Book Title: Traverses on Less Trodden Path of Indian Philosophy and Religion
Author(s): Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 207
________________ 198 Traverses on less trodden path... आत्मबोधः (आलोचना) TEXT AND TRANSLATION * यद्यानन्दनिधिं भवन्तममलं तत्त्वं मनो गाहते स्वन्नामस्मृतिलक्षणो यदि महामन्त्रोऽस्त्यनन्तप्रभः । यानं च त्रितयात्मके यदि भवेत् मार्गे भवदर्शिते । को लोकेऽत्र सताम भीष्टविषये विघ्नो जिनेश प्रभो ॥१॥ O Lord Jinesa ! if (ones) mind meditates on you-the treasure of bliss and pure Reality; if there is a great Mantra-(Sacred letters) (with oneself) in the form of rememberance of your name, which is infinitely radiant; if (ones) journey is on the path of three Jewels, (then) what impediment can be there (in regard to attaining) the desired object (i.e. liberation) of noble people ?1 1. निःसङ्गत्वमरागिताथ समता कर्मक्षयो बोधनं विश्वव्यापि समं दृशा तदतुलानन्देन वीर्येण च इ[ई] दृग्देव तवैव संवृतिपरित्यागाय जात क्रमः शुद्धस्तेन सदा भवच्चरणयोः सेवा सतां सम्मता ॥२॥ 2. O Lord ! non-acquisition, non-attachment, equanimity, annihilation of Karmaand all-pervading perfact knowledge with full of bliss and vigour, is the pure path (preached) by you to renounce the mundane world. Thus, adoration of your feet is always consented to by the noble people. यद्येतस्य दृढा मम स्थितिरभूत् त्वत्सेवया निश्चित त्रैलोक्येश बलीयसोऽपि हि कुतः संभा(सा)रशत्रोर्भयम् । प्राप्तस्यामृतवर्षहर्षजनकं सच्छत्रधारागृहम् पुंसः किं कुरुते शुचौ खरतरो मध्याह्नकालातपः ॥३॥ 3. O Lord of three worlds ! if I have reached surely this steady (state of mind) on account of your worship, then indeed, where is fear from even (the most) powerful enemy in form of mundane life ? What * Sanskrit text is jointly edited by the author and Dr. R. S. Betai.. 1. This verse indicates the importance of three things in the life of an aspirant of liberation, i.e, meditation on pure blissful Atman, recitation of name of the Lord, and the path of three Jewels which consists of Right faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct. The word Tritayātmaka' reminds us of Umāsvāti's statement in Tattvarthasutra viz , Samyagdarsana-Jnana-Caritrani moksamargah -T.S, I-1. 2. 'Krtsnakarmakayomoksah'-T.S. X-3. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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