Tripura Tantra...
The Sriyantra is composed of nine triangles and Cakras, one within the other until the central point or Bindu is reached. The names of the nine Cakras are Bhupura, sixteen petals, eight petals, first set of fourteen angles, second set of ten inner angles, third set of ten angles within these, fourth set of eight angles within these, three angles within these and the point of Bindu. In each of the nine Cakras the Gooddess Tripurasundari is worshipped in its centre under one of her nine names united with the Padukamantra of seven letters. These nine Cakras are also called Trailok yamohana, Sarvasuparipuraka, Sarvasamk şobhana, sarvasaubhagyadayaka, Sarvärthasädhaka, Sarvarakṣākara, Sarvarogahara, Sarvasiddhiprada and Sarvanandamaya, on account of their main functions. 97 These nine Cakras also represent creation (sṛṣṭi), maintenance (Sthiti) and absorption (Sambara).98 In this middle of this Śricakra there are nine triangles. The five triangles with their apexes pointing downwards are indicative of Sakti elements and four with their apexes pointing upwards are of Śiva. But Lakṣmidhara, mentions that according to Kaulas four triangles pointing downwards are of Siva and the five triangles pointing upwards are of the Sakti.99 The Bindu is in the innermost triangle. It is all blissful. It represents the unity of Siva and Sakti. This central point or bindu is also known as yonibindu. The word Yoni hear does not mean the generative organ of woman, it means source of the entire Universe, the cause and the womb of the Universe.
There are two different processes to construct Śricakra. To construct Śricakra from the bindu outwords is the evolution mode (Sṛṣṭikrama)the method accepted by Samyacarins and to work it out from the circle to Bindu is involution method (Samharakrama) adopted by the Kaulas, 100 This is a diagrammatic presentation of Divinity and mantra is its sound expression. Both these, Śricakra and Mantra embody the subtle essence of Devi herself.
A deeper study of construction of Sricakra reveals that, it is also a diagrammatic representation of the human body which consists of nine cakras. According to this Tantra system, nine elements sustain the human body. They are, skin, blood, flesh, muscle and bone and marrow, semen,
97. Nityaṣoḍasik arṇava with Rjuvimarsini and Artharatnavali, p. 135-36. 98. Setubandha, p. 40.
99. Kaulamatānusāreņa adhomukhani catväritrikonani Šivätmakāni,
Urdhvamukhani pañca trikoṇāni Saktyātmakāni.'-Lakṣmīdharā. p. 72,
100. 'Sambarakramena Kaulamargah...Sṛṣṭikramastu samayamargans-Lakṣmidhara, p. 82-83,
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