“Why do not the wicked feudatory princes recongaize me like intoxicated individuals while I am standing quite oppo. site to them although they had been constantly gratified by gifts of gold? Or, why do not the shameless ministers care even a straw for me although they had been re-installed to their former post even after numerous offences ? Besides, how is it that citizens do not even talk with me with affectionate words when I have become perfectly disappointed, although they have been treated hospitably by me on numerous occa. sions ! la the same way, why does Jayasekhara Kumāra-born and bred up in the family of the king of vidyadharas,-diare. gard me like an ordinary man, although he had been wellprotected and hospitably treated by me ! Or else, what is the use of such speculations ? Let me now look to the welfare of my soul. I will abandon this town and go away to some other country, and there, seek the shelter of a great king. Or being the son of the world-renowned vallent Avantiséna Mahāraja and having enjoyed royal wealth of excellent prosperily for a long time, how is it possible for me to remain as an obedient servant of another person ? Such an idea is altogether worthless. Now nothing short of suicide by a precipitous fall from a high mountain is the best remedy of becoming free from all these troubles. With a firm resolution in my mind, I went out of the mountain After continuous walking, I reached a little forestlovely with the pompous dancing of excellent pea-cocks, nolay with the soft melodions notes of swans, cranes, ruddy geese, Cuckoo, and other birds-and beautifuľ with punnāga (Rottleria Tinctoria) Naga (the betel plant) Jämbu (the rose-apple) Nimba (Azadirchta Indica) Āmra (mango-tree) Campaka (michelia Cham. paca) Ašoka (Asoka tree) and other elegant treen-located in the neighbourhood of the mountain. There, I saw a Yogācāra ( a teacher of magic ) named Mabākāla-who was saluted by numer. ous persons, who was collecting skulls of persons baying eminent qualities, who was wholly epgrossed in meditation of mantras (incantations), wh- was kt bing the Yoga-danda (the magic stick ) In bis hand, who was very clever in all arts and sciences
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