The other class of souls is Trasa 7-l from Sanskrit yą to fear ) or Mobile Souls.
Trasa Jîvas are those, who have power of locomotion and are therefore, able to run away from the seat of danger. The distinc-tion is that, the Sthāvara Souls cannot move at all, at their own will, while the Trasa Souls are able to move to a greater or less extent.
The Trasa Souls have sense-organs anıl they are named ofrece Dvi-indriya rifier-Trı-ındriya, agrificct Catur-indriya ant daft Pancèndriya, aceoriling as they possess two, three, four or five sense-organs.
Test Dvi-indriya souls are thosc, which have two senses i. e. that of touch, and that of taste. Conch, shells, cowries, leeches, intestinal worms, silk-worms, maggots eto, are examples of: two-sensed souls.
stift Tri-indriga souls are those, which have three senses i. e. the sense of touch, the sense of taste, and the sense of smell. Bugs, lice, ants, centipeds, cochineal, worms in human excrements, worms in excrements of lower animals, insects in spoiled grains of oorn, insects found on cars of diseasel dogs, worms found in spoiled sugar and sugar-juice, are examples of three-sensed souls.
gher Catur-indriya souls are those, which have four senses, i. e. the sense of touch, the sense of taste, the sense of smell, and the sense of sight. Scorpions, bees, wasps, flies, crabs, mosquitoes, and brown reddish leech, are a few examples of four-sensed souls,
Two-sensed souls do not usually possess any legs. Threesensed souls have four to six or more legs. Fonr-geused souls have six or eight legs; and five-sensed souls have two or four feet. Serpents, pantheons, and fish have no legs.
Three-sensed jtvas have two hairs in front, and four-senged
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