A lac; hundred thousand, (100000) Prayutam pe Million (1000000 ) Kotih A: Ten millions ( 10000000 ) Arbudam and (100000000) Abjam sajt (1000000000) Kharva rá (10000000000) Quadrillion Nikharvanı farero (100000000000) Mahāpadmas HETTY (1000000000000) Shanku a (0000000000000) Jaladhi Fretet: (100000000000000) Antyam topit (1000000000000000) Madhyam HEI (10000000000000000) Parārdham (100000000000000000) wag taught to Sundari by the left hand; working in wood, metal, eto to Bharata, and Astronomy, Astrology etc were taught to Bahūbali.
The following sixty-four arts for females were also taught:1. Nritya Te Dancing 2. Aucitya alfany Behaving with pro priety 3. Citram fi Painting 4. Vāditra anfet Musical choir. 5. Mantra T Incantation 6. Tantra Ft Magical and mystical subjects 7. Ghana Vristi grele Showering from clouds 8. Phalākristi get-Bringing of fruits by magical attractive spell 9. Sanskrit jalpah HFTTHET Talking with polished expression 10. Kriyā Kalpah feierten Body of Rules on Ritual 11. Jiana var Superior knowledge 12. Vijnāna fagri Intelligence 13. Dambha Hypocrisy 14. Ambustambhā
Arresting of flow of water 15 Tāli arest Clapping of hands 16. Gíta sfta Singing i e. Mānam htä Meter, Metrical arrangement of singing and clapping of hands 17. Akāra-gopana 37 TT The concealment of shape 18. Arāma-ropana TATTO The planting of gardens 19. KāryaŚakti F at The gift of composing poems 20 Vakrokti anifes Ambiguous expression 21. Nara laksanam o r The charactoristic indications of husbands 22-23. Gaja haya vara pariksam T erecytatot, The examination of excellent elephants and horses 24. Vāstu śuddhi laghu buddhi arecalcoger Keenness in accurate knowledge regarding buildings 25. Sakuna Vicāra Tale art Examination of good omens 26. Dharmā-cāra shfart: Fulfilment of duties 27. Anjana 37 Anointing 28. Chūrņa-yoryogāh urutatort: Combination of powders 29. Gribi Dharma Theo The duties of a house-holder 30. Suprasādana Karma THETA*The act of pleasing 31. Kanaka-siddhi f afaAccomplishment of gold 32. Varņikā Vriddhi aforeret Augmentation of pigment 33. Vák pātava marca Cleverness in speech 34.
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