasyaof the 13th rk of the 3rd Varga of the 7th Adhyaya is omitted. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 602. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2365 a. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13}x5 inches. Sheets-74. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -2500. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॐ वागीशाद्याः + महेश्वरम् ॥ सोमस्येत्यनुवाके द्वादशसूक्तानि । तत्र प्र य आरुरित्येकादशर्च सप्तमं सूक्तं । मंडलद्रष्टा विश्वामित्र ऋषिः । अनुकत्वात्रिष्टुप् छन्दः। मंडलादिपरिभाषया अनिर्देबता॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANØKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 379 End: प्रजानन् । ज्ञा अवबोधने । शतरि रूपं । याहि । यातेर्लोटि रूपम् ॥ Colophon: इति सायणाचार्यविरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे ऋक्संहिताभाष्ये तृतीयाष्टके तृतीये मंडले प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ।। द्वितीयो(s)नुवाकः समाप्तः ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Third Astaka. First Adhyays. Remarks:-Before commencing the commentary, the Rg-Veda rks without their accents are also given in this family of Mss. The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 603. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2365 b. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets--48. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1900. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ तृतीये(s)नुवाके नव सूक्तानि ॥ तत्रेच्छन्ति त्वेति द्वाविंशत्यूचं प्रथमं सूक्तं । तत्रेयमनुक्रमणिका । इच्छंति व्यधिकैंद्रमिति । मण्डलद्रष्टा विश्वामित्र ऋषिः । इंद्रो देवता । अनुक्तत्वात्रिष्टुप (छन्दः)॥ End: बर्हणावत् । व(५)हि वृद्धावित्यस्य भावे औणादिको युप्रत्ययः । प्रत्ययस्वरः ॥ अथ नवमी ॥ शुनं हुवेम० । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #379 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 380. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF शृण्वंत सु० धनानां ॥। ९ ॥ व्याख्यातेयम् । Colophon : इति तृतीयस्य द्वितीये पड़ियो वर्गः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + वेदार्थप्रकाशे ऋक्संहिताभाष्ये तृतीयाष्टके द्वितीयो - (s)ध्यायः समाप्तः || श्रीरामार्पणमस्तु ॥ Subject: Vedartha Prakasa. Third Astaka. Second Adhyāya. 1-26 Vargas. Remarks : - The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 604. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2365 c. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -- 131 x 6 inches. Sheets- 62. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1650. Author - Sāyapācārya. Complete. Beginning: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ अथ तृतीयाध्याय आरभ्यते । इंद्र त्वेति नवर्च द्वितीयं सूक्तं वैश्वामित्रं गायत्रमैंद्रं । तथा चानुक्रेति । इंद्र त्वा गायत्रं हीति ॥ End: Colophon : बिभर्ति । डुभृञ् धारणपोषणयोरित्यस्य लटि भृञामिदित्यभ्यासस्येत्वं । निघातः । वाममाजः । भज सेवायां । भजोण्विरिति ण्विः । कृदुत्तरपदस्वरः ॥ इति तृतीयस्य तृतीये एकत्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन + महेश्वरः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #380 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBORITS 381 इति श्रीमद्राजा + ऋक्संहिताभाष्ये तृतीयाष्टके तृतीयो(s)स्या यः ॥ श्रीसंपूर्णमस्तु । Subject : Vedirtha Prakisa. Third Antaka. Third Adhyaya. 1-31 Vargas. Remarks :--The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 605. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No, 2365 d. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-59. Lines---10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1600. Author-Sayamacarya. Complete. Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ न तामिनंतीत्यष्टर्च तृतीयं सूक्तं विश्वामित्रस्य वाचः पुत्रस्य वा प्रजापतेरार्ष त्रैष्टुभं वैश्वदेवम् ।। तथाचानुक्रमणिका । न ताष्टाविति ॥ End: अवद्यात् अवधपण्येति यत् । ययतोश्च । तदर्थे इत्यतोदाचत्वं । मित्रमहो अवद्यादित्यत्र संहितायां अव्याद वद्यादिति एवु (ङ) प्रकृतिभावः ॥ Colophon : इति तृतीयस्य चतुर्थे पंचविंशो वर्गः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + ऋक्संहिताभाष्ये तृतीयाष्टके चतुर्थो(s) यायः संपूर्णः ॥ Subject: . Vedartha Prakasa. Third Astaka. Fourth Adhyaya. 1-26 Vargas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #381 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 382 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Remarks:- The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 606. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2365 e. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-40. Lines-10 to a Page.. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1,200. Author-Sayanacarya. Complete. Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।। यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ इत्थं तृतीयाष्टकगश्चतुर्थो(s)ध्याय आदरात् । व्याख्यातः सायणाचार्यः पंचमो(म) व्याकरिष्यति ॥२॥ चतुर्थे मण्डले प्रथमे(s)नुवाके दश सूक्तानि । वैश्वानरायेति पंचदशर्च पंचमं सूक्तं वामदेवस्या त्रैष्टुभं वैश्वानरामिदेवताकम् । अत्रानुक्रमणिका । (वैश्वानराय ) वैश्वानरीयमिति ॥ विनियोगो लैंगिकः । तत्र प्रथमा । वैश्वा. नराय० । End: अध अथानंतरं श्येनः श्येनच्छीघ्रगामी इंद्रः मे मह्यं मधुरोपेतमुदकं आजमार आजहार ॥ Colophon : इति तृतीयस्य पंचमे पर्डिशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा + तृतीयाष्टके पंचमो(s)ज्यायः संपूर्णः ।। Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Third Astaka. Fifth Adhyaya. 1-26 Vargas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 383 Remarks :--This Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 607. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2365 f. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--131x5 inches. Sheets-32. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran. thas-900. Author-Sayanācārya. Complete. Beginning: ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ व्याख्याता पंचमो(s)ध्यायस्तृतीयाष्टक आदरात् । धीमता सायणाख्येन षष्ठो(s)ध्यायो(s)थ वर्ण्यते ॥ २॥ चतुर्थे मण्डले द्वितीयानुवाकेऽष्ट सूतानि व्याख्याता. नि ॥ एवात्वामिंद्रेत्येकादशचं सूक्तम् ॥ तस्य मंडलादि. परिभाषया वामदेव ऋषिः । अनादेशपरिभाषया त्रिष्टुप् छंदः । इंद्रो देवता । तथाचानुक्रान्तं- एवैकादशेति ॥ - अनुस्रयाम्णे पयामेव गच्छते मह्य (मरं) पर्याप्तकारि णौ भवताम् ॥ Colophon: इति तृतीयस्य षष्ठे त्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन + महेश्वरः । इति श्रीमद्राजा + वेदार्थप्रकाशे तृतीयाष्टके षष्ठो(s)ध्यायः ॥ दाश. तव्या(य्या)श्चतुर्थे मण्डले तृतीयो(S)नुवाकः ॥ इदं पुस्तकं भानूपनामकगंगाधर शर्मणो यजमानस्य साहाय्येन पंडसे इत्यु. पनामश्रीवर्धनमामस्थसर्वतोमुख[तो] (सो)मयाजिनाऽनंतशर्मणा काश्यां संपादितं । तेन श्रीवेदपुरुषरूपी परमेश्वरः प्रीयताम् ॥ End: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #383 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 384 A DEBORIPTIVÉ OATALOGUE OF Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Third Anta.ka. Sixth Adhyaya. 1-30 Vargas. Remarks :-The Ms. is in a very good condition. According to the colophon in this Ms. this series of Mss. was acquired in Benares by Sarvatomukba Soma yāji Ananta Sarma of Sri. vardhana village, with the benevolent patronage of Sri Gan. gādbara Sarma. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहितामाष्यम् ॥ 608. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2365 g. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-25. Lines-11 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-900. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ।। १॥ चतुर्थे(s)नुवाके त्रयोदशसूक्तानि । तत्र प्रभुम्य इत्ये. कादशर्च प्रथमं सूक्तं वामदेवस्यार्ष वैष्टुभं । तुह्यादिपरिभाषयेदमादिसूक्तपंचकरभुदेवताकं । अत्रानुक्रमणिका । प्र ऋमुभ्य एकादचार्भवं वा इति ।। End : जजस्तं युध्यतं क्षपयितु(पत)मित्यर्थः । छंदस्परातिशब्दः स्त्रीलिंगः। एवं स्तुतिं निगमय्याभीष्टं प्रार्थितवान् । Colophon: इति तृतीयस्य सप्तमे सप्तविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ श्रीमत्सायणमंत्रीशो दा()तव्यास्तृतीयके । .अष्टके सप्तमाध्यायं ब्याक(पीरि(द)तिपेशासम ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #384 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS 365 इति श्रीमद्रामा + ऋक्संहिताभाष्ये तृतीयाके सप्तमो(s)न्यायः ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Third Astaka. Seventh Adhys. ___ya. 1-27 Vargas. Remarks:--The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥अग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 809. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2365 h. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-40. Lines---10 to Page. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas --600. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Completo. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यस निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ अथाष्टमं व्याख्यातुमारभते । इदमु त्यदित्येकादश षष्ठं रक्तं । वामदेवखार्ष त्रैष्टुभं उपोदेवताकं । इदमुपस्य वित्यनुक्रांतं ॥ End : __ या पार्थिवेति अयोविशेषणं । पार्थिवानि चरुपुरोडा शादिकान्यमि वि तिष्ठसे । अभिव्यज्य वर्ससे ।। Colophon: इति तृतीयस्याष्टमे बडिशो वर्गः । वेदास्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + तृतीयाष्टके (5)ष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ।। समाप्तो(s)वं तृती(या)टकः ॥ भानूपनामकगंगाधरशर्मणो यजमानस्य साहाय्वेनेदं पुस्तकं पेंडसे इत्युपनामाऽनंतदीक्षितंत(तेन) सर्वतोमुख्याजिना - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 386 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF पादितं तेन श्रीवेदरूपयज्ञनारायणः श्रीयताम् ॥ श्रीराम ॥ Subject: Vedārtha Prakāka. Third Aạtaka. Eighth Adhya ya. 1-26 Vargas. Remarks :--The Ms. is in very good condition. For other details see Remarks on No. 607. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 610. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀŞYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No.2366 a. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134x5 inches. Sheets-34. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -1100. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ।। १ ॥ पंचमे मंडले प्रथमे(s)नुवाके पूर्वमष्टौ सूक्तानि व्याख्यातानि । त्वाममे हविष्मंत इति सप्तर्च नवमं सूक्तमात्रे यस्य गयस्यार्ष। सप्तमीपंचम्यौ पंक्ती शिष्टाः परत्यं तस्य च सूक्तस्यति परिभाषया अनुष्टुभः । अनिर्देवता ॥ End: ब्रह्माणो बृहंतः ते त्वदीयाः सखायः स्तोतारः किं गृहते त्वत्तः किं गृहंते । ऋषिः स्वकीयाभिलाषप्राप्तिविलंबनादेवमुक्तवानित्यर्थः ॥ १ ॥ Colophon : इति चतुर्थस्य प्रथमे त्रयस्त्रिंशो वर्गः ।। पंचमे मण्डले द्वितीयो(s)नुवाकः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 387 इति श्रीमद्राजा + ऋक्संहिताभाष्ये चतुर्थाष्टके थमो (S)शयः ॥ शुभं भवतु || राजराजस्य चंदिचंदावरेंद्रस्य धर्मराजस्य अय्यारूपखामिनः अनुमतेनेदं पुस्तकं जयराम भट्टेन लिखितं । संवत् १८८६ शावरीनाम संवत्सरे भौमवासरे काइयां केदा (रे) वरघट्टे प्रथमयामे प्रथमाध्यायः चतुर्थाष्टकस्य समाप्तः । श्रीकेदारेश्वरः प्रभोऽस्तु ॥ Subject: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Vedārtha Prakasa. Fourth Astaka. First Adhyāya. 1-33 Vargas. Remarks :-- The Ms. is in very good condition. The scribe's name is Jayarâm& Bhatta. The date of the Ms. is संवत् 1886 which is Vikrama 1886 or 1829 A. D. in the year Sarvari. This Me. is said to have been written at Kedaresvaraghatta with the benevolent patronage of Rajaraja Dharmaraja Ayyarupa Svamin. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 611. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Left column. Sheets-- 30. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2366 b. Page 4. Substance-Paper. Size-13x5 inches. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1,000. Author-Sayaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः || यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ चतुर्थे प्रथमाध्यायं व्याख्याय व्याकृतिक्षमः । सुधीः श्रीसायणाचार्यो द्वितीयं व्याचिकीर्षति ।। २ ।। तत्त्रात्रेः पंचमे मंडले तृतीये ( s) नुवाके द्वादशसूक्तानि । तत्र महिम (ह) इति दशर्च प्रथमं सूक्तं प्रजापतिपुत्रः सव For Private and Personal Use Only Page #387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 388 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF रणाख्य ऋषिः । त्रिष्टुप् छन्दः । इंद्रो देवता ॥ . End : यो जनीना देवजायानां ऋतुः कालः तदभिमाना(नी) देव्यो(वो)पि शृणोतु व्यंतु (वेतु) च । अत्रापि च माव्यंतु देवपत्म्य इत्यादि निरुक्तं द्रष्टव्यम् । Colophon: इति चतुर्थस्य द्वितीये(s)ष्टाविंशो वर्गः ।। वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राना + चतुर्थाष्टके द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ॥ Subject: Vedartha Prakasa. Fourth Actaka. Second Adhya ya. 1-28 Vargas. Remarks :--The Ms. is in very good condition. - - । ग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 812. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2366 c. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-35. Lines-11 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1100. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ अथ तृतीयाध्याय आरभ्यते । तत्र प्रयुंजतीति सप्तर्च तृतीयं सूक्तं । प्रतिरथस्याष त्रैष्टुमं पूर्वत्र वैश्वदेव(वै) तदित्युक्तत्वादिदमपि वैश्वदेवं । प्रयुजती सम प्रतिरथ :त्यनुक्रमाणका । विनियोगो लेंगिकः । तत्र प्रथमा ॥ End : हे मित्रावरुणौ सिपासंतो धनानि संभक्तुपिछतो For Private and Personal Use Only Page #388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTA 389 वयं जिगीवांसः शवणां धनानि जेतुमिछंत: स्याम भवेम ।। Colophon : __ इति चतुर्थस्य तृतीये एकविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + चतुर्थाष्टके तृतीयोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ भूपालसिंहस्य राजराजेंद्रस्य चंदिचंदावरेंद्रस्य यजमानस अय्यारूपस्वामिना साहाय्य(सहाय)भूतेनेदं पुस्तकं काश्यां केदारेश्वर घहे जयरामभद्देन लिखितम् ॥ Subject : Vedirtha Prakasa: Fourth Astaka. Third Adhya ya. 1-31 Vargas. Remarks:-The Ms. is in very good condition. For other details, see No.610. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 618. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2366 d. Page 4. Lett column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-32. Lines-11 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1050. Author-Bäynācārya. Complete. Beginning : __ श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ यस्य निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ अष्टकस्य चतुर्थस्य तृतीयो व्याकृतः स्फुटं । अध्यायः सायणार्येण चतुर्थो ब्याकरिष्यते ॥२॥ ऋतस्य गोपाविति सप्तर्च सप्तमं सूक्तं । अत्रेयमनुक्रमजिका । ऋतस्य सप्तार्चनाना आगतमिति ॥ आलेयो(s) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 390 End: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF नाना नाम ऋषिः । जगती छंदः । तुह्यादिपरिभाषया मित्रावरुणो देवता ॥ ___ हे पुरुवार बहुभिर्वरणीयाग्ने राजनि राजमाने, त्वे त्व, यि पुरूणि बहूनि (वसु) वसूनि (त्वे त्वां) विधते परिच रते मह्यं दातव्यानि संति ॥ Colophon: इति चतुर्थस्थ चतुर्थे षट्त्रिशो वर्गः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा + चतुर्थाष्टके चतुर्थो(5)ज्यायः समाप्तः ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa: Fourth Ashaka. Fourth Adhys ya. 1-36 Vargas. Remarks :--The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 614. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2366 e. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-134x5 inches. Sheets-51. Lines-9 to a Fage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas--1300. Author-Sayanācārya. Complete. .. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ अथ पंचमाध्याय आरभ्यते । षष्ठमंडलस्य षडनुवाकात्मकस्य प्रथमे(s)नु(वा)के पंचदशसूक्तानि । तत्र त्वं हीत्येकादशर्च द्वितीयं सूक्तं ॥ End: - येन च वाजिना बलगता()मिना रक्षांति यज्ञक्रोिधीनि तळ्हा दृ(त)ढानि हिंसितानि तमग्निमिंधत इत्पन्वयः ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUHORIPTS 391 Colopbon : इति चतुर्थस्य पंचमे त्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा + चतुर्थाष्टके पंचमो(s)ध्यायः समाप्तः ।। Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa: Fourth Astaka. : Fifth Adhyāya. 1-33 Vargas. Remarks :--The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 615. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2866 f. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--131x5 inches. Sheets-27. Lines--11 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas-900. Author-Sayanacārya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसित + महेश्वरम् ॥ १।. चतुर्थाष्टके षष्ठो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते । षष्ठे मंडले द्वितीये(5)नुवाके प्रथमं सूक्तं व्याख्यातं । तत्र पिबासोमामिति द्वितीयं सूक्तं भरद्वाजस्याचे त्रैष्टुभं ।। End: गोपुह्याप्यायितासुसतीषु तत्संबन्धिक्षीरादिहविवारेणे द्रः आप्यायितो भवतीत्यर्थः । उपेति पुनर्वचनं पादभेदाभेदान् (भेदानां) पूरणार्थमिति ॥ Colophon : ___ इति चतुर्थस्य षष्ठे पंचविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + चतुर्थे षष्ठो(s)ध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ ६ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #391 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 392 A DESORIPTİVE CATALOGUE OF Subject: Vedartha Prakasa: Fourth Amaka. Sixth Adhya ya. 1-25 Vargas. Remarks:-The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 616. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2366g. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets--53. Lines-9 toPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1500. Author---Sãyaņācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥१॥ अथ सप्तमो(s)न्याय आरभ्यते। षष्ठस्य मंडलस्य तृती. ये(s)नुवाके पंच सूक्तानि व्याकृतानि । इंद्र व इति पट्ट. चं पठं सूक्तं भरद्वाजस्या वैष्टुभमैंद्रं । अनुक्रम्यते चइंद्रं पडिति । गतो विनियोगः । तत्र प्रथमा। इंद्र वो नर..॥ End : शत्रुभियुध्यमाना वर्तते । तथा सति हे इंद्र अस्माकं रथिनो रथारूढाः पुरुषाः शत्रून् जयंतु ॥ Colophon: इति चतुर्थस्य सप्तमे पंचत्रिंशो बर्गः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + चतुर्थाष्टके सप्तमो()न्यायः ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ Subject: Vedartha Prakasa. Fourth Astaka. Seventh Adhya. ya. 1-35 Vargas. Remarks :-The Ms. is in very good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #392 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS: ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ।। 617. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No.2366 h. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-42. Lines-10 toa Page. Script-Devanagarl. No. of Gran. thas-1100. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वासितं + महेश्वरम् ॥१॥ अथाष्टमो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते । षष्ठमंडलस्य चतुर्थे(s). नुवाके चत्वारि सक्तानि व्याकरख्या)तानि । यज्ञायज्ञेति द्वाविंशत्पृचं पंचमं सूक्तं बृहस्पतिपुत्रस्य शंयोराः ॥ End: वयं च त्वत्सकाशादरणानि अरमणानि निकृष्टापि(नि) क्षेत्राणि मा गन्म मा प्रामवाम । अपि तु रमणीयाम्येव ।। Colophon : इति चतुर्थस्याष्टमे द्वात्रिंशो वर्गः ।। वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + चतुर्थाष्टकेऽष्टमोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ समाप्तं चतुर्थाष्टकम् ॥ इत्युक्संहिताभाष्यचतुर्थाष्टकेऽष्टमोऽध्यायः ।। भानूपनामकगङ्गाधरशर्मणो यजमानस्य साहाय्येनेदं पुस्तकं पेंड. से इत्युपनाना सर्वतोमुखयाजिना अनंतदीक्षितेन काश्यां संपादितम् । तेन श्री वेदपुराणपुरुषः प्रीयताम् ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa: Fourth Antaka. Eighth Adhy: ya. 1-32 Vargas. Romarka:-The Ms. is in very good condition. The Me. was 50 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #393 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 394 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF acquired in Benares by one Sarvato nukhayajin Ananta Dikṣita or Ananta Sarma with the patronage and help of Bhanu Gangadhara Sarma. Beginning : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 618. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 a. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-12 × 5 inches. Sheets-36. Lines-11 to a Page Script - Devanãgari. Author—Sāyanācārya. No. of Gran thae -- 1200. Complete. ॐ नमः | श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं वेदाः यो वेदेभ्यो (s) खिलं जगत् । निर्ममे तमहं वन्दे विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ अथ पमाष्टके प्रथमोऽध्याय आरभ्यते । षष्ठमण्डलस्य षष्ठेऽनुवाके चतुर्दशवक्तानि । तत्र स्तुषेनरेत्येकादशचं प्रथमं सूक्तम् । अत्रेयमनुक्रमणिका । स्तुष एकादशाश्विनं त्विति ।। End : नोऽस्मान् यूयं त्वत्परिवाराश्च सर्वे स्वस्तिभिरविनाशिभिर्मगलैः । तथा च यास्का । स्वस्तीत्यविनाशनामास्तिरभिपूजितः सु अस्तीति (सदा) पात रक्षत ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Colophon : इति पञ्चमाष्टकस्य प्रथमाध्याय सप्तविंशो वर्गः ॥ २७ ॥ वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन + विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + ऋग्वेदस्य संहितायाः पंचमाष्टके प्रथमोऽध्यायः ॥ विश्वेशं माधवं दुण्ढि दण्डपाणि च भैरवम् । Page #394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANAKRIT MANUKORIPTA वन्दे काशी गुहां गंगां भवानी मणिकर्णिकाम् ।। संवत्० १८४६... " Subject: Vedārtha Prakāla. Fifth Astaka. First Adhyāya. 1-27 Vargas. Remarks:-The Ms. is dated संवत् 1846 which is विक्रम 1846 or 1789 A. D. The Ms. is in very good condition. The Rg-Veda rks also are given in this Ms. just before their commentary and they are throughout accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 619. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 b. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-121x5 inches. Sheets-33. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --925. Author -- Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: . ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं • महेश्वरम् ।। जुषस्व न इत्येकादशर्च द्वितीयं सूक्तं । वसिष्ठस्यार्ष त्रैष्टुभम् । आमशब्दोक्तत्वादिदं तनूनपाद्रहितं । समिद्धाद्या अग्निविशेषाः प्रत्यूचो(च) देवता उक्ताः ॥ तथा चानुक्रम्यते । जुषस्वैकादशाप्रमिति । End : अपि च नो(s)स्मभ्यं वाजाननान्युपमिमीहि. प्रयच्छेत्यर्थः । स्तीन् गृहांथोपमिमीहि । स्पष्टमन्यत् ॥ Colophon: इति पंचमस्य द्वितीये त्रिंशो वर्गः । वेदार्थस्य • महेश्वरः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #395 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 996 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF इति श्रीमद्राजा • पंचमाष्टके द्वितीयोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ श्रीरामजय ॥ Subject: Vedārtha Prakāša. Fifth Aptaka. Second Adbyaya. 1-30 Vargas. Remarks:-The Ms. is in very good condition and the pks given just before their commentary are accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 620. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 c. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-121x5 inches. Sheets-84. Lines-11 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -950. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: ___ श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ यस निश्वसित० महेश्वरम् ॥ अथ तृतीयोऽध्याय आरभ्यते । उग्रो जज्ञ इति दार्च तृतीयं सूक्तं वसिष्ठस्यार्ष त्रैष्टुभमैंद्र । तथा चानुक्रम्यते उग्रो दश इति आभिप्लविके चतुर्थेऽहनि निष्केवल्ये एतत्सूकं निविदानं । सूत्रितं च । चतुर्थस्योग्रो जन इति निष्केवल्यं इति ॥ End: Colophon: ऋतज्ञाः सत्यज्ञा ये देवाः सन्ति ते सर्वे उरुगायं बहुकीर्ति पुत्रं अद्य नोऽस्मभ्यं रासंतां प्रयच्छंतु । सिद्ध एव उत्तमः पाद: ॥ - इति पंचमस्य तृतीये सिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य • महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्वाजा पंचमाष्टके तृतीयोऽध्यायः ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BAWAKRIT MANUBORIPTS 397 विश्वेशं + मणिकर्णिकाम् ।। संवत् १८४६ कार्तिककृष्ण १३ शुक्र श्रीवाराणसी...... श्रीविश्वेश्वरार्पणमस्तु ।। Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Fifth Astaka. Third Adhyaya. 1-30 Vargas. Remarks:-The Ms. is dated संवत् 1846 which is विक्रम 1846 or 1789 A. D. The Ms. is in very good condition. The rks of this Ms. are accented. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 621. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 a. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--121x5 inches. Sheets-35. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari..No. of Granthas -1000. Author-Sayapacarya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ अथ पशमाष्टके चतुर्थोऽध्याय आरभ्यते । तत्र पडनुवाकात्मकस्य वासिष्ठस्य सप्तमस्य मण्डलस्य तृतीयेऽनुवाके द्वाविंशतिसूक्तानि । तत्र प्रब्रह्मेति नबर्च तृतीयं सूक्तं वसि स्यार्ष त्रैष्टुभं पूर्नवद्वैश्वदेवं अनुक्रान्तं चेति ब्रह्म नवेति । विनियोगो लैंगिकः । तत्र प्रथमा । प्रब्रौतु० ॥ End: अमृताचिरजीवितात् स्वर्गादेर्वा मा मुक्षीय। चतुर्थपादाथैमनस्य तात्पर्यातिशयं दर्शयति । त्र्यंबकं यजामह इत्याह । मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतादिति वा वैतदाहेति ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #397 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra $98 Colophon : A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF इति पंचमस्य चतुर्थे त्रिंशो वर्गः । वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीराजा + पचगाष्टके चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ Subject: Vedartha Prakasa. ya. 1-30 Vargas. Remarks :- The šks are accented. tion. 622. Fifth Asiaka. Fourth Adhya Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The Ms. is in very good condi ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 e. Page 4. Substance-Paper. Size-12 x 5 inches. Sheets- 34. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -950. Author——Sāyanācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीमहागणपतये नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ व्याख्याय निगमाभिज्ञः पञ्चमस्य चतुर्थकम् । अध्यायं सायणाचार्यः पश्चमं व्याकरोत्यथ ॥ तत्र यदद्य सूर्येति द्वादशचं पश्चमं सूक्तम अत्रानुक्रमणिका । यदद्य मैत्रावरुणं तु वै सौर्याद्येति । मण्डलद्रष्टा वसिष्ठर्षिः अनुक्तत्वात्रिष्टुप्छन्दः । तुवा इत्युक्तत्वादेतदादीनि सप्तमुक्तानि मित्रावरुणदेवता (त्या) नि । आद्या सूर्यदेवत्या । विनियोगो लैंगिकः ।। 1 End: अत एव भद्राः स्तुत्या उपासउषसः (सदं) सर्वदा उ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #398 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS. च्छंतु। पुनः कीदृश्यः घृतमुदकं दुहाना दोग्धा(ध्रिया) विश्वतः प्रमीताः सर्वतः प्रवृद्धाः । यूयं पातेति गतम् । Colophon: इति पंचमस्य पंचमे सप्तविंशो वर्गः । वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा • पनामाष्टके पञ्चमोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ श्रीकृष्णाय नमः ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Fifth Astaka. Fifth Adhyaya. ___1-27 Vargas. Remarks :-The Rks are accented in this Ms. The Ms. is in very good condition. . ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 623. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 f. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-121x5 inches. Sheets-34. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -925. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Coinplete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ अथ षष्ठो व्याख्यायते । सप्तमे मण्डले पंचमेऽनुवाके दश सूक्तानि व्याकृतानि । प्रत्यु अदर्शाति षडचमेकादशं सूक्तं वसिष्ठस्यार्षमुषस्यं : प्रथमाद्या अयुधो बृहत्यो द्वितीयाद्यायुजः सतो बृहत्यः । तथा चानुक्रान्तं । प्रत्युषट प्रागाथमिति ॥ End : अथ सप्तमी । 'वषद् ते+सदान:' ७ ।। व्याख्यातेयं For Private and Personal Use Only Page #399 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DEBOŘIPTIVE OATALOQUE OF अक्षरार्थस्तु हे विष्णो तुभ्यमास्यादास्येन वषद् करोमि व. षट्कृतं तन्मदीयं हीवः हे शिपिविष्ट सेवस्व । शोभनस्तुतिरूपा मदीया वाचश्च त्वां वर्धयंत्विति । शिष्टः पादः शिष्टः॥ Colophon : इति पंचमस्य षष्ठे पंचविंशो वर्गः । वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः । इति सायणाचार्यविरचिते . पंचमारके षष्ठोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ संवत् १८४६... Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Fifth Astaka. Sixth Adhyaya. 1-25 Vargas. Remarks :-The Rks are accented in this Ms. The Ms. is dated संवत् 1846 or विक्रम 1846 or 1789 A. D. The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 624. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 g. Page 1. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-121x5 inches. Sheets--39. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1100. Author-Sayanacārya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् । अथ सप्तमो व्याख्याय(स्य) ते । सप्तममण्डलस्य षष्ठे ऽनुवाके द्वा (एका) दशसूक्तानि व्याख्यातानि। तिस्रो वाच इति षडचं त्रयो (द्वा) दशं सूक्तम् । अत्रानुक्रम्यते । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 401 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS तिस्रः षट् पार्जन्यं त्विति ॥ End : इहालिन् राजनि प्रशस्तस्य धनस्य तदानं मम नासीदिति वृक्षप्रमुखाः सर्वेऽपि जनाः प्रोचुरित्यर्थः ।। Colophon : - इति पञ्चमस्य सप्तमे त्रयस्त्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा • पंचमाष्टके सप्तमोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ श्रीसंवत् १८४६ पौषस्य कृष्ण ६ भौम ८. Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. Fifth Astaka. Seventh Adhyā. ya. 1-33 Vargas. Remarks :--The Rks are accented in this Ms. The Ms. is dated संवत् 1846 or विक्रम 1846 or 1789 A. D. The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 625. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2367 h. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-121x5 inches. Sheets-33. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -925. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ।। अथाष्टमो व्याख्यातुमारभ्यते । अष्टमे मण्डले प्रथमेऽनुवाके चत्वारि सूक्तानि व्याकृतानि । दूरादित्येकोनच. त्वारिंशदचं पंचमं सूक्तं कण्वगोत्रस्य ब्रह्मातिथेरापं । आ 51 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #401 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 403 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF दितः षड्रिंशत् गायत्र्यः । ततो वे बृहत्यौ । अंतिमा अनुष्टुप् ॥ End : असभ्यं स्तोतृभ्यश्च सौभगं सुभगत्वं वा (चा) यजस्व प्रदेहि । सुभगशब्दाडावेऽर्थे सुभगान् मन्त्र इत्युद्गात्रादिषु पाठादप्रत्ययः॥ Colophon: इति पंचमस्याष्टमे षाशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा+पंचमाष्टके अष्टमोऽध्यायः समाप्त: ।। संवत् १८४६ पौषशुद्ध तहिने इदं पुस्तकं.......... Subject: Vedartha Prakasa. Fifth Ashaka. Eighth Adhya ___ya. 1-36 Vargas. Remarks :--The Rks are accented in this Ms. The Ms. is dated संवत् 1846 or विक्रम 1846 or 1789 A. D. The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 626. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2368 a. Page 4. Left column. Substance--Paper, Size-121x5 inches. Sheets-37. Lipes---10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran. thas--1100. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यस्य निश्वसितं+ महेश्वरम् ।। इत्थं पंचमाष्टकं व्याख्याय इदानीं ऋषिच्छन्दोदेवताविनियोगमदर्शनपुरःसरं षष्ठस्य प्रथमोऽध्यायो व्याख्यातु For Private and Personal Use Only Page #402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS मारभ्यते । अष्टममण्डलस्य द्वितीयेऽनुवाके षट्सूक्तानि जातानि । य इन्द्रेति त्रयस्त्रिंशदृचं सप्तमं सूक्तम् । कण्व - गोत्रस्य पर्वताख्यस्यार्थमष्णिभमैन्द्रं || End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इष्कर्त निःशेषेण संपूर्ण कुरुत । निसो नलोपः छान्दसः । करोतेर्लोटि छान्दसो विकरणस्य लुक् । तप्ततप्तनधनावेति तशब्दस्य तबादेशः । अत एवोपसर्गसमुदायो नावगृह्यते ॥ Colophon : Subject : इति षष्ठस्य प्रथमे चत्वारिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः || इति श्रीमद्राजा ० षष्ठाष्टके प्रथमोऽध्यायः शुभमस्तु । संवत् १८४४ कालान्दे आश्विनशुकाष्टम्यां भृगौ वाराणस्यां : श्रीरस्तु ॥ तेनैव स्वरितम् ॥ Vedārtha Prakasa. Sixth Astaka. First Adhyāya. 1-40 Vargas. Remarks:-The Rks are accented in this Ms. The Ms. is in very good condition and it is dated संवत् 1844 or विक्रम 1844 or 1787 A. D. in the year kāla or kālayukta. For Private and Personal Use Only 403 ........ 11 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 627. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀṢYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2368 b. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size 12 X5 inches. Sheets--43. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1275. Author—Sāyanācārya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।। Page #403 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 404 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OP यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ चतुर्थे(s)नुवाके दशसूक्तानि । तत्र वयम् त्वेत्यष्टादशर्च प्रथमं सूक्तम् ॥ अत्रानुक्रमणिका । वयमुनांत्यदृचे चि. त्रस्य दानस्तुतिरिति । End : देवानां मनो यो जनः हविर्मियष्टुमिच्छति यद्वा पूजयितुमिच्छति । स जनः अयज्वनः सर्वानभिभवत्येव ॥ Colophon: __इति षष्ठस्य द्वितीये चत्वारिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा + षष्ठाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ।। संवत् १८४४ ॥ Subject: Vedartha Prakasa: Sixth Astaka. Second Adhyaya. 1-40 Vargas. Remarks :-The Rks in this Ms. are throughout accented. The Ms. is in very good condition and is dated संवत् 1844 or विक्रम 1844 or 1787 A. D. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 628. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2368 c. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--12} x 5 inches. Sheets-35. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1050. Anthor-Sayanācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ अथ षष्ठस्य तृतीयो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते । म कृतानीति For Private and Personal Use Only Page #404 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 405 SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS त्रिंशदृचं तृतीयं सूक्तं । तत्रेयमनुक्रमणिका । प्रकृतानि त्रिंशन्मेधातिथिरिति । End : दत्तस्य दत्तं भूरेबहु यस्य यद्धनं कर्मणि षष्ठी । विश्वमानुषः सर्वो म(नुष्यो वदति जानाति तव(त) स्पार्ह स्पृहणीयं वखाभर ॥ Colophon: ___ इति ष(8)स्य तृतीये एकोनपंचाशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + षष्ठाष्टके तृतीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ ३ ॥ संवत् १८४६ ।। Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. Sixth Aataka. Third Adhyāya. 1-49 Vargas. Remarks :-The Rks are accented in this Ms. The Ms. is in very good condition and is dated संवत् 1846 or विक्रम 1846 or 1789 A. D. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 629. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2368 d. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--121x5 inches. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1050. Author -Sayapacitrya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।। यस्य निवासितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ षष्ठे तृतीयमध्यायं व्याख्याय श्रीमतीसुतः । श्रीसायणार्यः संगृह्य चतुर्थ व्याकरोत्यथ । तत्र त्वावत इति त्रयस्त्रिंशदृचं चतुर्थ सूक्तं । अश्वपुत्र For Private and Personal Use Only Page #405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 406 A DEBORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF स्य वशाख्यस्था प्राग्वत्सप्रपरिभाषया आधाश्चतस्रो गा यञ्यः ॥ End : तथा संहितं जालं विवृहत । तथा रपः पापं सर्व वि. ध्वग्विधूचीनं विवृहत । रपो रिप्र इ(मि)ति पापनामनी भवत इति यास्कः ॥ Colophon: इति पष्ठस्य चतुर्थे पदिशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा + षष्ठाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)व्यायः ॥ श्रीसंवत १८४६॥ श्रीशके १७११ ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Sixth Astaka. Fourth Adhya ya. 1-36 (1-54 omitting the Valakhilyas 14-31) Vargas. Remarks The commentary by Sāyaṇā on Valakhilya is not available in this Ms. nor is it found in Max Muller's Edition of Rg-Veda with Sayanabhasya. The Ms. is dated संवत् 1846 and Saka 1711 which exactly corresponds to the Christian yoar 1789 A. D. The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 680. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2368 e. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-121x5 inches. Sheets-34. Lines-11 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1025. Author-Sayanacārya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBÖRIPTS 401 षष्ठे चतुर्थपध्यायं श्रीमायणसुतः सुधीः । व्याख्याय सायणाचार्यः पंचमं व्याकरोत्यथ ।। तत्रात्वारथमित्येकोनविंशर्च नवमं मूक्तम् । अत्रेयमनुक्रमणिका । आत्वैकोनाप्रियमेध आदावनुशुम्मुखास्तृचाचत्वारोंऽत्याः षवृक्षाश्वमेधयोर्दानस्तुतिरिति ॥ End : हे इंद्र ते तव आ असम्यं सद्योजुवः शीघ्रं गतारो भवंतु । कीदृशास्ते । विश्वचंद्राः सर्वहिरण्योपेताः बहूनामाहादका वा । असदीयाश्च जनाः वः कामैरनेकयुक्ता मक्षु शीघ्रं जरंते स्तुवंति ॥ Colophon: इति षष्ठस्य पंचमे(5)ष्टत्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरम् ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा ० षष्ठाष्टके पंचमोऽध्यायः समास: ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Sixth Astaka. Fifth Adhyaya. 1-38 Vargas. Remarks:--The Ķks are accented in this Ms. It is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 631. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2368 f. Page. 4. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size-124 x 5 inches. Sheets--51. Lines-11 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran thas-1500. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #407 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir End : 408 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE Or यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ आ प्रवेति नवर्च द्वितीयं सूक्तम् । तथा चानुक्रम्यते-आ प्रवेति । ऋोषश्चान्यस्मादिति परिभाषया काण्वः कुसीद ऋषिः । प्राग्वत्सप्रीयपरिभाषया गायत्री छंदः । अनादेशपरिभाषयेंद्रो देवता । तद्धनं नो अमभ्यं आ आभिमुख्येन कदा(द)शस्येः कस्मिन्काले प्रयस्येः (छ) । तदा तव स्वभूतं सत्यं मा रक्षतु मह्यं धनं दत्वा कर्माणि च मया(s)नुष्ठाप्य मां पापरहितं कुर्वित्यर्थः ॥ Colophon: ___ इति षष्ठस्य षष्ठे(5)ष्टत्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा • षष्ठाष्टके षष्ठो(s) यायः ॥ संवत् १८४४ कालयुक्ताब्दे आश्विन शुक्ल ८ भृगुवासरे तदिने ब्रह्मोपनाना खण्डभट्टसूरिसूनुना गोविंदेन काश्यां संपादितम् ॥ तेनैव स्वरितम् ॥ Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. Sixth Astaka. Sixth Adhyāya. 1-38 Vargas. Remarks :--The Rks are accepted in this Ms. The Ms, is in very good condition. The Ms. is dated as संवत् 1844 or 1787 A. D. in the year 1GYT and was acquired in Benares by Govinda, son of Khanda Bhatta Sūri. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 632. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2368 g. Page 4. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BANSKRIT MANOBORİPTB 400 Substance-Paper. Size-124x6 inches. Sheets-34. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagant. No. of Granthas --975. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : __ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्व निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥१॥ अथ षष्ठस्य सप्तमो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते । तत्र इंद्रायति द्वादशचं पंचमं सूक्तम् । आंगिरसस्य नृमेधाक्ष(घ)स्या ऐद्रं सप्तमी दशम्येकादश्यौ चतस्रः (च तिस्रः) ककुमः मध्यपपादस्य द्वादशाक्षरत्वात् । मध्यमश्चेत्ककृविति हि तल्लक्षणम् ॥ End: अथ नवमी । 'आ पवमान • स्वाभुवा' ॥ हे पवमान इंदो सोमत्वं सहस्रवर्चसं बहुदीप्तिं स्वाभुवं शोभनभवनं रयिं धनमस्मे अस्मासु धारय प्रक्षिपेत्यर्थः ॥ Colophon: इति षष्ठस्य सप्तमे एकोनचत्वारिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीराजा . षष्ठाष्टके सप्तमो(s)भ्यायः ।। Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Sixth Addaka. Seventh Adhya. ya. 1-39 Vargas. Romarks :-The Ķks are accented in this Ms. It is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 688. RG-VEDA SAMRITA BHASYAM. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2368 h. Page 4. Left column. 52 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 410 A DEBORAPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size--121x5 inches. Sheets-30. Lines-9 tota Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --900. Author---Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ षष्ठस्य सप्तमो(s)ध्यायः संग्रहात्संप्रदर्शितः। अथाष्टमः सुमतिना संगमेन प्रदर्श्यते ॥ २ ॥ तत्र सोमः पुनान इति नवर्च त्रयोदशं सूक्तं। असितो देवलो वा ऋषिः । सोमो देवता । पवमानगुणः सोमो विज्ञेयः। काश्यपाषी इति विद्यादनुक्तेपि लाघवायाव्हच्युतात् ॥ End : हे सोम पवस्व क्षर । किमर्थं वाजसातये अनलाभाय । तथा गृणतः स्तुवतो विप्रस्य मम मेध्यातिथेवघे वर्धनाय च । हे सोम सुवीर्य शोभनवीर्योपेतं पुत्रं च रास्व देहि इति ॥ Colophon: इति षष्ठस्याष्टमे त्रयस्त्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ . वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा ० षष्ठाष्टकेऽष्टमो(s)ध्यायः ।। समाप्तो(s)यं षष्ठाष्टकः । संवत् १८४४ कालयुक्तसंबदि आश्विनशुक्ल ८ शुक्रवासरे तद्दिने Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Sixth Astaka. Eighth Adhya ya. 1-88 Vargas. Remarks:-The Rks are accented in this Ms. The Ms. isdated as संवत् 1844 or 1787 A. D. in the year कालयुक्त and is in very good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #410 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 411 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 684. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Barnell's Catalogue No. 2369 a. Page 4. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--133 x 5 inches. Sheets-22. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari, No. of Granthas --850. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महश्वरम् ॥ १॥ अथ सप्तमाष्टकस्य प्रथमाध्याय आरभ्यते । प्रण इति षडचं विशं सूक्तं आंगिरसस्यायास्यस्यार्ष गायत्रं पवमा. नसोमदेवताकं ॥ तथा चानुक्रांतं । प्र णो(s)यास्य इति ।। End: तथा च यास्कः । ऋथगिति पृथग्भावस्यानुप्रवचनं भवत्यथाप्नोत्यर्थे दृश्यत इति । संजग्मानः संगच्छमा ना स्वस्तये दृशे दर्शनाय च दिवः पवस्व क्षर ॥ Colophon: इति सप्तमस्य प्रथमे एकचत्वारिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ ___ इति श्रीमद्राजा • सप्तमाष्टके प्रथमो(s)ध्यायः ।। Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. Seventh Astaka. First Adhyā. ya. 1-41 Vargas. Remarks:--The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. The rks are unaccented in this family of Mss. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 685. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2369 b. Page 4. Left column. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #411 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 412 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Paper. Size-13 X5 inches. Sheets-30. Lines-12 to a Page. Script - Devanagari. thas-1200. Author-Sayaṇācārya No. of Gran Complete. Beginning: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ हिन्वंतीति त्रिंशदृचं पंचमं सूक्तं । वरुणपुत्रस्य भृगोराधे भार्गवस्य जमदग्नेर्वा गायत्रं पवमानसोमदेवताकं । तथा चानुक्रम्यते । हिन्वंति भृगुर्वारुणिर्जमदग्निरि (वें) ति । End: महतस्ते त्वदीया ये मदा मदहेतवो रसाः संति तेमिस्तैः सोमैरश्मि (स्मा) मिर्दीयमानैर्मघं महनीयं धनममभ्वं दातवे दातुमिंद्रं चोदय प्रेरय ॥ Colophon: इति सप्तमस्य द्वितीये वयस्त्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा ० सप्तमाष्टके द्वितीयो (S) ध्याय: संपूर्णः || दत्तात्र ( a ) यार्पणमस्तु ॥ Subject: Vedārtha Prakasa. Seventh Astaka. Second Adhyāya. 1-33 Vargas. Remarks :--- The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 636. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2369 c. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 × 5 inches. Sheets-31. Lines-11 to a Page, Script - Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas -1000. Author—Sāyapacārya, Complete, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #412 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ व्याख्याय व्याहतप्रज्ञः सप्तमस्य द्वितीयकं । अध्यायं सायणामात्यस्तृतीयं व्याकरोत्यथ ॥ तत्र वर्तेति पंचवें नवमं सूक्तं भार्गवस्य कवेरा जागतं पवमानसोपदेवताकं धर्तेत्यनुक्रांतं । गतो विनियोगः ॥ End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir वयोधाः अनं देहि । अन्नलाभस्य स्तुतिनिमित्तकत्वाचस्य स्तुतित्रचसः प्राधान्येनोक्तिः । शिष्टं सिद्धम् ॥ Colophon : इति सप्तमस्य तृतीये षड़िशो वर्गः ॥ बेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा • सप्तमाष्टके तृतीयो ( S) ध्यायः ॥ श्रीकेदारेश्वरः समर्थः ॥ Subject : Vedārtha Prakasa. Seventh Astaka. Third Adbysya. 1-26 Vargas. Remarks:—The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 637. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. 413 Burnell's Catalogue No. 2369 d. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 X5 inches. Sheets-24. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Davanagari. No. of Granthas-1,000. Author——Sāyanācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं वेदा: + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #413 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 414 A DESCRIPTIVE, CATALOGUE OF तृतीयं श्रुतितत्त्वज्ञः सप्तमस्याष्टकस्य सः । व्याख्याय सायणामात्यश्चतुर्थ व्याचिकीर्षति ॥ तत्रासीति षडचमष्टमं (षष्ठं) सूक्तं मारीचस्य कश्यपस्यार्ष त्रैष्टुभं पवमानसोमदेवताकं । असर्जि कश्यप इत्यनुक्रांतं । गतो विनियोगः ॥ End: हे पवमान क्षरन् सोम त्वं महित्वना महत्वेन युक्तः सन् द्रापिं कवचं प्रत्यमुंच(त)थाः । प्रतिसुंचसि संवृणोषि ॥ Colophon: - इति सप्तमस्य चतुर्थे(s)ष्टाविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीवीरबुक्क० सप्तमाष्टके चतुर्थो(s)ध्यायः संपूर्णः ।। श्रीरामचंद्रः समर्थः ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Seventh Astaka. Fourth Adhya ya. 1-28 Vargas. Remarks:-The Ms. is old and is in very good:condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 638. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2369 e. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13}x6 inches. Sheets-35. Lines-10 to 13 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1200. Author-Sayanācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 415 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS विज्ञातवेदगांभीर्यस्तुर्य व्याख्याय सप्तमे । सायणार्यस्ततोध्यायं पंचमं व्याचिकीर्षति । तत्र पुरोजिती व इति षोडशर्चमनुवाकापेक्षया पंचमं सूक्तं । यथास्य (आद्यस्य)तचस्य श्यावाश्चपुत्रो अं(s)धीगुनामर्षिः ॥ End : उत्तरसृष्टिमपेक्ष्य पूर्वत्वं । आयुनि काले अयमग्निरेव वृषभश्चासीत् । धेनुश्चाभवत् । स्त्रीपुंसवत् । स्त्रीपुंसात्मकोऽभवदित्यर्थः ।। Colophon: इति सप्तमस्य पंचमे त्रयः (खिं)त्रिंशो वर्ग: । वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा . सप्तमाष्टके पंचमोऽध्यायः ॥ शुभं भवतु. Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Seventh Astaka. Fifth Adhya ya. 1-33 Vargas. Remarks :-The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 639. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. : Burnell's Catalogue No. 2369 f. Page 4. Left column. : Substance-Paper. Size-137x5 inches. Sheets-32. Lines-11 to aPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran. thas-1200. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: भीगणेशाय नमः ।। यस्थ निश्वसितं वेदा + महेश्वरम् ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 416 End: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF सप्तमस्याष्टकस्येत्थं व्याकार्षीत् पंचमं सुधीः । सायणाह्नस्ततः षष्टमध्यायं व्याचिकीर्षति ॥ १ ॥ दशमे मण्डले प्रथमेऽनुवाके षोडशसूक्तानि । तत्रायं समस्येति सप्तर्च षट् (षष्ठं) सूक्तं। आध्य) स्य त्रितस्यार्षा ( ) त्रि ( ( ) शुभमाप्रेयं । अयमित्यनुक्रान्तं । प्रातरनुवाकाश्विनशस्त्रयोरुक्तो विनियोगः ॥ Colophon: Subject: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir अथ चतुर्दशी ॥ प्रतीचीन (ने) मामहना (नी) वाः पर्णमिवा दधुः । प्रतीचीं जग्रभा वाचमश्वं रशनया यथा ।। १४ ।। Nil. Vedārtha Prakasa. Seventh Astaka. Sixth Adhyāya. 1-28 Vargas. Remarks :- The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 640. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2869 g. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Sheets-- 33. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1386. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ अष्टके सप्तमे षष्ठं व्याख्याय भुतिकोविदः । सायणा[चा]र्यस्ततो(s) ध्यायं सप्तमं व्याचिकीर्षति ॥ अथ द्वादयानुवाकात्मकस्य दुर्गाममण्डलस्य द्वितीयेऽनु For Private and Personal Use Only Page #416 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 417 SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS वाके त्रयोदश सूक्तानि। तत्र 'नि वर्तध्व' मित्यष्टर्च तृतीयं सूक्तम् ।। End: यागकर्म कुर्वाणस्य तव इन्द्रो दाता भवतु । अयं सोमश्च धनानि प्रयच्छतु ॥ ३० ॥ Colophon: इति सप्तमस्य सप्तमे त्रिंशो वर्गः । वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा ० सप्तमाष्टके सप्तमोऽध्यायः समाप्तः । शुभमस्तु सर्वजगतां । श्रीकेदारेश्वराय नमः ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Seventh Astaka. Seventh Adhyāya, 1-30 Vargas. Remarks :-The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 641. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2869 h. Page 4. Left column. Substance---Paper. Size-135 x 5 inches. Sheets--26. Lines-11 toaPage. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -860. Author-Sayanācārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ।। ... [सप्तमो] अथाष्टमो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते । तत्र 'में ति नवर्च चतुर्थं सूक्तं । ए(ऐ)लूपस्य(कवषस्य)आर्ष । आद्या त्रिष्टुप् सा च वैश्वदेवी । द्वितीयावृतीये बृहती सती बृहत्यौ ऐंद्यौः ॥ 58 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #417 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 418 End : Colophon : A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF किं च हे देवाः यूयं सुवीरं शोभनपुत्राद्युपेतं रयिं धन मस्से अस्मासु धत्त । धारयत ॥ Subject: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति सप्तमस्याष्टमे एकोनविं (त्रिं) शो वर्गः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा ० सप्तमाष्टके (S) अष्टमोऽध्यायः । समाप्ता (प्तः) श्रीदत्तात्रेयार्पन (ण) मस्तु ॥ Vedartha Prakasa. Seventh Aptaka. Adhyāya. 1-29 Vargas. Remarks :--- The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. Eighth ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 642. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2370 a. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Sheets-32. Lines-12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari, No. of Granthas -1150. Author-Sayaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: For Private and Personal Use Only श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ वागीशाद्याः + गजाननम् ॥ १ ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ २ ॥ तत्कटाक्षेण + प्रकाशने ॥ ३ ॥ ये पूर्वोत्तरमीमांसे + वक्तुमुद्यतः ॥ ४ ॥ सप्तमेऽष्टममध्यायं व्याख्यायाचार्यवंशजः । + व्याकरोत्यथ ||५|| 'अच्छा म' इति चतुर्थे (s) नुवाके अष्टादशसूक्तानि ॥ तत्र 'प्र होते 'ति दशर्चं चतुर्थ सूकं प्र होता दशेत्यनुक्रान्तं । Page #418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 0 SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTX End: Colophon: तादृशा निचेतारो गवां विवे(वि)क्ता(र) स्व भवथ ते सजोषा भूतेति समन्वयः ।। इत्यष्टमस्य प्रथमे त्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ इति सायणाचार्यविरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे ऋक्संहितामाध्ये अष्टमाष्टके प्रथमोऽध्यायः समाप्तः ।। श्रीराजराजेन्द्रचन्दिचंदावरेंद्रबिडौजओजसत्कर्मधर्मपालकदुष्ट. विदारकशत्रभयकारक ! श्रीशिवचरणारविंदभ्रमर सदा तव शुभमस्तु । Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Eighth Aptaka. First Adhya ya. 1-30 Vargas. Remarks: The Rks are not accented. The Ms, is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 843. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2370 b. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-32. Lines--12 to a Page. Script-Davanāgarf. No. of Gran. thes-1200. Author-Sayanācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः॥ यस्य निवासितं + महेश्वरः ॥ व्याख्याय प्रथमं विद्वानष्टमस्याष्टकस्य सः । अध्यायं सायणामात्यो द्वितीयं व्याचिकीर्षति ।। तत्र 'ये यज्ञेने'त्येकादशर्च अनुवाकापेक्षया द्वितीयं सूक्कं । मानवस्य नाभानेदिष्ठस्यार्प ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #419 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 420 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUB OF End : 'ऋचामेकं(का) पोषमास्ते पुपुष्वान् होतर्गर्चनी'त्यादिनिरुक्कानुसारेणार्थो(s)भ्यधायि । एवं बृहस्पतिर्वे(वि)दित वेदार्थज्ञानं तुष्टाव ॥ ११ ॥ Colophon: ___इत्यष्टमस्य द्वितीये चतुर्विंशो वर्गः ।। वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति सायणाचार्यविरचिते + अष्टमाष्टके द्वितीयो(s)ध्यायः ॥ श्रीकेदारेश्वराय नमः ॥ Subject: Vedārthu Prakāśa. Eighth Astaka. Second Adhya - ya. 1-24 Vargas. Remarks:-The Rks in this Ms. are not accented. The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ .644. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2370 c. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-36. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas —1300. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः। यस्य निश्वासितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ प्राज्ञ श्रीसायणाचार्यो व्याख्यातं(य) चरमेऽष्टके ॥ स्फुटं द्वितीयमध्यायं तृतीयं वक्तुमुद्यतः॥२॥ तत्र 'देवाना' मिति नवर्चमनुवाक्यापक्षयान् (कापेक्षया) चतुर्थ सूक्तं । आनुष्टुभं देवदेवत्यं । लोकनाम्नः पुत्रो बृहस्पति(स)गिरस एवा(ब)वा बृहस्पतिक्रषिः । अथवा दक्षस्य दुहि For Private and Personal Use Only Page #420 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 421 ता(s)दितिर्ऋषिः । तथा चानुक्रांतं- देवानां नव लौक्यो वा बृहस्पतिर्दाक्षायण्यदितिर्वा दैवमानुष्टुभमिति ।। End: आपश्च समंजंतु । तथा मातरिश्वा नौ हृदयानि सं दधातु। आवयोर्बुद्धीः परस्परानुकूलाः करोत्वित्यर्थः । धाता च सं दधातु । देष्ट्री दात्री फलानां । सरस्वतीत्यर्थः । सा च सं दधातु । संधानं करोतु ।। Colophon: ___इत्यष्टमस्य + तृतीये(s)ष्टाविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा • अष्टमाष्टके तृतीयोऽध्यायः संपूर्णमस्तु । Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Eighth Antaka. Third Adhya ya. 1-28 Vargas. Remarks:-The Rks in this Ms..are not accented. The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 645. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀŞYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2370 d. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-133xb inches. Sheets-83. Lines--11 to a Page. . Script--Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -1200. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः । यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् । अष्टमाष्टकस्य चतुर्थो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते ॥ तत्र 'वि ही ति त्रयोविंशत्ऋ(त्य)चं द्वितीयं सूक्तं । वृषाकपिर्नामेंद्रस्य पुत्रः । स च(चेन्द्राणी) इंद्रश्चैते त्रयः। संहताः संविवादं कृतवन्तः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #421 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 422 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: सुषबुष(पु)(१) सोममभिषुतवतो ग्राव्णो मनीषा स्तुति वि मुंच विशेषेण मुंच । किं च अद्रयो विवर्ततां अभिषव शब्दं विमुंचंतु ॥ Colophon: इत्यष्टमस्य चतुर्थे एकविंशो वर्गः ॥ बेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा • अष्टमाष्टके चतुर्थोऽध्यायः । दत्तात्र(त्रे)याय नमः ॥ Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. Eighth Astaka. Fourth Adhyā. ya. 1-31 Vargas. Remarks:--The Rks are not accented in this Ms. The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 646. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2970 e. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-132x5 inches. Sheets-47. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-1250. Author-Sãyaņācārya. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निपासितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १॥ (अथा)टमे(s)एके(s)भ्यायचतुर्थः संप्रदर्शितः । धीमता सायणार्येण पंच(मोऽथ प्रोदय॑ते ॥ २ ॥ तत्र 'हये जाये' इत्यष्टादश पंचमं सूक्तं त्रैष्टुभ। अत्रानुक्रमणिका । हये घ(यू)नोर्वशीमैळा पुरूरवाः पूर्वोपिता(त्का)न्कामान्पु(त्पूनरासाद्यावरोचुमैच्छत्सा तमनि For Private and Personal Use Only Page #422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 423 SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS च्छंती प्रत्याचष्टे हय इपुर्या कदा सुदेवोन्तरिक्षमा सचेति तिस्रक्षेळवाक्यं शिष्टा उर्वश्या इति । End: स इत्था इत्थमनेन कृतप्रकारेणास्तौद अस्तावीत् । इत्थास्तौदिति द्विरुक्तिः स्तुतिसमाप्त्यर्था । Colophon : इत्वष्टमस्य पंचमे सप्तविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा ० अष्टमाष्टके पंचमो()ध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Eighth Astaka. Fifth Adhya ya. 1-27 Vargas. Remarks:-The Rks are not accented. The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 647. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2370 f. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-131x5 inches. Sheets-48. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagarl. No. of Gran. thas-1400. Author-Sayapācārya. Complete. Beginning: __ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निषसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥१॥ अष्टमे पंचमाध्यायं व्याख्यायातिकोविदः । सायणार्यस्ततो(s)ध्यायं षष्ठं च ब्यचिकीर्षति । तत्र 'उभा उ नून' पित्येकादशर्च आय (मूतं) । अनुवाकापेक्षा सप्तमं सूक्तं । श्रेष्टुभमश्विदैवत्यं । कश्यप पुत्रो भूतां नामर्षिः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 4241 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End:: इति यस्मात् कुवित् बहुवारं सोमस्य सोममा पीतवानसि तमादेतान्यकार्षमिति इंद्रः स्वात्मानमेवास्तावीत् ।। Colophon: ___ इत्यष्टमस्य षष्ठे सप्तविंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ।। इति श्रीमद्राजा • अष्टमाष्टके षष्ठो(s)ध्यायः समाप्तः ।। श्रीकेदारेश्वराय नमः ।। राजराजेंद्रस्य चंदिचंदावरेंद्रस्य महाराजस्य वेदभाष्यस्येदं पुस्तकं काश्यां केदारेश्वरसन्निधौ अय्यारप्प(रूप)स्वामिनः अनुमतेन मया जयरामभहन लिखितम् ॥ Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. Eighth Aştaka. Sixth Adhya ___ya. 1-27 Vargas. Remarks:-The Rks are not accented. The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. For other details of the Ms. see Remarks on No. 610. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 648. RG-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2370 g. Page 4. Left column. Substance--Paper. Size--13} x 5 inches. Sheets-69. Lines--10 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas -1750. Author-Sayanācārya. . Complete. Beginning: - श्रीगणेशाय नमः ।। यस्य निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ।। १ ॥ अथ सप्तमो व्याख्यायते । दशममंडलस्य दशमे(s)नुवाके सूक्तसप्तकं व्याख्यातं । 'तदिदिति नवचंपष्टम सूक्तं अथर्वणः पुत्रस्य बृहद्दिवस्थाई त्रैष्टुभमैं । तथा For Private and Personal Use Only Page #424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS चाक्रांतं । तदिभवाथर्वणो बृहद्दिव इति !! End : दूर्वाकांडप्ररोहणप्रार्थनेन स्वाश्रयस्य शीतलत्वं हृदा Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir र्थनेन तृष्णोपशमनकारणस्य जलस्य सत्वं पुंडरीकसद्भावप्रार्थनेनोपभोग्यस्य फलादेः सत्ता समुद्रगृहत्वप्रार्थनेन दाहानईवा चेत्येतत्सर्व प्रतिपाद्यते इति ॥ Colophon : इत्यष्टमस्य सप्तमे त्रिंशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजा० अष्टमाष्टके सप्तमो ( 5 ) ध्यायः ॥ Subject : Vedārtha Prakasa. Eighth Astaka, Seventh Adhys. ya 1-30 Vargas. Remarks : - The Rks are not accented. The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. 425 ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 649. RG-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2370 h. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-13 x 5 inches. Sheets- 57. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas --1600. Author-Sâyanācārya. Complete. Beginning t श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ दशमे मंडले एकादशा नुवाके चतुर्दशसूक्तानि व्याकुतानि । 'त्यं चि' दिति षळूचं पंचदशसूक्तं सां (सं) रूयपुत्रस्यामेरा आनुष्टुभं अश्विदेवताकं । तथा चानुक्रांतं । स्यं पटू सांयो(s) त्रिराश्विनमिति ॥ 54 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #425 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 486 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End : . त ( य ) था वो युष्माकं सुसह शोभनं साहित्यमसति भवति तथा समानमस्त्वित्यन्वयः । अस्तेर्लटि बहुलं छंदसीति शपो लुगभावः || Colopbon : इत्यष्टमस्याष्टमे एकोनपञ्चाशो वर्गः ॥ वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन तमोहार्द निवारयन् । पुमर्थांश्चतुरो देयाद्विद्यातीर्थ महेश्वरः ।। Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति श्रीमद्राजाधिराजराजपरमेश्वर वैदिकमार्गप्रवर्तक श्रीवीरबुकभूपालसाम्राज्यधुरंधरेण सायणाचार्येण विरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे ऋक्संहिता भाष्ये ऽष्टमाष्टकेऽष्टमो (S) ध्याय: संपूर्णः ॥ इति चतुःषष्टिभाष्यं समाप्तमस्तु ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Eighth Astaka. Eighth Adhyāya. 1-49 Vargas. Remarks: The Rks are not accented in this Ms. The Ms. is old and is in very good condition. ॥ ऋग्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 650. RG VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8980. Page 4. Substance-- Palm leaf. Size - 18× 12 inches Lines – 6 or 7 to a Page. -6100. Author-Sayaṇācārya. Incomplete. Beginning: Left column. Leaves--151. Script-Telugu. No. of Granthas गणाधिपतये नमः ॥ .. यस्य निश्वसितं वेदाः + महेश्वरम् || 'अच्छाम' इति चतुर्थेनुवाके• Same as No. 642. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS अत्राश्विने मूके सर्वाण्यपि पदानि दुर्व्युत्पादान्यस्माभिर्दिमात्रं प्रदर्शितानि । एवं निरुक्तव्याकरणादिभिरर्थविशेषे बुद्धिमद्भिरुमेयानि ॥ Colophon : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ ऋगर्थरत्नमाला ॥ इत्यष्टमस्य षष्ठे द्वितीयो वर्गः ॥ 66 Subject : Vedārtha Prakāśa. Eighth Astaka 1-6 Adhyāyas. Remarks : — This Ms. breaks off in the 2nd Varga of the 6th Adhyāya of the 8th Astaka. The beginning of the 3rd Varga आविरित्येकादशर्च अष्टमं सूक्तं " etc., is given after the colophon. In this Ms. leaves 54 & 55 are missing, and leaves 41, 42, 58, 69-71 are left blank on both sides and leaf 57, on the backside, which shows the non-continuity of the text of Sayanabhāsya. The Ms. is in good condition, though the sides of the leaves are slightly injured. 427 651. RGARTHARATNAMĀLA. Left column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 8979. Page 4. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-15 x 11 inches. Leaves-44. Lines 7 to 9 to a Page. Script Telugu. No. of Granthas-1200. Author—Mahidhara ( ? ). Incomplete. Beginning: इह खलु संसारपारावारपारं जिगमिषतां मुमुक्षूणामर्थनीयस्य भगवत्प्रसादस्य तज्ज्ञानमन्तरेणासंभवात् तज्ज्ञानार्थ प्रवृत्ता अपि वेदा अप्रतिपत्तिविप्रतिपत्ति. ....... ततस्तेषां भगवत्परत्वप्रकारप्रदर्शनार्थं सज्जनानुजिवृक्षुर्भगवानानर्थमुनिः कासाश्चिदृचां माष्यमचीक्लृपत् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #427 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 428 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE or ताज्यमप्यतिगहनार्थत्वान्मन्दैः सुखेन बोढुं न शक्यत इति (पर.....................) ऋरभाष्यार्थतत्त्व. प्रकाशिका टीका प्रणिनाय । एवं स्थिते तदायटीकापथानुनी ऋगर्थरनमालां आत्मबुद्धिवैशद्याय करोमि। मयारभ्यते । नन्वग्न्यादिमूक्तानां प्रसिद्धाग्न्यादिदेवतापरा.........(प) रत्वं, येन तत्प्रकारताप्रदर्शनं भगवत्सर्वशशिखाम(णे)भाष्यकारस्य सार्थकं स्यादिति । (स) कलवेदानां मुख्यतो भगवत्प्रतिपादकत्वात् । तथाहि । भगवानारायणः ओंकारप्रतिपायः । ओंकारस्य हि गुणपूर्णत्वम............सौ तड्गुणातीतामित्युक्तेः । तथा च भगवानेव गुणपूर्ण इति तस्योंकारप्रतिपाद्यत्वं युक्तम् । किं च, नारायणशब्दो भगवन्तं वक्तीत्यविवादम् । नारायणशब्दच गुणपूर्तिवाची......पि स वेदेति निधीयते । तथा च तव्याख्यानरूपस्य श्रुतिप्रतिपाद्योऽपि स ए(क) प्रणवार्थव्याहतय ? इति प्रसिद्धेः । नन्वस्तु व्याहृतिप्रतिपावत्वं भगवतः तथापि सर्ववेदप्रतिपाद्यत्वमसिद्धम् । न च व्याहृतिव्याख्या.........इति वाच्यम् । गायत्रीप्रतिपाद्यार्थभूतपुरुषसूक्तमतिपाद्यस्य पुरुषस्यैव तत्पतिपायत्वात् अन्यथा व्याख्यानव्याख्येययोर्वैरप्यापातात् । भगवतो गायत्रीप्रतिपाद्यत्वस्या........(प्रोतिपाद्यपुरुषः भगवतो(s)न्यः । पुरुषचन्दस्य हि पुरा पालनपूरणयोरित्यस्मा द्विदिपुरोरुष' गिति रुपक्प्रत्ययनिष्पत्रस्य गुण For Private and Personal Use Only Page #428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS पूर्ण भगवत्परत्वात् । तथा च तत्प्रतिपाद्यो भगवानेवेति .... सरूप सर्ववेदप्रतिपाद्यत्वं त गायत्री .. स्पाधिकमिति ॥ End : न चात्र मानाभावः । " सुपर्ण वि [देवता] प्राः कवयो वचोभिरेकं संतं बहुधा कल्पयंति । छंदांसि च दधतो अध्वरेषु ग्रहान् सोमस्य मित्र (म) ते द्वादशे " ति श्रुतेरेव मानत्वात् । अयमर्थः - कवयो विप्राः सुपर्ण सुष्ठु परमानन्दरूपं एकमेव संतं वचोभिः शब्दैरेव बहुधा केशवादिद्वादशधा स्थितं कल्पयंति चिंतयंति । न तु रूपाणां परस्परं भेदात् । (ए) वं च तं द्वादश द्वादशधा स्थितं विष्णुं प्रति अध्वरेषु यज्ञेषु छंदांसि मंत्रान् दधतो दधानाः सोमस्य ग्रहान् सोमरसाधारभूतान् उलूखलादिपात्रविशेषान् ........ Colophon: (Leaf No. 42.) 11 " इति ऋगर्थरत्नमालायां प्रथमो (S) भ्यायः "" For Private and Personal Use Only 429 Subject: Rgartharatnamala-a commentary on some selected rks of Rg-Veda Samhita. First Adhyaya complete and a part of second Adhyāya. It Remarks:-This Ms. abruptly breaks off at the beginning of the Second Adhyāya. This Ms. is in a fairly good condition. also contains four fragmentary leaves written in Nandināgari script. Regarding the author of this Ms. Dr. Burnell observes on page 4 foot-note of his Catalogue as follows:-"It appears from Verzeichniss. p. 27 (No. 106), that one Varadattasuta Page #429 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 490 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Ādartiya commented the Sankhāyana Srauta Sūtra, and this is probably the writer here alluded to in the beginning of this Ms). It seems to nme not unlikely that this Ms. (described above) is a fragment of Mahidhara's commentary on the Rg-Veda ("Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. existing in oudh", pp. 2, 3 of Fasc. i.). There is no other commentary (except perhaps Ātmananda's which is in the I. O. Library) that I can suggest. I have, however not seen either." He also adds--"As the author (of this Ms.) considers the Rg-Veda to teach Nārāyaņa to be the Supreme Being, this cominentary cannot be old." ॥ श्रीसूक्तभाष्यम् ।। 652. ŚRĪ SŪKTA BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2539. Page 4. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size--10X 4 inches. Sheets--8. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-180. Author-Madhavacarya (Vidyaranya). Com plete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ श्रीमहालक्ष्म्यै नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं वेदाः यो वेदेभ्यो(s)खिलं जगत् । निर्मम तपहं वन्दे विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ।। संपणम्य श्रियं देवीं सर्वलोकेश्वरेश्वरीम् । पुमर्थसिद्धयै श्रीसूक्तं व्याकुर्वे श्रीप्रसादतः ।। अत्रोच्यते मया किश्चिद्वक्तव्यं सांप्रदायिकम् । श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणादिपसिद्धं सार्वदेशिकम् ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 431 SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS 431 ऋग्वेदे शाकलाधीतसंहितायां तुरीयके । अष्टके च तथाध्याये पदक्रमविवर्जितम् ॥ अछायदबलिस्थति सूक्तमध्ये गतं खिलम् । सूक्तं पञ्चदशचन्तु श्रीसूक्तं नाम नामतः ॥ श्रीदैवत्यं श्रीसुत्तार्ष (सूक्तमार्ष) प्रायेणानुष्टुभं महत् । संससदशकात्सूक्तसहस्रात्पादसंहितात् ॥ भिन्नेषु खिलसूक्तेषु पठ्यते बढ़चोत्तमैः । रात्रिशषो(शेषा)युष्यसपशिवसंकल्पसूक्तवत् ।। काम्येष्टिौतकर्मादौ विनियोगस्तु ........ । ............पूजादौ काम्यहोमादिकर्मणि ॥ लैङ्गयोक्तलक्ष्मीदामानि ऋग्विधानोक्तकर्मसु । ................... ... ... ........सङ्कटे । न्यासादिकन्तु पूजादावधा(था)न्यद्वक्ष्यते(s)ग्रतः । मंत्रा.............................................. ॥ ऋग्वेदे शाकलसंहितायां चतुर्थाध्याये 'अच्छावदबलित्थे'ति सूक्तद्वयमध्ये सपादसप्तदशाधिकऋक्संहितासूक्तसहस्रसंख्याबहिर्भूते (७) खिलसंहितान्तर्वतिरात्रिसूक्तशेषायुज्यसूक्तसर्पसूक्तशिवसङ्कल्पादिसूक्तवत् सकल श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणादिषु श्रीसूक्तं नाम सर्वदेशेषु प्रसिद्धम् । तच्च पंचदशर्च 'हिरण्यवर्णा मित्यादि । तथा च खिलसूक्तानुक्रमण्या बौनकेन For Private and Personal Use Only Page #431 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 432 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF " अच्छाबदबलित्थेतिसूक्तमध्यगतं खिलं । हिरण्यवर्णामिति श्रीसूक्तं पंचदशकं ॥” इति । इदं श्रीसूक्तं श्रीपुत्रैरानंदकर्दमचिल्लीतैदृष्टं श्रीदेवताप्रस्तावकं । अतस्तदा तदैवतं च 'यस्य वाक्यं स. ऋषिः या तेनोच्यते सा देवतेति वचनात् । अत्र सर्यते । आनन्दः कर्दमवेति चिलीत इति विश्रुताः । ऋषयस्ते श्रियः पुत्राः स्वयं श्रीरेव देवता ।। अनुष्टुप् छन्दः । चतुर्थी प्रस्तारपट्टिन्छन्दः । पञ्चमी. षष्ठ्यौ त्रिष्टुभौ । अन्त्या बृहती। तथा चानुकान्तं अनुक्रमणिकापरिशिष्टे-हिरण्यवर्णानां पचानामानन्दकर्दम चिल्लीताः श्रीपुत्राः श्रीदेवत्यपानुष्टुभबृहत्यान्तं चतुर्थी प्रस्तारपङ्गिः उत्तरे त्रिष्टुभाविति ॥ अथ मंत्रार्थः। ___ हरिः ॐ ॥ श्रीमहालक्ष्म्यै नमः ॥ 'हिरण्यवर्णा हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजां। चंद्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मी जातवेदो ममावह ॥' ॥ विद्यारण्यभाष्यं ॥ हे जातवेदः जातप्रज्ञा(स) अग्ने त्वं हिरण्यवर्णा हिरण्यस्य स्व(सुवर्णस्य वर्णः कांतिः तद्वर्णो यस्यास्तां हरिणी For Private and Personal Use Only Page #432 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS हरितवर्णा हरिणीरूपधरां वा । ' श्रीधुस्वा हरिणीरूपं अरण्ये संचचार हे' ति पुराणात् ।।. End: प्रभूतं भूयिष्ठं गावः गाः दास्यः परिचारिकाः उभयत्र शसर्थे जम् । इयान्विशेषः । अस्य सूक्तस्य स्वरनियमो वैयाकरणवैदिकशिष्टसंप्रदायाज्ज्ञेयः ।। वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन तमोहार्द निवारयन् । पुमर्थाश्चतुरो देयाद्विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरः ।। Colophon: इति श्रीसूक्त भाष्यं समाप्तम् ॥ Subject : Sri Sūkta Bhāsya. Remarks:--This Ms. contains at the end some verses regarding the अनन्यास of the Sri Sukta as follows : अंगुष्ठादिकनिष्ठांतं नमोऽतं विन्यसेद्यदि । मंत्र: षण्डत्वमाप्नोति कर्ता रोगी भविष्यति ।। नमः स्वाहावषडिति हुँ वौषट् फडिति क्रमान | अंगन्यासं करे कुर्यान्मांत्रिकस्तु विचक्षणः ।। षण्णमोऽतेन यः कुर्यात्कुलक्षयकरं भवेत् । हृदयादिन्यासे अंगुलिविषयं मध्यमांगुलिभिः स्वांतं मध्यमानामिके शिरः । तर्जनीं तु शिखायां च दशभिः कवचं तथा ।। मध्यमांगुलिमिर्नेत्रे अस्त्रमंगुष्ठतर्जनी । (मुद्रा-) हस्तौ तु प्राञ्जलीकृत्वा(अनामिकामूलपर्वणोः ।। 5s For Private and Personal Use Only Page #433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 434 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF अंगुष्टी निक्षिपेस्सेयं मुद्रात्वावाहिनी मता। .. अधोमुखीत्वियं चेत्कारस्थापिनी मुद्रिका मता ॥ उच्छ्रितांगुष्ठमुश्लोस्तु संयोगात्संनिधायिनी । अंत: प्रवेशिता..................... । मुधिद्वयस्थितांगुष्ठौ संमुखौ तु परस्परम् । संश्लिष्टावुच्छ्रितो र्यात् ............... । प्रसृतांगुलिको हस्तौ मिथ: क्लिष्टायमितौ । कुर्यात्स हदये सेयं मुद्रा......... ............................ ॥ श्रीसूक्तभाष्यम् ॥ 658. SRI SUKTA BHASYAM. T. S. Collection. No. 79. Substance-Paper. Size-81x5 inches. Sheets-7. Lines--10toaPage. Script-Deranigari. No of Granthas-100. Author-Madhavicārya. Complete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशशारदासबुरुभ्यो नमः ।। यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ संप्रणम्य श्रियं + श्रीप्रसादतः ॥ २ ॥ ऋग्वेदे शाकलाधीत + पदक्रमाववर्जिते(त) ॥३॥ तल प्रथमा अक् 'हिरण्यवर्णा हरिणीं सुवर्णरजत. खजाम् । चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मी जातवेदो म आवह ॥ हे जातवेदः जातप्रमः ॥ End--Same as No. 652.. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIFTS 435 Colophon: श्रीसूक्तभाच्यं संपूर्णम् ॥ बालसूरिलिखितमेलाष्यम् । Subject : Sri Sūkta Bhūøya. Remarks :--At the end of this Ms. the following verses are given: "आनंदः कर्षमच(ब) बिल्लीत इति ते त्रयः । ऋषयस्ते त्रयः पुत्रा(6) स्वयं श्रीदेवता मता ॥" "खाणुरयं भारवाहः किलाभूदधीत्य वेदं न विजानाति यो(s)थे । यो(s)यश इत्सकलं भद्रमश्नुते स नाकमेति मानविधूतपाप्मा ॥" ॥ सामवेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 654. SAMA-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9107. Page 11. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size -153x13 inches. Leaves-105. Lines-6 to 8to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthes--2500. Author-Bharata Svāmin. Complete. Beginning: शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भजम् । प्रसनवदनं ध्यायेत्सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ।। वागर्थोमयरूपेण भासमानं परमे(रे)घरम् ।। वन्दे पूरुषमृक्संज्ञमृक्सामभ्यामभिष्टुतम् ॥ नत्वा नारायणं नातं (देव) तत्प्रसादादवाप्तधीः । सानां श्रीभरतस्वामी काश्यपो व्याकरोत्यूचम् ।। (मो)होसलाधीश्वरे पृथ्वी रामनाथे प्रशासति । व्याख्या कृतेयं क्षेमेण श्रीरङ्गे वसता मया ॥ श्रवणेनानुगृह्यन्तु सन्तस्ता वीतमत्सरा' । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #435 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF अपश्यन्तस्ततो दोषानुत्पश्यन्तः सतो गुणान् ।। मन्त्रैस्तद्राह्मणार्षयछन्दोदैवतविद्विजः । अर्थज्ञश्चाश्नुते भद्रं यतो ज्ञेयान्यमून्यतः ॥ तथा हि श्रूयते-'यो ह वा(s)विदिताःयछन्दोदैवतब्राह्मणेन मन्त्रेणे' त्यारभ्य 'तस्मादेतानि भन्ने मन्त्रे विद्या' दिति(त्यन्त)। तथा च मन्त्रौ। 'स्थाणुरयं भारवाहः किलाभूदधीत्य वेदं न विजानाति यो(s)) । यो(s)र्थज्ञ इत्सकलं भद्रमश्नुते स नाकमेति ज्ञानविधूतपात्मा ॥" "यदधीतमविज्ञातं निगदेनैव शब्द्यते । अनमाविव शुष्कैधो न तज्ज्वलति कर्हिचित् ॥" ब्राह्मणानि न दृश्यन्ते मन्त्राणां संहिता भुवाम् । साम्नान्तु ब्राह्मणव्याख्या समये कापि वक्ष्यते ।। न स्मर्यन्त ऋचा यासामृषयः कापि केचन । वामदेव ऋषिस्तासां ज्ञेय इत्याह शौनकः ।। आग्नेयमाद्यं पर्वैन्द्रपावमाने ततः परे । त्रिपर्व सामवेदस्य संहितैवमधीयते ॥ अग्रस्य नयनाद्वाग्निः स्तोतृनमिनयोदिति । नीयते वानमित्यग्रं स्तोत्रादीनां हि नीयते ॥ · स्तोत्रादीनां तावत् पवमानव्यतिरिक्तानां प्रथपमाज्यमागेयं शस्त्राणां च प्रथममाज्यमानेयं । प्रातस्सवनं छन्दसां च मुख्यं गायत्रं । संस्थानां च प्रथमामिष्टोमा For Private and Personal Use Only Page #436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 481 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ख्यामेयीत्येवं बहुप्रकारमग्नेरग्रभाक्त्वम् ।। ॥ अन आयाहि ।। .. हे अने आयाहि आगच्छ देवतात्पना । वीतये अशनाय हविषां वी गतिप्रजनकान्त्यशनखादनेषु ॥ गृणानः सूयमानः गृण(तेर्भावकर्मणोरात्मनेपदम् ।। End : अति अत्यर्थ अथवा स्वरिर्गतिकर्मा । अनेकार्था हि धातवः । नः अस्मान द्विषः अतिन(ग)मयतु अतिपारयतु इति । सनपर्षदिति बढचां सिद्धा एवोपसर्गा इति । अथ द्वितीयाया द्विपदा इन्द्रं धनस्य सातये लाभार्य हवामहे वज्रिन् इत्यर्थः । हे शविष्ठ शूरतम शूरशब्दप्रकृतिका शविष्ठशब्दः यः शविष्ठः शूराणामिति निदर्शनात् । हे वज्रिन हे पहिष्ठ दातृतम । पुनरुक्तिरादरात्मा(K) इति ।। Colophon: (श्रीभरतस्वामिनः कृतौ सामवेदऋक्भाध्ये) ___शकरिभाष्यं समाप्तम् ॥ "इत्थं श्रीभरतस्वामी काश्यपो यज्ञदासुतः । नारायणार्यतनयो व्याख्यत्सानामृचो()खिलाः ॥" "विश्वावसुनामसंवत्सरं मासम् 5-6 (81) तृतीया ne (32) विशाखम् - (20); आयुष्मान् (49)ी त्याज्यं 56 (31) e. (21) Rana MBG न ( us)-." Subject : Sima Veda Bhisya. Purvarcika. Agneya, Aindra, Pāvamāna; Arada and Sakvari Parvas. Remarks :--The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. Regarding the author Burnell has the following in page 11 of his catalogue. "Bharata Svamin was the son of Nārāyana and Yajñadā and lived at Seringapatam, in Mysore about the end of the 13th For Private and Personal Use Only Page #437 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 438 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF century under the patronage of the Hosala family & Canarege dynasty originally Jains, and converted by Rāmānajācārya about 1150 to the Vaişnava faith. Rama reigned at Devagiri from 1272, 3-1310, and this commentary must, therefore, have been composed within that period. It is very concise, and there is every reason to believe that only the Pūrva-ārcika, Āraṇyaka Samhitā, and Mahanāmos hymns were commented on by Bharata Svāmin, for there is no trace of a commentary on the Uttarãrcika by this author; and here 9,112 (Bharatasvāmin's commentary) and 9,108 (Sāyana's commentary on the Uttara-Arcika) formed part of the same Ms. originally. I have seen this occur in another instance. Saunaka, the Aitareyabrhāmaņa, Āśvalāyana sutra, the Taittirfyaka, Babe vộca Upanigad and apparently Yãska are quoted, so far as I have examined this commentary." A transcribed copy of this Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume No. 43, the date of copying being the 10th Jan. 1915. [Ref. T. V. 43 (No. 11.)] Il Ala HESITA I 655. SĀMA-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9112. Page 11. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--161X18 inches. Leaves—101. Lines 5 to 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No, of Granthas --2500. Author-- Bharata Svāmin. Complete. Beginning-Same as No. "arityfarero" End: ___ अथ तृतीयाया द्विपदा इन्द्रं धनस्य इन्द्रं धनस्य सा तये लाभार्थ हवामहे सिद्धाः परः पाद इति सनवर्षद सिद्धौ पूर्वी पादौ । पुनरुक्तिरादरार्था । पूर्वस्य पुरातनस्य For Private and Personal Use Only Page #438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRÍT MANUSORIPTS 499 ते तव पूर्तिदानं पूर्णता वा यत् यस्मात् शस्यते सू(स्तू). यते स.... । हे अद्रिवः अद्रिवन् आद्रणाति असुररक्षांसीति च । नदीर्य इति वा अद्रिवः तद्वत् तस्मात् नूनं सम्प्रति नव्यमिति क्रियाविशेषणं नूतनं अन्यैरकृतपूर्व सम्यसे सेव्यसे अस्माभिः षण संभुक्तौ छन्दस्येकमपि सन्यसइत्याच्यातस्योदात्तत्वं । हे प्रभो ईशान जनस्य सर्वस्य हे पत्रहन् स जुवामहे सम्भाषां करवामहे सम्भाषां करवामहे त्वशाहश यर्येषु यज्ञादिकर्मपरेषु विद्यमानेषु सिद्धा एवोपसर्गाः । अयमत्वा(स्या)र्थसंग्रहः । अस्माकं शनिति तपसस्मात्() शत्रून् अतिपरायेति वा यतस्त्वं सर्वैः स्तूयसे तस्मात् सम्प्रति मयापि स्तूयसे मया सह संवदस्वेति ॥ अथ पुरुषपदानि तानि सर्वाण्यैन्द्राण्येव तचब्रुणयोगासत्तमियामकत्वेन वा अग्न्यादिपादैः संबोध्य स्तूयते एवं। एवं हि त्वं उच(म)गणोसि एवेति । पुनरुक्तिरादरार्थेति । एवं हि त्वं हे अमे अग्रस्य नेतरिति । एवं हि त्वं हे इन्द्र परमेवर। एवं हि त्वं हे पूषन् पोषक विश्वस्येति। एवं हि भवता हे देवा इति सर्वदेवानांबवरूपेणावस्थानादिन्द्रस्संबोध्यत इति । इति श्रीभरतस्वामी महानानीर्यथामति । व्याख्य(वस्खलितमस्थात्र क्षमता बलत्रह(न्) । Colophon: इति श्रीभरतस्वामिनः कृती सामवेदभाष्ये महानानी विवरणम् ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ ..|| नीलकण्ठदीक्षितस्य प्रकृति ऋक् भाष्यम् ॥ (आचादीक्षितस्य) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #439 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 440 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF: Sama Veda Bhāṣya. Pūrvārcika-Agneya, Aindra, Pāvamāna; Āruņa and Mahānāmnī (Šakvari) Parvas. Remarks:- See Remarks on No. 654. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition. A transcribed copy of this Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 45, the date of copying being 19th June., 1915. [Ref. T. V. 45 (No. 12.)] Subject: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ सामवेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 656. SAMA-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9108. Page 11. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16x14 inches. Leaves-140 (102-241). Lines-8 to 10 to a Page. Script - Grantha. No. of Granthas-4000. Author-Sayaṇācārya. Incomplete. Beginning : प्रसूरग्र्यजन्मनाम् । का (कृ) त्स्ने च वेदे शृणुमो यः साक्षाद्देवकीसुतः ॥ वागीशाद्याः + गजाननम् ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ तत्कटाक्षेण + वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशने || ये पूर्वोत्तर + वक्तुमुद्यतः ॥ व्याख्यातावृग्यजुर्वेदौ सामवेदेऽपि संहिता | छन्दोऽभिधाऽभूव्याख्याता व्याख्यास्यत्त्युत्तराभिधाम् ॥ छन्दस्येकैकशां धीमा (ता) ऋक्सामोभ ( ) बनाय हि । स्तोमनिष्पत्तये सूक्तान्युचरायामधीयते ॥ स्तोमशब्देन ज्योतिष्टोमादिषु स्तो (सो) म्यागेषु प्रयुज्यमान (ना) त्रिवृत्पञ्चदशादयोऽभिधीयन्ते । अत एव तैचि For Private and Personal Use Only Page #440 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 441 SANSKRIT MANUSURIPTA रीयकाः प्रश्नोत्तराभ्यां समामनन्ति । तदाहुनि(हुः)"(कतमा) वाव तानि ज्योतींषि य(ए)तस्य स्तोमा? इति । त्रिवृत्पश्चदशस्सप्तदश एकविंश एतानि वा वावतानि ज्योतींषि य एतस्य स्तोम(1)-" इति ॥ End: यस्थ निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ अथ सप्तदशो(s)ध्याय आरभ्यते । तत्र प्रथमे खण्डे 'विश्वभिरग्न' इत्ये(त)त्तृचं प्रथमं सूक्तं । तत्र सा ऋगेषा 'विश्वेभिरग्ने' Colophon: तना तनु विस्तारे । किप चेति विप् । यद्रा पचाद्यच् । सुपां सुलुगिति..... ॥ इति षोडशो(शा)ध्याये चतुर्थः खण्डः ॥ इति श्रीमद्राजाधिराजपरमेश्वरवैदिकमार्गप्रवर्तक श्रीवीरबुकभूपाल साम्राज्यधुरंधरेण सायणार्येण विरचिते माधवीये सामवेदा. र्थप्रकाशे उत्तरग्रन्थे षोडशो(s)ध्यायः ॥ Subject: Sãina Vedārtha Prakāśa. Uttarārcika. 1-16 Adhyâ yas. Remarks:-This Ms. breaks off in the middle of the 2nd rk of the 17th Adhyaya. The Ms. is in good condition, A transcribed copy of this Ms. in paper is also available in the Library. See Transcript Volume 44, the date of copying being the 1st Nov. 1914 in the year Ananda. [Ref. T. V. 44 (No. 13.)] ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 657. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9041. Page 7. Right column. 56 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #441 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 442 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Substance-Palm leaf. Size—161⁄2×17 inches 406. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. Granthas-8000. Beginning : End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Leaves- No. of Author~~Sāyanacarya. Incomplete. कमलाकुचकर्पूरकस्तूरीवा सितोरसम् । संपूर्णसुभगं देवं भजे नरहरे हरिम् ॥ कृपालुर्माधवाचार्यो वेदार्थों (र्थ) वक्तुमुद्यतः । ब्राह्मणं कल्पसूत्रे द्वे मीमांसाव्याकृतिं तथा ॥ उदाहृत्याथ तैस्सर्वैर्मन्त्रार्थस्पष्टमर्यते । ननु कोयं वेदो नाम । के वास्य विषयप्रयोजनसंबन्धाधिकारिणः ॥ आर्तपात्रं रोगयुक्तचक्षुः स्वरूपमिदं पात्रं ॥ अथ मीमांसा || दशमाध्यायस्य पंचमपादे चिन्तितं ॥ “स्वस्थाने प्रतिकर्षो वा (S) ग्रता (शुक्रा) दे : (पूर्ववद्भवेत् ।) Colophon : (Page No. 401). इति माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे [च] प्रथमकांडचतुर्थे प्रपाठके षष्ठं समाप्तमनुवाकं ॥ Subject: Black Yajurveda Samhita Bhasya-Vedartha Prakāśa. First Kanda 1 - 4 Prapāthakas or Prasnas. Remarks :-- This Ms. ends with the 9th Anuvāka of the 4th Prapathaka of the 1st Kanda. The Mimamsadhikarana discussions found additionally in the printed Volumes of this Bhagya, are not given in this Ms. The Ms. is in good condition, though some leaves in the middle are worm-eaten. The Ms. being too bulky, is kept in two separate bundles . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 443 SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 658. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9052. Page 7. Right column. Substance-- Palm leaf . Size-154x13 inches. Leaves-253. Lines ---6 to a Page. Script--Grantha No. of Granthas 5000. Author-Sayana.cārya. Incomplete. Beginning : वागीशाद्यास्सुमनसस्सर्वार्थानामुपक्रमे । यन्नत्वा कृतकृत्यास्स्युस्तं नमामि गजाननम् ॥ शुक्लांबरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्ण + सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥ यस्य निश्वसितं वेदा यो वेदेभ्योऽखिलं जगत् । निर्ममे तमहं वन्दे विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ॥ अध्वर्योः प्रकृतौ मन्त्राः प्रपाठकचतुष्टये । वर्णिताः पुनराधेयं पंचमाये प्रवक्ष्यते ।। आधानादूर्ध्वमेवैषा वक्तव्या पुनराहितिः । तथाप्यध्ययनस्यायं क्रमो वरवृतत्वतः ॥ सरस्वती स्वपुत्राय तहुद्धिस्थे क्रमे वरं । ददौ तेन क्रमेणैव पठन्त्यन्येऽपि पाठकाः ॥ एकादशानुवाकाः स्युः पंचमोस्मन्प्रपाठके । तत्रादौ पुनराधेयमनुवाकचतुष्टये ॥ ततः षढ़ेऽग्न्युपस्थानं काम्ययाज्यास्तथान्तिमे । विधीयतेऽनुवाकेऽस्मिन्नादिमे पुनराहितिः ॥ उद्वास्य पुनरादधीतेति विधास्यति । तत्र पुनराधेयस्याग्निदेवतां विधातुमग्निविषयमुपाख्यानमुदाहरन् प्रसंगाद्रजतस्य यज्ञे दक्षिणात्वं निषेधति ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #443 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 444 End : Colophon : A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF तस्माचूतनमिति प्राप्ते ब्रूमः । चोदकप्राप्तप्राकृतपषणतत्क्रमयोरुभयोर्बाधगौरवात् क्रममात्रं बाध्यं । पेषणपदार्थस्तु स एवेति तद्धर्मा दृषन्मन्त्रा इत्यादयोऽत्र कर्तव्याः || Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 659. इति माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे यजुस्संहितायां प्रथमकांडेऽष्टमप्रपाठके पंचमो (S) नुवाकः ॥ पंचमे पित्र्य (तृ) यज्ञोभिहितः ॥ प्रथमकांडं समाप्तं (?) ॥ हरिः ॐ ॥ शुभमस्तु | करकृतमपराधं क्षन्तुमर्हन्ति सन्तः ॥ Subject : Vedārtha Prakāśa. First Kānda 5-8 Prapathakas. Remarks :-- This Ms. ends in the 5th Anuvāka of the 8th Prapathaka of the 1st Kända. The beginning of the 6th Anuvāka "" of the 8th Prapāthaka " पञ्चमे पितृयज्ञो (s) भिहित: is given in this Ms. ' प्रथमकाण्डं समाप्तं ' in the colophon is a mistake committed by the copyist. The Ms. is in very good condition, ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9034. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16 x 18 inches. Leaves-307. Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. Script -- Grantha. No. of Granthas-7500. Author--Bhatta Bhāskara. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । ओं । ईशानस्सर्वविद्यानां भूतानामीश्वरः परः । पुनातु सर्वदायुष्मान् शब्दब्रह्मतनुश्शिवः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 445 "यदधीतमविज्ञातं निगदेनैव शब्धते । __ अनग्नाविव शुष्कंधो न तज्ज्वलति कर्हिचित् ॥" किश्च ॥ "स्थाणुरयं भारहरः किलाभूदधीत्य वेदं न वि. जानाति योऽर्थ । योऽर्थज्ञ इत् सकलं भद्रमश्नुते स नाकमेति ज्ञानविधूतपाप्मे"ति "स्वाध्यायोध्येतव्य" इति विधिना चार्थज्ञानपर्यन्तपध्ययनं विधीयत इति न्यायसिद्धं ॥ End: ताविमावे महानुभावौ अस्माकन्दुश्चम तानाशयतां शोभनानि दत्तामित्यर्थः ॥ Colophon : इति (श्रीकौशिक)भभास्करविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये प्रथमे काण्डे अष्टमे प्रपाठके द्वाविंशोऽनुवाकः ॥ अनन्तन् स्वहस्तलिखितं । व्यय......... आश्लेषानक्षत्र दिनं लिखित संपूर्ण ॥ Subject : Black Yajur-Veda Samhita Bhasya-Jnana Yajia. First Kanda. 1-8Prapathakan. Remarks :-The Ms. is in very good condition. Regarding the author Bhattabhāskara, Dr. Burnell gives the following on page 7 of his Catalogue:-"Bhatta Bhaskara Misra is quoted by Sayana, and according to tradition lived about 950-1000 A. D. He must not be confounded with Kasyapa Bhatta Bhaskara, who wrote a Samavedarseyadipa, or index (about 1000 granthas) to the metres, sis and deities of the Sámaveda P. A., and who probably lived in the fourteenth century. (C.C. on the Sāmaveda Brāhmaṇas are attributed to this author, but I have not seen them. This Bhatta Bhāskara quotes Bharata Svāmin). The quotations in this work, though meagre, are interesting. In the parts I have been able to examine, besides Bhavasvămin, the Taittiriya Anukramani, Manava Dharmasastra and Panini, Yaska K. i. 1, 13-regarding 'पय:' (N. ii. 5),Pr. 2, 80-regarding 'अतिथि' (N. IV. 5) are For Private and Personal Use Only Page #445 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 446 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF cited. In K. ii. 1, 5, the opinion of Bharadvaja is quoted. In the same Kanda, Prasna iv. Anuvaka 14, there is an interesting discussion on a passage cited from some work on Astronomy - अव चन्द्रगुणकीर्तनेनाऽदित्या एव स्तूयते.... तथा हि सूर्योनिमयो गोळश्चन्द्रोऽम्बुमय: स्वच्छः । इति तस्मादस्य दिवसकरमरीचिसमाश्लेषेण भास्वरत्वं भवति ; यथाहुः--- भाग्रहाणां गोळार्धानि स्वच्छायया विवर्णानि । अर्धानि यथासारं सूर्याभिमुखानि (4) दीप्यन्ते ।। इति तस्माचन्द्रमसो गोलार्धं सूर्याभिमुखं यदा चकास्ति किं सर्वदा चकास्ति किं इति नोऽपलभ्यते श्रूयतां; अमावास्यायां चन्द्रमसः; तदा चन्द्रमस उपरि यद्विम्बाधं तदेशेषं अवभासयति सविता । चन्द्रस्यामावस्योपलक्षितोपरिबिम्बकेन्द्राद्यथा यथा पश्चादादित्योऽ. वलंबते, तथा तथा चन्द्रमसो बिम्बकेन्द्रमप्यवरतोवलम्बते, तत्केन्द्रवशाच्चन्द्रमसो बिम्बार्धशेषमाभासयति सविता यावत् एवाऽ. स्योपलक्षित विम्बपरिध्योरधोवलम्बते तावश्चन्द्रमसो विम्बस्यास्माभिरुपलक्ष्यते शेषमुपस्थितत्वानोपलभ्यते । सूर्याभिमुखं भास्वरम पि अस्माभिरुपलधुमयोग्यत्वात् ।। In Pị. iv. the Vāyupurāņa, several upanişads and also authors of Smrtis are quoted (v. Z. D. M. G. XIX. 154). Towards the end this commentary becomes a mere paraphrase with an occasional brief explanation of an unusual form or accent. At the end of the Kāņdas in some Mss., it is stated that Bhatta Bhāskara composed this commentary; 'एष निष्पावकेशाके कौशिकान्वयजन्मना । भट्टभास्करमिश्रेण ज्ञानयज्ञः प्रकीर्तितः ॥' This proves that he was a Telugu Brāhman, as they only take names of plants for their family names. His name was thus (re-translating the two words) Anumula Bhatta Bhāskara. This family name is still a common one." For Private and Personal Use Only Page #446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 447 ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 660. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2481. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size -14xb inches. Sheets -295. Lines ---9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgarī. No. of Granthas --5500. Author ---Bhatta Bhāskara. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 659. End : अथ पारतरणं विशेष्यते यथा अंहं सः ॥ उतारितानमा उभयेनुभयकुलप्रभवा अपि हवंते आह्वयंति मां रक्ष.......... Colophon: (Sheet No. 265.) इति भभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये प्रथमे काण्डे पंचमप्रपाठके एकादशो(s)नुवाकः । समाप्तः प्रपाठकः ॥ हरिः ओं ॥ Subject: Jhana Yajna. First Kanda. 1-6 Prapathakas. Remarks:--The Ms. is in excellent condition. The Ms. breaks off in the commentary of the 3rd Pañcādi of the 12th Anuváka of the 6th Prapathaka. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 661. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2484. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-141x5 inches. Sheets-239. Lines---9 to a Page. Script-Devanāgari. No. of Granthas ---4000. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #447 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning-Same as No. 659. End: - स एवं महानुभावोऽनिरनुगमनदोषमुपशमय्यात्मनः परापतितं ज्योतिरवलंधामीति ॥ Colophon : इति भाट्टकौशिकभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये प्रथमे कांडे चतुर्थप्रपाठके एकचत्वारिंशोऽनुवाकः ॥ समाप्तः प्रपाठकः । हरिः ओं । शुभमस्तु । श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः । श्रीमणिकर्णिकेश्वरस्वामिने नमः । Subject : JnanaYajha. First Kanda. 1-4 Prapathakas. Remarks: -The Ms. is in good condition, ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 662. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9053." Page 7. Left column. Substance--- Palm leaf. Size -16x13 inches. Leaves--206. Lines -6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas 4000. Author----Bhatta Bhaskara. Incomplete. Beginning, end and subject-Same as No. 661. Colophon: इति सभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये प्रथमे काण्डे चतुर्थे प्रपाठके एकचत्वारिंशोनुवाकः ।। __ समाप्तः प्रपाठकः ॥ ॐ शुभमस्तु ।। पश्चनदक्षेत्रनिवासिना कुप्पाशास्त्रिपुत्रेण पश्चनदेश्वराख्ये. नेदं लिखितम् ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #448 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 449 Remarks :-The Ms. is in very good conditon. The scribe's name is Pañcanadeśvara, son of Kuppă Šāstri of Pañcanada Kşetra or modern Tiruvadi. ll Hulyo Hiery ll. 663. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2485. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-14 X 54 inches. Sheets-173. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Gran thas-3500. Author-Bhatta Bhāskara. Incomplete. Beginning: भीगणेशाय नमः। ॐ अथ पुनराधेयब्राह्मणं ।। तत्र केवलाग्नेयतामस्य प्रतिपादायष्यन् तदर्थपर्थवादं प्रस्तौति देवासुरा इत्यादि । End and colophon-Same as No. 659. Subject: Jñāna Yajia. First Kāņda. 5-8 Pra pathakas. Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. The paper is of Indian manufacture. This Ms. is the continuation of No. 661, 11 Houruga CHIETI HIT !! 664. KRSNAYAJOR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9054. Page 7. Left column. Substance - Palm leaf. Size -16x1} inches. Leaves--166. Lines - 6 to a Page. Script--Grantha. No. of Granthas 3500. Author--Bhatta Bhāskara. Incomplete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 683. 57 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 450 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF This Ms. is the Remarks:-The Ms. is in very good condition. continuation of No.662. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 685. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9035. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16X1} inches. Leaves132. Lines-6 to 8 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-2000. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Complete. Beginning : अतः परं काम्याः पशवो विधीयन्ते काम्यप्रायाः नैमिचिकानाश मध्येऽभिधानात् । तेषां वेद्यादिनियमो नास्ति । वैश्वदेवकाण्डं- वायव्यं श्वेतमालभेतेत्यादि । End : __ अविनियुक्ता मन्त्राः लिंगेन क्षि(का)प्यनुरूपे कर्मणि विनियोक्तव्याः ॥ Colophon : इति भभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञास्ये द्वितीयकाण्डे षष्ठे प्रश्ने द्वादशोऽनुवाकः ।। समाप्तश्चायं प्रपाठकः ।। समाप्तं च द्वितीयं काण्डं ॥ हरिः ओं शुभमस्तु ।। एष निष्पावके शाके कुशिकान्वयजन्मना । भभास्करमिश्रेण ज्ञानयज्ञः प्रकीर्तितः ॥ हरिः ओं । करकृतमपराधं अन्तुमर्हन्ति सन्तः ।। Subject: Jhana Yajia. Second Kanda. 1-6 Prapathakas. Remarks : -The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #450 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 451 ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 666. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9042. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size - 17 x 14 inches. Leaves-93. Lines --5 to 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Gran thas--1850. Author-Bhatta Bhāskara. Incomplete. Beginning : 379 OTETTUS agada TRT + AN......... gati हिरण्यगर्भ इति त्रिप्रतीकग्रहणशेदं इयशाग्निकाण्डे व्याख्यास्यते ।। End and colophon-Same as No. 605. ஒடயார்பாளையம் சாமாசாரி புஸ்தகம். Subject: Jñāna Yajña. Second Kānda. 1-6 Prapãthakas. Remarks: -The Ms. is in good condition. The Ms, belongs to one Sämācāri of Odayār Palayam in South India. Il 9010 CHEATH II 667. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9047. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-174X15 inches. Leaves--205. Lines-8 or 9 to a Page. Script-Grantba. No. of Gran than-9500. Author-Bhatta Bhāskara. Complete. Beginning :-Same as No. 659. End and colophon-Same as No. 665. Subject: Jõāna Yajña. First and Second Kāndas. Kānda 1-1-1 to 11-6-12. Remarks: The Ms. is old and is in a fairly good condition, though the last leaf is almost broken off. This Ms. begins in the 11th Anuvāka of the 1st Prapathaka of the 2nd Kānda. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #451 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 452 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OP ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 668. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9036. Page 7. Right. column. Substanee-Palm leaf. Size --16x1d inches. Leaves-196. Lines -5 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas--- 2700. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Complete. Beginning : ___एष निष्पावके + प्रकीर्तितः ॥ ब्राह्मणैर्विनियुज्यन्ते । अनारभ्याधीतत्वात् प्रकृत्यर्थमेतत् ॥ तत्र लिंगवचनाभ्यां विनियोगः । प्रायश्चात्र व्यामिश्रलिंग(गा)मन्त्राः ।। End: 'यतो नाव' इत्यायुदात्तत्वे उदात्तनिवृत्तिस्वरेण यत 'उदात्तत्वं तस्मात् द्वयमप्येते (न) कर्मणा तद्धनं स चेमहीति ।। Colophon: इति भट्ट + यज्ञाख्ये तृतीयकाण्डे पंचमप्रपाठके एकादशोऽनुवाकः । समाप्त: प्रपाठकः ॥ समाप्तं च तृतीयं काण्डम् । एष निष्पावके० ।। Subject: Jhana Yajna. Third Kanda. 1-5 Prapathakas. Remarks: --The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 869. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9043. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--17x13 inches. Leaves-88. Lines-9 or 10 to a Page. Seript-Grantha. No. of Granthas-2700. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 668. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #452 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 468 Remarks:-The Ms, is old and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 670. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHASAYM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2482. Page 7. Left column. Substance-Paper. Size-111x58 inches. Sheets-81.. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1600. Author-----Bhatta Bhaskara. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 668. End: ___ अनुलोमगतयः । प्रथमादित्तीयांता गृह्यते । तस्मादितो मनुष्यलोकादारभ्य परां च इमे लोकाः भूरिति प्रथ(मलोकः। अन्तरिक्षं द्वितीयलोकः द्यौस्तृतीय इति)। Colophon : (Sheet Nc. 73). इति भहभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये तृतीयकाण्डे द्वितीये प्रपाठके एकादशो()[अ]नुवाकः ॥2॥ समाप्तश्च प्रपाठकः ॥ Subject: Jhana Yajna. Third Kanda. 1-3 Prapathakas. Remarks:-This Ms. breaks off in the beginning of the 6th Anu vaka of the 3rd Prapathaka of the 3rd Kanda. The Ms. is in good condition. The paper of the Ms. is of Indian manufacture. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 671. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9048. Page 5. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16X18 inches. Leaves-18. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -360. Authorr-Bhatta Baskara. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #453 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 454 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning-Same as No 668. End: यहा समृच्छते विनश्यति सोमान्तरेण संसर्गात 'समोगमृच्छी'त्यात्मनेपदं यमेस्त्वा'डो यमहन' इति । Subject: Jõāna Yajña. Third Kānda. First Prapathaka 1-7 Anuvakas. Remarks :--This Ms. breaks off in the beginning of the 7th Anu Vaka of the 1st Prapathaka of the 1st Kanda. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 672. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9049 a. Page 7. Right column. Substance--Palm leaf. Size-16x13 inches. Leaves--224 (1-224). Lines-- 6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-8000. - Author-Sayanācārya. Incomplete. Beginning: श्रीसांबशिवाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ।। एकादशानुवाकाः स्युः तदर्थाः स्युः क्रमादमी । अभ्रथादानं मृदाक्रान्तिः खननं हरणं तथा ॥ उखानिर्माणसंस्कारौ सामिधेन्यस्तथा मियः । अग्न्युत्पादो धारणं च याज्या इत्यनुवाकगाः॥ इति तत्रा(भ्रयादानप्रतिपादके प्रथमानुवाके प्रथम तावद्धोममन्त्रा उच्यन्ते । End : __ अत्र विनियोगसंग्रहः ॥ "अथाश्वमेधे यात्विष्टिहविर्मिर्दशभिर्युता । विधीयतेऽपये गायेत्यनुवाकेन तत्र च ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 456 SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS वे द्वे याज्यानुवाक्ये स्तामिति मंत्रास्तु विंशति" रिति ॥ वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन तमो हार्द निवारयन् । पुमर्थाश्चतुरो देयाविद्यातीर्थम्महेश्वरं ॥ Colophon: इति सायणाचार्यविरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे यजुस्संहितायां चतुर्थकांडे चतुर्थप्रपाठके द्वादशोनुवाकः । समाप्तश्च प्रपाठकः ॥ हरिः ओं। शुभमस्तु । यस्य + महेन्धरं ॥ Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Fourth Kanda. 1-4 Prapathakas. Remarks :-The Mg. is in very good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 673. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9050. Page 7. Right column. Substance--Palm leaf. Size-18x11 inches. Leaves--225. Lines-5 to 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -8000. Author---Sāyaṇācārya. Incomplete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject--Same as No. 672. Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition, though the ends of the leaves are slightly injured. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 674. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2501.. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size-6x5tinches. Sheets-28. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #455 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 456 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Lines--12 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas -720. Author-Sāyaṇācārya. Incomplete. Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ ॥ श्रीसांबसदाशिवाय नमः ॥ यस्य निश्वासितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ 1 ti इष्टका चितयस्सर्वाश्चतुर्थे हि समापिताः । रुद्राध्यायौ पंचमे तु चित्याग्नौ होम उच्यते ॥ 2 ॥ कर्म प्रकरणे पाठात्काँगत्वमपीष्यते । ज्ञानहेतुत्वमप्यस्य तथोपनिषदीरितं ।। 3॥ किं जप्येनामृतत्वं नो बृहीत्युक्ते मुनि गौ । शतरुद्रीयकेनेति जाबाला आमनन्ति तत् ॥4॥ स्मृत्यागमपुराणेषु रुद्राध्यायप्रशंसनं । बह्वस्ति तद्विस्तरेण रुद्रकल्पेऽभिधास्यते ॥ 5 ॥ इह कर्माङ्गता यादृक् वर्णिता ब्राह्मणेन ताम् । बोर्बु शब्दार्थमात्रस्य विवृतिः क्रियते स्फुटा । शतरुद्रीयं जुहोति ॥ हे रुद्राः वो युष्माकं जंभे विदारितास्ये दधामि (स्थापयामि) ॥ तमिममेकादशानुवाकात्मकं रुद्राध्यायं विनियुक्ते.........। Colophon: इति श्रीसायणाचार्यविरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे यजुःसंहितायां चतुर्थकाण्डे पंचमप्रपाठके एकादशोऽनुवाकस्समाप्तः । “विद्वत्प्रभुवरश्रीमद्विनायकतनू भुवः । प्रभोर्यसंतरायस्य ग्रंथ एष प्रवर्धतां ।।" End: For Private and Personal Use Only Page #456 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 457 Subject : Vedartha Prakasa. Fourth Kanda. Fifth Prapatha __ka. 1-11 Anuvakas. Sri Rudra Bhasya. Remarks :- The Viniyoga portion and the Mināmsā, discussions found at the end of the 11th Anuvāka of this prapātbaka in the printed Volumes of the Yajurveda Samhitã Bhāgya, are not given in this Ms. [Compare the Āuandāśrama edition of the Black Yajurveda Samhita with Sayana Bhasya. Vol. VI. Pages 3112-3116.) The Ms. is in good condition. According to the verse in the colophon this Ms. belongs to one Yasantaraya, son of Vinayaka. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 675. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. J. L. Collection No. 64 a. Substance-Paper. Size-9 x4 inches. Pages--26. Lines----9 to a Page. Script--Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas-720. Author-Sayānācārya. Complete. Beginning and subject--Same as No. 674. End: नमो रुद्रेभ्य इत्येषः पृथिव्यादिविभेदतः । त्रेधा भित्रस्ततो होम(मे) पमन्त्रा इति कीर्तिताः ॥ इति इदं मीमांसायां दशपाध्यायस्य अष्टपादे चिन्तितम् ॥ वेदार्थस्य + विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरः ॥ Colophon: इति श्रीमदिव्ययोगीन्द्रश्रीविद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरापरावतारस्य श्री. वीरवुक्कमहाराजस्य आज्ञापरिपालकेन सायणाचार्येण बिरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे यजुस्संहितायां चतुर्थकाण्डे पंचमप्रपाठके एकादशोऽनुवाक. । समाप्तः पंचमप्रपाठकः ॥ 58 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #457 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 458 A DESORPTIVE CATALOGUE OF श्रीमद्विरोधिनामसंवत्सरे श्रावणमासे कृष्णपक्षे एकादशीस्थिरवासरे पुनर्वसुनक्षत्रे श्रीमत्सुबाजीरघुनाथस्य रुद्रभाष्यं । सुबरायेन लिखितम् ॥ Remarks:-The Ms. is old and is in good condition. The owner of the Ms. is Subaji Raghunatha and the scribe's name is sub(b)araya. In this Ms. the viniyoga portion is additionally given. End: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेद संहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 676. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. J. L. Collection No. 65. Substance-Paper. Size-9×4 inches. Sheets-2. Lines-8 to a Page. Script-Devanagari. No. of Granthas-20. Author-Sayaṇācārya. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 674. त्वदीयाय बाणाय नमोऽस्तु । तथा ते धन्वने त्वदी याय धनुषे नमोsस्तु उत अ.. Subject: Vedartha Prakasa. Fourth Kanda. Fifth Prapathaka. First Anuvāka only. Remarks:This Ms. contains only the introductory portion of the commentary on the Rudradhyaya. Hence a fragment. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 677. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. J. L. Collection No. 68 a. Substance-Paper. Size-10×5 inches. Sheets-40 (1-40). Lines-14 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-1700. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 469 Beginning-Same as No. 678. End : अनेन मन्त्रणाज्येन जुहुयात् । कालानमुत्पद्यते कपिलेन पयसा अयुतं जुहुयात् जातिमरो जायते ॥ Colophon: इति कौशिकभभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्यज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये अग्निकाण्डे पंचमप्रपाठके श्रीरुद्रप्रश्न एकादशोऽनुवाकः ॥ श्रीः समाप्तः प्रश्नः श्रीः ॥ शतरुद्र पभावेन सर्वमेव यथातथम् । एकादशैकादशतो दानमुक्तं त्वयानघ ॥ सर्वभोगकरो होमः कलशस्थापनं तथा । शिखास्फाटिकसंस्कारमपि निर्वाणकारकं ॥ रुदैकादशपूजा च सोमे वासुकिसंश्रिता । जातिस्मृतिकिया पुंसां ध्यानदानं तथैव च । राज्ञामन्यत्र तत्कल्प्य सर्वमुक्तमशेषत: ॥ ॥ इति श्रीरुद्रभाष्यं संपूर्ण ।। श्रीसांबसदाशिवार्पणमस्तु । Subject: Jñana Yajña. Fourth Kāņda. Fifth Prapāthaka. 1-11 Anuvākas. Sri Rudra Bhāsya. Remarks:-This Ms. contains Camaka Bhasya also. The Ms. is good though the sheets are here and there damp. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 878. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9044. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16x11 inches. Leaves-88. Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas-1700. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #459 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 460 End: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning : ॥ श्रीगणेशशारदासद्गुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ यच्चापकोटी सदनं सुराणां यन्मन्दुरा विश्वसृजो मुखानि । यत्तूणिरंभोधरपानभूमिः पायात्स नो दैवत सार्वभौमः || अतः परं कांडमेवाग्न्यार्षेयं तत्र चरमायामिष्टकायां शतरुद्रयं जुहोति । नमस्ते रुद्र मन्यव इति । रुद्रो वा एष यदग्निस एतर्हि जात इत्यादिब्राह्मणं । रुद्रो वा एष यदभिस्तस्यैते तमनुवावीत्यादि च अजाक्षीरेण जुहोति, यद्राम्याणां पशूनां पयसा जुहुयादिति ब्राह्मणम् ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir अथर्वशिरः प्रयुक्तं विधानेनाराधनं ततः । कृत्वा रक्तांगा रक्तमूर्धजा रक्तनयनोत्पद्यते पूर्वमेव रुधिरपूर्णाः चतुः कुम्भानानीय. Colophon : ( Leaf No. 21 ). इति भट्टभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये श्रीरुद्र प्रश्नप्रथमोऽनु " वाकः ॥ Subject : Jñāna yajña Fourth Kānda Fifth Prapāthaka. 1-11 Anuvākas - Sri Rudra Bhāsya. Remarks:-A few lines are wanting at the end of this Ms. to complete the 11th Anuvāka of the 5th Prapāthaka. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेद संहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 679. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHĀSYAM. For Private and Personal Use Only J. L. Collection No. 66. Substance-Paper. Size-8X 5 inches. Sheets-29 (22-57). Lines-13 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-860. Author-Bhatta Bhāskara. Incomplete (wants beginning). Page #460 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS Beginning : (परराष्ट्र जलैरुप योग्य) जलादिकं वा स्पृष्ट्वापीक्ष्य वा शतसहस्रजपं कुर्यात् । यस्तद्वस्तूपर्युक्ते (स) संवत्सरान्नश्य(ति) । श्मशानाग्नावर्कसमिद्भिः शतसहस्रं जुहुयात् ॥ End-Same as No. 677. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 680. Colophon : In Page 48. इति श्री भट्ट भास्करकृते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये श्रीरुद्राख्यप्रश्ने दशमोऽ नुवाकः । Subject : Jñāna Yajña. Fourth Kanda. Fifth Prapathaka. 3-11 Anuvākas - Sri Rudra Bhāsya. Remarks:-This Ms. begins rather abruptly at the end of the 3rd Anuvāka of the 5th Prapāthaka. Sheets 44 & 45, 49 & 50 are wanting in this Ms. The Ms. is old and is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 2498. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Paper. Size - 134 x 54 inches Sheets - 24. Lines -11 to a Page. Script- Devanagari. No. of Granthas -1000. Author-? Complete. Beginning : 461 ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ अस्य श्रीरुद्रप्रश्नस्य शंभूर्भगवानृषिः महाविराट् छन्दः महादेवो देवता मोक्षार्थे विनियोगः । ननु चरमायामिष्टकायां शतरुद्रीयं जुहोतीति चयने विनियुक्तेऽस्य कथं मोक्षे विनियोग इति चेन ॥ End: कपिलेन पयसायुतं जुहुयात् जातिस्मरो भवति ॥ इति तृतीयं यजुः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 462 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रभाध्ये एकादशोऽमुवाकः । (Sheet No. 7.) इति रुद्रासिद्धान्तविवरणे प्रथमोऽनुकाकः । हे पुस्तक श्रीमन्त राजेश्री शरभोजी महाराज साहेबांच्या कारकतींत काशीदेशाहून खरिदीकरून आणिलें अस्से ॥ Subject : Sri Rudra Bhagya, otherwise known as Rudra siddhanta Vivarana. Fourth Randa. 5th Prapathaka. 1-11 Anuvakas. Remarks: -The beginning of the Sāyaṇa Bhāşya on Camaka ...Prasna is given at the end of this Ms. This Ms. is an abridgement of Jñana Yajña of Bhatta Bhāskara. The Ms. is in good condition though the paper of the Ms. is very old. The Ms. was written in Benares and brought down to Tanjore Palace with the patronage of King Serfoji between 1711-1728. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 681. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHĀSYAM. J. L. Collection No. 67. Substance-Paper. Size-9x40 inches. Sheets-31 Lines-10 to aPage. Script-Devanāgarl. No. of Granthas--995. Author--? Complete. Beginning:--Same as No. 680. End: . अथ तृतीयः । एषां वर्ष मिषुस्थानीयं हिंसासाधनमिति यत् । अतिवृष्ट्यनावृष्ट्यकालवृष्ट्यादिभिर्ये प्रजानां हिंसा कुर्वन्ति तेभ्यो रुद्रेभ्यो नमोस्त्विति ॥ अथास्य मंत्रस्य पुरश्चरणम् ॥ Colophon : (In sheet 9.) इति श्रीभभास्करसंग्रहे प्रथमोऽनुवाकः ॥ इवं पुस्तकं रंगभगोस्वामीनाम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS 468 Subject: Sri Rudra Bhāsya otherwise known as Bhatta Bhās kara Sangraba. Fourth Kāņda. Fifth Prapatbaka. 1-11 Anuvakas. Remarks: This Ms. is an abridgement of Jñanayajña of Bhatta Bhaskara, as the name of the Ms. indicates. This Ms. belongs to one Ranga Bhatta Gosvamin. The Ms. is old and is in a fairly good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 682. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9049 b. Page 7. Right column. Substance---Palm leaf. Size-1512X1} inches. Leaves--- 8 (1-8). Lines---9 or 10 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas---700. Author_? Complete. Beginning: __यस्य निश्चसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ नमो रुद्राय रुद्राणां व्याख्यां वक्ष्यामि यजपे । मोक्षापक्षयदुस्स्वमव्याधिनाशा: प्रयोजनम् ॥ तत्र जाबालोपनिषत्-'अथ हैनं ब्रह्मचारिण ऊचुः जप्येनैवात्र तस्वं ब्रूहीति । सहोवाच याज्ञवल्क्यः शतरुद्रीयेणेति । एतानि ह वा अमृतस्य नामधेयानि । एतैहवा अमृतो भवतीति ॥ आह शातातपः- "स्तेयं कृत्वा गुरुदारांव गत्वा सुरां पीत्वा ब्रह्महत्यां च कृत्वा । भस्मच्छरो भस्मशय्यां शयानो रुद्राध्यायी मुच्यते पात. केभ्यः ॥" End: वेषां वातो ये दिवि येषां वर्षमिति स्थितेषु मन्त्ररूपेषु नमो रुद्रेभ्य इत्येतदिषवस्तेभ्य इत्यादि सर्व सर्वत्र समानम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #463 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 464 Colophon : A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF 683. इति श्रीरुद्रप्रश्नव्याख्या समाप्ता ॥ सरभसकरवेगभ्रष्टवर्णातिदोषे यदिह भवति शास्त्रे पुस्तके हस्तदोषात् । सकलमपि कृतान्तं सद्गुणग्राहिकामाः करकृतमपराधं क्षन्तुमर्हन्ति सन्तः ॥ शुभमस्तु ॥ Subject: Sri Rudra Bhagya. Fourth Kanda. Fifth Prapathaka. 1-11 Anuvākas. Remarks:--This Ms. is an abridgement of Jñanayajña of Bhattabhaskara. Dr. Burnell's Remarks on this Ms. that it is 'apparently the original of the last', namely 9049 a, is quite unfounded, since these two Mss. deal with entirely different texts. See subjects on Ms. 672 and 687. This Ms. contains after the 8th leaf, the Sayana's commentary also on the 6th and 7th Prapathakas of the 4th Kanda. See 687. The Ms. is in good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Page 7. Right column. 16 x 11 inches. Leaves-26 Script-Grantha. No. of Burnell's Catalogue No. 9037 a. Substance-Palm leaf. Size (1-26). Lines-5 to a Page. Granthas-700. Author-? Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 682. Remarks:-The Ms is in very good condition. The Ms. contains also the Sayana bhāṣya on the 6th and 7th Prapathakas of the 4th Kanda. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #464 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 485 SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 684. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9072. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-15x14 inches. Leaves—49. Lines-5 to a Page. Seript-Telugu. No. of Granthas730. Author-Vidyaranya(?). Complete. Beginning: अतःपरं कांडमेवाग्न्यायमाग्निचयने चरमायामिष्टकायां (शतरुद्रीयं जुहोति नमस्ते रुद्रमन्यव इति रुद्रो वा एष यदग्निः तस्यैते तनुवादित्यादि अस्य रुद्रस्य समुदायस्य अग्निः ............मुर्देवता । अथ जाबालोपनिपदि- 'अथ हैनं ब्रह्मचारिण ऊचुः । किं जप्येनामृतत्वं ब्रूहीति सहोवाच याज्ञवल्क्यः ।। End: एतत्सर्व प-मद्वारे शिवालये कर्तव्यं । ध्यानं ॥ वृषाधिरूढं देवेशं सर्वलोकैककारणं ।। ध्यायेद्ब्रह्मादिभिस्तुत्यं पार्वतीसहितं शिवं ।। जपमात्रेण सर्वसिद्धिर्भवति ॥ त्रिषवणं लायात् । जपेच पंचमहापातकात् पूतो भवति । Colophon : इति विद्यारण्यविरचिते यजुर्वेदरुद्रभाष्ये ___ एकादशोनुवाकः ॥ ईश्वरसंवत्सरभाद्रपदशुद्धदशमी इन्दुवासरे महादेवदीक्षितीयं पुस्तकम् ॥ Subject : Sri Rudra Bhasya. Fourth Kanda. Fitth Prapatha ka. 1-11 Anuvākas. 59 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #465 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 486 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUB OF Remarks:-This Ms. is evidently: an abridgement of the Jnana yajña of Bhattabhāskara. Hence the authorship attributed to Vidyāraṇya in the colophon of this Ms. is rather doubtful. The Ms. is in a fairly good condition, though the sides of some leaves are rat-eaten. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 685. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9078. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-171x1 inches. Leaves-14. Lines-9 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthae 200. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Incoinplete. Beginning : हे रुद्र तव मन्यवे क्रोधाय नमः । उतोत । अपि च । इषवे । घराय । नमः । ते धन्वने धनुषे । नमोस्तु ॥ End: वास्तव्याय वास्तुनि भवाय । वास्तुग्रहादिसीमा तत्र भवाय वास्तुपाय च......पातीति वा वास्तुखामिने वा । यथा नमो रुद्राय वास्तोष्पते इति । Colophon : __ इति सप्तमोऽनुवाकः ।। In Page 8. इति भहभास्करविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञा. ख्ये अमिकाण्डे श्रीरुद्रप्रश्ने प्रथमोऽनुवाकः ।। Subject: Sri Rudra Bhāsya. Kānda IV. Prapāthaka 5. Anu Vaka 1-7. Remarks :- In this Ms. the explanation of the hymns only is taken from the commentary of Bhatta Bhāskara omitting Viniyoga and such other portions thereof. The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #466 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUBORIPTS 467 ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 686. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. J. L. Collection No. 70. Substance-Paper. Size-11x71 inches. Sheets-34. Lines-10 to a Page. Script-Deva. nagart. No. of Granthas-680. Author-Ahobala. Complete. Beginning: श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये नमः। चेतो गमहेशपादकमलं यद्विष्णुनेत्रार्चितं तत्वं मौनिमनोमधुव्रतवरात्राताश्रयं संश्रय । तत्पादान्जमगण्यपुण्यविभवप्राप्यं ततो दुस्त्यजं मा मा संत्यज मामको यदि तदा तत्रैव नित्यं वस ।। संसारसागरसमुत्तरणौ(णे) प्रवीणं श्रीमान होबलमहाकविराजराजः । श्रीरुद्रभाष्यतरुमुज्वलपद्यरूपं ___ चक्रे सदाशिवकृपासमुपासविधः ॥ अहोषलो भास्करवंशभानुः श्रीरुद्रमन्त्रार्थविचारदक्षः । भीरुद्रभाष्यं तनुते नितान्तं प्रकाशयन् रुद्रमगाधभावम् ।। .......................... ............ संप्रेरितः सांबसदाशिवेन श्रीरुद्रभाष्यं विशदं करोमि । श्रीरुद्रमंत्रार्थविचारमात्रमंत्रार्थबोधार्थमहं करोमि ॥ अधिक मत्कृते सर्व श्रीमन्यायमहामणौ । विज्ञेयं विस्तरेणालमलपत्युक्तिपल्लवैः ॥ अधिक मत्कृते सर्व श्रीमन्याय महामणौ । विज्ञेयं विस्तरेणालमलमत्युक्तिपल्लवैः ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 468 . A DEBORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End : भो शंभो करुणांभोधे त्वत्पादांबुरुहे मम । खातं संवसतु स्वामिन् मया स्वन्येत्र सर्वथा ।। Colophon : इति श्रीमत् सकललोकप्रसिद्धश्रीमद्भास्करवंशरनसंभूतश्रीमन्नृसिंह महोपाध्यायहृदयानंदसुधाकरकलासंबद्धार्केन रामकागर्भसंभूतेन प्रणमत्सुरासुरमौलिदिव्यरत्नकोटिप्रभापूरपूरितश्रीविश्वेशदिव्यचरणारविंदमकरंदसंदोहांदोलितदिव्यांचितचंचरिकोणांचलेन विरचितं श्लोकरूपश्रीरुद्रभाष्यं संपूर्ण ॥ Subject: Sr. Rudra Bhāşya in Verses. Fourth Kānda. Fifth Prapathaka. 1-11 Anuvākas. Remarks:--The Ms. is in good condition. This is a metrcial com mentary on the Rudra Prasna of the Kșgnayajurveda. The author of this commentary is Ahobala, son of Nộsimba Mahopadhyaya and Rāmakka pupil of Sadasiva and a descendant of the Bhāskara family. He says he wrote this commentary at the instance of Siva and refers to another work of his, viz., the Nyāyamabāmaņi, in which he says, he has explained everything more fully. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 687. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀŞYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9049 c. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-155x11 inches. Leaves36 (8-43). Lines-9 or 10 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas--1500. Author--Sāyaṇācārya. Incomplete. Beginning: परिषेचनमारभ्य संस्कारा ये चिकीर्षिताः। ते पंचस्वनुवाकेषु प्रोक्ताः शेषोऽश्वमेवगः ॥ MARATHI For Private and Personal Use Only Page #468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 469 End: SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS तत्र प्रथमेऽनुनाके परिपेचनविकर्षणादयो विधीयन्ते । कल्पः 'उदकुम्भमादाय.' इति ।। घावापृथिव्यके ये तु यत्ते स्विष्टकृतीर्यते । अनुवाके पंचदशे मन्त्रा द्वाविंशतिर्मताः ॥ वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशेन + महेश्वरः ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीमदि(व्य)योगीन्द्रविद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरापरावतारस्य श्रीमद्रा जाधिराजपरमेश्वरस्य + चतुर्थकाण्डे सप्तमप्रपाठके पंचदशोऽनुवाकः ॥ समाप्तश्च काण्डः ॥ बिन्दुदुर्लिपिविसर्गवीथिका शृङ्गपडिपदभेददूषणम् । हस्तवेगजमबुद्धिपूर्वक क्षन्तुमर्हथ समीक्ष्य सजनाः ।। Subject: Vedārtha Prakāśa. Fourth Kāņda. Sixth and Seventh Prapathakas. Remarks:--See Remarks on No. 662. The Ms. is in good con dition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 688. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9037 b. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size16x11 inches. Leaves-105 (26-130). Lines -5 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthes-1500, Author-Sayanacarya. Incomplete. Beginning, end, colophon, subject and remarks Same as No. 687. Remarks :--This is a copy of No. 687. The Ms. is in very good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #469 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 470 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेद संहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 689. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀṢYAM. J. L. Collection. No. 64 b. Substance-Paper. Size - 92 × 4 inches. Sheets-5 (27-31). Lines-9 to a Page. ScriptDevanagari. No. of Granthas-150. Author-Saya ṇācārya. Complete. Beginning : End: यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरम् ॥ 1 ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir परिषेचनमुख्यास्तु संस्काराः षष्ठ ईरिताः । वसोर्धारादयशिष्टाः प्रोच्यन्तेस्मिंस्तु सप्तमे ॥ 2 ॥ कल्पः ॥ अग्नाविष्णू स जोषसेति -. अत्र विनियोगसंग्रहः ॥ अग्नाविष्णूवसोर्धारामेकादशभिरादितः । अनुवाकैर्जुहोत्येकामाहुतिं ( सततां ) घृतात् ॥ अथ मीमांसादशमाध्यायस्य तृतीयपादे चिन्तितं ॥ Colophon : इति यजुस्संहितायां चतुर्थकांडे सप्तमप्रपाठके एकादशोनुवाकः ॥ श्रीमद्विरोधिनामसंवत्सरे श्रावणमासे कृष्णपक्षे एकादशी स्थिरवासरे पुनर्वसु नक्षत्रे अ (इ) यं मुद्रा लिखिता ॥ Subject: Vedartha Prakasa. Fourth Kanda. Seventh Prapathaka. 1-11 Anuvakas--Camaka Bhasya. Remarks:~~This Ms. also contains Sri Rudra Bhāsya. The Ms. is in good condition. See Remarks also on No. 675. The Ms. is dated Saturday-the eleventh day after the Full Moon-in Śrāvana month in Virodhi year, which exactly corresponds to Saturday, 20th August 1709 A. D. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS End: ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 690. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. J. L. Collection. No. 69. Substance-Paper. Size-11×51 inches. Sheets- 9. Lines-12 to a Page. Script---Deva nāgari. No. of Granthas-350. Author — Bhatta Bhāskara. Complete. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ श्रीसरस्वत्यै नमः ॥ श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir यस्य निश्वसितं वेदा यो वेदेभ्योऽखिलं जगत् । निर्ममे तमहं वन्दे विद्यातीर्थे महेश्वरम् ॥ 1 ॥ परिषेचनमुख्यास्तु संस्काराष्पष्ठ ईरिताः । वसोर्धारादयस्सिष्टाः प्रोच्यन्तेस्मिन् प्रपाठके ॥ 2 ॥ श्रीरुद्रीयैकादशानुवाकाः । अत्रत्या एकादशानुवाकाश्च एकमेव महान्तं देवं प्रतिपादयन्ति । तत्र रुद्राणामुषिच्छन्दोदेवताश्च पुरश्चरणमनुष्ठानप्रकारः फलं च सम्यगभिहितम् ॥ एकादशाभ्यां मन्त्राभ्यां सायं ध्यायन् शुचिर्जपन् । तदसंख्यातमैश्वर्यमंते मुक्तिं च विंदति ॥ एष मन्त्राणां महन्माहात्म्यं तत्तत्पुराणेषु तत्तद्वेदेषु स्मृतिषु च पठ्यते ॥ तत्सर्व के नव ॥ यथामति व्याख्या लिखिता महान्तो वेदविदस्सम्यक् परामृश्य दोषान् मनसि निदधतु गुणान् प्रकाशयन्तु ।। For Private and Personal Use Only 471 Page #471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir À DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Colophon : . इति श्रीचमकभाष्य भट्टभास्करकृतं संपूर्ण ॥ Subject: Jñāna Yajña. Fourth Kānda. Seventh Prapathaka. 1-11 Apuvākas-Camaka Bhagya. Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. The introductory verse 6 ye faida act: + 9184 às 9975#" are rather misleading in the Bhatta Bhāskara Bhāsya as these ślokas are generally found in Sāyaṇa's works. Il noorteagakarus Il 691. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. J. L. Collection. No. 68 b. Substance--Paper, Size—104 X54 inches. Sheets---10 (41-50). Lines-14 to a Page. Script Devanāgarf. No. of Granthas_-350. Author-Bhatta Bhāg. kara. Complete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject-Same as No. 690. Reunarks :--The M8, is in good condition, though the sheets are damp. This Ms. contains also Rudra Bhagya. The writings are getting to fade away. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 692. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9038. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--17x13 inches. Leaves-67. Lines -8 to 9 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthab-2500. Author Bhatta Bhāskara. Incomplete. Beginning : ईशानस्सर्व + ब्रह्मतनुश्शिवः ॥ tai tapa frogi RIHTATETTI TETET For Private and Personal Use Only Page #472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SANSKRIT MANUSORIPTS 473. प्रश्नचतुष्टयमेकं काण्डञ्चतुर्थकाण्डानातमन्त्रब्राह्मणं । शिष्टं प्रश्नत्रयं काण्डान्तरम् ॥ End: ........ सधमाधस्थयोरिति सधादेशः॥ Colophon : (Sheet No. 53.) इति श्रीभदृभास्करमिश्रविरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये पञ्चमकाण्डे षष्ठप्रश्ने त्रयोविंशोऽनुवाकः । हरिः ओं। समाप्तश्व प्रपाठकः ।। Subject: Jnana Yajna. Fourth Kanda. 1-7 Prapathakas. Remarks:--The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 693. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9045. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size--164 X11 inches. Leaves-114. Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas ----2500. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Incomplete. Beginning, end, colophon and subject---Same as No. 692. Remarks :- This is a copy of No. 692. The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ।। 694. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9039. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-161x1 inches. Leaves-154. Lines-6 toaPage. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -2500. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Complete. 60 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #473 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 474 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF End: Beginning: . श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः !! अथ सौम्यस्याध्वरस्य ब्राह्मणं । सौम्यकाण्डमारभ्यते तत्र प्राचीनवंशं करोतीति विधिः हविर्धानशब्दवद्योगात्यैषा देवयजख हीनेन देवयजनविधिरयं गुणमात्रमेव । तनिमित्तश्चास्य ज्योतिरिति संज्ञान्निवक्ष्यन् प्रथममनयैव संज्ञया इदमुपाद्रायविशिष्टफलसाधनत्वमस्य दर्शयति ॥ Colophon: इति भट्ठभास्करमिश्रषिरचिते यजुर्वेदभाष्ये ज्ञानयज्ञाख्ये षष्ठे काण्डे षष्ठःप्रश्ने द्वादशोऽनुवाकः ॥ समाप्तः प्रपाठकः ।। __ ॐ षष्ठकाण्डस्समाप्तः ॥ Subject: Jhana Yajna. Sixth Kanda. Sixth Prapathaka. 1-12 Anuvākas. Remarks:--The Ms. is in very good condition. ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 695. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAM HITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9040. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size -141x1 inches. Leaves238. Lines-6 or 7 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas---3900. Author---Sāyaṇācārya. Complete. Beginning: यस्य निश्वसितं + महेश्वरं ॥ चयनब्राह्मणं काण्डे पञ्चमे स्फुटमीरितं । षष्ठे तु काण्डे सोमख मन्त्राणां ब्राह्मणं क्रमात् ।। उक्तं मन्त्रास्त्वद्य काण्डे द्वितीयादिप्रपाठकैः । चितिरुक्ता ब्राह्मणञ्च व्याख्यातन्तत्र तैस्सह ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End: SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS 83 * 8 तमेनं ज्योतिष्टोमं विधातुं दृष्टान्तत्रयेण ज्योतिष्टुं ताव द्दर्शयति ॥ * * * ** एकाहाही सत्राणि सोमभेदा इमे त्रयः । वर्ण्यन्ते सप्तमे काण्डे मन्त्राः केप्यश्वमेधगाः ॥ 83 696. * Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir * क्रतुराडश्वमेधीये विराध्यानमुपास्थिराट् । ताभ्यामुत्पद्यते ज्ञानं कृतकृत्यो भवत्यतः ॥ वेदार्थस्य + महेश्वरम् ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीमद्राजाधिराजपरमेश्वरवैदिकमार्गप्रवर्तक श्री वीर हरिहर भूपालसाम्राज्यधुरंधरेण सायणाचार्येण विरचिते माधवीये वेदार्थप्रकाशे यजुस्संहितायां सप्तमकाण्डे पञ्चमप्रपाठके पचविंशो नुवाकः ॥ सम (प्त ) श्च पश्चम ( प्र ) पाठकः ॥ समाप्तश्च सप्तमकाण्डम् ॥ समाप्ता च संहिता ॥ 475 वेदार्थस्य महेश्वरः ॥ Subject: Vedārtha Prakasa. Seventh Kānda. 1-5 Prapathakas Remarks :-The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेद संहिताभाष्यम् ॥ KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITĀ BHĀSYAM. Right column. Burnell's Catalogue No. 9051. Page 7. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-16 x 11 inches. Leaves-118. Lines-6 to a Page. Script-Grantha. No. of Granthas -2000. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Incomplete. Page #475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 478 A DESORIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Beginning: ओं प्रजननमिति एषां च सर्वविकारार्थतां द्योतयितुं काण्डभेदः अस्य च सर्वप्रकृतितां सूचयितुं काण्डभेदेन प्रकारः कृतः॥ End : योगश्च क्षेमश्चासिन् राष्ट्र प्रजानां कल्पता संपद्यतां । अलब्धलाभो योगः। लब्धस्य परिपाकः क्षेमः ॥ Colophon: इति सप्तमकाण्डे पञ्चमे प्रश्ने अष्टादशोऽनुवाकः । Subject: Jhana Yajia. Seventh Randa. 1-5 Prapathakas. Remarks: ॥ कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिताभाष्यम् ॥ 697. KRSNAYAJUR-VEDA SAMHITA BHASYAM. Burnell's Catalogue No.9046. Page 7. Right column. Substance-Palm leaf. Size-19X1 inches. Leaves-104. Lines—8 or 9 to a Page. ScriptGrantha. No. of Granthas -4500. Author-Bhatta Bhaskara. Incomplete. Beginning-Same as No. 694. End and colophon-Same as No. 696, Subject : Jñāna Yajña. Sixth and Seventh Kāņdas. Remarks :--The Ms. is in good condition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #476 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ERRATA ET ADDENDA. Line for read Page INTRODUDTION : IV. 28. 27. 29. Mahārājā Tygarāja Subrahmanya Ramachandra Maharaja. Tyāgarāja. Subrahmanya. Rāmacandra. CATALOGUE. 1. Saraswati M88 18. Sarasvati. Ms till the end of page 104. recension. 4 & 5 Brescension from bottomrescension 2. 16. 17. 1. 23. 27. 50. Ganās Ganas. 18. Linga Liiga. Kāncanamála Kāñcanamila. Last bine Brahma Brahma. 15. Bada vāgni Badavágni. 21. Brahma Brahma. 28. Devanagari Devanagari. Virāpāņdya Virapāndya. Devanagari Devangari. 19. Sri. 15. 'प्रयुक पराजि तम्' 'प्रयुजमपराजित्तम्'। 3 from HETORII bottoms महलक्ष्म्यै 27. last sheet Toose sheet. 21. Twelth Twelfth. 1. Samhita Samhi场, 143. 15. Sri 161. 101. 178, 194. 196. 280. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page Line for read 238. 271. 26. 22. 14. Pada pātahaḥ Saka 1799 Pavamāna Pada pāthaḥ. Saka 1756. Pāvamâna. 290. 291. 295. 11. do do. 24. do do. 299. भगा भो 302. after the word Parva insert: end the third is generally called Vrata Parva. 307. 3 from bottom fullstop (.) colon (:). 322. 4 from Papcādi Pancādi. bottom 325. do. 340. 342. ..5 & 25 10. 352. do after line 11 insert: The name Camaka is due to a good number of repetitions of TÀ' in these 11 Anuvākas. Praśna Praśnas. 11A*- (s)91*1#a(s) वो भागानि भक्ष्यं भागानि हव्यं ।। Subhrambhata Subhrambhata. Taittriyas Taittiriyas. Codition Condition. fecarichia: sealice(l)a9: 11 . 354. 358. 364. 376. 9. 1. 22. 3 from bottom Last line First line - 15. 376. 377. mising missing. 406. 437. 16. Sāyaņā शक्वरि भाष्य Sakvari Sāyana. Taft(ft) 614 II Sakvari. 437. 23. 440. do do. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page Line for read 438. 13. 19. 439. 440. 446. 455. 457. 458. 466. Sutra Sutra. क्षमता क्षम्यतां ॥ व्याख्याता व्याख्याता ॥ Anuvaka Anuvaka. आदित्य एव आदित्य एवं । delete the hyphon (-) atter अग्निमयो।। after महेश्वरं insert (विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरः) ।' Mimāmsā Mimams.. sub(b)araya Sub(b)arãy&. Anuvāka Anuvakas. insert a coma(,) after Ahobala.. Ramakka pupil Ramakka, pupil. Prapăthakas Prapāthakas. * * * Verse. Verses. षष्टः प्रश्ने षष्ठप्रश्रे॥ insert plus (+) between agrair and महेश्वरः ॥ after Remarks insert: The Ms. is in good condition. 468. " 469. 471. 472. 474. 475. 476. 11. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #479 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Serving JinShasan 083638 y For Private and Personal Use Only